Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 52

by Jan Spiller

  Your influence helps them to recognize and accept the dark side of others—and themselves—and work with this energy in a way that leads to a healing for all concerned. In the process of encouraging their potency, the best in you also grows stronger. As the gift is activated, it becomes reciprocal and inspires you to take risks that result in personal empowerment in your own life.

  If you are the PLUTO person:

  Your Soul has attracted this person into your life because it’s time for you to accept your power and learn to use it wisely. Your North Node partner totally supports you in taking control of your own life and rising to a position of autonomy—they would never try to suppress your power in any way.

  Their counsel helps to clear up any misgivings you may have about your own skills and talents, and how to use them as powerful, positive tools. For example, if you are sabotaging yourself by using your power to “bulldoze” others, they can help you learn to use your strength in constructive ways that empower everyone in the situation—including yourself.

  If you hesitate to express your power because you fear the reaction of others, their confidence in you gently assists you in releasing your inhibitions so your charisma can shine forth. Their support can help you heal any past experiences that may have led to feelings of powerlessness that are now holding you back. Their presence in your life reveals to you how powerful you really are, and helps you express your personal power on a more effective, highly evolved level.

  By tuning in to their positive and transformative influence, you grow stronger and gain confidence in your abilities. And when you accept their gift, the energy is activated and becomes reciprocal. So as you allow them to help you transform into a more powerful positive presence, you simultaneously bring out the best in them and their personal power is also increased.

  North Node Conjunct Chiron

  Chiron’s placement in the birthchart reveals a wound that we experienced in a past incarnation. We subconsciously carry this painful memory into this life so that we may be healed from the erroneous conclusions we reached at the time the wound occurred.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Chiron person’s life is to help them heal from a past life incident in which they experienced tremendous and unexpected pain. An event or betrayal wounded them in a way that was never resolved, and from this trauma they drew conclusions about life that are incorrect. Now they are unconsciously repressing the area where Chiron is found in their chart to try to avoid the pain of unexpected repercussions. As a result, they unconsciously engage in behaviors that attract the same type of painful experiences into their life.

  It is likely that you were present in the past life when this wound first occurred, and so you have special insights that can help free them from this pattern. So if you observe that in part of their life they have difficulty expressing themselves fully and repeatedly experience pain, encourage them to examine that area by asking questions to better understand where they are coming from. Have confidence that your insights and influence can validate their ability to heal themselves by helping them to move forward in those areas they have been avoiding, which has limited their journey of self-actualization. Once this happens, they will have developed the tools that empower them to be a wise healer for others.

  If you are the CHIRON person:

  The North Node person is in your life to help you heal a debilitating wound incurred in a past life that is still keeping you from achieving your full potential. This wound may affect you physically or psychologically, and it may be the cause of a fear of having faith in certain areas of your life.

  At the time the wound occurred, your conclusions about what caused it—and your ideas of what would prevent it from occurring in the future—were erroneous. Consequently, you are now living your life with incorrect programming about how to get what you want in areas associated with the wound. For example, if in a past life you tripped while hiking, fell off a cliff, and died, your final thought may have been: “How did this happen? My partner must have pushed me.” In future lives you may continue to enjoy hiking, but every time you stumble or fall, the same faulty conclusion arises: “It’s my partner’s fault that I tripped.” So you either keep getting hurt, give up hiking, or become distrustful of your partner.

  This person has entered your life to help you gain awareness of the real reason behind the pain you are experiencing in this area so that you can reach your goals without further suffering. In the above example, they may point out to you: “Actually, the reason you tripped was because there was a rock on the path that you didn’t notice. If you pick your feet up higher and watch for rocks, you won’t stumble and fall anymore.” It’s like an “aha” when the truth is revealed. As soon as you understand the real cause of the original wound, you can begin to heal. And the knowledge you gain empowers you to help others learn to hike safely.

  It is likely this person was with you in the past life scenario when this wounding occurred, and that is why they can see the precise misunderstanding that is still holding you back. Their gift to you is an awareness of this wound and of the path that can lead to healing.

  North Node Conjunct Ascendant

  The Ascendant, or Rising Sign, rules the 1st House—the House of the self. It reveals our personality and our style of presenting ourselves to others. It also shows our body type, our demeanor, and our instinctive way of interacting with our environment.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in this person’s life is to help them attain confident self-expression. You are aware of their positive inner qualities, understand their good intentions, and encourage the gifts they have to share with others. You can also see the ways in which they express themselves that keep others from seeing who they really are.

