Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 47

by Jan Spiller

  These new awarenesses will likely prompt you to become introspective, and this person’s energy can help you do inner work in a positive way that empowers you to release unconscious fears and obstructions. As you spend more time in the home environment to get the solitude you need, you will also become more aware of the psychological patterning of your children. In this way you can spot their self-sabotaging patterns and help them to change their behaviors before they become adults. And because this person’s presence stimulates your ability to surrender to your unconscious, they are also a good influence on your sleep patterns and can give you good advice about any sleep problems you may be having. You are likely to sleep better around them, and they will go out of their way to make sure you get a good night’s sleep.

  Someone with this nodal position can also help you become aware of what you are repressing, avoiding expressing to others, or expressing so indirectly or subtly that others miss it. You will feel comfortable revealing to them those parts of yourself that you would not normally share with another, and they will be able to hear you and draw you out. They can be a good influence in encouraging you to bring whatever it is you want to say out into the world in a way that others can hear. As you accept their gift and allow them to help you reconnect with your inner self and become aware of—and release—old self-sabotaging patterns, your example motivates them to also begin ridding themselves of ideas and behaviors that are undermining their life. In this way you can empower each other to overcome unconscious negative traits and make your lives happier and more successful.

  SPIRITUAL TRUST AND SURRENDER—Someone with this nodal position is in your life to help you gain stronger spiritual and psychological health by reconnecting with your spiritual nature. They will encourage you to build a basic sense of trust in the Universe—that positive forces are at work and a Higher Power is in charge. This person will boost your confidence in believing that the flow of life is working to your advantage by helping you be able to see how things unfold on a deeper level. They can quell your inner anxieties—either directly in a positive way, or by creating a harsh situation that forces you to turn inward for relief. This helps you relax and allows your intuitive abilities to function. For example, I had a client whose parents both had their North Node in her 12th House. Growing up, there were no routines that she could rely on in their household—nothing was ever the same twice. But her parents consciously helped her in a positive and supportive way to develop a sense of trust in an overall plan—that things are going to turn out as they should. They gave her the positive knowing that the Universe would take care of her, even if she couldn’t see any order in her daily life.

  This person can increase your awareness of your thinking on a spiritual level and show you exactly what is missing in your connection with the Infinite. They are also in your life to validate any psychic gifts or abilities you may have. Even if you have not had a strong sense of spiritual intuition in the past, their influence will make you more aware of these forces. For instance, when you share what you are sensing about a situation and they reinforce your perceptions, your intuition and psychic abilities will become stronger because they are being validated. As they encourage your sensitivity, you will develop the mental refinement that enables you to tap into a mystical, transcendent faith. The other way they can influence you in these matters is by creating such emotional opposition in your life that you are forced to turn inward to find some higher answers. In this situation you will be able to see beyond their negativity to the purity of their intent and be inclined to overlook their bad behavior. You are very sensitive to them and have a psychic understanding of how their mind works.

  A person with this nodal position is here to help you take the next step in a spiritual way—in a tangible way. You don’t have to mentally understand what’s going on, and you don’t have to DO anything. You just need to relax and trust that God is in charge and somehow everything is working out as it should. And as you accept their gift and allow them to prompt you to act from a position of trusting in a Higher Power and developing your psychic abilities, you also motivate them to be in touch with the power of positive Universal Forces. In this way, you empower each other to trust in the natural unfoldment of life.

  COMPASSION—When someone’s North Node falls in your 12th House, they are bringing you the gift of helping to develop your sense of compassion. You may become more aware of the condition of helplessness—within yourself or as it affects others in your life. It may be that you experience your relationship with this person as a kind of prison. If so, by feeling compassion for yourself in the situation you will learn to have more compassion for others. And as you watch this person grapple with their own self-sabotaging behaviors, it strengthens your compassion for them and increases your awareness of other people’s issues. In fact, compassion can result from understanding another so deeply—from their point of view and from a consciousness of the shared struggle of all humankind—you can’t really be angry with them. When you have compassion for someone, you see their subconscious stresses and forgive temporary misbehavior or careless words.

