Addicted to an Addict

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Addicted to an Addict Page 16

by Honey

“N-no . . . no . . . um . . . No, ma’am. I just walked in the door.”

  “Well, you were on my mind, so I decided to give you a call to check up on you and my grandbabies. How’re y’all doing?”

  “We’re doing fine, Mama. How are you and Rev getting along?”

  “Never mind us. We’ve got each other. I take care of Rev, and Rev takes care of me.” Myrlie paused, and Josiah became agitated. “Mama is worried about you because you don’t have anybody to take care of you.”

  “I’m okay. My schedule is full all of the time, so I’m always busy. The girls are in good hands with Gypsie, so there’s no need to worry about them.”

  “How is Mink?”

  Josiah allowed the question to float in the air unanswered for a few seconds as his gaze bore deeply into Gypsie’s lust-filled eyes. Guilt hovered over him like a dark cloud after his mother mentioned his wife. There was no doubt that if she hadn’t called, he and Gypsie would be upstairs in his bed butt-naked, saturated with sweat, and doing a slow, vertical dance under the sheets.

  “JoJo, did you hear me, baby? How is Mink doing in rehab?”

  “I’m not sure, Mama. I haven’t spoken to her.”

  “And why not? Doesn’t she call Gem and Treasure?”

  Gypsie pushed her body away from the wall and brushed past Josiah. He reached out for her hand, but she pulled away and ran up the stairs.

  “Mama,” Josiah said, running behind Gypsie. He stumbled on his chase and fell. He winced in pain and rubbed his shin as he stood from his fall. “It’s been a long day, and I’m really tired. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  Josiah ended the call before his mother had a chance to respond. He hopped up the steps, missing a few on the way. He ran straight to Gypsie’s bedroom and banged on the door hard several times.

  “Go away, Josiah! I can’t face you right now. I’m sorry about what just happened. Can we pretend like it never happened, please?”

  Josiah rested his forehead against the closed door and exhaled. “But it did happen, Gypsie, and I’m not sorry about it. Just let me in so we can talk.”

  Deafening silence was Gypsie’s reply, and it infuriated Josiah down to the bone. But he had no one to blame except himself. Lust was powerful. He had allowed his emotions and need for affection to weaken him. And above that, he already harbored genuine feelings for Gypsie in his heart, and they were growing stronger every day. He was in a complicated situation, and it would only get worse as long as Gypsie remained in his house. But he couldn’t fire her because he needed her to take care of his daughters until Mink made a full recovery—if she ever made a full recovery.

  Josiah left the hallway and headed for his bedroom. Once inside, he looked in the mirror and saw the face of one terribly distressed dude. Mink, her addiction, the care of his daughters, city hall, the reelection campaign, and his forbidden attraction to Gypsie—all of it was weighing him way down low. He was having a hard time keeping his head above water. He needed a breakthrough before he ended up having a breakdown.

  His first order of business in the morning would be a long conversation with Gypsie. It was more than necessary for them to clear the air. Then he’d ask Jeremiah to book flights to Montana for him and the girls to visit Mink in two weeks. In the midst of his crazy schedule over the last few weeks, the conversation with Gypsie had fallen through the cracks, and he refused to ask her to book the flight for him now since they had come so close to falling overboard into dangerous, lust-filled waters tonight. His mother had saved him from destroying his life with an affair. Josiah knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he had made love to Gypsie tonight, he would make love to her every night for the rest of his life.

  * * *

  “So you were saved by the bell, huh, bruh?” Jeremiah replaced the dumbbell on the rack and sat down on the bench.

  “Yep. Mama called in the nick of time. It was like she knew I was about to do something sinful and stupid.”

  Jeremiah smirked at his brother. “I bet you the Lord told Mama to call you so you wouldn’t fall into temptation. You know how she and Rev are always praying and talking to Jesus. That’s how we got caught leaving that motel prom night with Rasha Colson and Venus Bell. I’m glad they didn’t get the revelation from the Lord until after we had done the deed.”

