Rubber Plantation Business

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Rubber Plantation Business Page 10

by Denis Tifanny

  Tapping Tools


  Patron is made out of a piece of wood with the length of 130cm that is completed with zinc plate with the width of ±4cm and length between 50 - 60cm. Zinc plate and the wood will make a 120° angle. The usage of this tool is to draw the tapping field that stays tilted.

  ii.Tapping Knife

  There are 2 types of tapping knife, which is lower tapping knife and upper tapping knife. These knives have high level of sharpness. The sharpness of the knife will effect on the speed of tapping and the neatness of tapping. Upper tapping knife is used to tap upper tapping field with the height above 13ocm. Lower tapping knife is used to tap lower tapping field with height starting from 130cm. Tapping knife have a long handle to makes tapping from the ground easier.


  Spout is made out of zinc with the width of 25cm and length around 8 – 10cm. The spout is stab into the tree 5cm from the dot or lower tip of tapping route. Spout should not be stab too deep as it might disturb the cambium and other vessels of the rubber tree. It is used for the latex to flow to the collective cup.

  iv.Collection Cup

  This tool is used to collect latex. This tool can be made from plastic, clay or aluminium. Clay ones is cheap, easy to get and not durable. Plastic ones are durable, however hard to find and expensive. The aluminium ones is hard to find, expensive, durable, and it guarantee the latex quality.

  v.Cup Hanger

  This tool is the place to put the collection cup. Metal wire is used to make this. Nail and other sharp material can’t be used to put this hanger up because it may hurt the cambium. So a special tool called the hanger thread.

  vi.Hanger Thread

  This tool is used to anchor the ring so it is a must to be prepared. Made from metal wire or palm fibre.


  Used to determine the height of tapping field and measure the trunk girth of rubber tree. Meters that are used are made out of wood and the other is the roll type. Wood is for measuring the height of the tapping field and the roll one is to measure the trunk girth.

  viii.Mal Knife

  This tool is used to incise rubber tree bark while drawing the tapping field. It is made from long iron with a sharp end and its handle is made out of wood or plastic. The sharp part is used for incising rubber tree bark.


  This toll is used to measure the thickness of the bark left while tapping. Purpose is to make sure it did not reach the cambium or the heartwood vessels. Made out of iron, its tip is like a needle with the length of 1 - 1.5mm.

  Drawing Tapping Field

  To gain good and plenty tapping result, drawing of tapping field is essential. Of tapping field is drawn wrongly, the making of tapping field will be affected. Here we need to determine the height of the starting of tapping, determine the correct direction of tapping and determine the length of tapping field. The height of the tapping field depends on the number of latex vessels. The higher the tapping field, the lesser the latex vessels which means that there will be less latex produced.

  For lower tapping on tuber tree from seeds, the height of the first tapping opening should be 90 – 100 cm from the ground surface to the lower tapping field. The second opening will be at 130 cm. The first one for grafted plant will be 130 cm from the grafting convergence limit to the lowest field. For upper tapping, either from seeds or grafting, tapping field is done at height around 260 cm from the ground surface on the opposite side of the lower tapping. Keep tapping until the lowest upper tapping point with a distance 10 cm from the highest lower tapping point.

  Supplementary crop, the height of first tapping opening is 130 cm above the grafting convergence limit of the same height as the other plants. Spiral starts from the top left, bottom right with the angle of 30 - 45° to a horizontal line. The direction of tapping can’t be reversed because it is related strongly to the latex production.

  Execution of Tapping

  Rubber tree’s bark needs to be cleaned before tapped. In the execution of tapping, matters that need to be noted is slice thickness, slice depth, execution time and tapping fielde bark recovery.

  i.Tapping Slice Thickness

  Latex will flow out if tree bark is sliced. Latex will first flows out very quickly, then it slows down and eventually stopped. It stops because the latex vessels are blocked by the dry latex. Latex vessels have to be opened by slicing the rubber tree. Bark slicing doesn’t need to be thick. The thicker, the faster it finishes and the less time it produces. Slice thickness that is recommended is 1.5 – 2 mm. bark consumption per month or per year determined by tapping formula used.

  Examples of tapping formula are:

  1)S/2, d/2 100%2) S/1, d/4, 100%3) S/2, d/3, 67%

  The meaning of these symbols are, S/2 means tapping semicircle of tree stem and d/2 means that tree is tapped every 2 days once. 100% is the tapping intensity. Therefore, if the tree is tapped 2 days once, then rubber tree bark that’s used is 2.5cm/month or 10cm/quarter or 3ocm/year. Also if the tree is tapped 3 days once, then rubber tree bark that is used is 2cm/month or 8cm/quarter or 24cm/year.

