First Colony: Books 1 - 3

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First Colony: Books 1 - 3 Page 61

by Ken Lozito

  Daron looked at him pointedly. “There are only five of us,” he said.

  “I know. I just need a minute to think,” Jon replied.

  His brother was trapped and there was no way he was going to walk away. He just needed to figure out how to get him free.


  Connor wasn’t sure if the initial shock of what they were going to contend with could ever wear off, but they got to work nonetheless. The SRDs had long since stopped sending transmissions. By their best estimate, only two of the SRDs had made it past the massive Vemus ship. The remaining three all went offline while they were sending their data back to Phoenix Station. All three SRDs going offline in virtually the same fashion was a strong indication that they had been shot down. They had images of one of them being destroyed, which was evidence enough of hostile intent.

  Connor had called in his tactical officers and separated them into groups. Each of the groups was tasked with coming up with a firing solution that would destroy the enemy. They were clustered together in nearby work areas while Connor remained in the command area.

  Colonel Cross came to stand at his side. “We were expecting another fleet,” she said.

  “So was I. Instead we got . . . that,” Connor said while gesturing toward the main holoscreen. “Even if we’d been able to resupply the missile defense platforms, I’m not sure it would’ve been enough to destroy it.”

  “The tactical groups are divided as to when we should fire the weapons we’ve got,” Sean said.

  Connor pressed his lips together in thought. “If we fire now, they’ll know we see them coming and it’ll give them ample time to take out the incoming missiles.”

  “What if we waited until they were close to our relative position?” Sean asked.

  “How close? Give me a distance,” Connor said.

  “Within Sagan’s orbit,” Sean said.

  Connor frowned in concentration while weighing the possibilities. Sean hadn’t just now come up with this idea. He was pitching his own agenda. Sagan was the fifth planet in this star system and relatively close to New Earth.

  “You think we should wait until they’re within Sagan’s orbit before we fire our missiles? Why would we wait that long?” Colonel Cross asked.

  “Our previous engagements with the Vemus showed that they limit themselves to basic strategy, but if we send out our missiles now, they stand a greater chance of taking them out. Even though the HADES IV-Bs with Noah’s enhancements were designed to overcome fleet ship-point defenses, we don’t have to deal with that here. What we need is to maximize the effect our weapons have on them, and I think if we wait until they’re much closer to us, we’ll stand a better chance of doing the most damage,” Sean said.

  “But if we attack now, we could soften them up before they come in range of our short-range weapons,” Colonel Cross said.

  “I don’t think that’s going to be enough,” Connor said and realized he agreed with Sean’s proposal. “We’d do some damage, but they could just slow down and repair their ships before coming the rest of the way. If we wait, they’re committed.”

  Colonel Cross glanced at Sean as if seeing him in a new light. “I can see why you keep Major Quinn close at hand.”

  “He still surprises me sometimes. Remind me to tell you how he first came to be in my service,” Connor said.

  Colonel Cross laughed. “No need. I’ve heard the story before. He snuck into a storage crate not knowing you intended to do a low-altitude drop.”

  Sean grinned. “The general dumped everyone out of that Hellcat as a welcome-to-basic-training gift.”

  It had been seven years since that first Search and Rescue platoon was formed, and Connor had become as fond of those recruits as he had of the Ghosts. Most had moved on to join the CDF, but some had chosen other pursuits. Those had been much simpler times, when only a few thousand colonists had been brought out of stasis.

  Connor glanced at the image of the Vemus ship on the main holoscreen. “They’re not very imaginative, are they?” he said.

  Sean frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “The Vemus. They fight and move toward an objective with an almost singular purpose. Throughout our entire engagement with them aboard the Vigilant they never once slowed down or retreated. They hunted us, but only because we kept coming at them. We kept attacking,” Connor said.

  “We blocked their signal so they couldn’t coordinate their efforts,” Sean said.

  “True, but even when we went aboard the Indianapolis, there were only a few hundred Vemus aboard,” Connor said. He had to keep referring to them this way because he didn’t want to think of them as having been human before they were infected. “So we wondered where the rest of them were.”

  Sean’s eyes widened. “They held the bulk of their troops in reserve for this attack. At twenty-two kilometers across, there would be room enough for millions of them aboard that ship.”

  “But why send a fleet of ships ahead? Wouldn’t they have kept some in reserve? Now we can just focus our efforts on the one ship,” Colonel Cross said.

  “Like I said, not very imaginative. They could have ships hidden away. We didn’t get a good look at the back of their ship,” Connor said.

  “We can send in more recon drones and see if they can sneak up behind them, sir,” Colonel Cross said.

  “I think they’ll just shoot them down before we can get any usable intelligence. Instead of sending the drones, let’s position our recon drones out near Sagan’s orbit,” Connor said.

  “If we’re going to do that, why not a minefield?” Sean said.

  Connor nodded. “We keep them dormant with a periodic check-in so they’re powered off while the Vemus ship approaches. Then, during their periodic check-ins, we broadcast the signal for the mines to go active.”

  “We can coordinate that with our missiles then,” Colonel Cross said.

  “Why don’t you go inform the tactical teams that we’ve decided on a direction and see what else they can come up with,” Connor said.

  “Yes, sir,” Colonel Cross said.

  After Cross walked away, Connor looked at Sean. “Any more bright ideas you’d like to share?”

  Sean scratched the stubble of his beard. “I need to shave this thing. It itches something fierce.”

  “Now you sound like Diaz,” Connor said.

  Sean smiled but then it slipped away. “I wish I could think of something I knew would blow that ship out of the sky.”

  “You and me both. I know we can do some serious damage to it, but I’m not sure we can stop it,” Connor said.

