Armstrong, John, 159
Arnaz, Desi, 22–23
Arnold, Tom, 279
Around the World in Eighty Days,21
Arthur, William, 58
Asner, Ed, 329
Associated Newspapers, 314
Associated Press, 70
Astor, Brooke, 197
Atorio, Ed, 297
Au Bar, 241
Avalon, Frankie, 80
Aviation and Airports Program, 39
Azaria, Joe, 298
Azaria, Paul, 298n
Bacon, Kevin, 261
Baker, Josephine, 13–14
Bakker, Jim, 207, 227
Baldwin, Alec, 326
Balfour, Malcolm, 238–239, 242
Ball, Lucille, 22–23, 125
Ballantine Books, 143
Banderas, Antonio, 329
Barbara Walters Specials, The,156
Barbieri, Paula, 295
Barkin, Ellen, 204, 260
“Barrett Report, The,” 85
Barrett, Rona, 77–86, 108, 331
Barrymore, Drew, 130, 168n
Barrymore, John, 70
Bass, Ann, 220, 236
Bass, Sid, 236
Basinger, Kim, 224
Batman Forever,270
Bay of Pigs, 56
Beatles, 139
Beatty, Warren, 80, 126–127, 185, 205, 257
Beau Geste,25
Becker, Gavin de, 275–276, 302
Beeman, Edward, 215
Behind the Scenes,15
Bel Air Hotel, 262
Beloved Infidel(Graham), 122
Bening, Annette, 205
Benjamin, Burton, Jr., 137
Benson, Harry, 196, 289
Bergen, Candice, 208, 257
Bergman, Ingrid, 68
Berkowitz, David, 150–153, 230
Berlin, Richard, 52
Bernard, George, 45
Bernhard, Sandra, 211
Bernstein, Carl, 119, 157, 159, 210, 219
Bernstein, Leonard, 31
Berrodin, Lois, 46n
Bhutto, Benazir, 294
Bibby, Bruce, 288n
Billingsley, Sherman, 13
Black Pearls campaign, 179
Black, Roy, 243
Blass, Bill, 198
Blatty, William, 120
Bloch, Felix, 235
Blue, Linda Bell, 272, 273
Blumenthal, Sidney, 3
Blunck, J.B., 233
Blundy, Anna, 191
Bogart, Humphrey, 73
Boot, Rosie, 189
Boston Herald,299
Boston Herald-American,231
Bowles, Camilla Parker, 307
Bowman, Patricia, 237, 239–240, 242–243, 278, 298
Boyarsky, Bill, 294
Bradlee, Ben, 53–55, 76n, 95n, 157, 188, 190
Bradlee, Toni Meyer, 54
Bradley, Tom, 274
Brady, Celia, 278
Brady, Jim, 229
Branagh, Kenneth, 205
Brando, Marlon, 69, 70, 125
Breakfast at Tiffany’s(Capote), 74
Brenda Starr, Reporter,315
Brenna, Mario, 317
Brennan, Peter, 227, 233, 236
Brenner, Marie, 190–191, 200
Breslin, Jimmy, 230
Brinkley, David, 137
“Broadway Hearsay,” 14
Brokaw, Tom, 239, 310
Brooks, Jim, 256
Brown, Christopher Hambley, 200
Brown, Edmund “Jerry,” 172, 298
Brown, Edmund “Pat,” 12, 19, 26, 65
Brown, George, 188
Brown, James, 144
Brown, Tina, 184–206, 258n, 260, 295, 312
Browning, Dominique, 187
Bruni, Carla, 224
Buckley, Pat, 197
Buckley, William F., 196
Bunker, Archie, 171
Bunton, Phil, 299
Burke, David, 162
Burke, Rick, 95
Burnett, Carol, 82, 166–167, 171–176
Burnett, Carrie, 167
Burstein, Rona. SeeBarrett, Rona
Burton, Richard, 77, 105, 118, 177
Business Week,1
Butterfield, Fox, 240
Buzzi, Ruth, 81–82
Café des Artistes, 155
Cafe Society, 59n, 73, 74
Calder, Iain, 107, 131, 134–135, 140,
171, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299–300
Calhoun, Rory, 17
Call, Robert, 141
Callahan, Peter, 300
Calley, John, 205
Campbell, Lady Colin, 307
Cannery Row,175
Cannon, Dyan, 77
Capote, Truman, 74, 75, 76, 114
Capshaw, Kate, 205, 236
Card Room, 140
Carlson, Richard, 108
Carmen Jones,24
Carney, Art, 96
Caron, Leslie, 127
