Wicked Rule (Heartless Kingdom Book 1)

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Wicked Rule (Heartless Kingdom Book 1) Page 3

by K. I. Lynn

  “Move your hand down a little more, and I think you’ll figure it out.”

  “Bathroom first.” I pulled away from him, instantly missing his warmth as I dashed to relieve myself. Once done, I found Atticus walking in, heading to the sink where he picked up a toothbrush. Looking to the other sink, I noticed a complimentary toothbrush and followed suit, giving my mouth a quick cleaning.

  When he was done, he moved to the massive shower and turned it on. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his cock as it bobbed about, hard and needy and completely hypnotizing, especially after the night’s events.

  He pulled me into the shower with him, pressing my back against the cold tiles. Just as the night before, he picked me up, my legs wrapping around him as the warm water crashed down on us. He teased me with his lips, ghosting them across mine before pulling back, a smirk greeting me. Before he could do it again, I cupped his face and pulled his lips to mine.

  What started out as a languid consumption quickly escalated into a ravaging. And I loved every second. A ragged sigh left me when I felt the head of his cock push through my pussy lips, and I sank down on his length.

  That seemed to morph his frenzy into a slow, sensual thrusting.

  “You are absolutely divine.”

  Though sore from our night, a slow burn grew, intensifying with each thrust.

  “I want to come,” he hissed, looking down to where we were connected before finding my eyes again. He reached between us and brushed his fingers across my clit. We both moaned, and his teeth clenched.

  “Come, Ophelia.” The pressure of his fingers increased with the speed of his thrusts. “I need you to come, baby.”

  My thighs shook as I clenched down around him, my head tilted back into a scream. His teeth dug into my neck, and he groaned as he pulled out, his cock pulsing as his cum shot out, landing on my breasts and stomach.

  As we came down, I reached up and brought his forehead down to mine. “Where did you come from?”

  He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine. “Come on, let’s clean up.”

  Once we were washed and I was dried off, I wobbled toward the door to determine where my dress had been deposited. There was a chuckle behind me as I braced myself against the wall.

  “Yeah, yeah, job well done.”

  He chuckled again. “I’m known for being an overachiever.”

  With some pain, weakness, and effort, I bent over and picked up my dress from the floor. I gasped at the feel of hands on my hips, pulling me. A groan left him as he ground against me.

  “Don’t show off your pussy if you don’t want my cock. It just makes me want you more.”

  I could feel him hardening behind me. “Did you swallow a bottle of Viagra or something?”

  “You are the drug. No other stimulants necessary.” He thrusted his hips, groaning. “Love watching this ass.”

  I straightened, much to both of our disappointments, but it didn’t keep his hands from wandering around my body. One hand was on a breast while the other slipped between my legs.

  “Atticus,” I whimpered.

  “Fuck, I love the way you say my name like that.”

  I leaned my head back on his shoulder. “I should get going.”


  “It’s already the afternoon.” Well, only by a few minutes.

  He dipped his fingers inside me before lifting them to my lips. I opened, taking them in and tasting myself as I licked his fingers clean.

  “You are perfection,” he whispered into my ear before stepping away, leaving me wobbling a bit. “Let me get you a car.”

  I pulled my dress up and reached back to tie the top. “It’s okay. I can take the train.” I didn’t want to wait in an attempt to avoid the awkwardness that was growing in me, but I found my thighs didn’t want to cooperate, and I fell into a nearby chair.

  Atticus chuckled as he picked up his phone. “I do believe I promised to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

  He had, and oh, how I thought he was just another asshole talking big. No, he delivered on his promise, and I felt it everywhere.

  “Okay, so maybe I wouldn’t be opposed to a taxi.”

  “I think I can do better than one of those cesspools.”

  I blinked at him. What other option was there?

  “There is a car waiting for you out front whenever you’re ready,” he said a moment later. “I can’t convince you to stay, can I?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry. I have to work tonight.”

  He pulled me against his chest, his arms holding me close. “Thank you for a wonderful evening,” Atticus said as he placed a kiss to my cheek, then to my lips.

  “Thank you for a very memorable birthday. It’s definitely one I will never forget,” I admitted. It wasn’t a night I believed could be topped.

  “I never did ask how old you turned.”



  “Hmm, what?” I asked, unsure if the sound was good or bad.

  A small smile graced his lips as he brushed my hair back. “Best night of my life spent with a woman nearly ten years younger than me. Unexpected.”

  “Best night?” I asked.

  He nodded. “It was truly a pleasure meeting you.”

  “You too.”

  “Would it be presumptuous of me to assume you had a good enough time that you would be willing to see me again?”

  I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled as I nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

  He pressed his lips to mine for a last searing kiss before I headed down to the lobby.

  I was blissed out as I sat in the back of the black sedan Atticus sent me home in. It really had been the best night of my life, and I couldn’t keep the smile from my face the entire journey home.

  A few days had passed, and I hadn’t heard from Atticus. I couldn’t deny part of me was saddened by this, but judging based on his suit and the expensive penthouse hotel room, he was bound to be a busy man.

