Broadway for Paul

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Broadway for Paul Page 1

by Vincent Katz



  Fantastic Caryatids (with Anne Waldman)


  Swimming Home


  Judge (with art by Wayne Gonzales)

  Rapid Departures (with art by Mario Cafiero)

  Understanding Objects

  Pearl (with art by Tabboo!)

  Boulevard Transportation (with photographs by Rudy Burckhardt)

  New York Hello! (with photographs by Rudy Burckhardt)

  Cabal of Zealots



  Katz Katz (with drawings by Alex Katz)

  4 × 5 (with art by Polly Apfelbaum, Leda Catunda, Philippe Mayaux, Nabil Nahas, and Juan Uslé)

  Swimming Home (with woodcuts by Alex Katz)

  The Dive (with etchings by Alex Katz)

  Alcuni Telefonini (with watercolors by Francesco Clemente)

  Berlin (with woodcuts by Matthias Mansen)

  Park, Bari, Ostia (monotypes by Francesco Clemente and Vincent Katz)

  Terra Fragile (with art by Francesco Clemente)

  Voyages/Hyde Park Boulevard, (in collaboration with James Brown)

  Smile Again (with art by Alex Katz)

  A Tremor in the Morning (with linocuts by Alex Katz)


  Readings in Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology

  Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art, with essays by Martin Brody, Robert Creeley, Vincent Katz, and Kevin Power


  Copyright © 2020 by Vincent Katz

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, and distributed in Canada by Penguin Random House Canada Limited, Toronto.

  Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Katz, Vincent, [date] author.

  Title: Broadway for Paul : poems / Vincent Katz.

  Description: First edition. | New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2020. |

  Identifiers: LCCN 2019022474 (print) | LCCN 2019022475 (ebook) | ISBN 9780525656579 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780525656586 (ebook)

  Classification: LCC PS3561.A776 A6 2020 (print) | LCC PS3561.A776 (ebook) | DDC 811/.54—dc23

  LC record available at​2019022474

  LC ebook record available at​2019022475

  Ebook ISBN 9780525656586

  Cover photograph © Beat Streuli

  Cover design by Janet Hansen



  to Vivien



  Also by Vincent Katz

  Title Page




  Between the Griffon and Met Life

  This Beautiful Bubble

  7 a.m. Poem


  City Tone

  Morning, or Evening?

  A Song Beyond




  Ivanka Skirting



  A Glass



  I Miss Bern Nix

  Broadway for Paul


  Shadow Avenue

  Times Square, 2017

  Lincoln Plaza

  Maine Hours & Days

  Autumn Days & Hours


  The Cliff

  Four Notes




  Four Women

  Six Figures, Fire

  Yellow Towel


  Calligraphy at the Beach

  Looking at the Sea


  Beginning of the Picnic

  Five Notes

  Conversation by the Sea


  Evening, Clouds, Fire

  Woman in Green

  Moon and Fire



  Hotel Empire


  The Man Who Left

  August 2018

  Late August


  A Longing for Bugs

  September Poem

  Nothing Is Lost

  A Quiet Zone

  Two Dreams

  A Marvelous Sky

  Café with Bryan Ferry

  Cavalleria Rusticana

  Young in the Hamptons

  A City Marriage



  A Note About the Author



  for Vivien

  I am totally enamored of every person passing in this unseasonably warm mid-March evening near 39th and Park

  The young women, of course, with their lives in front of them, and the young men too, just standing here as I am, checking it out, hanging out, talking

  But everyone here, every age, every type, is beautiful, the moment, somehow, the weather, has made them all real and for this moment, before it turns to night, they’re all fantastic

  The light is such that I can see everyone and can imagine what they are imagining for the night ahead, what dreams, what fulfilled fantasies of togetherness

  And the two guys who were here a moment ago, paused, have moved on, and the light is deepening, every moment or so, actually falling into a deeper stupor, which is night

  But if I look south I still see the pink flush of desire there at the bottom, the southness of all our lives, and it’s okay that it’s darkening here, people accept it as they concoct plans for tonight, Thursday

  Soon I’ll have to go too, lose this spot, this moment, but some we’ve met and some experience we had somewhere else is becoming ever more important


  Everyone takes the subway, and you can look up,

  And look at all the people, and each one is different,

  And they look different, and each one has a story, and suddenly,

  You are awake and want to know each story, only you can’t,

  Don’t have time, they don’t, don’t want to maybe.

  But some you do, you glean, you approximate yourself to something of them,

  Like the delicate, chestnut-skinned woman who, leaning,

  Listened to the announcer before getting in, and, confused, because the 2 was called a 5,

  Asked advice, and three people responded,

  Explaining in their different ways, some of them silent,

  Eyes met with approval, warmth only subway-known,

  Among equals, fellow travelers, denizens;

  She sat and smiled, and looking at an infant,

  Smiled more, her hair was a flag of self-joy too,

  She was real, at ease among people.

  The rule is: to speak.

  Make contact, and you will find more people than you thought.

  But back to our bubble. It is everywhere around us.

  Everywhere, walking in the city, you are seeing people,

  All different kinds, shapes, sizes, the best education

  You can give a child is to bring them up inside this

  Bubble. I complain, but I’ll never leave.

  I feed off the looks, the stories, the hungering here.

  I’m aware, we’re all aware, what goes on outside the bubble.

  We’re not stupid. We just thought people outside the bubble wanted the same thing:

  To live as variously as possible.

  Or, put another way: I am the least difficult of men.

  All I want is boundless love.

  It took us sixty years or so to understand

  What the word “boundless” meant.