Carpenter, Karen, 130
Carrera, Barbara, 118
Carrey, Jim, 180
Carroll, John, 26
Carson, Johnny, 81, 174, 267
Carswell, Sue, 223–224
Carter, Graydon, 258n
Carter, Jimmy, 139, 156
Carter, Michelle Tish, 183
Carter, Rosalynn, 125, 156
Case, Margaret, 194
Cassidy, David, 172
Cassini, Charlene, 58, 61
Cassini, Igor, 41, 58–62, 209, 215
Cassini, Oleg, 58–59, 60–61
Cassone, Michèle, 241–243
CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite, 102, 137
CBS Morning Show,104, 109
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 42, 44, 290
Chambers, Robert, 235
Chang, Suzy, 58
Chaplin, Oona, 74n
Chapman, Buddy, 139
Chapman, Miles, 193
Chappaquidick incident, 163
Chariots of Fire,315
Charles, Prince of Wales, 307–312
Charlton, Janet, 266
Chase, Sylvia, 162, 163
Cher, 112–114, 275
Cheshire, Maxine, 56, 57, 76n
Chicago Daily News,153
Chicago Sun-Times,32, 231
Chin, Jimmy, 234
Chopra, Deepak, 289
Christie, Julie, 127
Chung, Connie, 296
Church of Scientology, 266–267, 289
“Cindy Says,” 71
Clapton, Eric, 224
Clark, Marcia, 295
ClearSound, 266
Cleaver, Eldridge, 105
Cleveland, Grover, 56n
Clifford, Clark, 34
Clinton, Bill, 1, 3, 8, 109–110, 295, 298, 319n, 331
Clinton, Hillary, 3, 110
Clooney, George, 270, 324, 326
Cobain, Kurt, 147
Cobb, Buff, 32
Cobb, Irvin S., 32
Cochran, Johnnie, 287–288
Cockburn, Alexander, 197
Cocoanut Grove, 67
Cohen, David, 5–6
Cohen, Mickey, 33, 35
Cohn, Al, 41
Cohn, Harry, 17
Cohn, Roy, 38, 4CM1, 43, 50, 51, 59, 74–75, 130, 195
Cole, Kenneth, 198
Collins, Joan, 126
Collins, Nancy, 168
Colonial Sand and Gravel, 39, 47, 48
Columbia Journalism Review,294
Columbia Studios, 17
Columbus Day Parade, 40, 42, 47
Commercial Appeal,149
Conant, Jennet, 270
Condé Nast, 184, 185, 200
Condé Nast’s Traveler,201
Confidential,10–28, 52, 53, 63
Connery, Sean, 211
Connolly, John, 225, 288, 290
Corkery, P.J., 91, 93–94, 146, 169
Corry, John, 234
Cosby, Bill, 275, 301–303
Cosby, Camille, 302
Cosby, Enni
s, 301–304
Costello, Frank, 37–39, 40, 42, 43, 47–49
Costner, Kevin, 277, 319
Cowan, Warren, 255
Coz, Steve, 292–294, 300–304, 323
Craig, James, 23
Crawford, Cindy, 315
Crawford, Joan, 21, 22, 24, 69, 125–126
Creative Artists Agency, 256
“Cries and Whispers,” 158
Cronkite, Walter, 102, 106, 107
Crosby, Bing, 146
Crosby, Cathy Lee, 315
Crosby, Charlie, 134
Crowe, Cameron, 246
Crowley, Arthur J., 21
Crown Fabrics, 41
Cruise, Tom, 236, 245–249, 251–254,
256n, 260–270, 324
Crutchfield, Don, 18n, 287
Crystal, Billy, 329
Cuozzo, Steve, 216–217
Current Affair, A,227, 233–239, 242–244, 285, 291, 297, 330
Curtis, Tony, 28In
Cypher, Julie, 304
Daily, Dan, 21
Daily Mail,189, 305, 312, 317
Daily Mirror,25, 228
Daily News,21, 25, 131, 144–145, 213 215, 217, 226, 230
Daly, John, 35
Dandridge, Dorothy, 24
Dangaard, Colin, 92
Dangeroustour, 272
Darrach, Brad, 182
Dart, Leslee, 254
Dateline NBC,330
Davis, Bette, 63, 69
Davis, Ivor, 257
Davis, Marvin, 231
Davis, Patti, 185
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 16, 35
Days of Thunder,266, 268
De Falco, Sammy, 41, 48
Dead Calm,268
Dean, James, 69, 148