  At least, that was the reasoning I gave myself to lessen the ache in my chest.

  Once, I saw a man I thought was him, but when he turned to face me, I was wrong. The bad part was the utter embarrassment of calling out his name, only to be proven wrong.

  To keep my mind off him, I dove into work. I hadn’t been at 130 Degrees for very long, just under two months, but I enjoyed the atmosphere of the high-end steakhouse. One meal for a couple cost a bare minimum of two-hundred dollars, and the tips were just as good.

  “Ophelia,” my manager, Mitchell, called out and waved me over.

  “What’s up, boss?”

  He led us to his office and closed the door. The action had my stomach suddenly in knots because that was a “you’re being fired” kind of move.

  “We have a large business meeting coming in tomorrow. Our investors will be there.”


  “I want you to take the lead.”

  I blinked at him, happy for the opposite of my worst thoughts. “Me? What about Chris or Megan? They’ve been here a lot longer. I’m still learning.”

  Not that I didn’t appreciate it, but I was still the new girl.

  “They’re good, but you have the best rapport with the clients. They like you. I need your personality to shine and show these men why a plate here is so expensive.”

  “My smile doesn’t tack on an extra hundred to the bill.”

  He chuckled. “No, but you are great at flavor pairing and making sure everything is perfect.”

  “Thank you. Really, thank you.”

  He grinned at me. “Tomorrow won’t be easy, but you’ll have help. Make me proud.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  The next morning, I made certain that the large banquet table was impeccably set.

  My stomach twisted in anticipation as I readied everything. I wanted to make a good impression for both myself and the restaurant. It would be my first larger party, and I would have Drake around as a helper.
He was a little bit squirrelly but friendly.

  “Ophelia, they’re here,” Mitchell called as he stuck his head into the kitchen.

  I stared up at him and nodded. My nerves kicked in, and I blew out a breath before heading out onto the floor.

  The atmosphere at the table screamed money and power, and as I scanned the faces, I tried to guess their drinks. When I got to the head of the table, my mouth dropped open. He hadn’t looked up, but it had only been a few days, and there was no way I would forget.

  Sitting at the head of the table was none other than my one-night stand, looking devilishly handsome. When our eyes met, I caught the flash of recognition before it was covered by a look of disgust.

  What is that?

  I swallowed back the pain of disappointment it caused, realizing he was never going to call me, and plastered on a fake smile to cover my breaking heart. It was a stupid reaction, but I really thought we had a connection.

  I was apparently the only one feeling that way. It was obvious he was out of my league, but I couldn’t help but wonder. All of that was out the door, and I had to push that night from my mind. Pry my feelings away from the overwhelming sadness that came from one look as I tried to forget the best night of my life.

  “Good day, gentlemen. My name is Ophelia, and I am at your service today.”

  My grandfather is dead.

  Four words I’d said to myself over and over, yet the response inside me was the same each time. There was no anguish in my emotions and little sadness in general. It was more of a relief than anything.

  He was never a loving man, and I respected him, but I never loved him. Hard and harsh in every way, he’d made my life hell.

  He shaped me into the man I’d become.

  “Are you coming?” my brother, Hamilton, asked as I stood outside the dining room.

  “I’d rather not.” Nothing good was going to come from going in there.

  “It’s the reading of his will, and we all have to be present. Please don’t torture me today by drawing it out.”

  I sighed before following him into the overcrowded dining room. Everyone was cloaked in black, but few mourned him. The greedy ones just wanted to know what he left them, while I was fairly certain I didn’t want to hear what the old man’s last jab at me would be.

  All twenty of the table’s chairs were taken. At the head of the table sat my father, and at the other head was the family lawyer, Alexander Corwin, with what I assumed were others from his firm to assist.

  I stood against the wall next to Hamilton, with my cousin, Will, on my other side. The walls were lined with de Loughreys eagerly awaiting their take, and the gallery balcony that overlooked from the second floor was also stuffed with bodies.

  “Is everyone here?” Alexander asked as he glanced around the room.

  By the thickness of the legal binder in front of him, this was going to take forever, especially with a room of over seventy people.

  “We are here today for the reading of the last will and testament of Atticus Charles de Loughrey.”

  To his brothers, my great uncles, he left money and personal items.

  Unsurprisingly, money, stocks, and property, as well as a few personal items, were granted to his children—my father, Uncle Henry, Aunt Katherine, and Uncle Hugh.

  Then came my turn as I was the oldest of my generation.

  “To my grandson, Atticus William de Loughrey, I leave Stronghold.” Alexander paused and looked around. “This residence,” he added for clarification before continuing, “The position as the newest head of the de Loughrey family. He will also take over the position of CEO of de Loughrey Corporation, and with that he will inherit all my shares in the de Loughrey Corporation on his fortieth birthday.”

  My eyes narrowed. Why would he make me the largest shareholder?

  I wasn’t the only one wondering as multiple sets of eyes flickered to me. There was a catch. I just knew it.

