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Festivity Page 3

by Layla Heart

  Then, along the other two tables, are some of our friends and then any family members who could attend. Finn’s family, the few people in it who are still alive, aren’t here, that didn’t seem like the greatest plan, but all the other families are. Bane’s parents and his uncle and aunt, the king and queen of the werewolves, are here, just like Kit’s mother, the succubus queen, with her whole group of partners, including his biological father, and even Rune’s parents are here. Plus, of course, Aideen, her brother and their parents. And then my mum, the current official highest priestess and my dad, and also Granny Bastet, my grandma’s twin sister who looked after Litha for most of her life. And finally, Litha’s parents. It’s a big group, and the room is so loud, but we managed to pull it off.

  Everyone is at the tables and dinner is about to start. We got everything done on time, from decorations to food to whatever else we had to do. It’s all done, we did it. We managed to host our first celebrations.

  Litha stands up next to me. She’s wearing a lighter red dress, which looks suspiciously similar to my own dress, and I think it looks even better on her. It makes me want to reach out to touch her right now, but I stop myself.

  She takes a deep breath, looking out over the big group of people. “Thank you all for coming here tonight. I know that this isn’t the usual way that these things go, especially not how midwinter celebrations tend to be run, but this year it seemed appropriate.” She nervously plays with her fingers in her dress. She may seem confident, but she’s still nervous. “I feel like this may be a great test-run, on a much smaller scale, for future celebrations. I’m just really excited to see so many different people here. So many people here I’ve only met since last summer, and they’ve been at my side during some really trying times. But we made it through, and I’m hoping that I can count on your support for the years to come too.” She picks up her glass, raising it as she looks over me, Finn and Rune, and then to her other side, to Kit and Bane, and finally to the three little dragons, her eyes soft. “Last year, I celebrated Christmas, or as you call it here, midwinter, with just my parents. I even celebrated my birthday last summer with just them. But now, I get to spend the holiday with a much larger family, like the holiday is supposed to be spent. Not only that, I get to celebrate the birthday of a woman who is very precious to me.” She takes my hand and gives a soft kiss on it. “Happy birthday, Phoenix. I hope we get to spend many more birthdays together like this.” Then she looks back over the room. “Thank you all so much. Tonight is a night of celebrations, and food. So, dig in!”

  The room breaks out in cheers, which startles Dewy for a moment, but Litha’s dad sits next to him and he turns to the little boy, whispering some soft words and the little boy calms down, smiling now.

  These last weeks have been trying, becoming not just a family with the guys, the princes, but also having these little kids with us, and sometimes it feels like everything is just too much at the same time.

  But then I look around and realise that I don’t have to do this all on my own, we’ve got each other, and we’re a big family who takes care of each other. And that makes me feel like we can do this, that we’ll be able to pull this off, somehow, as long as we’re all together.

  As long as I’ve got Litha at my side.


  I can’t wait until everyone has left so I can get out of this dress. Not just get myself out of it, but also until I can get the others out of their clothes too. I want to feel them against me, get lost in them for a while, not having to think of the outside world. Just be with them and not think of anything else but of how much I love them.

  Phoenix hasn’t kept her hands off me throughout most of the dinner, constantly sliding her leg along mine, or her fingers on my arm, and Bane has even been bolder with his hand on my thigh, moving it up little by little, squeezing slightly, but they’ve otherwise been behaving.

  Which is good as our parents are all right within view, and I don’t want to be caught doing anything naughty with them by our parents... Yeah, not ready for that level of awkward yet. We’ve reached many levels of awkward but ‘being caught by your parents during a heavy petting session’ hasn’t been one of them, luckily.

  But I still have to wait, dinner is nearly finished, but not quite... Opposite me, Dewy is on Dad’s lap, already fast asleep, and Lynn is having trouble keeping her eyes open as she takes small bites of her dessert.

  I look at Dad, who gives me a soft smile, nodding at the little one in his arms. “Maybe it’s time to get them to bed?”

  I nod, carefully getting up, but that seems to bring the whole table to move, as everyone stands up. I glance around, a little confused. What’s going on?

