Deviant Evolution: A dark Omegaverse science fiction romance (The Controllers Book 4)

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Deviant Evolution: A dark Omegaverse science fiction romance (The Controllers Book 4) Page 1

by L. V. Lane


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  About the Author

  # Deviant Betrayal: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance (The Controllers...

  # Taking Control: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance (The Controllers...

  # Complete Control: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance (The Controllers...

  Deviant Control: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance (The Controllers...


  L.V. Lane

  Copyright © 2019 L.V. Lane

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-0-6485333-3-7

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the author.

  Contains dark romantic scenes that some readers may be sensitive to. It is intended for adults only.


  Extensive trials followed the development of the Copper virus, and these yielded what was now categorized as the Delta through Mu dynamics.

  These early trials led to the first mass release on the tiny outer-reaches planet, Adora3, a mining planet with a high military presence.

  The Copper virus does not work as if given a blank slate. It takes what is offered in the individuals DNA and encourages it to flourish. The first Alpha dynamics manifested within days. Untrained and unchecked, the results were devastating. They were revealed among the strongest, mentally and physically, and many occupied positions of power within the government, business, military, and the police.

  Knowing the observers from the Empire’s governing council would destroy them, and the whole planet if necessary, they took action.

  All too easily, the virally altered inhabitants of Adora3 infected the next world.

  Doctor Lillian Brach

  “THE FIRST DAYS and weeks of control are hard,” Ethan said. “You’re probably convincing yourself that you understand how it works. Might be thinking it will be easier now you are back in your home city. That Daddy is going to step in and save his princess, or at worst, hand you over to a nice civilized Alpha.”

  “He won’t. No one is going to save you. The only rights you have are the ones I choose to give you. You will learn to obey me. If you don’t, I will take your few privileges away and discipline you until you do.”

  “You’re mine now. I don’t just control you—I own you in every way that matters.”

  “Did you really say that?” I asked. I should have basic human rights. But I had no such rights, I was an Omega, and under Ethan’s care—because my father, the ruling council, and goodness knew who else, had decided it.

  He smiled—a playful smile that wasn’t actually playful. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

  Fun for whom? I didn’t need the answer to that rhetorical question, this wasn’t going to be fun for me. Torture, torment, a little of both. I had become increasingly convinced Ryker was borderline nuts—or completely nuts—but I desperately wanted him to come back.

  Ethan directed me through the busy spaceport while my mind reeled from his words. I was supremely conscious of his hulking presence and the glances he received. Certainly, everyone in the spaceport was a dynamic of some kind, including several Alphas. None had Ethan’s presence.

  Exiting the port, we took a skycar, which whisked us to the capital city. I tried to ignore my burgeoning flush, and was relieved when Ethan received a communication the moment we entered the skycar. He stared out the opposite window, talking to someone via his ear-communicator. It wasn’t a happy sort of conversation, and he bristled with a brooding menace that did nothing to help me control the rising flush.

  I stared out of my window at the soaring towers, glistening in the early evening sun and tried to distract myself. Chimera was a cosmopolitan planet, situated in one of the few systems to have escaped the war. Shuttles, skycars and light-rail carriages zipped by, and the rainbow-colored billboards flashed in the waning light.

  Being here, I could almost forget the destruction happening elsewhere, and the ever-tightening net that peeled off the next layer of safe zones.

  How long until even this great planet was under threat?

  Too soon.

  I had grown up here, only moving to other systems as part of my research. Tolis had been my home for several years, and there was a strange notion of coming home in peering out that window. Still, I was relieved my father’s duties in the wake of the current crisis, kept him elsewhere. My fragile mental state was in no shape for his indomitable presence.

  The respite would not last now that I was back, but I was going to make the most of whatever time I could get.

  “I don’t know all the details, but his younger brother died in the chaos after they ripped the Alphas out,” Ryker had said, back when we were on the ship. “To say he doesn’t hold a favorable opinion of the ruling council, is a bit of an understatement.”

  My father had picked Ethan as my Controller for when I came into heat; I still could not wrap my head around that. Why would my father allow me to be given over to such a man? What basis would my father select candidates on?

  Control, was the immediate answer. He would have to have exemplary control.

  Ethan hadn’t been cruel while we were on Tolis, but his methods of control were unwavering in nature. I sighed, then became aware that he had finished his conversation.

  I should have stuck to staring out the damn window, but my head swiveled without any interaction from my brain, and I found myself the object of his penetrating gaze.

  He frowned. “Are you flushing?”

  “No,” I said, a guilty hand clutching my throat as if this might help me.