  “Well, I’m happy the Lord worked faster last night than he did prom night.” Josiah raised his legs in a perfectly straight, horizontal line in front of him as he pumped iron on the thigh lift. “Man, it would’ve been the worst thing I could’ve ever done to Gypsie. I ain’t going out like that.”

  “I understand. You’re still keeping the light burning for your wife.”

  Josiah nodded and continued pumping his legs while sweat poured down his face.

  “For your sake, in the end, I hope Mink is worth every sorrow she’s ever caused you and all the blessings she’s blocked from coming your way.”

  * * *

  “Are these figures correct, Mayor Bishop?”

  Every eye in the room zoomed to the head of the conference table as they waited for the reply of the man in charge.

  “Why would you ask such a question, Connor? Jeremiah hired three independent accounting firms to crunch the numbers, and the results were almost identical. The numbers you see there are an average of the three, which is standard.”

  “Well, the figures look a little inflated to me.”

  “Inflated?” Jeremiah snapped. “I’ve never had to inflate anything in my damn life just to impress someone. I wouldn’t risk the city’s financial stability under my brother’s leadership either, especially in the middle of a reelection campaign. Get a damn clue.”

  “The figures are fine, Connor. Trust me,” Josiah interjected. “Compared to other cities the size of Atlanta with similar demographics and business makeup, the report is on the mark.”

  “If you say so. . . .”

  Jeremiah threw lethal daggers at Connor with his eyes. “He does say so, and I do too.”

  Josiah looked around the conference table, trying to gauge the mood of his staff members. He paused when he looked at Gypsie, and she lowered her eyes to the iPad sitting on the table in front of her. “We will follow up on the convention and tourism report tomorrow and the airport project as well. If all minds are clear, this meeting is adjourned. Gypsie, I need you to stay, please. Thank you.”

  * * *

  “This is not the time or place, Josiah,” Gypsie whispered as soon as the last person had left the room and closed the door.

  “I can’t go through the rest of the day with this situation on my mind. What happened last night was wrong, but I have no regrets. It won’t happen again, though. I promise.”

  “Didn’t we have this same conversation before at my apartment? You promised that we wouldn’t get involved unless you could be with me and only me.”

  “Yes, but we’re not involved, Gypsie.”

  “Like hell we aren’t! I felt it last night, Josiah. It was real. You can fool yourself if you want to, but I never lie to myself. Just remember wherever your heart, mind, and body go, so will your soul soon follow. Although we didn’t commit the act last night, your body was fully committed to me, as were your heart and mind. But you’ve allowed your soul to be trapped where it doesn’t belong for too long.”

  “Are you suggesting that my commitment to my wife and our daughters is a mistake, Gypsie? Do you believe that Mink’s drug problem is justification for me to leave her for you?”

  “No, I don’t believe that you should leave your wife for me or any other woman because of her drug dependency. If you can walk away from your marriage to be with me, it’ll be just a matter of time before you’ll dump me for another woman.”

  Josiah frowned in confusion. “Then what do you want from me, Gypsie? Just tell me.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want from you, Josiah, because you can’t give it to me. But I understand, and I accept it. Just stop sending me mixed signals.”

  “I’m s
orry. I honestly didn’t realize I was doing that.”

  “Well, you have, Josiah, but I’ve got the perfect solution for our situation. From here on out, everything will be strictly business between us. I will remain your administrative assistant until after the campaign, at which time I’ll submit my resignation. I love Gem and Treasure very much, and they are attached to me. Therefore, I’ll continue to take care of them in your home until Mrs. Bishop returns. In the meantime, I promise not ever to allow my feelings for you to cause me to act unladylike again.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Jeremiah did a double take and almost choked on the sip of cognac trickling down his throat. He would recognize the pretty smile on that flawless face anywhere. It was her all right, and Jeremiah was shocked shitless. He stood from his seat at the bar and crossed the restaurant, heading straight to the table for two so that he could be as nosy as hell and messy.

  “Good evening, Miss Robinson. I thought you’d be working this evening since your boss is at the Manchester fashion show.”

