The Maid of Honour: A Tale of the Dark Days of France. Vol. 2 (of 3)

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The Maid of Honour: A Tale of the Dark Days of France. Vol. 2 (of 3) Page 7

by Lewis Wingfield



  Loth as she was to leave her benefactress in so critical a plight,there was no denying that the Marquise de Gange was an incumbrance inthe royal dwelling; yet another helpless female for the men toprotect; and that there were duties with regard to others, thatdemanded the attention of the heiress.

  Clovis had valid reason for his impatience to be off. The prisons wereopening their maws to swallow the blue-blooded, who tumbled in byshoals on frivolous and ridiculous charges. Paris was becoming sodisagreeably warm, that self-preservation bade all and sundry todepart unless tied by special reasons. Now, as the abbe pointed out(who grew almost as impatient as his brother, in his enforcedidleness), there was nothing whatever to detain the provincials fromreturning to their chateau, since the queen had dismissed themarquise.

  Gabrielle agreed that the time was come for a journey, and even madean attempt to induce the aged marechale to join the party. It would benice to have her mother with her, and perhaps the suburban residencemight be fraught with unknown drawbacks. But at the suggestion, theold lady lifted up her voice in such querulous screechings that herdaughter was silenced.

  "You should know, but for your innate selfishness," complained the olddame, "that I can't bear the place. Its crepuscular corridors andfrowning front give me the shivers. I wonder you can endure ityourself, but you always were so peculiar and inconsiderate. I willvisit you for a week or so some day, if I pluck up courage; but, livethere? The family vault with a pile of coffins for furniture, would bemore cheerful as a dwelling-place."

  Then Gabrielle's mind went through a curious and unexpected phase. Thequeen's reference to their horoscopes had set the marquise thinking.The prophecy regarding her majesty was being fulfilled, slowly butsurely, to the letter. A friend informed her with grief andlamentations, that Louise de Savoye, Princesse de Lamballe, had beenseized and confined at La Force. At this moment, the least securerefuges in France were the prisons, for the blood-drunken populace hada way of making raids upon the jails, and maltreating incarceratedaristos, out of pure devilry. First, Her Majesty; then Madame deLamballe. Who was she, Marquise de Gange, that she should hope toescape her doom? She was, like the others, predestined to misfortune.True. She had suffered deeply already, and Heaven had relented forawhile; but there was nothing to justify her in face of the prophecy,in supposing that it was more than a respite. Try to grapple with itas she would, Gabrielle, as the time for moving approached, wasoppressed by a growing presentiment of ill. From what quarter it wasto come she could not guess, but it was her bounden duty to take suchprecautions as were possible. Were the darlings to be stricken downand die? Or was the impending misfortune to consist in the sacking ofthe chateau? It was impossible to foresee and avert the trouble. Incontrast to the storm that had blown over, the family outlook was fairenough. Though the domestic sky was cloudflecked, there was nospecially black bank of vapour striding up the vault. Clovis wasbearish and ill-humoured. That was nothing new. The abbe was allsmiles and benevolence, his leisure much occupied in a laudable andChristian endeavour to break the chevalier of tippling. Toinon wrotethat, summoned to Blois by his party, Jean Boulot was gone for awhile,and for her part she rejoiced at the riddance, for was it not too badthat he should prefer his vulgar noisy Jacobin clubs and fustiannonsense to the charming society of his betrothed?

  Strive as she would to argue with and laugh at herself, Gabriellecould not shake off her gloom. The gamekeeper--who had saved herlife--was gone away to Blois, and Toinon hoped that he would stopthere? Why should she feel as if a staunch and trusty friend had lefther side? The chatelaine had every right to feel angry that a paidservant should throw up his place with such scant ceremony, and yetwas not the abruptness of the act strictly in tune with the man'sindependent principles and the spirit of the time?

  He was a rough, honest, warm-hearted, wrong-headed fellow, with whomToinon was justly annoyed in that she had failed to reform his ways.All this was true enough, but Gabrielle could not shake off a sense ofloneliness, of vague uneasy dread, a conviction of impending calamity;and suddenly something whispered that before leaving Paris it would bewell to execute a testament.

