Riley's Pride

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Riley's Pride Page 15

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Oh, yeah. It’s not a problem. I told the store manager today that I’d be going part-time. He worked out a schedule with me. I don’t have to be back at work ‘til Tuesday.”

  “Thank you, Libs. I really appreciate you.”

  “You’re welcome, Riley.”

  “Hey, are you going to be okay to drive home. You want to stay over tonight?” Riley offered.

  “No, I’m good. I’d rather be home where all my stuff is,” she laughed. “I want a long, hot shower and a couple hours with the Hallmark Channel before bed. But I’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

  “Alright, then. And don’t forget…” he raised his phone in his right hand and waggled it at her.

  “I’ll text you soon as I get home,” she promised.

  “Drive safe, Libs,” Riley said. Then he stood on the porch, cradling Cristie, while he watched Libby get in her car and drive away. When he couldn’t see her any longer, he turned and went inside, smiling to himself at the family he was beginning to build. Good people, who were already bonding into one unit.


  Travis showered, then used the walls in his bathroom and bedroom to press his hands against to steady himself, so he could get to his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed rubbing his leg just below the knee. That was as far as it went. The doctors had had to remove it just below the knee. It had been too mangled to save. And as if that wasn’t enough, the damn pain plagued him as though it was still there. Phantom pains they called it. On the rare nights the dreams didn’t wake him, the pain did; it woke him, screaming in pain, his body contorted. The damn thing wasn’t even there anymore, but it hurt just the same way it did when it was still hanging, twisted bone and flesh, from the stump that was now all that was left of his leg. He glanced at the prosthetic leaning against his bedside table. He had to strap the damn thing to his body every fucking day to be able to move about in a semi-normal fashion. He hated the damn thing. HATED IT. But it was either that, crutches or a wheel chair. He huffed a sigh, then moved backward, swinging his legs over and onto the mattress. He looked down at them, the one still remaining riddled with scars, gouges and indentions where flesh was missing as a result of the shrapnel it’d caught when the other had been blown up. He had a thick compression sock and stocking on that leg. He needed to be careful to regulate the circulation in that leg or risk losing it, too. He sat up and pulled the covers over his body before laying back and flopping onto his pillows. Immediately he was surrounded by the most calming, yet alluring scent in the world. He inhaled deeply before turning over to bury his face in his pillows. He closed his eyes and brought more of the scent into his lungs. His Libby, she must have lain in his bed during the day. He reached down and pulled the blankets closer, snuggling into his bed, her scent surrounding him, and smiled. He may never leave this bed again. His Tiger calmed, he may just manage a few hours of rest this night.


  “Fine! We’ll wait for tomorrow, but then we headed out,” Maverik said.

  “I don’t understand why I need to go at all,” Maia said defiantly.

  “Because, you ain’t got nothing here, baby-girl. It’s time. You need to be about the rest of your life, not mourning what could have been. I made a few calls, got some things done. You gonna thank me one day.”

  “For what? Shipping me off away from my family, to wherever the hell it is you’re sending me. You won’t even tell me where!”

  “It’s home, Maia. I’m taking you home.”

  “This is home!” she shouted.

  “Yeah, it is. And it always will be. But there’s another place you’re needed. And you don’t know it yet, but you need to be there, too.”

  “Matty? Is that it? You need me to help Matty get the new Pack up and running? Why don’t you just say that? You’re making me feel like I’m being sent away like a bad child…”

  “Something like that. And no, not at all, Maia. You ain’t bad, never have been. You just a little lost at the moment, trying to see what’s ahead of you, and can’t. You can’t see through the fog. So, I’m fixing it.”

  “That’s what worries me.”


  “I’m serious! What the hell do you have going on in that head of yours, Daddy?”

  “Only what’s best for you, baby-girl. Trust me, you’ll be back to your old self in no time. And don’t curse, Maia. We don’t curse like that. Now, did you leave the keys in that piece of shit?”