  And now we know.

  7 A.M. POEM

  They carry their lunches in paper or plastic bags

  They are rushing but composed

  They don’t speak much

  They’re quiet this morning, maybe preoccupied with big violent forces moving in the capital

  They have work to do and they are trying to do it

  Families to feed and teach or else

  Just moving ahead with life, trying to be someplace better

  A little further on ahead

  The people arriving on trains are not New Yorkers, but

  They too are filled with desires, plans, wrapped in winter coats

  As the people crashed out on stairs or in abandoned buildings

  People in high boardrooms creating situations affecting those with nothing


  I used to love the seasons

  Now I try to find one in a day

  Sometimes all four, and others

  But I still revel in fall wind causing me

  To zip my jacket in early February


  People across the way are getting work done

  Cluttered offices, boxes in windows, sill loaded

  On the other side, direct view down hallway

  Lined with photos, bricks in reflection, our gargoyle

  This city’s primary tone is ambiguity

  A building here, a spire there, nothing connected

  February 10, 2017

  Washington DC


  Everywhere, right now, parents are making breakfast,

  Older people waking up alone, another day

  Walking down platform, seeing the flood of faces coming into the city,

  One is taken, not by a Heinrich Böllian sense of dull sameness,

  But rather that this is an epochal moment

  We all share, we are all somehow in this together.

  Repeated rhythms, every Thursday, placing coins or a bill or two

  Into the open valise of the trumpeter always there—

  Grand Central he plays, and the lineage, where that music flows from,

  Where it is going, an undeniable story in our midst,

  Woven into our fabric, that none, in their heart of hearts, can deny.

  Important to be in one’s own head, not subject to advertising or even others’ art.

  Leaving tracks covered in snow, tracks in snow, rock imposing wall,

  Cross the river, gain speed, struts protect the building from falling down.

  Clouds travel faster than houses, farther back, we pass towns,

  Skirt highways, fly through wetlands,

  Faster than speed, we are bringing information, ways of seeing:

  Transmit focus to fingers on controls,

  So blighted, threatened, scared as little children, terrified of own ignorance.

  This is a chapter; it will end,

  And there will be another chapter, and that will end, and so on,

  Until we come to the end of the book, and that’s that.

  But the thing is, what did your book add up to, what did it say?

  The Greeks believed your character determines your fate.

  You can veer here and there, but ultimately something inside you, the way you are,

  Has already determined the kinds of choices you will make.


  for Audrey

  How do you measure success?

  There were two things I asked people.

  She traveled, wrote songs, and a clacking was heard in trees.

  A fox appeared in a field, waited, sat, seemed to want caress.

  The trees’ black trunks stood, their branches intricate veining.

  The sky went from dark blue to light cream,

  A star floated in its ether.

  The field grew darker, less hospitable to the human.

  Most people never go anywhere.

  By “go anywhere” I don’t mean a trip to Europe or Asia.

  I mean expand beyond their bounds.


  I saw a couple embrace passionately on the corner

  An old woman holding a young woman’s hand

  A woman escorting two toddlers

  A blast of sun in warm February almost March

  Against black and grey granite façade


  This is where I’m a poet:

  Right here, at the edge of the river, in the cold

  Those colors at the end of day, in winter

  I’m able to have my own views out here

  And I can hear the water lapping

  I love this curved building lit up at night

  Like somewhere in Germany


  Stratford’s arched bridge in haze

  Bridgeport big business and sea

  Empty lots and highways still courts

  Arenas smoke ruined fabrication

  Fairfield Metro giant facility shops

  Fairfield cuteness is dilemma

  Greenwich blonde brunette a modern

  Sculpture and blasted rock

  Stamford many get off a river

  Modern dullness distracted by personal life

  Church spire handles the sky

  Noroton Heights Darien cute little nervousness

  Westport light flickers on tree vines

  A river sailboat then shrubs

  Fairfield glory tree and split rail

  Bridgeport massive columns gutted field

  Iglesia Cristiana Pescadores de Hombres

  Giant Machiavellian Factory

  Convolute intricate destruction

  Church darkly subdues neighboring roomers

  Stratford graffiti and prone rusted culverts

  Ancient bridge abandoned piles

  Milford ancient buried dead

  West Haven tall grass and cranes

  West Haven golden arch elevated

  Elevated highway low homes

  Pockets of inlets

  Milford’s grave scrub bridge

  Pass over highway highway pass over Bridgeport

  Tug barge and ferry defrocked church

  Green’s Farms highways electrical mains yard

  Ocean wetlands Westport the gates to town

  Pelham Bay manor homes

nsive cemeteries

  Rain-soaked ball courts

  Fairfield Metro a large area

  A blank wall some parts painted white

  An arch huge wood chunks stained

  Metal flap: rain protection? on bridge

  Derelict buildings being demolished

  Milford delapidated shacks with skylights

  West Haven dirty snow mounds still line parking lot

  New Haven rainy platform train half in shed

  Array of tracks large-gauge dark gravel

  Milford a nice little street and marina

  Southport a swan on an inlet

  Green’s Farms wetlands yellow swamp grass leading out

  New Haven tower as in Christ Church painting

  Sculls surprisingly on the Westport

  This station is South Norwalk

  The next station is Rowayton

  It is Spring, the trees are in leaf

  Flowers lend a gentleness

  To stocky warehouses

  Barracks-like storage units

  Giant, jagged rocks surge

  The earth is full of life

  The sun almost too bright in

  Darien’s cloud-fostered haze

  Riverside’s delicate apples

  Long-view river mouth

  Docks and decks like in Maine


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