  His frown deepened. “Stop flushing.”

  No, that wasn’t going to help.

  “For fuck sake.” He dragged me onto his lap. I thought for an alarming moment that he was going to bite me then and there, but all he did was press my head against his chest and offer up a deep, comforting rumble. “Why are you flushing?”

  “I don’t know,” I said evasively.

  “Eyes,” Ethan demanded, and I looked up because he was terrifying when he gave a command. “Why are you flushing? Did Ryker do something to you before he left?”

  “No!” Ryker could be a challenge at times, but my sense of ethics dictated that I couldn’t let him be blamed for this. “It’s you.” He had been angry before
those words left my lips; now, he radiated fury. “I don’t remember much about the night you took me from the ship, but the parts I do, give me nightmares. And your speech on the concourse did not help…if I’m honest. And I’ve discovered that not being honest with a Controller is a bad idea.”

  “You weren’t honest with Ryker?” he asked, eyes narrowing further.

  Why did I immediately think about his belt? “No! Not exactly, it was more that he encouraged me…to be honest…when I was a little reserved about…offering certain details.”

  His face said he wasn’t convinced. “We’ll arrive in five minutes. Can you wait five minutes?”

  “Yes,” I said. No way was I going to let him bite me here if there was the vaguest possibility of thwarting it, and besides, I had developed considerable stamina with a flush over the last few weeks.

  “Good, because I’m going to need to fuck you the moment I get a hit, and I don’t particularly want to get arrested on my first day off in months.”

  “That didn’t help,” I said weakly.

  Smirking, he turned back to his window. “It wasn’t meant too, Princess.”


  DISTRACTED BY MY blooming flush, I didn’t recognize where we were going at first. In the three years since I had lived on Chimera, so much had changed.

  I had presumed my father would have repurposed the apartment, but it was exactly as I had left it. The fresh flowers on the reception table were a pleasant surprise—along with a handwritten note from my father saying he would be over to see me in a few weeks.

  I smiled. Few people used handwritten notes any more.

  There was nothing from my mother—I fully expected her to turn up unannounced at the most inconvenient time.

  My head was pounding, but not unbearably so, and I continued into the lounge where my breath caught on a sudden lump in my throat. There had been a time when I was in the prisoner cage on the Uncorrupted ship that I had wondered if I would ever see such beauty again. High ceilings and a full windowed wall showcased the soaring towers of the city. Beyond, lay the snow-capped mountains, and the collective presented a dramatic contrast between man and nature. The early evening light was sufficient to bring a twinkle to the city and yet still hold the mountain in glorious relief.

  Turning back, I found Ethan looming. He had halted inside the doorway, a tic thumping in his jaw.

  This was a lot, I realized—luxury beyond most people’s comprehension. I wasn’t precious about such things, had lived a simpler life for the last three years, and yet I knew enough of the ordinary world to understand how extraordinary this was.

  The warning Ethan had issued still bore upon me, and yet I was sensitive toward him in a way I rarely stopped to consider. He had grown up on Lyus, and surely there was no greater hellhole in our Empire. It wasn’t even classified as part of the Empire—a dirty corner they preferred forgotten. I had seen slums, wasn’t naive to the way of the world, and yet I had never lived among it. Even then, Lyus could make our worst slums look like paradise. It was hardly surprising he possessed such an uncivilized demeanor.

  I wasn’t a humble person. I was confident in my capability, for all society considered me less important now because I was an Omega. You could not erase twenty-five years of self-belief, and I doubted a lifetime ever would. Yet for him, I felt humble, like I wanted to be humble—to humble myself—because it might reset this unnatural balance that had sprung up between us.

  He was a walking war god in our world. The thin veneer did little to mask his primal side, nor where he came from. I imagined a troubled childhood spent fighting to survive would leave more than a few scars.

  “How old were you when the conscription came?”

  The tic continued to thump. Maybe it was a sensitive subject…


  He had been much older than I was expecting, and I had to fight a sudden urge to retreat.

  “Only two types of people live on Lyus,” Ryker had said. He didn’t need to elaborate, he was talking about the predators and the prey, the criminals and their victims. “Probably still be running the underworld there if the conscription hadn’t picked him up.”

  I’d thought Ryker had been exaggerating, a figure of speech because people sometimes said things like that. He wasn’t exaggerating, I could see that now. Ethan had been an adult when they took him from his home, and his character was already set. Precisely like mine was. What measures must they have taken to integrate him and make him a useful tool in the war?

  I had an alarming notion they had done far too much and not nearly enough.

  I had misjudged the imbalance, and I could not erase this uncomfortable enlightenment.