  “Yes, sir. I did, under the mat on the driver’s side,” she said chuckling at his cursing he’d just claimed they didn’t do, while looking over her shoulder at the faded black Trans Am they’d left parked a quarter mile up the highway from their place. “You sure it’ll be safe here?”

  Maverik shrugged, “How the fuck should I know? All I know, is the damn thing ain’t staying on our property. He’s lucky I didn’t take it to the junkyard.”

  Maia couldn’t resist the opportunity, “Glad we don’t curse around here.”

  Maverik shot her a look, and said, “Do what I say, not what I do.”

  “Yeah, yeah, got it,” she snarked back.

  Valerie and Maia spent most of the night, laughing and crying, mid-night snacking and making heartfelt promises. Reinforcing the mother-daughter bond they’d already made unbreakable. They finally fell asleep on the couch, leaning against each other. Maverik covered them with a blanket and left them where they were. His heart was hurting at the thought of Maia leaving them, but it was time. She was ready for the next part of her life, and if she stayed here, she’d end up settling for less than she absolutely deserved. And she’d never be fully happy. He went to bed that night knowing he was doing the right thing, but wondering why it was so damn hard to do.

  The next morning the entire clan was outside seeing Maia off.

  Maia was trying valiantly to hold back tears, but they could each sense it. She hugged all of them, kissing the kids and saying a special goodbye to each.

  Bane and Janie hugged her and kissed her, “Won’t be the same without you around here,” Bane told her.

  “And Daisy’s gonna miss you so much,” Janie said, trying to hide her tears but failing miserably.

  Avaleigh and Daniel hugged her and told her to be sure to let them know when she got there.

  “Where?!” she’d immediately asked. But Avaleigh just smiled at her and said, “Your dad loves you, trust him.”

  Remi asked, “Can you bring me back a rock?”

  “A rock?” she’d asked.

  “Yeah. A pretty one. A big one. I want a rock.”

  “Okay, then. I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I’ll bring you a rock,” she laughed, knowing he loved collecting rocks from every place he went. Maybe he’d be a geologist some day.

  Goldy and Sadie hugged her, “Maia, always be the sweet, strong girl I know you are. You will always be right when you stay true to you,” Goldy said.

  “I will,” she said, hugging both Goldy and Sadie to her.

  Kaid enveloped her in a bear hug, “This is always your home, Maia. We will always stand beside you, behind you, in front of you — wherever you need us. This next little while is going to be full of some hard decisions, but leave your heart open. If you can, ignore your brain and rely on your heart. Leave yourself open, and you’ll be just fine. Let those Alpha qualities I know you got from your daddy flow through you, and you’ll never be wrong.”

  “I’ll try, Uncle Kaid.”

  Delilah hugged her close, “Take care, little Wolf. Be strong and follow your heart. You will find your path. You are just a little mis-directed for now.”

  “I will, Aunt Delilah.”

  “Promise me?” Delilah pressed.

  “I promise. I’ll do my best to follow my heart.”

  Then it was Bam and Everly’s turn. Everly hugged her, “Be sure to stay in touch. I’m going to miss you so much, Maia.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too,” Maia replied, holding her tightly.
  Bam wrapped her in a huge, tight hug. “This is a good thing, Maia. I can feel it. It’s gonna be a real good thing.”

  “Are you sure, Bam?”

  “Yep. I am.” He grinned wide, kissed her on the cheek, “But it can’t be a good thing if you don’t get a move on. So, go! Get it started!”

  Maverik kissed Valerie, “I’ll be back in a couple or three days. You gonna be alright?”

  “I’ll be fine. Drive safe, and be loving and understanding. She’s very emotional right now.”

  “When am I not understanding?! I’m always loving and understanding!” Maverik protested.

  Valerie rolled her eyes, “Yes, my love, I know. Just be more loving and understanding.”

  Maverik slid into the driver’s side, and Maia got in the other side.

  Delilah called out, “You will call me if you are unhappy, little Wolf. I will come for you, but only after you have given it every chance. Do not call for me if you have not truly tried.”

