Troy (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 5)

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Troy (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 5) Page 6

by Callie Rhodes

  Troy had to literally peel her off his cock and throw her back down on the bed. The scent of her slick filled every corner of the room, deeper and stronger than before. The look in her eyes had become almost feral. There was nothing complex about her emotions anymore.

  Need. Hunger. Desire.

  It took Troy a second to realize what was happening—Faith was going into heat.

  Every touch and stroke had brought his omega closer until she had reached the point where her need for him overrode everything else. It had become the most important thing in the world, the key to her very survival.

  Troy's cock surged again at the realization. Plenty of alphas lived out their entire lives without knowing a moment like this. Without ever feeling this power.

  Those poor bastards.

  Troy climbed up on the mattress and straddled his omega. This time when he shoved her knees apart, they fell open immediately. When he rubbed the tip of his cock against the opening of her pussy, the only thing he heard was her desperate mewling.

  The moment had come. Neither of them could wait any longer. Troy shifted his hips.

  Goddamn, she was tight—but he pushed past the resistance, and once he breeched her, her pussy almost instantly melted around him. Then there was only heat and intoxicating friction.

  He almost expected Faith to start hollering at him again, blaming him for everything that was happening.

  Instead, she grabbed his hips in an attempt to drive him deeper, and Troy stopped worrying about going slow and gave in to the rhythm, the exquisite sensations radiating through every inch of his body.

  He'd made his way through Nicky's whole roster many times over, but he'd never felt like this. The professional girls wet his cock and made his nuts explode, but he'd never felt an emotional response when he was inside them.

  With Faith, for the first time in his life, sex felt like more than two bodies giving each other pleasure. He actually felt as though he had become a part of her, and her a part of him.

  Troy didn't believe in God, but right now, he believed in heaven.

  This was perfection. It was everything that was meant to be.

  Faith was lost to the moment, writhing beneath him, doing things with her body that drove him past any heights he'd ever reached before—but it was when she called his name that he felt that electric knowledge of something new.

  Something rare. Something that could only be achieved with the omega who was meant to be his.

  And then she did it again.

  And again.

  She rocked against him, washed him in slick, drenched the bed over and over—and every time she reached a peak, she called his name.

  A dozen times—maybe two.

  It was almost beyond Troy's comprehension, as if everything he thought he knew about sex had been turned upside down. He never wanted to stop feeling this bliss. He didn't care if he ever ate or slept again. All he wanted to do was keep fucking her.

  But then he felt it—the slow build of pressure deep in his balls. A part of him wanted to deny the pleasure, to push it back and keep going.

  But the need wouldn't be denied.

  It built and built…and continued building past the point that he thought he couldn't take anymore. And still, he didn't explode.

  And then suddenly he understood what was happening. His cock surged with the blood rushing to it…and his knot.

  A roar started in Troy's chest and did not stop. It carried through the air out into the world, shaking the earth and disturbing the heavens as his knot swell to the point of filling Faith completely.

  His knot.

  She cried out as it locked them together, sealing them tightly.

  Only then did Troy finally explode, wave after wave of hot come jetting deep inside his omega, filling and bonding with her in a way that could never be denied.

  Chapter Eight

  Faith didn't so much wake up as gradually emerge from a haze, consciousness returning bit by bit from a dreamless sleep.

  It wasn't surprising. The last few days had been marked by no firm distinction between day and night.

  At least, she assumed it had been days.

  The truth was Faith didn't really know how much time had passed—hours, days, even weeks. To say that her memory was fuzzy was putting it mildly. All she knew for certain was that her life had completely changed the moment she drove over the boundary and pointed a large-game hunting rifle at an alpha.

  After that, the details became a strange, disjointed blur.

  Though certain parts weren't blurry enough. She remembered some moments with perfect clarity, like the sight of Troy's chest, broad and hard above her. His roar of climax, forceful enough to shake the bed. The pressure of his knot swelling inside her, pushing her past the point of reason every time.

  These memories inflamed her passion and drove her right back into Troy's arms, even as she wondered if she had lost all sense of reason.

  At first, Faith had tried to delude herself into thinking that it was all dream—a nightmare, even—but the details were too exquisitely sharp to be denied. And there was further proof in the way her body felt.

  There was no way a dream could cause the ache in her body from contorting itself to accommodate her alpha, or the bone-deep weariness from writhing and grinding for countless hours at a time.

  A part of Faith wished she could simply roll over and return to that fog. Not because it gave her pleasure, but because the nothingness let her put off facing what she'd done.

  What she'd become.

  You're just like your sister.

  Troy's voice echoed in her head. The memory of his words was what finally jarred her back to the land of the living.

  Faith opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. She didn't need to look around the room to know where she was—or whose bed she was in.

  Or what she had done in that bed.

  She might as well have been floating on a sea of regret. The only thing that helped even a little was that she was alone. She didn't know where Troy had gone, and for the moment at least, she didn't care.

  Shame more potent than anything Faith had ever felt in her life swept through her, making her want to disappear. She hadn't just lain with an alpha; she'd actively welcomed him inside her. Begged him to fill her completely.