  As you become more aware of the self-sabotaging mind-sets and behaviors of those around you, you may feel moved to try to help them. This person can be a good influence in inspiring you to be of service to the needy, the disturbed, or the handicapped, since one of their purposes in your life is to put you in touch with the choice between serving others or suffering yourself. They help you to understand that when you set something in motion that causes a disservice to others, it results in your own suffering. Their presence can help you see any tendencies you may have in this direction in a way that can lead to healing.

  If you share your dream for helping others in need, this person will be right in your corner, understanding and supporting you. Even if their ideas reflect a more conventional approach, as you stand firm and keep communicating your own ideals, their presence will make you stronger in your determination. Their influence may even cause you to develop your vision further and express it more clearly to the world. And if they are your partner or spouse, they may give you the gift of having more time and energy to pursue your dream by not having to work outside the home.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In supporting your serenity, self-awareness, and spiritual connection with a Higher Power, this person may inadvertently drain energy from your ability to function effectively in the world. So they are not likely to be a positive influence on your health, your job, your organizational skills, or helping you establish orderly routines that assist you in interacting with the material realm in an efficient, productive way.

  For instance, I had a client who married a man with this placement. He immediately talked her into quitting her job as a nurse (which she loved), bought her a house, and years later she found herself just taking care of him and their four kids—which was a full-time job—and she was miserable! He didn’t even want her to go to town, and she felt like she was in jail. As another example, a participant in one of my workshops shared that her North Node was in her husband’s 12th House and they had a very happy marriage. In supporting him having solitude and rest, she had always told him: “Honey, you’re working too hard. You need more time off.” He was a private contractor, but he listened to her advice regarding his business—and now he has no business!

  Even with the best of intentions, this person will give you incorrect messages about your job, your health, how to organize your environment, and how to behave in the world. If you actually do what they say to try to please them, it won’t work for you in the long run. So if your work or profession is important to you, you will need to look to others outside this relationship for advice, motivation, and encouragement in this area. In fact, you can’t usually even make a plan with someone who has this nodal position. For the best outcome, show them your vision of what you want to create; since taking action to support your private dream brings out the best in them, you will both benefit. An
d as you receive their gift of encouraging you to rest and turn inward for personal and spiritual growth, keep in mind that you need to follow your own instincts in terms of handling your work and personal routines.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. This person is in your life to help you let go of the logistics of “how,” and stay focused on your vision of the way you want things to be. Therefore, if you talk to them about mundane details, they won’t be able to hear you, but if you speak in terms of your vision, you create a space that allows them to support you.

  For example, if you say, “Will you please stop by the store and pick up some chicken and celery?” they are likely to resist or forget. But if you say, “I have a vision of making chicken and dumplings for us tonight…do you have time to stop at the store after work?” they will do what they can to help you manifest your dream. If a child has this nodal position and you say: “I’m cleaning up the house today. I want you to put your toys in the trunk, hang up your clothes, and put all your papers in your desk,” they will resist. Their gift is to prevent you from focusing on the details of “how to get it done” and support you in connecting with your ideal vision of what can be—allowing others to help you in their own way. So if instead you say, “I have a vision of cleaning up the whole house today. Will you help by cleaning up your room?” they will be far more likely to assist in manifesting your vision.

  Or with an employee who has this nodal placement, your best bet is to avoid telling them how to do their job more efficiently. Instead, remind them of the “Big Picture” and let them bring their work into alignment with your concept. If you say, “You have to change the way you’re organizing this job, because you’re not meeting the deadlines,” they will resist. But if you say, “Here is the vision of this project and here are the deadlines. Do you have any ideas that will make the process more efficient so these deadlines can be met?” they will go into action to support you.

  Another reason this person has come across your path is to encourage you to rely on the protection of a positive Higher Power. Sometimes they do this by worrying about the details of your life and pointing out all the things that could go wrong. Should this occur, you can convert their energy to a more positive form by saying: “Don’t worry, in the bigger picture of things, all is well.” By openly claiming the gift they are bringing you—trust in a Higher Power—you bring out the best in them and they will instantly align with you. But if you start talking about the details of how spiritual forces work, they are not able to hear you. Your best bet with this person is to just stay in that spiritual space while speaking to them, and take a mystical, psychic approach.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 12th House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past life, this person was responsible for pushing you out into the world in a way that led to your downfall—at least in terms of your spiritual understanding and growth. They really encouraged you to use your power to produce and succeed in the workplace by pampering your ego and appealing to any attachment you had to wanting to “be somebody.” However, they wanted you to succeed and look good for their own purposes. What it cost you was your serenity and any sense of your own spiritual life. So in this incarnation, their contract with you is to facilitate you in reconnecting with your inner self. Subconsciously, they give you such bad advice about how to be successful in terms of work that it forces you to get your spiritual foundation straight before you attempt to go out into the world.