  History is full of strange presentiments which come like warnings, butwhich have the peculiar property of defeating themselves; for theyexercise sometimes a fatal fascination akin to that of the snake overthe bird, which paralyses the victim's efforts to escape thethreatened peril.

  Trying to argue down her fears, she made it the more evident toherself that whatever came of it, duty pointed in the direction ofLorge. The grim chateau was her own now; the fields were her ownfields; the peasants her own vassals. In the interests of the darlingsshe would be very energetic, learn to farm, improve the property, anddraw the bonds closer than heretofore between mistress and tenants.But what if the clever abbe's prognostications were to be realized,and the flames which she had seen burning so fiercely in Paris, wereindeed to spread dismay and ruin even to remote Touraine? Was he rightin the advice which she had resented so warmly--the unwelcome adviceto be content with the money-bags at Geneva, and abandon the chateauto the wreckers? No. She had always disapproved the craven conduct ofthe fugitives. It was not in the nature of things for the presentcataclysm to go on for ever. Temporary insanity would give way toreason; the mob, glutted by impunity and gorged by excess, would calmdown again, and those who had had presence of mind to hold their ownwhile passively bowing before the storm would reap the reward of theirbravery.

  The chatelaine knew herself to be a favourite with the people and thather presence at the chateau would go far in the event of arevolutionary wave, to save it from destruction. She could not believethat the shadow she felt approaching could come from that quarter.Whence then? It was probably a bugaboo, born of nervousness, resultingfrom sympathy with the desperate condition of the queen. Dismissed byMarie Antoinette, her place was at Lorge on the estates, and sinceflesh is grass, it was only right to make a will.

  While revolving these things, Gabrielle's attention was naturallyturned upon her husband. It was odd that he should resent so deeplyher one act of independence. We know that what the constitutionallyweak resent the most, is being openly convicted of their weakness.Could that humiliating quarter of an hour with the family solicitorhave left so deep an impression on his easy-going soul? and, while herrepulsed affection had faded into indifference, was his unconcerngrowing into positive aversion? It occurred to her now for the firsttime, as singular that when he wanted money of late the abbe hadalways been the spokesman. Did he feel his dependent position soacutely that he could not bring himself to mention the sordid subject,or was it that he had come to dislike his wife so much, that he couldnot bring himself to speak to her at all? She resolved to open hermind to the abbe about it, for Clovis must be infatuated and purblindindeed, not to feel assured that, though she was resolved to carry outher father's wishes and keep a firm hold of the purse strings, theywould not be drawn too tight.

  The abbe's thin features relaxed into a whimsical smile, and he slylynodded, as with some stammering and much circumlocution she exposedher suspicions to him. Was it, or not, abominably wicked of her tohave such suspicions at all? How girlish and how lovely she looked inher blushing confusion, as she enlarged on the unsavoury topic,excusing herself for harbouring such thoughts.

  "You dear guileless dove of a Gabrielle!" he laughed. "Yet not sosimple as you seem, for you have guessed aright. Alack, yes!Unpardonably sensitive as he may appear to you, your littleescapade--you will allow me to call it an escapade?---cut him socompletely to the quick that he has never recovered it, but crouchesdown and winces still like a well-whipped hound, dreading anotherscourging. You deem yourself proud? Learn that an honest man's prideis of more delicate texture than a woman's. And it _is_ hard, youknow, for a proud man to be placed before witnesses in so equivocal aposition as that in which you placed your husband."

  The position in which _sh
e_ had placed _him?_ What of the intolerableone in which _he_ had chosen to place _her?_ Men always start with theabsurd premise that they must be in the right. Gabrielle was deeplyoffended that one on whom she had vainly squandered all the treasuresof her love could think this meanly--read her so amiss!

  Tears of mortification due to insulted womanhood were in her eyes, andas he marked the colour, like that of an opening moss rose, thatflooded plastic neck and shell-like ear, the blood of Pharamondthrobbed so fiercely that he had much ado to maintain his impassibledemeanour.