  Maia’s eyebrows wrinkled together, trying to decipher what it was she needed to truly try before Delilah would come get her. “I’ll try, Aunt Delilah — soon as I figure it out,” she added on a mumble.

  At the last moment Bam leaned in the window to hug her again. He kissed her temple and whispered in her ear, “You look really pretty, Maia. All golden and everything. Don’t lose your gold again.” Then he chucked her under the chin and winked at her as he backed off to stand with his arm around Everly and watch with the rest of the clan as they drove away.

  Chapter 18

  Monday evening, just after dark found Riley, Richie and Lucas standing in front of Travis’ house. Worn out, exhausted, filthy, but well satisfied with the work they’d done.

  Scotty and Travis stood with them, shaking hands and genuinely thankful for their new friends. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you all for your help,” Travis said.

  “No need, Travis. We helped because it’s the right thing to do. I couldn’t live with myself if I stood by and let good people lose all they have when I might have been able to do something to stop it. And you’re good people. I wanted to help. We all did,” Riley said.

  “Truth,” Richie said. “He didn’t once say we had to. He said he was going to help, and we all joined in. It’s what friends do.”

  “If ever…” Travis started.

  “That’s not why we did it. You don’t owe anyone anything. Except, maybe first choice of the Christmas trees next year. We want a nine footer next time,” Riley teased.

  “Deal!” Travis said, grinning.

  “Hey, Travis, it’s not my business, but I noticed that most of the land you got here is damp. Where I come from, there’s a lot of logging and lumber processing. The trees all grow in dry, light soil. Maybe introduce a bit of sand to it before your next crop,” Lucas offered. “If you want, I can help you get some and work in.”

  Travis looked at the big Bear. He was right. He’d been planning to incorporate some sand to the soil before the next planting season. “I’d appreciate the help, Lucas. Thanks.”

  “Just let me know when,” Lucas finished up.

  Cristie yawned, and Riley kissed her cheek, “Well, we’re off. I got a sleepy little girl here, and I need a shower so bad I have no doubt they can smell me in the next county.”

  “Thanks again. I’ll see ya’ll soon,” Travis said.

  “Alpha, can I come help with the work around your place?” Scotty asked excitedly.

  “I’d love to have the help, but it’s up to Travis,” Riley answered, while he strapped Cristie into her carseat.

  “As long as you keep up with your studies, I have no problem with it. Just let me know when you’re headed that way, so I don’t worry. In fact, let me drive you,” Travis answered.

  “Yes!” Scotty shouted, fist pumping the air.

  Riley chuckled at his excitement. “I’ll see ya’ll later. Gonna get this girl home,” he said, before calling out after Libby who was walking toward her car, “Libs! Let me know when you get home, so I don’t come looking for you.”

  “I will, Alpha.”

  “You got work tomorrow right?” Riley asked.

  “Yes, I do. But I’ll be by in the afternoon when I get off.”

  “Alright, drive safe,” Riley answered.

  Travis followed Libby to her car, “Libby?”

  She was surprised that Travis had sought her out. She was honestly trying to get out of there before she made a fool out of herself. She’d been pretending that Travis’ house was her home these last few days. Cooking for him, cleaning for him, just as though she were his wife. His Mate. And now it was over, so she’d have to go back to no contact with him other than cold avoidance, and it was very hard to accept. She took a deep breath, wiped her eyes where they shimmered with unshed tears, and turned to face him. “Yeah. Is there a problem?”

  “No, not at all,” he said, feeling like shit that she’d think the only reason he’d speak to her was if there was a problem. “I just wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me and Scotty these last few days. You didn’t have to do all that cooking and cleaning, and I just want to make sure you know that I appreciate it.”

  “Oh. You’re welcome, Travis. I enjoyed it actually.”

  “And I know I’ve never said it before, but I appreciated you taking care of Scotty until I could get back here after my parents passed. You’ve always been so kind to us both…” he finished, not quite sure what else to say.

  “Think nothing of it. Scotty’s family to me,” she answered.