  She'd bucked her hips and clawed at his back with her fingers, shouted his name, and urged him on.

  She'd been wanton. She'd behaved like a harlot.

  Faith couldn't ignore the truth any longer. She'd become an omega.

  Hot tears spilled from the corners of her eyes down the side of her face, falling softly on her pillow. She cried quietly without making a sound.

  She didn't have the energy to do more than lie there and silently grieve the life that was forever gone. The life in which she was still her mother's good girl. In which she was pure for her husband and pious in the eyes of God.

  Faith didn't know what she was going to do now. All she knew was that she couldn't go back home.

  The church would never allow her back into the fold after what she'd done—after what she'd become.

  And even if by some miracle they did, Faith knew for a fact her parents never would. She'd seen with her own eyes what they'd done to Hope—disowning her, denying her, keeping her from her siblings.

  No doubt, they'd already done the same to her. There was no reason to believe they hadn't already told the whole community that she was dead.

  Just like Hope.

  A part of Faith had hoped that returning with the prodigal daughter would somehow prove how good and devout she really was, but now she realized what a fool she'd been.

  Faith hadn't survived a single night in the lion's den as Daniel had done. She'd caved to sin at the beast's first touch and been swallowed whole.

  Maybe she should just get up, walk naked into the snow, and let the cold seep into her bones until she could feel nothing. She could end all of this pain and never have to face the shame of it.<
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  But a little voice inside her fought back.

  You didn't come here to give up, it said. You came here to help Hope. You shouldn't have to apologize for that.

  This voice was vaguely familiar, but in the past, it had always been drowned out by the more powerful voices of her church, her parents, her own self-judgment. Still, it had been there, refusing the let Faith completely believe that she was worthless.

  And if the voice believed in her…then maybe there was still a chance. Maybe Faith hadn't ruined everything in one single, sinful night.

  Maybe, just maybe, she could fight like hell for redemption. She could prove that she knew right from wrong, that she was stronger than the urges that had tempted her, stronger than the beast who'd seduced her.

  Her family and her church might never take her back, but God might still forgive her.

  That thought gave Faith all the strength she needed. She threw back the blankets—only flinching a little at her nakedness—and got out of bed.

  Her legs shook with pain and exhaustion and her knees buckled, but she forced herself to stand. After all, if Hope had found the courage to survive this life for the last few months, then Faith could dig deep and find enough strength to do what she'd come here for, and get back to searching for her sister.

  It took Faith a long time to find her discarded dress, crumpled and tossed in a corner. When she shook it out, she was horrified to discover that it was wrinkled and stained with dried slick.

  She took a breath and forced herself to be grateful that at least it was whole and serviceable. It would do for now. The last thing Faith wanted was to add the sin of vanity to her long list of wicked deeds.

  She slipped the soiled dress over her head, only wincing a little at the soreness that had infused all her muscles. It seemed the work of the devil had a price, after all.

  But it was one she could push through and endure.

  Especially for Hope's sake.

  Which was good, because Faith had a feeling she was going to need every bit of her strength.

  She opened the bedroom door and inched her way into the main room of the cabin. She'd noticed almost nothing when Troy carried her through on the way to his bed, but the bright morning sun showcased every detail.

  Faith couldn't help but be impressed.

  She had always believed the church's teaching, that alphas lived crude, primitive lives in hovels and caves without creature comforts. But this was a real house…a home.

  It wasn't fancy by any stretch of the imagination. There was no electricity or television. No crystal chandeliers or expensive furniture. But there was grace and even elegance in the house's simplicity. The walls were sturdy and beautifully plastered. The fireplace's huge stone hearth was imposing but also cozy. And while there few possessions on display, the open space made the place seem lighter and cheerier than her family's large home, which was crammed with heavy antiques and religious statuary and paintings.

  But Faith hadn't hauled herself out of bed to evaluate the alpha's home decor. She supported herself with a hand against the wall as she crept slowly toward the front door.

  When she put her hand on the doorknob, Faith heard voices outside. Troy's deep rumble instantly triggered her body's reaction, and Faith grimaced at the warmth that blossomed inside her and the dampness between her legs. How she wished she could convince her body that the alpha was a monster.

  But it was the second, unfamiliar voice that had her heart pounding.

  Troy wasn't alone. He was out there talking with someone—maybe someone who was looking for her.

  Fresh hope surged in Faith's heart. Maybe God hadn't abandoned her completely, after all.

  She threw open the door and instantly slipped on the icy boards, her body slamming against the hardwood porch rail. Faith grabbed wildly for the post, barely keeping herself from falling as cold air bit into her skin.

  All the determination she'd mustered inside the house instantly vanished when she saw that Troy wasn't talking to her father, her pastor, or even a police officer.

  Instead, he was standing with another alpha, one almost as tall and imposing as him. Troy was blond and held himself with icy reserve; the other alpha was dark and gave off a tense energy.

  "Maddox," Troy said, after a charged moment in which neither alpha spoke. "Meet Faith, my omega."