  "Since you forgave me, I take Heaven to witness," he purred, bendingas near to her as he dared, "that I have striven to heal yourdifferences."

  "Differences? There need be none; my love for him is dead," Gabrielleremarked slowly, so absorbed in the contemplation of shattered Penatesas to pass unheeded the gleam of triumph on the face that was so nearher shoulder. "You may tell him, if you like, that I shall not behaveill to him, because he has outraged me. A fair allowance shall beregularly paid to him, or to you if he prefers it. Monsieur Galland iscoming here this afternoon about my testament, and the arrangementshall be carried out at once." Then after a gloomy pause, she addedwith a sigh, "To think he could ever suppose that I should want him toask me favours!"

  So her unrequited and too persistent love had perished of starvation!It was dead--quite, quite dead, at last! With its last struggle howgreat a barrier was swept away, and how much better was the chance forone who had obstinately persevered!

  Excellent! The empty shell was ready for the hermit crab! Pharamondcould see ultimate triumph, within measurable distance, and after thata ripe revenge. A fair allowance regularly paid? Gilded, degradingslavery! Clovis would repudiate the plan; refuse to have anything todo with it.

  But what was this about a will?

  "M. Galland--about your will, this afternoon?" the abbe echoed withraised brows. "On whose advice are you acting? I declare you aremarvellously changed, every inch a woman of business. Pooh, pooh! Isthere not ample time? For a beautiful young creature like yourself toprate of such grisly things seems like an untimely invitation to theworms."

  "Little I care for life, God knows!" sighed Gabrielle, wearily, "wereit not for----"

  "Yes, yes, I know--the cherubs. About this will. It takes me bysurprise, and you have deigned to trust me. Your pardon if I seemimportunate. I scarcely dare to ask, and yet----"

  "What its conditions are to be? There need be no secret as to that,since my mind is quite made up. I intend to leave my dear father'sfortune to my mother, in trust for Victor and Camille?"

  Here was a sledge-hammer blow, full on the skull from behind. For aninstant Pharamond was paralysed, then his nimble brain took in at aglance all the facets of this new and unpalatable situation. Who couldhave put into her shapely head so inconvenient an idea as this? Goodheavens! If this project were not nipped in the bud, averted somehow,the future position of the three brothers promised to be a worse oneeven than in the days of the marechal! What the abbe had himselflooked upon as a scarcely possible contingency, and had held up to themarquis as a mere red rag to inflame his feelings withal against hiswife, might at any moment become an actual and horrible fact. At thisrate the marquis and his brothers were not to be provided for at all;were in the event of this woman's death to be pitched out like so muchlumber! And she had the brazen presumption to expatiate on their lotto their faces. A gush of ungovernable rage, bubbled into the abbe'sbrain, an unreasoning whirl, which he vainly endeavoured to master, ashe strode up and down the room.

  "Clovis is to be made a laughing stock to suit your malice!" heexclaimed hotly, as he turned on the astonished marquise. "He countsfor nothing, although your lawful husband. No wonder if you haveearned his hate as well as mine, since you are resolved to pour insultupon insult."

  "Of course, he will have his allowance secured until his death,"Gabrielle explained, with a red spot of annoyance on either cheek.

  "Pah! Allowance! Allowance! A pittance for a schoolboy, which he willfling back into your face. If he takes my advice, he will toss yourpaltry allowance in your lap, since you treat him like a baby! A doleof charity to a beggar!"

  The marquise sat dumb with hands before her, petrified, for this manwould fain persuade her that she was a monster of iniquity, on thethreshold of a stupendous crime, and yet she knew that her motiveswere of the purest.

  He continued, biting his nails in his agitation, addressing his wordshalf to himself and half to her.

  "Women's horizon is so circumscribed, her stream of thought so narrow,that if left alone she rarely avoids being ungenerous. Engrossed bytrivialities how can it be otherwise? Sly, too, and double-faced. Sothis is your sublime forgiveness, in which I was fool enough to trust!A trap! A trick! You were but biding your time, till you could injureme by maltreatment of my brother. My first duty is to him, and I tellyou plainly, that never with my consent will he accept your ignobleterms."