  To be able to control the plantation more easily, tapping field or rubber tree bark usually given sign of limitation to slice. These signs usually made for consumption per quarter or per 2 months with sign number 2-3 fruits.

  ii.Tapping Slice Depth

  If the slice thickness depends on the amount of tree bark that is consumed during tapping, then the thickness of the slice effect on the number of latex vessels cut files. Thee deeper the slice, the more latex vessels are cut. Bark’s thickness until 7mm in cambium layer has the most latex vessels. Therefore, tapping should be done as deep as possible , however don’t touch its cambium layer. Slice depth that is recommended is 1 – 1.5 mm from the cambium layer. If during tapping, cambium layer is touched, then recovered tree bark will be damaged and later it will affect the latex production. Severe tapping or dead tapping, tapping depth needs to be less than 1mm tree bark left.

  Tapping too shallow causes less latex vessels that are cut, especially the inside part that is the part that contains the most latex vessels. With the reduction of latex vessels that’s sliced than total latex that comes out will decrease.

  To know whether the cambium is too close, usually tapper use calliper. The sharp end of this tool is stabbed in the remaining tree bark. Of the needle of the calliper went in thoroughly and still feel soft, and then the cambium is still 1.5mm away. If it is hard then it is somewhere 1.5mm left. Depth measuring effects the production a lot.

  iii.Execution Time

  Latex can flow out from the latex vessels because of turgor. Turgor is the pressure on the cell wall of the plant cell. More or less the cell effect the amount of pressure on cell wall. If there are more cells, the more pressure on cell wall. High pressure will increase the amount of latex that flows out from the latex vessels. Therefore, tapping is recommended to start when turgor is high, that is before the reduction of cell through evaporation on leaves duting the bright daylight. Tapping should be done in the morning at 5 – 6 am. While latex collection should be done on 8-10 am.

  iv.Tapping Field Bark Recovery

  Bark recovery on tapping field needs to be noted. Wrong tapping formula determination and tapping that’s too thick or deep will cause abnormal beak recovery of the tapping field. This matter will give effect on the production r the plant’s health. If all activity introductions are made nicely and fulfil the requirement, then the tree bark will recover after 6 years. In practical, skin recovery can be tapped again after 9 years for first bark recovery and after 8 years to be tapped again is determined by recovered bark thickness, minimum already reached 7mm.

  Frequency and Intensity of Tapping

  Tapping frequency is the time interval with the S.I unit in Day(d), week(w), month(m), year(y). these units depends on the taping system. If tapping is done continuously everyday then that tapping is marked with d/1, if 2 days once it will bed d/2 and so

  On periodic tapping, duration of tapping is marked with the number given, while duration of rotation to top bark back marked with divisor. For example 3 w/9, this means that it is tapped for 3 week within 9 weeks’ time, or rest for 6 months. For tapping changes place, tree bark tapped on 2 different tapping field by the way of taking turns following specific time interval. Sign from this system is multiplication of 2 factors stated inside the bracket. Both factors are the total of tapping field used and value for the duration of tapping. Both factors are the total of tapping field used and value for the duration of tapping. The denominator is the tapping rotation duration. Like: d/2(2x2d/4) means 2 field tapping by taking turn with tree that is tapped 2 days once.

  The result of multiplication the number in bracket always one because it will not affect the tapping calculation intensity that is stated in 1%. Intensity is determined by the length of the slice and frequency of tapping. Normal tapping intensity is 100% that is stated with S/4, d/1, 100% sign which means that it is tapped every day on ¼ tree spiral. Tapping intensity calculation done with multiplication of fractional digits on tapping formula with 400%. For example: s/2, d/2, 1005 comes from ½ x ½ x 400% = 100%, then s/2, d/3, 67% comes from ½ x 1/3 x 400% = 67%.

  Need to be noted that 400% tapping intensity called severe tapping intensity and dead tapping. Usually 1st tapping intensity will only be 67% and will only reach 100% intensity after 3 years.

  Exploitation System

  Rubber exploitation system is the latex collection system that follows specific instruction with the goal of gaining high production by beneficial economics and sustainability of plants health. Currently 2 systems are known, which are conventional and stimulation. Conventional tapping exploitation system that does not involve a stimulus and Stimulation tapping exploitation system is a system that involves stimuli. There are also other systems such as stab tapping system.

  i.Conventional Exploitation System

  This system is mostly used compare to other systems. This system has advantages such as it doesn’t depend on stimuli and suitable with the plant’s condition even though the growth is not that good. However, there are also disadvantages such as tapping field bark will finish faster, probability of damaged tree bark is higher, work needed is higher and very hard to increase its production. Duration that’s used for conventional exploitation system is 30 years.

