Twins for Brother's Best Friend

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Twins for Brother's Best Friend Page 13

by Sofia T Summers

His hand reached down, rubbing my clit and I moaned again, throwing my head back against the soft sheets, crumpling them. My hands tried to grab the sheets to steady myself, as my nerves were barely able to take the continued pleasure. Another orgasm was on the way.

  I called out his name, as his thrusts became harder and more vigorous. The whole bed was shaking violently and my resistance crumbled. My hips tilted upward and I felt my fingernails making a small tear in the sheets.

  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “Please…don’t stop.”

  He didn’t.

  He rammed his cock hard into my pussy, rubbing my clit, sending me into another dimension. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, my mind spinning somewhere beyond space and time. I managed a quick glance at Isaac, the desire for him and his body building up within me. I felt my pussy tighten again, and his pace quickened.

  I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I came again, and felt Isaac let out a groan, before his body slumped down on top of mine. I sighed in satisfied and kissed his lips. He snuggled with me, burying his head in between my left shoulder and ear. We stayed in that position for a few minutes, exhausted, unable to move, simply enjoying the moment together. Taking in slow breaths one at a time.

  After a few moments, he rolled over and I glanced at him. His body was glistening with sweat.

  “I have never,” I panted, “and I mean never had that many orgasms, one after the other.”

  A sly smile formed on his lips, and he cocked his head. “You’re welcome.”

  And out of nowhere, reality came crashing down on me. What was I thinking? I scolded myself for thinking that these feelings, these fleeting moments of passion would mean something. It was wrong, and I felt ashamed that I had allowed myself to be swept away by my hormones and the attraction that I still had for Isaac. No matter how much I wanted him, there was no scope for a long-term relationship with him. Who was I fooling by acting on my emotions?

  I couldn’t just blame the damn hormones every time. I knew that I had wanted him. I was to blame. There had to be some way that I would be able to control these feelings.

  The most important thing was for me to start controlling my emotions and my behavior. I had been the one to remind Isaac that we had to be more professional, but I was the also one who had kissed him. And now, he was lying next to me, naked and practically glowing in the post-orgasmic state. I could say the same about me. The sex had been mind-blowing, to say the least. Even better than the last time, but NO! I needed to control myself.

  Quickly, I sat up and looked around for my underwear, feeling too exposed all of a sudden. But now was too late to act shy; my stubborn self didn’t listen to reason when it should. I couldn’t even keep it together for one day in his presence. I had to control myself. I just had to.

  I stood up from the bed and grabbed my underwear.

  “Hey, what’s the rush?” Isaac asked.

  “I have to go, to my room,” I replied as I quickly put on my underwear.


  I placed my hands on my hips, looking around for my dress and pursed my lips.


  “We both know why. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Not again,” I stuttered. “I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what the hell came over me.”

  Isaac sat up and shook his head. “There is no reason to apologize. We both wanted this.”

  “That’s not the point. We both wanted to have sex, sure, but that doesn’t make it right. I was the one who told you that we need to keep it professional, you know,” I said, pointing to the messy bed where we had just ravaged each other’s bodies. “And that…that was not professional.”

  “Greta, it’s okay. It’s not like I’m going to terminate the contract because we had sex. Again.”

  “Maybe we should lay some ground rules,” I suggested, but the amused smirk on his face made me roll my eyes. “Please get your mind out of the gutter. I’m being serious.”

  “So am I,” he insisted. “But to be fair, it is kind of hard to focus when you’re standing in your underwear. It’s very distracting.”

  “This is not funny, Isaac,” I muttered and grabbed my dress from the floor.

  “This happened, Greta. We’re both adults. We surely can have consensual sex, can’t we? Plus, you can’t deny the chemistry between us.”

  “I’m not denying anything, but I’m saying that it’s inappropriate. Even me being here, in my underwear is inappropriate,” I said, using my dress to cover myself.

  Isaac climbed out of bed and slipped on his boxers. The sight of his muscular and toned torso was a magnificent sight to behold. But I pursed my lips, turning away from him. All those feelings of desire came rushing back and I ran my fingers through my hair.

  “Could you please put on a shirt? You’re not helping this situation.”

  Isaac laughed, but put on a t-shirt. “Look, I know that you want to keep things professional, but maybe we should explore what’s going on between us. Clearly, there’s something brewing, so there is no reason to shut it down. Aren’t you curious about where this would lead?”

  “Of course, I am curious,” I exclaimed. “But there is more than one reason why we can’t keep doing this.”

  Isaac crossed his arms and stared at me, motioning me to continue.

  “You’re my client. You’re basically the livelihood of my business. It isn’t appropriate for us to have a sexual relationship.”

  “But we achieved our goal because of it. You’re pregnant with my child.”