  Gabrielle made no answer but sat dumb.

  "Eh, bien, madame," he cried, suddenly wheeling round and standing infront of her, his thin lips curled into a snarl. "The result of yourinsensate acts be on your head. Mark that the fault is yours if, afterall my efforts to annihilate the past, you force me to be your enemy.Here below we must be judged by acts, madame, not by sugared wordsthat mean nothing. Why compel me to war when I would fain bring peace?If you execute so iniquitous an instrument as you propose, you willhave made thereby three implacable enemies; and a woman withoutfriends should think twice before making one. Your husband neverwronged you with that governess, you foolish girl; you were racked byyour own silly phantom jealousy. If you must have revenge, wreak itupon me, whose only fault was loving you too much. No need to start.Cards down! Why should I deny that I loved you? The more fool I! Butas your love for him has been crushed out, so, too, has mine for you,as to your sorrow you will learn."

  His envenomed words snapped out like the clicks of a matchlock, andthe old dismay gathered round the heart of the marquise with a chillof exceeding desolation. She had been taken in. His seeming recoveryof his better self was but a sham, his fawning courtesy a grimace, hissuave kindliness a mockery, his effusive benevolence a snare. To oneso simply truthful as Gabrielle, such calculating duplicity wasdiabolical. He had dropped his vizard and shown his real face, and asshe shudderingly surveyed it, she had gauged something of the maliceof which this foe was capable. Returned to Lorge, was peace to bedenied? Since cajolery and threats had not availed to win her, did hethink to bend her to his will by force? Though he declared he hatedher, there was that on his white vindictive face that she had learnedto read too well. She would go straight to her husband, tell him thewhole truth, and claim protection. But what then of the disposal ofher property, which she felt it her duty to make? Ought she, taking ahigh line, to threaten to withdraw the allowance, act for herself asthe good father had done on her behalf? But, ah me, how changed thingswere since then, so brief a while ago! Her husband already hatedher--there was a ring of sincerity in the voice of Pharamond as heinformed her that it was so, and she knew well, in case of a tussle,into which scale the latter would throw all his weight. Doubtless,Clovis wished her dead; alone at Lorge, might even--yet no, much as hemight wish to be quit of her, his courage would surely fail when thepinch came.

  In carrying out her project she would be acting rightly, of that shewas now more than ever convinced; but locked up with the brethren atLorge, would not her own courage fail? Perhaps it would be safer toremain in the Paris whirlpool. But what of the children then, and whatof the prisons that filled so rapidly? Behind the bars and bolts of LaForce or the Abbaye, of what service could she be to them? Leave thecountry she would not, stay in the capital she dared not. Moreover, inso turbulent a time her place was among her people in her distantcitadel of Lorge.

  All that was fine in theory, yet her heart whispered grave doubts asto her tenacity of purpose in carrying out to the end the fight soboldly planned. Alas, did she not know too well that standing aloneand unsuppo
rted, with no succour within hail, she would go down at theshock of the first lance? Should she parley, even surrender now, atonce--unveil her feebleness and implore pity? Promise to abandon theproject which raised such ire and stirred the lees of the worstpassions, trust the future of her children to their father's paternalinstincts? No; one of the lessons taught by the abbe was that Cloviswas born to be led. Happily that woman had been expelled, but rescuedfrom her baleful control, he would fall under that of somebody else,and circumstanced as they were, who should that other be but thevindictive Pharamond? Of course, at Lorge, the marquis would sinkcompletely under the abbe's sway; and with him for master, much chancewould Victor and Camille have of justice in the event of theirmother's death. Come what might to her, they should be guarded. Takingher courage in both hands and clinging firmly to it, she must pray forstrength to bear all, doing what was best for the little ones. Thebest security against the greed and malevolence of Pharamond would beto place the fortune out of reach.