Dean, John, 101
Death of a President, The(Manchester), 145
DeLorean, John, 277
Dempster, Nigel, 189
DeSapio, Carmine, 41
DetaiL.,185, 194
Diana: Her True Story(Morton), 313
Diana, Princess of Wales, 194, 291n,
Dice Tracy,257
Dickey, Christopher, 317
Dickinson, Angie, 46, 56
Diller, Barry, 236
DiMaggio, Joe, 17–18, 73, 74
Dimond, Diane, 272–274, 282–284, 286–287, 290–291
Donaldson, Sam, 152, 153
Dopelt, Gabbe, 200
Double, The,180
Downs, Hugh, 159, 163
Drescher, Fran, 325
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 219
Drudge, Matt, 1–10, 332
“Drudge Report, The,” 7–8
Dryfoos, Orvil, 56
Dunaway, Faye, 118
Dunleavy, Steve, 142–143, 161, 227–231,
233–234, 238, 239, 242, 244, 298
Dyer, C.C., 164
Edwards, Arthur, 308–309
Ehrlichman, John, 98
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 100
Eisenstadt, Alfred, 128
Ekberg, Anita, 15
Ekland, Britt, 315
El Morocco, 19, 74, 209, 215
Elaine’s, 315
Elephant Man, 281
The Eleven O’clock News with Roger Grimsby,81
Elliot, Osborn, 231
Elliot, Oz, 294
Elvis: What Happened?,143–144
Endicott, Betty, 232
Ends of Power(Haldeman), 168
English, Sir David, 314
Entertainment Tonight,85
Entertainment Weekly,185
Ephron, Nora, 210, 219n
Esposito, Joe, 133
Esquire,121, 157
Etheridge, Melissa, 304
Evans, Bob, 80
Evans, George Frederick, 20 Ï
Evans, Harold, 186, 188, 189–193, 200, 201, 233
Exposing Myself(Rivera), 160
Eye to Eye with Connie Chung,296
Eyes Wide Shut,246
Fagen, Cynthia, 238
Fairbanks, Douglas, 21
Far and Away,247, 248, 251, 253, 265n
Farrow, Mia, 78, 82, 120
Fawcett, Farrah, 130
Fayed, Dodi, 280, 315–321
Fayed, Mohammed Al, 307, 316–317,
320n, 322, 326
Feinstein, Dianne, 329
Felder, Raoul, 243
Feldman, Marty, 135
Ferguson, Sarah, 311
Ferrara, Denis, 207
Few Good Men, A,261–263, 266
Field, Sally, 256
Fields, Bert, 267, 273, 287, 288
Fiennes, Ralph, 205
Film ’82,192
Fink, Conrad, 235–236
Firm, The,265, 270, 290
Fisher, Carrie, 250
Fisher, Eddie, 47, 68, 79–80
Fisher, Kelly, 317, 318–319
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 122–123
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 122
Fitzwater, Marlin, 251
Flanders, Annie, 194
Fleiss, Heidi, 272, 274, 278
Fleming, Peggy, 212
Florio, Steve, 199
Flowers, Gennifer, 110
Flynn, Errol, 17, 21
Foederer, Norma, 208, 217
Forbes, Malcolm, 74n, 178
Ford, Gerald, 137
Forest Hill Cemetery, 139
Fortensky, Larry, 210
Foster, Jodie, 257 48 Hours,258, 330
Four Seasons Hotel, 247, 248, 253
Fox, Michael J., 168n, 275, 329
Fox Network, 232
Frank, Reuven, 100
Frankel, Max, 240
Frasca, Don, 58
Fredesh, Carla Bruni, 224
Friedman, Paul, 291
Friendly, Jonathan, 175
Frood, Sheppard, 191
Frost, Tony, 302, 304
Gable, Clark, 20, 21, 24, 68–69, 126
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 30
Gaines, Jim, 181–183
Gallin, Sandy, 288
Gannon, Frank, 106
Garces, Marsha, 182
Gardner, Ava, 15
Garland, Judy, 63, 68
Gates, Phyllis, 16–17, 69
Geddes, John, 7
Geffen, David, 113, 195
Geller, Susan, 260
Gere, Richard, 257
Germond, Jack, 110
Getty, John Paul, 128
Gibson, Charles, 159
Gibson, Mel, 211, 257, 329