  “But that’s a professional relationship as well! I never thought that after all those visits to the fertility clinic, it would happen naturally,” I muttered. “You’re my client in both respects, and I think that we should try to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Okay? I don’t want to screw up either of these professional relationships or the friendship that we have right now. Things have just gotten better between us, and I don’t want to lose that. Can we do this, without the sex, or the constant need for one another?”

  “You know that I’ll always be here for you, Greta,” he said, his eyes filled with sadness.

  It broke my heart to see him this way. I nodded in acknowledgement and said quietly, “I know. And I can’t begin to express how grateful I am to you for everything you’ve done.”

  “I’m sorry if I haven’t been making things easy for you,” he said.

  “We are both at fault. I’ve got all the crazy hormones surging through my body, and you,” I said and motioned to him. “You’re you.”

  A small smile formed on Isaac’s lips and he stepped back. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to keep my shirt on.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “At what point did either of us think that this was going to be a good idea?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After what happened seven years ago, we should have realized that keeping our hands off of each other would be hard,” I stated.

  “It’s always been hard for me, Greta.”

  I started at him, but I didn’t say anything else. I walked over to him and put my arms around him. I needed a hug, and looking at the expression on his face, he needed one as well. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and he held me tightly.

  We both stayed this way, in silence, for a few moments. He was the first to let go.

  “I think we better get some sleep,” he said.

  I nodded and stepped away as well. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes. Sleep tight,” he said.

  “You too,” I said with a smile and left his room. As I stepped into mine, I closed the door and leaned against it, sighing morosely.

  I was seriously screwing this up. But maybe, things will be better in the morning.



  The following morning, I stared at myself in the mirror as I shaved. I was still feeling out of sorts with what had happened last night. Greta had kissed me, seduced me, and gave me a night I would ne
ver forget. And then she’d told me that we could never do it again.

  I understood her reasoning, and I respected that she wanted to keep it professional, but I couldn’t just give up on what was developing between us. I had always known there was something between us, even if the words had never been spoken, the chemistry never been acknowledged. Lingering gazes, the ease we felt in each other’s company…it was undeniable to ignore.

  I didn’t know if I could persuade her to take a chance on us, but I knew that I was not going to give up on her. I wasn’t going to give up on us.

  But she was right that our relationship was forbidden. I knew the Board would have a field day and use her as an opportunity to sanction me. If they were to find out that I’d been sleeping with Greta while her company had an ongoing contract with Destiny Developments, it would cause a whole lot of trouble for both of us.

  However, not even that threat could stop me from wanting her.

  I finished shaving, took a quick shower, and got dressed. There was still an hour before all the speaking panels began at the convention center, so I wanted to order room service for both of us. Maybe that would give us a chance to talk, though I already knew that Greta had made up her mind.

  I knocked on her door. “Greta? Are you still asleep?”

  When I didn’t hear an answer, I quietly opened the door and stepped inside. I frowned as I looked around but she wasn’t in there. Her bed was empty, perfectly made, and everything was arranged neatly. The light on her laptop flashed while it was charging and the curtains were still closed.

  “Where the hell are you, Greta?” I muttered to myself.

  I went back to my room, put on my shoes and left. I took the elevator down to the ground floor and walked around, looking for her. Finally, I found her in the large open-plan breakfast room, talking to Frederick, a cup of coffee in her hand. He noticed me as I entered and waved me over with a smile.

  “Good morning, Isaac,” Frederick said, shaking my hand.

  “Frederick, nice to see you again,” I greeted and turned to Greta. “Honey.”

  She cocked her head at me and I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Hey, honey. We were just about to sit down, so you’re just in time.”

  “Wonderful, because I am starving,” I smiled.

  The three of us sat down at a table and ordered a hearty breakfast. Frederick spoke about his company, a large publishing firm in Michigan, and his story was actually quite interesting. He explained that his company finds unpublished authors and writers, and helps them publish their manuscripts. He seemed to enjoy it, as his entire face lit up when he spoke about it.

  Now that I thought about it, Greta’s face would also light up the same way whenever she spoke about coding. Honestly though, I had no idea what she was talking about most of the time.

  After we finished our delicious breakfast, we remained seated while we finished our coffees. That is when Frederick asked an unexpected question.

  “So, how did you two meet?”

  Greta and I exchanged glances and I found it only fitting to tell Frederick the truth. I cleared my throat and winked at Greta. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “But we didn’t start dating until I was in college,” I explained. I looked over at Greta and noticed the look in her eyes. If she had laser vision like Superman, she would vaporize me then and there.

  “Yes,” she said with a smile and continued, “My parents were a bit strict, but gave me some liberty when I went to college. They had always liked Isaac, as he was over at our house all the time. So, it made it a little easier to tell them that we were dating.”

  I had to admit that I was impressed with her improvisation. She glanced at me and smiled.

  “He was so cute back then, with his scruffy hair and band t-shirts. But I knew that he was the one.”

  I couldn’t help but smile when I heard that. I put my arm around her shoulders, hugging her, and kissed her on the cheek. “Ditto for me. She was the only one there ever was.”