  On the surface it may even look like they are trying to motivate you to produce and succeed and be “Mr./Ms. Perfect” in your behavior, but on a Soul level they want to support you in connecting with the power of your own inner life. In some way their behavior will propel you back into your own essence and help you to get in touch with your self-sabotaging patterns—rather than encouraging you to be “in the world,” where acting out those patterns could again lead to your downfall. This person may not consciously recognize that they are having this effect on you, but this is a payback lifetime for them and that is what’s going on. All your programming about what is “right” dissolves in their presence so that you will embrace a sense of confusion. This allows a new orientation to emerge in your psyche—one that is beyond the daily grind of the material world and facilitates your connection with a Higher Power.


  In the process of consciously giving these gifts, the best in you is also evoked and strengthened.

  When your North Node is in their 1ST HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  SELF-AWARENESS—You are in this person’s life to help them recognize and appreciate their own shining nature, individual strengths, and true inner self. Life has brought you across their path to validate them and to support them in actualizing their potential. Your authentic perception of who they really are gives you a unique ability to help them gain confidence in the flow of their own impulses and the power of their independent energy.

  INDEPENDENCE—You have an innate ability to nurture them in a healthy way, encourage them to express themselves and claim their independence. You help them access the courage and energy they need to break any self-limiting dependencies and take action to achieve their goals.

  STRENGTH AND LEADERSHIP—You inspire this person to assume the leadership role in their own life and express their strength on their own terms. Encourage their self-confidence and boldness by urging them to take chances, initiate, and actively take charge.

  PERSONALITY EFFECTIVENESS—You have the discernment to help them see ways they are expressing their personality that do not honor their own strengths or their ability to shift outcomes and how this prevents others from recognizing the value of what they have to offer. Your insights can help them overcome their fears and become more effective and dynamic. You are also good karma in terms of enhancing their personal appearance, so don’t hesitate to make suggestions regarding clothing, most attractive colors, hairstyle, etc.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—If this is a primary relationship, be aware that when you feel this person wanting to combine with you, you tend to instinctively push them to be self-sufficient and strong. So in the process of helping them develop their independence, you may unconsciously deprive them of the relaxed interdependency of the partnership bond. To remedy this and enhance your sense of closeness, you can actively plan times for doing things together based on their ideas of what would be fun or meaningful. You can also encourage them to develop other “partners”—i.e., best friend, golfing buddy, business partner, etc., to help meet their needs for interdependency.

  BEST APPROACH—You are in this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in getting more in touch with themselves and growing stronger as an individual. So it is always a good approach to ask them questions about themselves. “How do you feel about that?” “What would you like to create in this situation?” Encourage artistic endeavors, psychotherapy, or other avenues for discovering new aspects of their unique individual nature.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation, you created a co-dependency with this person, which robbed them of their initiative and independence in a way that is still affecting them in this lifetime. Thus, you are in a unique position to be an instrument of their healing. By encouraging their independence and strength, any psychic scars you may have from past unions with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 7th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

/>   When your North Node is in their 2ND HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  MATERIAL ABUNDANCE—Your purpose in this person’s life includes helping them make money, establish independent financial security, and learn how to experience the pleasures of the five physical senses. Have confidence in your ability to point out the moneymaking potential of their talents and suggest other ways they can increase their prosperity or their sensual enjoyment of life. You are also good karma in terms of their possessions, and your advice in this area is almost always correct.

  ENHANCED SENSE OF SELF-WORTH—Follow your natural inclination to point out how valuable they are and how much they have to offer. Your encouragement can give them the strength to be the best they can be. Help them to appreciate themselves more by prompting them to do or buy things that enhance their sense of self-worth—i.e., a new wardrobe, gym membership, etc.


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