  By freely complimenting their abilities and validating their strengths, you help them bring out their positive qualities so that others can better appreciate them. In the process of encouraging them to be a strong leader in their own life, your own strength will simultaneously be increased.

  If you are the ASCENDANT person:

  The North Node individual has entered your life because on a deep level your Soul is calling for you to strengthen your personality. This person validates your good points and helps you improve your presentation to others. They can see how you sometimes sabotage yourself; they know when you are being untrue to yourself. Their influence helps you display your best characteristics so that you can more easily attain your goals. For example, they may notice that you are a highly intelligent person who is giving just the opposite impression. They will bring this to your attention and help you learn to express yourself in ways that more clearly reflect your true nature. Then others can be more appreciative of the inner you.

  As you accept their gift, its energy is activated and becomes reciprocal, so in strengthening your positive qualities and becoming more authentic, you bring out the best in them.

  North Node Conjunct the Midheaven

  The Midheaven is the sign that rules the 10th House, which represents the areas of profession, status, and issues of authority. Any North Node conjunction to the angles (2 degree orb) is karmic, a gift to be given.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  You have joined this person’s path to support them in taking charge and becoming the CEO in their own life. You have the innate ability to help them overcome any past life misunderstandings in the areas of their profession, their status, or any issues regarding authority. Compliment their abilities to shine in public situations. Your influence automatically encourages them to gain status, improve their public image, and reach goals that are important to them. As you help them heal any hindrance that blocks their success, your own competency is validated and your sense of self-respect is increased.

  If you are the MIDHEAVEN person:

  Your Soul is calling for you to more efficiently take ch
arge of your own destiny. This person has come into your life to encourage you to activate your energy to accomplish this. Without Divine Intervention in the form of the North Node person with this aspect who has come into your life, you might never get to the root of past life misunderstandings in these areas and gain the clarity you need to experience success. Their presence automatically gives you confidence in your ability to achieve public recognition. They help you display competency in your work and experience good fortune in the pursuit of your goals.

  North Node Conjunct North Node

  If two people share the same nodal position—and therefore are learning similar lessons—one of two scenarios is possible: They can either indulge each other’s blind spots and continue in their unconscious dysfunctional behaviors, or they can consciously work together and gently help each other to rise above these self-sabotaging patterns. By choosing the path of mutual growth and pulling together to face the challenge of overcoming common obstacles, they can create a most exciting and satisfying relationship.

  There can be additional factors to consider beyond sharing the same nodal position. For example, if one partner is a Cancer North Node person and the other person also has North Node Cancer or Cancer in the 4th House (Cancer’s natural home and therefore the same challenge), they can let each other get away with avoiding feelings and not being vulnerable. Or they can work together to encourage each other to slow down, gain awareness, and reveal what they are truly feeling as life’s situations unfold. This creates the satisfaction of true intimacy, which both deeply long for.

  North Node Conjunct South Node

  When two people have a “nodal reversal”—i.e., the North Node of one person conjoins the South Node of the other—you are here to help correct karmic imbalances from past incarnations. When you first meet this person, you will feel compelled to share a tremendous amount of information with each other. This is due to the fact that whatever you have experienced in excess in past lives (as represented by the sign of your South Node) is exactly the information the other person needs to activate the qualities of their North Node and move forward in their evolutionary journey—and vice versa.

  In addition, when the other person’s North Node conjuncts your South Node and you also have a planet conjoining your own South Node, they will also help to bring clarity and healing to the area of the house ruled by the planet that conjuncts your South Node. This is a specific area where a trait that you exhibited to excess in a past incarnation has been carried into this lifetime and is causing negative consequences.

  South Node Conjunctions

  Past Life Contracts

  (To see if a person’s South Node conjoins one of your planets, log on to and it will be calculated for you as a free service.)

  In this section, some of the South Node contacts will be covered more extensively than others. This is because some planet/South Node combinations just naturally go more deeply into the past life imprints between the two people involved. This is not an easy or pleasant connection with another Soul, yet it offers a great opportunity for personal growth and self-actualization.

  If someone has their South Node conjunct one of your planets, they will tend to have a seemingly negative impact in areas of your life that fall under that planet’s rulership. They can’t help but inadvertently siphon off some of that planet’s positive potential for your life. However, this debilitating influence becomes a gift, since you (the planetary person) are forced to develop tremendous self-sufficiency, shore up the weak spots, and overcome any unhealthy tendencies that hold you back in that area. The South Node person does not allow you to get away with living on an unconscious level, which forces you to confront that dysfunctional part of yourself and learn to express it with more maturity and confidence than would have been possible without the South Node influence. Ultimately, their influence increases your strength, individuality, and self-reliance in the area represented by the planet that conjuncts their South Node.