  “Being young and in love is a wonderful thing,” Frederick beamed. “I still remember the first time I saw Edith. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and it was love at first sight. Of course, she played hard-to-get. But I kept asking her out, and, eventually, she said yes.”

  “She probably just wanted to be sure,” Greta smiled.

  “And sure she was,” Frederick chuckled. “Eventually.”

  I chuckled as well, but could feel Greta’s shoulders tense up.

  “We should get going,” Greta said as she glanced at her watch. “The panels are starting soon, and I want to get a good seat.”

  “Ah, yes. Shall we walk together?” Frederick asked as we all stood up.

  “If you don’t mind, Frederick, there is something I need to discuss with Isaac. But we’ll see you in there,” Greta said with a smile, which seemed forced.

  “Of course,” Frederick smiled and headed to the lobby.

  Greta turned to me and widened her eyes.

  “What?” I asked innocently.

  She smacked me lightly on the arm. “What was that?”

  “What was what?”

  She glared at me and said, “You know exactly what.”

  “I really don’t know what you mean, Greta. I did everything we agreed to last night. I didn’t grab your butt, and I didn’t kiss you excessively. I didn’t drink either,” I defended.

  She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, her locks falling in waves over her left shoulder. “What was with that story?”

  “What story? The story that we started dating when we went to college? I was improvising, but clearly you’re the queen of improv. Adding the bit about your parents, that was genius.”

  “You know that I don’t like lying to people,” she hissed and smacked my arm again.

  “I was just trying to help you land that client,” I explained. “I am doing this for your benefit.”

  “And getting a kick out of it,” she muttered and crossed her arms, turning away from me.

  “Oh, come on. You can’t stay mad at me,” I protested.

  “I’m not falling for that puppy face of yours, Isaac,” she muttered.

  “Are you sure?” I asked and tugged at her arms so that she would face me.

  She resisted slightly, but did look at me, despite her annoyance. Her eyes softened and she sighed. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”

  “I’m your pain in the ass,” I smirked and offered her my hand.

  “Luckily, just for the weekend,” she retorted as she took my hand.

  As we walked to the hall where the panel discussion would take place, I wondered whether Greta also felt the way I did. Holding her hand in mine, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Her hand fit in mine perfectly, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The softness of her skin ignited my senses, and the faint smell of her perfume completely changed my outlook to the world, gave me immense hope.

  When we’d go back to San Francisco, I wasn’t sure what would happen between us. But for now, I just wanted to savor the time we had, as it would be the only time I’d get to play Greta’s husband. Even though she had given me strict instructions on what I was allowed to do, rules were meant to be broken.

  Or maybe just bent a little.

  The panel discussions were incredibly boring, but I kept a straight face through it all, nodding intently. My attention was focused more on Greta, who was enthralled by all the information being shared. She was in her zone, and even asked the panelists a few questions, which impressed them. These people had underestimated her intelligence and knowledge of technology, expecting her to be a hot, dumb blonde who knew nothing about coding or programming.

  I sat beside her with pride, smiling brightly. Sure, I was like the sidekick in this relationship, but I didn’t mind. It made Greta happy, and that was all I wanted. My role was to be with her, and our baby, to make sure that nothing happened to them. And this had noth
ing to do with the will.

  I had genuinely started to develop feelings for Greta, and the baby growing inside her, and it was overwhelming. I had never anticipated having feelings with such intensity, and it was both terrifying and reassuring. Most of my friends, including Garrett, had been in love many times – although I doubted whether some of them were actually in love, but who was I to judge. On the other hand, I had never been in love. I had never allowed myself to feel this way for anyone. Maybe I never deemed anyone worthy of my love, or maybe I didn’t deem myself worthy of someone’s love.

  “Hey,” Greta whispered to me and I glanced at her.

  She leaned in and whispered, “On a scale of one to ten, how bored are you right now?”

  “I’m not bored,” I whispered back, lying flat out.

  She raised an eyebrow, and I came out clean. “Twenty-five. And I desperately want a drink. Especially after that guy with the weird hairstyle talked about servers for an hour.”

  “That makes two of us,” she whispered with a soft chuckle. “I’m also starving.”

  “But we just ate!”

  She glared at me with razor-sharp eyes and I knew that I should just agree with her to make things easier for myself. “I read about a great place a few blocks over. We can go if you want.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “That is if I survive this panel meeting.” I looked around me. “This must be what hell is like.”

  “Stop being so dramatic,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You insisted on coming. I did warn you.”

  “Touché. Are they always this dull and monotonous?”

  “Pretty much. But it’s almost over,” she smiled, apologetically.

  I looked at her and wondered whether she was talking about the panel discussion or the weekend. I really hoped she didn’t mean the latter.

  The more time I spent with Greta, the more I began to realize that I wanted her. I didn’t want her to be just the surrogate to my child, I wanted her to be the mother of my child.

  I wanted her. All of her.




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