  Bane leans in. “You’re the queen, they follow your example.”

  “Oh.” My cheeks flame up, then I look over the group, our family and friends. “No need to get up.” Though, I really wouldn’t mind at this time, but I’ve got to stay a good queenly host... “I’m just getting the little ones to bed.” Blaze starts to make an unhappy sound, but when he meets my eyes, he stops. Yeah, I thought so too.

  All three of them are ready for bed. It’s nearly midnight and they’ve been up since early this morning.

  “Please, continue eating, I’ll be right back.” I hold out my hands to Dad, who hands me Dewy over the table, the boy small enough that this isn’t too hard, then Lynn and Blaze both crawl under the table to get to my side.

  Okay, so maybe they could use a lesson in manners, but I can’t fault them for not wanting to walk past all the other people, have them stare at them, or just have that attention on them.

  “I’ll come with you.” Rune also stands up, and together all five of us walk out of the room.

  I try to ignore the sounds behind us. I know it’s probably not ‘proper’ of me to walk out like that, but I really appreciate the excuse of taking care of the little ones to get away from all the business and just have a little calm for a while.

  We go up the stairs, Blaze and Lynn going to their own rooms and I bring Dewy to his, while Rune is taking care of Lynn.

  Dewy wakes up just a little as I clean his face. I have no idea what the red goop all over his face is, probably the berry sauce we had with the main course, but he seemed to have loved it. It’s even in his hair, but I’m not going to bother with that, that can wait until tomorrow morning. Then I get him into his pj’s, before putting him on his bed.

  “Sweet dreams, sweet Dewy.” I give him a kiss on his head, but he quickly wraps his arms around my neck, holding me.

  “Love you.” His words are slurred, sleepy.

  “I love you too, my sweet. I’ll see you again in the morning.” I give him another kiss and then he lets me go, curling up on his side, and I catch a glimpse of his dragon tail wrapped around his body. Oh, cute. Within moments, he’s fast asleep again.

  I carefully close the door behind me, taking a glimpse into Lynn’s room, but it seems that she’s already asleep too.

  Rune carefully leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Right on time?” I whisper and he nods.

  “Yeah, she was out like a light.” He slides his arm around my waist and we make our way to Blaze’s room, who is in his pj’s, but he’s not asleep yet.

  “Ready for bed?” I sit down on it and he climbs on next to me.

  “Can you tell a story?” He puts his best eyes on, and I smile. “Please?”

  “Okay, sure. What story do you want me to tell?” Right now, any excuse for staying here a little longer is good...

  “Your favourite midwinter when you were little.” He pulls his blankets up a little higher and I sit against his headboard so he can curl up against me. He may be the biggest and most grown of them, but he’s still a little kid, and sometimes that’s easy to forget. They’ve had a rough childhood, which made him grow up much too fast.

  Rune smiles as he makes himself comfortable at the end of Blaze’s bed, his eyes on me warm and soft.

  “My f
avourite midwinter? Well, where I come from, we call it Christmas, and we have a lot of pretty lights and trees around. I think my favourite memory is of when we went to see a big light display one winter, and then I got caught inside one of the trees.” I smile at the memory, closing my eyes. We always did a lot of things during Christmas, since we didn’t have much family to celebrate it with.

  It was always a little hard on me when I was small, that everyone in my class would have these big family gatherings, but that I only ever had my parents. It now makes sense as to why, but it wasn’t easy for little me.

  “Litha,” Phoenix whispers, shaking my shoulder a little.

  “Hmm?” I pull my head up, realising that my neck feels stiff and my head is all fuzzy.

  She lets out a light laugh. “You fell asleep.”

  Asleep? What? “Oh, the dinner!” I sit up straighter, but then remember that I’m in Blaze’s room, and he’s asleep next to me. “Oh, sorry.” I drop my voice, I don’t want to wake him up.

  At the foot of the bed, Rune is waking up too. “What’s the time?”

  “After midnight. Everyone has gone home.” Phoenix helps me from the bed and a bad feeling settles in my stomach.