  When the South Node person affecting you also has a planet conjoining their own South Node, they have a specific contract with you—a debt to be repaid. It’s as though in a past life they harmed your psyche with some debilitating form of co-dependency that held you back and continues to do so in this incarnation. Now they are here to undo the damage. This process of healing is often painful. The South Node person’s influence may stir up the initial hurt and undermine your initiative until you gain enough strength to independently express that damaged part within you in a healthy way. It’s almost as if they compress your energy so that it can then more fully expand.

  Even if it seems that the South Node person doesn’t love you, they are actually here to help you learn to recognize what doesn’t work for you. They are subconsciously invested in your “getting it right” because when that wounded part of you has been healed, the positive potential (shown by the position of the North Node in their chart) that was forfeited through their past actions is restored to them.

  If both people continue operating on an unconscious level, their relationship will unfold in a way that is instinctive and predictably unpleasant. However, armed with the above information, the parties involved can make a conscious decision to alter the situation. For instance, by gaining awareness of the position of their South Node in another’s chart, the South Node person can choose the high road and deliberately put positive energy into the area where they would normally drain energy. For example, if your South Node conjoins your partner’s Mercury, rather than invalidate their thinking (which would be your unconscious instinct), you can go out of your way to encourage their ideas, thus demonstrating your awareness that their style of thinking is legitimate for them. In this way you clear yourself of whatever misconduct occurred in a past incarnation and open yourself to greater success and freedom in this lifetime.

  If you are the person with the planet involved in the conjunction, by consciously working to become more independent in expressing the qualities of the planet involved, you clear the unhealthy energy that blocks you and open the door to possibilities for success and fulfillment in the areas of your life related to that planet.

  South Node Conjunct the Sun

  The Sun shows our creative life purpose—our style of leadership and the special gifts and talents that, when expressed, cause us to shine. It’s our unique “role” in life, and when we play it well, it boosts our vitality and happy childlike sense of self.

  If you are the SOUTH NODE person:

  You unconsciously sap your partner’s vital life force and self-confidence as they strive to create significance in their own life. For example, I had a client whose South Node was conjunct her brother’s Sun. With his Sun in Taurus in his 10th House, he had worldly ambitions and material goals. This was the correct path for him. She was a spiritually oriented person, who criticized his values and ambitions. She loved her brother, but by undermining the value of what he was striving for, she unwittingly drained his life force and invalidated his successes.

  To be a supportive influence in the Sun person’s life, the first step is to recognize that their life goals and the creative paths they take to achieve them is their way, not yours. By encouraging them in their pursuits you can validate and strengthen them. It will take a conscious effort on your part: “Congratulations on creating such a success! I knew you could do it!” But by going out of your way to deliberately boost their vitality by supporting the creative life direction that energizes them, you open yourself to their support of your own goals.

  If you also have a planet conjoining your own South Node, this is a payback lifetime and you have a specific contract with this person. There was likely a past incarnation in which you inflated their ego for your own benefit in a way that was not healthy for them. This damaged their sense of personal power and their ability to use their talents and creative energy for purposes they deem worthwhile. It also encouraged false ideas that are still under
mining them in this lifetime.

  For example, perhaps in a previous life you complimented their beauty and allure and then sent them out into the streets to make money for you. As a result, they now tend to express their leadership and creative life force in self-sabotaging ways.

  So in this lifetime you have an opportunity to help them heal a deep wound that you initially participated in creating. You are uniquely equipped to “see” where their sense of self is exaggerated and “off base.” By not letting them get away with this, you prompt them to express their creativity in ways that reflect their innate individuality. On the most conscious level, you will be able to see the true special talents and creative gifts this person has to offer. The best possible karmic resolution is for you to encourage them to express those gifts in alignment with Truth so that the results will bring them authentic personal happiness.

  If you are the SUN person:

  If your partner’s South Node conjoins your Sun, their influence can unintentionally drain your vitality and suppress your creative force. They don’t let you simply be yourself in a natural way because your style of taking charge and creating results in your life doesn’t mesh with their own. They may disapprove of the manner in which you conduct your life and feel that you are capable of achieving more. In fact, you may never feel this person’s total support unless you attain what they feel to be your true potential.

  For example, one client had a wife whose South Node was on his Sun. He was the sole breadwinner for the family and she took care of the home and children. To fulfill his role, she insisted that he have a steady job working in a bank, which denied his own creative talents and need for self-expression. When they divorced, he immediately left the bank and entered the field of creative technology—a profession that makes him feel happy and fulfilled.


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