  As these considerations flitted across the mind of the harassedmarquise, she took comfort in the thought that the arch-foe shouldhave exposed himself as he was before the party had started fromParis. Further precautions should be devised by a mother's ingenuitysuch as should reduce to harmlessness, in the event of disaster toherself, the abbe's strongest batteries.

  Meanwhile, Pharamond mopped his face with a laced kerchief, blaminghimself for precipitation as he paced nervously up and down. That he,skilful fowler of artless birds, should have been betrayed by suddenpassion and disappointment into exhibiting his person to thisflutterer! But then the blow had been so swift and heavy that therewas some excuse for reeling under the shock. It was vexatious to havebeen taken off his guard. Further duplicity was useless now, for thepresent, at least, for she was fully informed as to his sentimentswith regard to the obnoxious testament. She had beheld a glimpse ofhis real countenance, which was a pity, for burrowing underground wasthe favourite pastime of our abbe. It was a mercy, considering allthings, that the obdurate and recalcitrant lady had resolved onreturning to Lorge. Beyond the frontier, countenanced by friends andacquaintances, she would doubtless have proved dreadfullyobstreperous. Yes, decidedly it was best to depart forthwith for thechateau. It was a fortunate thing, too, that during the lengthy andtedious sojourn in the metropolis, Clovis should have abstained fromfalling into the clutches of some new and antagonistic affinity.

  And this turned the current of his meditations into another channel.It would have to be war now at Lorge, deliberate and serious war forthe averting of a threatened calamity; a campaign consisting offeints, and ambuscades, and forced night marches requiring swiftnessof resolve and unerring execution. As to submitting to such atestament, it was out of the question. The campaign might prove adesperate and bloody one, for maternity at bay fights hard.

  If she signed the proposed document--and just now she looked veryresolute--it would have, somehow or another, to be cancelled; aticklish job even for so astute a diplomatist as our abbe. Would it beprudent to descend alone into the arena, or must an ally be found? Butfor Clovis's tergiversation, Pharamond felt fully capable of carryinga battle to successful issue, but he knew better than to deceivehimself with regard to the shifty marquis, and caution whispered thathe dared not work alone. His mere male influence might lead the horseto the water, but could not make him drink. You may bend a bow withimpunity to a certain point, beyond which it will snap unlessstrengthened. Desperate emergencies call for desperate remedies, andClovis' was one to shrink and run away in the face of anythingdesperate. How difficult to guide clear of obstacles is a shyinghorse!

  Although a thousand pities, it was plain to Pharamond that what mighthave to be done could not be accomplished alone; that combined forceswould be required to arrive at a given result, to reach a goal whichhe gropingly saw looming.

  What could Gabrielle be pondering over so deeply, as with absent gazeshe looked out of the window? Perhaps, alarmed, she was repenting, waspreparing at the first glimpse of the enemy's line of battle towithdraw from the conflict. Her attitude was full of hesitation; herewas a crumb of comfort. It was wondrous that she should have beenable, so far, to subdue her nature as to speak out so boldly as shehad dared to do just now. A little solitary reflection might produce asalutary effect. In a duel of wits, when your foe begins to hesitate,leave him to his thoughts, and ten to one he will give way.

  The abbe roused himself from reverie; coughed to draw attention, andbowed with a measure of respect, nicely tempered with menace. Then,smilingly remarking that it would be regrettable if his dearsister-in-law did not reconsider her iniquitous plans, he took himselfout of the apartment for the purpose of informing Clovis.

  Left alone, Gabrielle, as Pharamond had seen, was much perturbed bythe difficulties of the task she had set herself, but when sheremembered his wicked face, a courage, born of despair, came to heraid, and she resolved to take up the cudgels. As she mechanicallyarranged, with trembling fingers, her silken hood and mantle, sheprayed fervently for strength, and called on heaven for protection.

  Without a moment's waiting she would go to M. Galland. The solicitorhad arranged to call during the afternoon, but she felt assured thatif she were to wait till then, she would think, and think, and think,till courage ebbed away. Swiftly descending the stairs unseen by theabbe, who was busily unfolding his budget for the horrified behoof ofhis more than ever exasperated brother, she hailed a hackney chair,and had herself carried to the lawyer's.