  “They must be annoyed that I didn’t come back...” Ugh, great first celebration, when I miss out on the end of it.

  “I think they understood.” Kit’s voice comes from the doorway and he’s still dressed in his sexy suit, a generic one this time, not one of the formal outfits that incubi wear, where they’re basically naked apart from some choice jewellery pieces... He thought it was better, with the weather right now, and even his mother and her partners wore clothes, very fancy clothes, but clothes nevertheless, which I appreciated.

  “Still, I should apologise for walking out on them...” I’ll have to do it in the morning, because, right now, I’ve got other things on my mind.

  Like the fact we’re all on our own and the kids are asleep... And we don’t have anything to worry about or to prepare for.

  Behind me, Rune lets out a low rumbling laugh, which sends heat through my body. “Oh, I like that feeling.” Then his arms are around me, pulling me back against his hard body. “But let’s get downstairs for that first.” He easily lifts me up and then starts carrying me out of Blaze’s room.

  Phoenix closes the door behind us, and then closes the child gate at the top of the stairs, putting a spell on it which will let her know as soon as Dewy or Lynn touches it, as Rune carries me down, Kit close next to us, already starting to undo the many buttons at the back of my dress.

  “Wouldn’t want such a pretty dress to get damaged.” His voice is like a caress, sending even more heat through my body, and he laughs huskily, kissing my neck.

  Hmmm, feels so good.

  Downstairs, Finn and Bane step out of the kitchen, still wearing the button-ups and slacks, but they’ve gotten rid of their jackets and Bane has rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off his strong arms. Oh, I’d love for him to hold me right now, feel his sexy body against mine.

  “Just a moment.” Rune and Kit rumble at the same time, and then I feel Phoenix take off my shoes, running her fingers over the very pretty, and sexy feeling, stockings I’m wearing.

  We all pile into Rune’s old room, which is now the room we all sleep in, since sleeping on our own just isn’t a thing anymore. We love to all stay together, all six of us, especially at night.

  Rune puts me on my feet so Kit can finish opening the buttons on my dress and Phoenix steps in front of me, reaching out and undoing the elaborate thing in my hair, releasing each strand carefully, her eyes attentive and her touches so soft that I wish she was touching me elsewhere. Soon, but definitely not soon enough at the same time.

  From the corner of my eyes, I catch Bane taking his shirt off, and behind me, Kit lets out a soft moan, as Rune steps behind him.

  Oh, this is a good start, a very very good start, of the night... Or maybe a very good end to a busy day.


  I totally hadn’t meant to fall asleep when Litha told the story of her childhood, but her voice was soothing and I was so tired from having so many people around all the time that I was lulled into sleep with Blaze, just listening to Litha.

  When Phoenix came in to wake her up, I immediately sensed that we were on our own, finally on our own again.

  So, when I felt the lust start to build in Litha, I knew what we’d be up to, something we were all in desperate need of.

  I help Kit out of his jacket, and then his button-up, making sure to touch him as much as possible, making his skin all sensitive, building the desire even more in him, even though I don’t really have to, not with the feelings already going through him.

  As he slowly slides Litha’s dress off her shoulders, exposing her beautiful skin, I push closer to him, rubbing up against him, my cock against his ass, and he reaches back, letting out a low laugh. Hmm, yeah, I’d like more of him, much more of him.

  Litha steps out of her dress, leaving her in her stockings, thong and beautiful bra. She turns around, reaching out to Kit, and she slowly kisses him, deep, long kisses. It makes me even harder as I watch it, the feelings of how they both respond to each other intoxicating.

  Then I slide my arms around the both of them at the same time and open Litha’s bra, sliding my hands to the front and rubbing my thumbs over her hard nipples. She lets out a soft moan, breaking the kiss to look at me, her eyes full of heat, making me want to kiss her so badly. Oh, fuck...

  “My turn.” Bane wraps himself around her from the back, totally naked, as he pushes himself against her, his lips on her neck, nibbling, flaring more heat in her. He slides one hand up to her breasts, playing with one, as he slides his other hand into her thong, making her gasp and grind up against his hand.