  The silence stretched. Neither of us made a move to break it. We simply regarded each other in discovery and rediscovery. I didn’t know Ethan, and yet as we stood in my pretentious apartment, I felt like I knew him in ways that transcended ordinary understanding.

  I had witnessed him in action, and I could not un-see that either.

  “When I first saw you, on the Uncorrupted ship, I thought you were a figment of my flushed imagination. You ripped a soldier apart right before me. It was like you were a god, and everyone else was mere mortals.”

  He continued to study me, but the tic had stopped thumping, and the predator was back in his eyes.

  I walked over to him, slow steps until I was close enough to smell the rich scent of his pheromones. My stomach tumbled over, a little ripple I felt all the way to my pussy. His smell was also like coming home. All Alphas had a pleasing scent, but his scent was familiar. They had been conditioning me with it, as part of the testing, for the better part of the last three years.

  “He was the first name on your father’s list.” Merry had said, back when we were still on the ship.

  I drew my hair back from the right side of my neck and tilted my head in offer. “Please.”

  His nostrils flared. “Finally, you are learning your place,” he said.

  There was no time to assimilate those words. It was like a tightly stretched band had snapped. With one hand, he fisted my hair, and with the other, gripped my ass, hauling me against his body. I clung as his mouth lowered to my throat.

  The skin popped. It still hurt, a sharp stinging pinch that transitioned into a dreadful ache with the first deep pull.

  The world swung, a dizzying sensation as he took me down onto the thick rug centering the room, still sucking against my throat. My dress, no more than a scrap of silk, was thrust away by his shaking hands.

  The need to join was an imperative, a desperation that shook me as much as the tremble in his hands.

  Fumbling between us, he freed his thick cock and buried himself in a single savage thrust. I gasped at the jolt of electric pleasure and over fullness. His bloody lips lifted from my throat and then lowered over mine in a kiss every bit as brutal as the thick invasion between my legs. I tasted the blood, my blood and I lost myself in the tempestuous assault.

  There he fucked me, one big hand braced under my ass and one tangling in my hair, holding me still for a pounding rhythm that tipped me straight over the cliff. He didn’t stop, but kept fucking into me wildly, as he sucked and nipped at my lips.

  Adrenaline rushed through me, and I knew he was close. He roared as he came. Head tipped, neck arched, his face contorted in pleasure. The visual delight was enough to take me over again.

  The night passed in a haze. He took me to the bed where he fucked me for what felt like more hours than was available in a single night. After, I fell into a post-sex coma, only to be woken by an alarming determination that I was about to go into cardiac arrest. Thus began a battle to escape Ethan’s crushing weight for long enough to sleep.

  The man was a sprawler, and he sprawled all over me. How could a human arm weigh so much? His leg was worse—his limbs were like giant slabs of meat that could cut off circulation, or in extreme cases, prevent me from breathing. Any attempt to dislodge them resulted in a pisse
d off growl and a tightening of his hold.

  The growls made my pussy contract, and that pushed out slick. At least it wasn’t the deep vicious kind of growl that sent my body into a flush.

  He sniffed loudly the third time it happened, and tension rippled through his body. Hauling me on to my back, he buried his face between my legs and inhaled deeply through his nose. Splaying a hand over my stomach, he growled again. I was tired, groggy, and sore between my legs, and my exhaustion battled with my growing arousal.

  I squealed when his tongue licked the length of my slit. He had come there, more than once; he did not appear to care. More growling followed as he gripped my thighs to keep them prized open and proceeded to eat me out.

  I was so sensitive there that I discovered a hidden energy reserve, and gripping a tight hold of his hair, attempted to wrest him off.

  I failed in this quest, and as was inevitable under this sensual assault, my body responded. I didn’t think it was possible to come again, yet, it blazed through me like a wildfire. The pleasure was so close to pain that I screamed and every nerve in my body flared to life.

  The shattering climax ripped me up and tossed an empty shell back out. Utterly limp after, I was relieved when he stopped. Less so when I realized he was crawling over my body and that thick club he passed off as a cock was about to impale me.

  I pressed a weak hand to his chest. “Please—I can’t.” I thought I might die if I got any more stimulation.

  Pulling my hand away, he kissed the back in a gesture I might have mistaken for chivalry had he not stuffed his cock into my slick channel at the same time.

  It took him a long time to come.

  I fell straight asleep after, and with no more than an hour’s rest, awoke feeling exhausted and raw—and hungry, I was ravenously hungry. I was vaguely aware that nothing was crushing me and was debating whether I had the energy to get up when he returned to the room—still naked—carrying a tray.


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