  Faith opened her mouth to protest that she wasn't his anything--but she stopped before the first syllable passed her lips.


  She'd heard that name before. What's more, it had been before she'd felt Troy's touch, and everything had gone blurry.

  She frantically searched her mind for its meaning.

  Hope's at home with her alpha, Maddox.

  Her eyes went wide with rage. Standing in front of her was the devil who had captured her sister.

  Instantly, Faith forgot about the lingering ache in her muscles. The only thing she could think about was Hope…and rescuing her from this monster.

  Faith launched herself off the railing, somehow keeping her balance as she skidded across the ice, then leapt over the stairs to the fresh snow on the ground. She nailed the landing and would have remained standing if one of her knees hadn't buckled, still recovering from her body's marathon.

  She found herself lurching forward and probably would have hit the ground if Troy hadn't rushed to catch her.

  Faith didn't even try to wrestle free of his hold. She knew from experience just how pointless such an effort would be.

  Instead, she focused all of her anger on the dark alpha who was currently glaring at her from his position in front of Troy's garage.

  "Where is my sister, you bastard?"

  The alpha didn't flinch. He didn't even blink.

  "None of your business," he said.

  "You won't get away with taking her from us," she spat.

  "Taking her?" The alpha gave a dark laugh. "You call yourself her sister, but where the hell have you been the last five years of her life? You're the people who threw her out."

  Faith's top lip curled in disgust. She didn't need to explain herself to anyone in the Boundarylands--especially not the alpha who had stolen Hope and was keeping her captive.

  And apparently, she wasn't the only one feeling protective.

  "You're a guest on my land, Maddox," Troy said warningly. "So mind your mouth when you speak to my omega."

  The dark alpha flashed a dangerous-looking glare at Troy. "Wouldn't need to if you'd muzzle your omega."

  Troy gave a growl so deep it rumbled the earth beneath Faith's feet. "Last warning, brother."

  The line of Maddox's jaw tightened, but he eventually let out a long slow breath of capitulation.

  "Hope was still in bed when I left," he said, giving Troy an apologetic look. "I didn't mean to offend your omega, brother."

  Faith stiffened. "I'm not his anything. My name is Faith Johansen, and I'm here to find my sister Hope and bring her home."

  "Stop now, Faith," Troy muttered.

  "Stop what?" she spat. "Do you devils really think that just because you managed to capture and bed us that you own us?"

  "Oh, for fuck's sake," Maddox grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Hope said you might act like this. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you can't take your sister home. She's already there. She's my mate, she's pregnant with my pup, and she's not going anywhere."

  Faith froze as the shock of the alpha's words slowly sank in. But it couldn't be true—he had to be lying.

  Hope would never do what he was accusing her of. Not willingly. If it was true, then things were worse than Faith had imagined—her poor sister had become an alpha's brood mare.

  Her sister may have been misguided when she'd walked out on their family and the church, but she'd done it because she wanted to be independent and live a life free of chains. Hope would never give up that dream to be bound to an alpha.

  "You are a liar." Faith spat the last word.

  Maddox growled warningly, glari
ng at Troy, who pulled her slightly behind him. "I'm trying here, brother."

  "It’s true, Faith," Troy said tightly, never taking his eyes off the other alpha. "I told you that night at Evander's."

  No. He'd only told her that her poor sister was imprisoned in that animal's house—not that she was pregnant with his child.

  Faith started thrashing, fighting Troy's grip on her. She no longer cared that it was a fruitless effort. She was too furious—at this bastard alpha, at Troy, even at God. And suddenly, she wanted her damned retribution.

  Troy didn't allow her to struggle for long. After a few seconds, he pulled her against him and held her fast, pinning her arms and holding her kicking feet above the ground.

  "Let me go," she demanded. "I'm going to kill him."

  But Troy was already walking her back into the house. "The only person you're going to hurt is yourself."

  He glanced back over his shoulder at Maddox. "Thanks for coming out, brother. I'll be over with your truck in a day or two."

  Disgust filled Faith at the word ‘brother.’ It was clear where Troy's loyalties lay…and it wasn't with the woman he'd been ravaging for days on end.

  "Are you finished with your little temper tantrum?" Troy demanded as he set her down on the couch, not ungently.

  Faith glowered at him. Yes, her body might be exhausted, but her spirit wasn't…and neither was her mouth.

  "Don't talk to me as if I'm a child."

  "Then don't act like one." Troy crossed his arms in front of his chest and fixed her with a frustrated gaze. "Do you have any idea how rare it is for Maddox to set foot on someone else's property?"

  No, of course, she didn't. How could she? And why should she care?

  Faith struggled to stay upright, but her body was slowly sliding down on the couch, utterly spent from the confrontation.

  Fine—she could yell at Troy just as easily from down here on the cushions.

  "That man is holding my sister prisoner," she said.

  "The hell he is," Troy shook his head. "That alpha is mated to Hope. She gave him her claiming bite. They're starting a family. It's done."

  "I don't believe you."


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