  I already knew of the impending promotion to de Loughrey family leader, patriarch of all, and that was the only non-surprise. With my father retiring, albeit slowly, the crown fell to me. There was an almost palpable shift in the air—a shift of respect and compliance.

  It was the day I would be crowned.

  “I apologize, Atticus. I realize you are already the CEO. This will is two years old.”

  “It’s fine, Alexander.”

  “There’s more.”

  Of course there is.

  “In order to receive his shares, Stronghold, and to retain his position as CEO and head, there are two conditions which must be met. Atticus Charles has put it all into a trust with springing interest, meaning Atticus William will only gain rights to the property and shares upon fulfillment of the terms. The terms are henceforth set: If Atticus is not married upon my death, he has one year to be married or forfeit all. He also must produce an heir before his fortieth birthday. Both conditions must be met by the dates specified or he will not receive anything. If he fails to meet the requirements, the items stated will be handed to my second grandson, Rhys Geoffrey de Loughrey, whereby the same requirements will be enacted. And so on, through each male heir, until the conditions are met.”


  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  The old man got his last dig in hard.

  “Comply, or lose everything I’ve primed you for.” I could even hear the words in his voice, feel his steely gaze pinned on me.

  He never liked that out of more than a dozen grandchildren, none of us were married except Elizabeth. However, he no longer considered her a de Loughrey as she was not a man and no longer held our family name. Always underestimating Elizabeth and women in general.

  By the time my father had reached my age, he had multiple children already. The same for my uncles and aunt. Therefore, my grandfather believed we all should have children.

  Well played, Grandfather.

  I was also left with a few million dollars and some artwork. Much more money and property was given out, divided up among my siblings and cousins, and a trust was set up for eleven de Loughrey homes around the globe. It was only the tip of the iceberg, as the family owned much more than that. They were the oldest of the properties, which was why it was curious he left me Stronghold. It had been in our family since my great-great-grandfather. The original show of de Loughrey wealth to rival Vanderbilt’s riches. In my eyes, it should have been the crowning property of the trust.

  With every few minutes of speaking, Alexander had to take a sip of water, and by the end of hour two, his voice had become hoarse. When he finished, an elaborate symphony of paperwork was danced across the room by his assistants.

  With a swipe of the pen, I accepted everything including my role, my status, and the stipulations he enacted.

  I was the new ruler.

  King of the de Loughreys.

  “He got the final word, as usual,” Hamilton said beside me as the assistant handed me my copy.

  There was still more paperwork to take care of, but that would wait for another time.

  “It shouldn’t shock me, but I find I am surprised.”

  When Alexander stood, the room began to disperse, some heading home, some chatting as they awaited dinner.

  As family passed I received nods and acknowledgments, as well as handshakes. However, not everyone was happy about the new power structure or distribution of my grandfather’s excessive wealth.

  “This isn’t fair. Atticus got so much,” Daniel said, making me pause.

  I turned to him. “He was your great uncle. Why would he leave you more than his firstborn grandson and successor?”

  He startled, not realizing I was right there. Daniel, who at twenty-five, had little pressure on him and epitomized the stereotype of families like ours by acting like a spoiled brat.


  I leaned forward, the movement cutting him off. “Isn’t there a stipulation in your trust that you must maintain a job?”


ak. So weak it made me burn with rage.

  I leaned in closer to make sure he could see the displeasure in my expression and the flames behind my eyes. “Then be happy you were even here. Shut up and get out before I fire you.”

  His eyes widened. Pathetic. Where did this weak blood come from?

  “You can’t fire me.”

  I quirked a brow at him. Was he talking back? A low chuckle left me, and I snarled at him, “Try me.”

  I watched the bob of his Adam’s apple as the color drained from his face. He bowed his head in submission. “I’m sorry, Atticus.”

  Every so often, one of the spoiled ones thought they were tough. Thought they were more than they were. Examples were made to help keep all the egos in check, and my rule had just found its first target.

  Start hard to keep the insubordination down. What was asked of them all was trivial. Behave. Yet it amazed me how often someone stepped out of line.

  Daniel scurried away with Petra and Phillip, thankfully heading toward the front door.

  Once gone from my sight, I pulled out my phone and in one short message to cut Daniel’s accounts off. The move was temporary, but his hysteria when he found he had no money would straighten out his attitude.

  “Atticus,” my father called.

  I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and looked up. The smile on his lips coupled with the manic energy emanating from his gaze had me grinding my teeth. It hadn’t been five minutes, and he was already up to something.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got a perfect wife for you,” he said as he stopped in front of me.

  “Excuse me?”

  “An arranged marriage. There is a girl—”

  “Stop,” I said, interrupting him. “Say nothing more.” How many times had we had the same argument over the last decade?

  His gaze hardened. “Don’t be difficult, Atticus. A marriage to an influential family is a perfect solution.”

  “I refuse.”

  “Refuse?” He scoffed. “You’re not really in the position to decline.”

  “I am the patriarch now. Not you,” I ground out.

  “How can you be a patriarch when you don’t even have any children,” he sneered.


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