  Kit lets out a low laugh as he turns around, his fingers on my jacket and shirt nimble as he undresses me while I finish undressing him. He runs his nails over my chest, stepping closer, before he puts his lips to my chest, pulling up a mark, and I dig my fingers into his ass. Fuck. That feels so good. Fucking hell... Kit laughs against my skin and does it again.

  Hmmmm, I’d love to sink into him, balls deep, and just thinking it, letting the idea, the sensation, flow through me, letting Kit feel how it turns me on, makes him moan out and grind against me harder, his voice turning almost desperate.

  When I look up, Litha is on the bed with Bane between her legs, as Finn is very slowly taking her stockings off and Phoenix is kissing our girl, our woman, our queen, our lover. That’s a great view, though I’d love to join in with them.

  Kit looks behind him too, and when he sees what’s going on, he darts over to the bed and slides in on Litha’s other side, wrapping his lips around her nipple, making Litha squirm on the bed. Oh, that spike of lust in her is so delicious, and so addictive...

  I go over to them too, slower, since I enjoy the sight way too much to disturb it right now. Then I slide my hand over Litha’s chest, over her belly, before getting behind Kit and rubbing my cock against his bare ass, enjoying the sensations, and Kit moans, which makes Litha even more turned on.

  Oh, yeah. This seems like a great plan... I reach out to the side of the bed and open a drawer, pulling out condoms and lube, dropping them next to us on the bed. That way we’ve got them within reach when we want them. Then I open the lube bottle and coat my fingers, before sliding my fingers down Kit’s ass. He moves his ass back against me, moaning more.

  “Want to be sandwiched?” I whisper in Kit’s ear, who sits up a little, looking back at me.

  “Do I ever not want to be?” He winks.

  He’s got a point there. I slip a finger inside him and he pushes back against me more, urging me to go faster.

  “Rune?” Litha’s voice reaches me, and when I look at her, her eyes are sparkling. “Don’t make him come too fast, I want some fun too.”

  “That’s the plan.” I hold Kit up against me more, giving her a better view of how I’m finger-fucking him.

  She licks her lips, reaching out and wrapping her fingers around Kit’s dick. Then she gasps, her eyes darting down to Bane, who is grinning up at her.

  Oh, I have no idea what he did, but she loved it, a lot.

  “I want someone inside me when I come. I don’t want to feel empty.” Her voice is almost like magic, though she doesn’t have any sex-magic abilities, and suddenly Finn is wrapping a condom around himself and he pushes Bane aside, taking Litha in his arms as he plunges into her, making them both moan out very loudly.

  In my arms, Kit wriggles, letting out low needy sounds. I know that he’d love to be the one doing that, fucking her, but I’ve got him in my arms and I’m not letting him go, yet. I take one of the condoms, opening it and sliding it into myself, then I put some more lube on it and line it up with his ass.

  “Now, I’m going to fill you like Finn is filling Litha.” I rock my hips and push against his entrance. He’s so tight, but relaxes as I keep moving against him more. I muffle my sounds against Kit’s shoulder as Kit holds his hand over his own mouth, trying not to be too loud. I’ve put a spell on the room, so nobody can hear us, but still...

  When I’m fully inside Kit, I stop, keeping him in place with my arm as he keeps moving his hips, trying to get more friction. He’s so on edge, so close, but Litha doesn’t want him to come yet, so I’m not playing his game.

  I watch as Finn fucks Litha, their breathing harsh, and they hold onto each other tightly. I feel their orgasms come closer and closer, and when Litha reaches between them, she comes hard, her whole body tight, a flush over her skin, and Finn follows her soon after, his hips erratic, before he stops moving, just holding her.

  The whole air smells like sex and cum now, and Finn softly kisses Litha, before pulling out and throwing the condom away.

  Then Litha looks at us, especially at the way Kit is squirming in my arms, and she lets out a low laugh. “Hmmm, I think I could use some of that now.”


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