  Being a person of eminent respectability, M. Galland dwelt in a smugstreet within decorous propinquity of the fashionable Place Royale.His line of business was as humdrum and respectable as himself, andthe door-keeper, who kept the stone staircase so scrupulouslyspotless, was unaccustomed to agitated clients. The beautiful lady whoemerged from a hackney sedan, and tremulously paid the men more than adouble fare, was extremely agitated, and appeared in a desperate hurryto reach the first-floor landing. Evidently an aristo. Doubtless shehad a husband or a brother who had fallen within the meshes of thereigning spiders. Poor dear soul! Such episodes as unexpected arrestwere but too common nowadays. Bless me! Her case must be a very urgentone, the concierge muttered, as he scratched his head in sympathy, forafter an interval of fifteen minutes, the lady emerged in thecompany of M. Galland himself, looking graver than was his wont, who,calling a coach, directed the driver to the nearest magistrate's.

  "I understand my instructions, madame," the solicitor said, as thepair were driven along. "But, if without breach of respect, I may bepermitted to say so, you must be suffering from hallucination. Yourwill being safely deposited with me, it is manifest that its terms areyour safeguard, even if any of them should wish to harm you. We willadmit that M. le Marquis got into bad hands, and that your hours weremade unpleasant by another of your charming sex. But from that pointto personal violence is a great stride, and you must pardon me if Ifail to see any justifiable cause for apprehension. It is a morbidfancy, believe me. However, your wishes shall be gratified, and youwill be able to retire to the chateau of Lorge with mind relieved.This is the house. I follow you to the first floor. You will make thedeclaration I suggested, before my friend, M. Sardeigne, who is amagistrate, and proper witnesses."

  It was certainly a strange proceeding and the worthy magistrate wasjustified in his surprise. Here was a celebrated Court beauty of whosefame he had often heard, who pretended to believe that her relativeswere hankering after her money to the extent of a deep-laid plot,ending in personal injury. "If you say so, madame," he observed, witha gallant bow, "I am bound to believe you. I should have thought itmore likely that someone would take to kidnapping, for the sake ofbeing proud possessor of the fairest woman in France."

  Gabrielle sighed. Was not a would-be kidnapper at the bottom of allher fears?

  M. Galland produced the last will and testament of Gabrielle, Marquisede Gange, on which the ink was but just dry, and his friend, havingsummoned his secretary and two male attendants, the lady signed it intheir presence.<
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  Then, instructed by M. Galland, she made a solemn declaration that ifher life should be cut off before that of the marechale, her mother,and that if she should have been found in the interim to have executedanother will of more recent date, she thereby formally disavowed thelatter instrument. If she were destined to outlive the marechale,which she did not think likely, M. Galland, on the demise of Madame deBreze would visit Lorge, and another arrangement would be made.

  She had a presentiment, she explained, which pointed to a life cut offby violent means before its prime, and expressed in the most distinctand emphatic manner words could express, her desire that the testamentjust executed should alone be regarded as authentic.

  "Dear me! A presentiment?" laughed M. Sardeigne, "as well consult withlawyers about ghosts! To set your mind at rest in this peculiarmatter," proceeded the magistrate, perceiving that his mirth wasill-timed, "let it be understood that a cross after the signature onany subsequent testament will be considered to convey that it wassigned under coercion."

  The business accomplished, Gabrielle breathed more freely, and theabbe, observing at dinner how serene she looked, grew suspicious. Suchcalm after their recent stormy interview, seemed to suggest that shehad been doing something underhand, on which she plumed herself. Whatcould it be? Something that boded him no good. In the imminent war,which was to be declared so soon as the party were back in Touraine,it would clearly be perilous and rash to take the field alone.[1]


  Footnote 1: It must be remembered that the French law, as it atpresent stands, dates from the later epoch of Napoleon. The eventsconnected with the will of the Marquise de Gange are historical. L. W.



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