  Table 4.8 - Conventational Tapping Exploitation System


  Exploitation Subsystem

  Time Duration (Year)


  Plant still not productive yet



  1/2S, d/3



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2(2 x y/2)



  Free tapping




  ii.Stimulation Exploitation System

  This system is harder to accomplish than the conventional system. Not all rubber is compatible with this system. For instance, if the dry rubber content is less that 30% then the response to the stimuli is not good. Applying stimuli is meant to increase production that can be done on tree are more than 15. However, if using tapping system with low intensity (s/2, d/4, 50% or s/2, d/3, 67%) then the usage of stimuli can start on plant age 10. Appliance of stimuli without lowering its intensity will affect the plant’s growth, especially young plant. Therefore, applying stimuli to young plant is not recommended. Usual stimuli that can be ised it active Ethephon that has the brand of Ethrel, ELS and cepha.

  Appliance of stimuli on rubber tree has 3 ways:

  1)For lower tapping stimuli is applied directly under the tapping slice. While for upper tapping, stimulus is applied directly above the tapping slice. Before stimuli is applied, tree bark is scrapped first.

  2)Stimulus is applied on the tapping flow.

  3)Stimulus is applied on the tapping field which is the tree bark left on top of the cambium. This way usually done on plant that I matured after 5 years

  From the 3 ways mention above the one that is generally used is the first one. Duration of stimuli appliance on tapping flow is 2 weeks once or one month once. While on tree bark or tapping field is every month or every 2 months.

  Ways and frequency of stimuli appliance can affect the amount of stimuli given. As example on the appliance of 2 months once, amount of stimuli needed are 1.5 – 2g. Amount of active material every time stimuli applied can be counted with formula: (weight of stimuli x % formulation x 1000 mg) like ; in 2g ethrel with formulation 5% have (2 x 5/100 x 1000) = 1000 mg active material. Stimulus needed on the flow system is 0.5 – 1 g every time applied.

  By noting the stimuli appliance frequency and tapping formula, so the width of the road or fuel that can be applied can be determined. If appliance every month once with tapping formula s/2, d/2, then the width of appliance field is 15 x 1-1.5mm = 15 – 22.5 mm. while appliance 2 months once with the same tapping formula, then the width of appliance field is 30 x 1-1.5mm = 30-45 mm.

  The one that needs to be noted is every limit of the bark that needs to be applied is marked. Even though applying stimuli seems easy, but there are possibilities of failure. Therefore, matters that are listed below needs to be noted:

  a)Should not use intensity more than 100%.

  b)When the leaves are withering, just grow, or in the middle of rainy season, stimulus should not be used.

  c)Stimuli should not be used on abnormal plants.

  d)Fertilizing is done completely with potassium dosage more than usual (without stimulus) during the time 4-6 months before stimulation.

  e)Stimulus is only recommended to be put on plants age above 15 or on recovering tree bark.

  f)Don’t keep using stimulus during production time as it lower the quality of the latex. Stimulation is done as long as 6 years during rubber production still maximal.

  Table 4.9 - Stimulation Tapping Exploitation System


  Exploitation Subsystem

  Time Duration (Year)


  Plant still not productive yet



  1/2S, d/3



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/2



  1/2S, d/3 + st(G), W/2, 10m/12



  1/2S, d/3(a x y/2) + st(B), m/1, 10m/12



  Free tapping




  iii.Stab Exploitation System

  Stab tapping is done by stabbing the tree bark with needle. This method is created because there are parts of the tree bark that is wasted if done by conventional or stimulation method. The advantages of this system are that:

  a)Latex production is high, higher than other system.

  b)Sugar level still high.

  c)Sugar movement in tree bark is not blocked. This is important for long-lasting production.

  d)Plant growth can be repaired because there are interaction between growth abd sugar composition in latex.

  e)It is easier to do, there’s not need to hire specialist.

  f)Tapping flow’s dryness can be avoided.

  Stab tapping is done on rubber plant that is still age 3 years. This matter is to shorten the not producing time. Other function maybe extended the economic age of rubber plant. This is caused because stab exploitation system does not trouble the matter of wearing tree bark. Together with this, treatment for tapping field
for disease can be avoided.

  Stab tapping execution technique is done by stabbing needle on one straight flow on tree bark that has applied Ethrel. As needle, diameter of steel wire is 0.8mm or can also needle with the same diameter. Its length needs to be the same as the thickness of tree bark less 1mm to prevent wire to touch the cambium.

  Before stabbed with wire, tree bark is scrapped thinly making a route before coloured using Ethrel. Width of road 2cm and length 100cm. Ethrel that is using active materials 2.5%. ways to make Ethrel solution is one part of Ethrel 10% mixed with 3 part heavy palm oil. Every road is coloured with Ethrel as much as 2g.

  Stab with wire is done on the middle part of the route. Between punctures with one another is connected and becomes 1 straight line to channel the latex. Distance between punctures is 10 cm. stabbing is done every 3 days once. Next stabbing have a 1 cm distance above the previous one.

  Every time interval of a month or 10 days tapping, the whole route will be fully stabbed. After that, new route is made on the right side of the old route around 1 cm. The pathway between will be useful when the time comes.



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