  Gypsie took a sip of water after she looked at Jeremiah for a few seconds like he had three eyes. He could tell from her facial expression that she was embarrassed.

  “Miss Gladys is covering my duties this evening while I enjoy some personal time off. Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Bishop?”

  “Of course, I don’t. I just thought—”

  The gentleman who Gypsie was having dinner with coughed loudly, cutting Jeremiah off.

  “You better drink some water for that cough, bruh.”

  “Jeremiah, this is Preston Collier.”

  “I know who he is. He’s the dude from the accounting department at city hall.”

  “I’m the manager of the accounting department’s division for city employees.”

  “Oh yeah? So I guess you know how much money I make, huh?”

  “Jeremiah!” Gypsie snapped. “Is there anything else we need to discuss right now?”

  “Nah, we’re good. I’ll see you at the office in the morning.”

  Jeremiah grinned at Gypsie and shook his head before he turned and left the table. He walked out of the restaurant, removed his cell phone from his pocket, and hit the number two on his speed dial list.

  “What’s up, J?”

  “Guess who I just saw at Pappadeaux.”



  “So what? She asked for the evening off so she could do some personal stuff. Miss Gladys is holding down the fort for her.”

  “Personal stuff, you say?”

  “Yeah. What’s up, J? You know I’m at an event. It ain’t cool for me to be on a phone call instead of mixing it up with the crowd.”

  “Gypsie is on a date with one of the managers in the accounting department at city hall. I think his name is Clowers or Collins or something like that.”

  “Are you taking about Preston Collier?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one.” Jeremiah unlocked his car door and slid into the driver’s seat.

  “I had no idea Gypsie was seeing anyone, especially not some guy from city hall.”

  “Well, now you know.”

  * * *

  Gypsie exited her office a couple of steps ahead of Preston and ran directly into Josiah. She broke her stride and stood like a statue in place with her heart racing. For a few seconds, she and Josiah stared each other down in silence. Gypsie lowered her eyes and noticed the thin stack of papers in his hand.

  “I was about to go to lunch. Do you need to speak with me about something before I leave, Mayor Bishop?”

  “Yes, I do. It’ll only take a minute, though.”

  Gypsie turned around to face Preston. “I’ll meet you in the waiting area in a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” He looked at Josiah and extended his hand. “Mayor Bishop, how are you, sir?”

  “I’m fine,” he answered flatly, shaking the offered hand.

  After Preston walked away, Josiah reached around Gypsie and opened her office door. Then he stepped aside and allowed her to enter first, and he followed her. Gypsie’s body jerked involuntarily when the door slammed shut. She spun around swiftly and looked into a pair of dark eyes filled with anger. She swallowed hard.

  “Why are you running around with that guy all of a sudden, Gypsie? You had dinner with him last night, and now you’re about to go to lunch with him? What’s going on?”

  “What I do, and who I choose to do it with in my personal time is not your concern, Mayor Bishop. If you need to discuss something with me regarding work or your daughters, let’s do it. If not, I’d like to go to lunch now.”

  Josiah wiped his hand down his face in what appeared to be frustration.

  Gypsie smiled inwardly, totally amused by his jealousy. I ain’t your wife, buddy. Don’t get it twisted.

  “I wanted to go over a purchasing proposal with you before I share it with the staff and city council. It can wait until after your lunch date with your boyfriend, I suppose.”

  “Okay. I’ll be ready to look at it as soon as I get back.”

  Josiah nodded and stuffed his free hand inside his pocket.

  Gypsie walked past him and left her office, strutting like a supermodel on a Parisian runway. He has some damn nerve to question me about who I spend time with, she thought. Josiah wasn’t her father, and he damn sure wasn’t her man. Therefore, he had no right to stick his nose into her private affairs. Besides, Preston was just a friend, although he wanted to be more. He had been begging Gypsie to go out with him for months, but she’d always turned him down because of her crazy schedule and lack of interest in him. But after a long conversation with her BFF, Tianji, she decided to step outside of her box and try something new. And she was happy about the choice she’d made. Of course, she didn’t expect to make a love connection with Preston, and she had been totally honest from day one and told him as much. But she did enjoy the companionship and attention that he offered, so she would continue to go out with him as a friend.