  Travis stood there, fumbling for the right thing to say, “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been difficult. There’s just so much you don’t understand.”

  Libby shook her head, “Nope. Don’t do that. Don’t try to explain away the fact that you no longer feel the same way. I don’t want an explanation. Don’t need one. It’s apparent.”

  “Come on, Libby, don’t be like that,” he pled.

  “Like what?”

  “Angry! Don’t be angry with me. You just don’t understand.”

  She hung her head, shaking it gently back and forth before raising her eyes to his, “I’m not angry, Travis. I got over the angry a long time ago. I got over it all a long time ago. It means nothing anymore. So don’t worry about it.” She pulled open the door to her jeep and got inside, but Travis put his hand on the door to keep her from closing it.

  “Libby…” he started.

  But she cut him off, “I have to go, Travis,” she said coldly. “If I don’t call soon, Alpha will worry, and I don’t want him to have to come out and look for me for no reason. He’s got a little one to care for.”

  Travis’ eyes flashed, and secretly she smiled inside loving that she was giving him a little stab or two. “And what is with that? Why are you calling Riley Alpha?”

  “Because he’s my Alpha. I asked to be a part of his Pride, and he accepted me.”

  “That’s ridiculous! You’re human!” Travis objected.

  Libby huffed a laugh, “Yes, I am. But I need a place to belong, too. And he’s building a family. A place for anyone who needs a place to belong. And in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve got nowhere else to be. Not anymore.”

  She yanked her door closed and cranked her engine. Then she shot Travis a cold look before she drove away and left him standing there, watching her go.


  Maverik realized that once he dropped Maia at Riley’s, it would likely be months before he saw her again, and maybe even longer before she’d talk to him again if she was as angry as he expected her to be. So he’d decided to make it a true road trip, memories to be had. They’d stopped at every truck stop diner they passed. They stopped to see the world’s largest ball of string and the home of the two-headed cow. They stopped to tour every little roadside museum and freak show they came across, and they even saw the real Egyptian mummy housed in the back of the Bigfoot museum. And the entire way he preached to Maia about family, Mates, f
orgiveness and misreading situations. He talked so much that the last two or three hours of each day, she was so tired of his voice that she’d taken to saying “Unhuh,” and “Yeah,” just to make him shut up, though she had no clue what she was agreeing to. She still for the most part believed she was headed to help Matty build up the Pack, but from time to time she’d wonder at that belief. Especially when he’d go off into his, ‘trust your gut thing, and sometimes even your own eyes can lie to you, you need to be strong enough to look through what your common sense tells you is real, to see the true real. And it’s not always easy.’ She did know one thing — she could feel the love and devotion her father had for her. She had no doubt that whatever he had planned for her, was going to be a good thing. He wanted nothing more than her happiness. And maybe, if she was lucky, wherever she was headed would keep her too busy to think of Riley.

  Maia sat back in her seat and stretched her arms over her head, her feet out in front of her, yawning.

  “Not much longer now, baby-girl. Almost there,” Maverik said.

  “Really? Well, then, it’s not Matty’s Pack I’m headed to.”

  “No, it’s not. But it’s another that needs help. They need heart, and that’s one thing you got in spades — heart.”

  “Why won’t you just tell me where we’re going?” Maia asked for the hundredth time since leaving Kaid’s.

  “’Cause it’s a surprise!” he said excitedly. “You gonna be surprised. I promise you that much!”

  The anger having long left her, and the idea of a new adventure beginning to sink in, she smiled, looking forward to it.


  Riley and Lucas had been working all morning. Richie had been helping out where he could and had been directing them, telling them where he wanted things to be in the diner side of their store. He’d been taking care of Cristie mostly and pitching in whenever he could, since it was Tuesday and Libby had to work this morning. Richie had gone back to the house with Cristie a little earlier to get lunch ready. Riley and Lucas worked a little longer before they’d broken for lunch, but they’d left Riley’s truck partially hidden behind the diner where they were using its tailgate to cut their lumber on since they’d not gotten around to building saw-horses yet.


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