Gifford, Frank, 163, 303
Gifford, Kathie Lee, 303
Gifford, Vicki, 163
Gilbey, James, 313
Giles, Sarah, 202
Gilligan’s Island,47
Givens, Robin, 212
Globe,91, 239, 293, 298–300, 302–304, 318
Glover, Stephen, 189
Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Mon- roe(Summers), 162
Goldberg, Whoopi, 205, 329
Golden, Soma, 240, 241
Goldenson, Leonard, 32, 151, 153–154, 155
Goldman, Ron, 277, 296
Goldman, Stuart, 236
Golightly, Holly, 74n
Good Housekeeping,59
Good Morning America,83, 143, 158
Good Morning, Vietnam,181–182
Good Night America,148, 158
Goodman, Clive, 312
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 204
Gordon, Jack, 280
Gould, Polly, 21–22
Gould, Stanhope, 162
Goulet, Robert, 143n
Gourley, Jay, 87–88
GQ, 185, 262
ace, Princess of Monaco, 293
Graceland, 133–135, 139–140, 144
Graham, Katherine, 322, 323
Graham, Phil, 57
Graham, Sheila, 122–124
Graham, Stedman, 298n
Grant, Cary, 21, 47, 73, 77, 78n, 175
Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, 17, 23
Grazer, Brian, 252
Green Hornet, The,31
Gregory, Paul, 26
Grey Gardens, 188, 190
Griffin, Merv, 74, 75, 225
Griffin, William, 43
Griffith, Melanie, 329
Grimsby, Roger, 81
Grob, Dick, 141
Grothman, Carl, 44
Grunwald, Mandy, 110
Guccione, Bob, 178
Guiding Light, The,32
Gunther, Marc, 162, 165
Gutfreund, Susan, 197
Hagman, Larry, 172
Hahn, Jessica, 227
Haldeman, H.R., 97–101, 168
Hamill, Dorothy, 136
Hamill, Pete, 144, 157, 229
Hamilton, George, 144
Hanks, Tom, 319n, 329
Hannah, Daryl, 179, 315
Harbrecht, Doug, 1
Hard Copy,237, 241, 272, 282, 283, 284, 286, 291, 330
Harrell, Ken, 293
Harrison, Robert, 13–16, 19–23, 25–28, 332
Hart, Gary, 207
Harvey, Glenn, 307
Hatch, Orrin, 329
Hawn, Goldie, 256, 257, 263, 266, 329
Hay, R. Couri, 170, 173
Hays, Charlotte, 105
Hays, Harold, 157, 159
Hayworth, Rita, 80
Hearst, Patricia, 120
Hearst, William Randolph, 25, 43, 67, 93
Hebler, Dave, 142
Heiskell, Andrew, 117
Heller, Cindy. SeeAdams, Cindy
Hemings, Sally, 56n
Herald Tribune,69, 73
Herbst, Peter, 136
Herman, Jane, 197
Hersch, Seymour, 55n, 95
Hertsgaard, Mark, 109
Hewitt, Don, 102–111, 322
Hewitt, James, 312
Heyward, Andrew, 321
HIStory, 29In
Hoare, Oliver, 312
Hoefflin, Steven, 212, 281n
Hoffa, Jimmy, 47, 64, 105, 162
Hoffman, Abbie, 161
Hoffman, Dustin, 159, 266
Hoge, Jim, 200
Holden, Anthony, 190, 191
Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 246
Hollywood Palladium, 65
Hook,250, 260, 315
Hookstratten, Ed, 84
Hoover, J. Edgar, 41, 51
Hopper, Hedda, 12, 62, 66–71
Horan, James, 58
Hour of the Jackals, 169
How to Marry a Millionaire(Lilly), 74
How to Meet a Millionaire(Lilly), 74
How You Can Look Rich and Achieve Sexual
Fantasy(Barrett), 82
Howard, Ron, 248, 252
Howard Rubenstein Associates, 219
Howell, Georgina, 188n
Hudson, Rock, 16, 69, 146
Hughes, Howard, 63, 148
Hughes, Robert, 157, 159
Hume, Britt, 153
Hunt, Bonnie, 246
Hush-Hush,15, 16, 31, 53
Hussein, King of Jordan, 156
Huston, Anjelica, 205
Huston, John, 73
Hutton, Lauren, 205
Hutton, Robert, 17
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