  * * *

  “Daddy, why didn’t Miss Gypsie come with us?”

  “I gave her the day off, Gem.”

  “She’s at home watching TV,” Treasure clarified.

  “That’s right, sweetie. So it’s just Daddy and his two princesses. We’re going to go inside and sip tea, play games, and look at artwork with the other children and parents, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Gem grabbed Josiah’s other hand.

  The mayor and his daughters walked hand in hand toward the building’s entrance. Judging by the many cars in the parking lot, a crowd had already assembled inside. Josiah and the girls were greeted by a throng of people the moment they stepped inside. They stopped and posed for several pictures. As they walked away, Josiah heard a female voice call his name.

  “Mayor Bishop! Mayor Bishop!”

  Josiah turned around and immediately cursed under his breath when he saw Charmaine Lomax making her way toward them. He looked down at Gem and Treasure and smiled before he faced his opponent’s very pushy wife.

  “Mrs. Lomax, it’s nice to see you again,” he fibbed.

  “How are you, Mayor Bishop?”

  “I’m fine. What about you?”

  “Life is great. I was expecting to see your wife this afternoon.”

  Josiah looked around and noticed a clown nearby making animals out of balloons for the children. He kneeled down to speak to the girls. “Go and get in line so you can get a balloon animal from the clown. Daddy can see you from here. Go on now.”

  Gem and Treasure joined hands and hurried toward the line with their father watching them closely.

  “Mink isn’t coming today,” he informed Mrs. Lomax. “She had a family emergency in Maryland, so she flew up the day before yesterday.”

  “I see. Well, please tell her that I asked about her, and I’m sorry I missed her again.”

  “I sure will.”

  “Well, I better go and find my husband and the kids. Goodbye.”

siah waved and watched Mrs. Lomax sashay through the crowd in search of her family. An eerie feeling suddenly came over him, but he quickly shook it off. He went and joined Gem and Treasure in line.

  After the Bishop girls received balloon animals from the clown, they got their faces painted by a woman dressed as a mermaid. Then they played musical chairs, watched a puppet show, and looked at all kinds of art. Afterward, they sat down for tea, crumpets, finger sandwiches, and an assortment of fresh fruit. While the children ate, the adults mingled. Josiah stood in the middle of a group of businessmen and a newspaper reporter discussing Atlanta’s economic growth under his leadership. Though fully engaged in the conversation, he kept a sharp eye on his daughters the entire time. It wasn’t easy, but his girls meant the world to him, so he would do anything to protect them.

  Josiah realized that he had made a mistake by refusing Gypsie’s help the moment Treasure got up from the table and walked toward him. His live-in nanny had offered to accompany him and the girls to the tea and art show, but his stubbornness had caused him to decline. Josiah was still in his feelings over her unexpected interest in Preston Collier, which was childish. Gypsie was a grown-ass woman, and she had every right to date any man she wanted to.

  “Excuse me, everyone.” Josiah stepped out of the huddle when Treasure approached them. He kneeled down. “What’s the matter, princess?”

  “I have to use the bathroom.”

  Damn it! Josiah looked around for a familiar face. The only person he recognized was Charmaine Lomax standing a few feet away sipping tea as she talked to one of the artists whose sculptures were on display. He walked over to her reluctantly. “Excuse me, Mrs. Lomax. I need a favor.”

  “Yes, of course, Mayor Bishop.”

  “Can you watch my daughter, Gem, over there while I take this little one to the restroom, please?”

  “I’d be happy to.”

  Josiah, Treasure, and Mrs. Lomax walked over to the table where Gem sat talking, laughing, and coloring pictures with the other children around her.

  “Gem, Daddy is about to take Treasure to the restroom. Do you need to go too?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Well, Mrs. Lomax is going to watch you for me while I take your sister, so stay put until I get back, okay?”


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