  He quickly glanced around. He hadn’t meant to say so much, but Sean had been with him for a long time. The kid was smart enough to be a true general one day, not like Connor, who had the position because there was no one else with enough combat experience to effectively do the job.

  “I don’t think anyone heard you, but I agree. Have you considered adding Lunar Base as part of our resources for facing the Vemus?” Sean asked.

  The question alone spoke volumes about Sean’s natural leadership ability. Most officers were siloed into their specific area, whereas Sean saw the whole playing board.

  “I have, but I’m not convinced it will change things,” Connor said.

  “Why not?”

  “Well, we could use their resources and weapons and list them among our assets. But we don’t know what else the Vemus are capable of. I’m trying to account for things we haven’t thought of yet. If the Vemus defeat us here, Lunar Base is our last line of defense in space. They’ll be that much more of a threat to the Vemus if they don’t know we have a base there,” Connor said.

  Sean nodded in understanding. “It’s a gamble either way. If the Vemus detect Lunar Base somehow, Colonel Hayes will engage them. Otherwise, he’ll stay there and continue to do a tactical assessment.”

  “Those were his orders. Nathan wasn’t thrilled about them, but he’s the best man for the job,” Connor said.
br />   “I know I wouldn’t like watching someone else fighting while I just sat on the sidelines,” Sean said.

  “Yeah, but you’d do it if it meant saving everyone back home. We need to grind the Vemus down,” Connor said.

  Sean glanced at his PDA. “Dr. Allen is still waiting to speak with you.”

  Connor frowned regretfully. “I know, but he’ll just have to wait.”


  Nathan waited for PRADIS to update on the main holoscreen. They were about to get another data dump from Phoenix Station. He glanced at the series number for the incoming data and felt a weariness creep into the small of his back. The Lunar Base Command Center had settled into a routine since achieving Dark-Star status. Every two hours they received a new data dump from Phoenix Station and had been doing so for the past twenty-four hours.

  Major Shelton joined him in the command area, and they watched the PRADIS screen in silent anticipation. It had been over twelve hours since General Gates had given the anomaly heading for them the designation Alpha with a subheading of Vemus. The data points on PRADIS refreshed, showing the Alpha moving significantly closer to New Earth and increasing its speed by thirteen percent.

  “They still haven’t fired any of their missiles,” Major Shelton said.

  The Vemus Alpha was still quite far out in the star system, only now coming within range of the sixth planet’s orbit. Gigantor was a gas giant that had blue bands and out-massed Jupiter by more than eighteen percent. Nathan had only seen pictures of it. For over seven years, the colony had been devoted to settling on New Earth and preparing for a threat that turned out to be the Vemus. They simply hadn’t had much time to explore their surroundings. They were aware of similarities with the Sol System, which was part of the reason New Earth was similar in size and composition to their former home. Nathan would have liked to explore their new planetary system more, but as he watched the Vemus Alpha on the screen, he wasn’t sure he’d ever get the chance.

  “Colonel,” Major Shelton said, her tone tight with tension, “the Alpha is within range of the HADES IV-B missiles. Why hasn’t General Gates fired any of them yet?”

  “One minute, Major,” Nathan replied.

  He walked toward the main holoscreen and studied the details of the PRADIS output, pressing his lips together while considering his response. He turned back to Major Shelton and noticed his tactical officer, Lieutenant LaCroix, waiting for his response as well. Other CDF soldiers craned their necks toward him as if sensing something.

  “Some of you are wondering at the lack of response toward the Vemus Alpha heading toward us,” Nathan began and waited a moment. “Why hasn’t Phoenix Station taken any offensive action against our enemy?”

  There were several head-bobs from the CDF soldiers in the command area.

  “This will be among our greatest challenges because of our orders. We’re in a communications blackout, with our only updates coming through the PRADIS system. This is necessary to conceal our presence from the enemy. There’s no way to know for sure what strategy General Gates and his staff at Phoenix Station have decided on to address the Vemus threat. We’ve been expecting another fleet and suspected it would be bigger than what we faced over two months ago,” Nathan said and flung his arm back toward the main holoscreen. “That is something different, something we didn’t anticipate, and we’re in the dark as to how Phoenix Station plans to engage the enemy. The fact that they haven’t opened communications with us indicates that our orders haven’t changed. We remain in communications blackout and observation status,” he said and allowed his gaze to take in his staff. “It’s a shit job, and it’s ours. We’re the last line of defense for New Earth. We’re the Trojan horse if Phoenix Station fails. Our forces will engage the enemy and you can be sure that General Gates will do his utmost to stop the Vemus. So, instead of wondering why Phoenix Station hasn’t fired their missiles, we’ll be working on our own plan for engaging the enemy. I want teams divided up and focused on separate theaters for engagement. The first will be based on how we can assist Phoenix Station with the attack on the Vemus Alpha. The second will be how we’ll engage the Vemus Alpha should Phoenix Station be destroyed.”

  The CDF soldiers became grim-faced and determined.

  “We focus on what we can do, and don’t be afraid to think of the worst scenarios you can come up with as long as you concentrate on the solution to those scenarios. The Vemus are bringing an invasion force. Given the sheer size of the enemy ship, we have to find the weak spots. We have to be smarter than our enemy. That’s the only way we’re going to survive,” Nathan said. He waited a few moments. “Now get back to work. The colony and our fellow CDF soldiers are depending on us. We will not let them down.”

  The soldiers in the command area returned to their posts, and Major Shelton came over to stand by his side.

  “Sir, I must apologize. If you want to relieve me of command I will understand,” Major Shelton said.

  “I’m not relieving you, Major. We have a job to do. All of us. As commanding officers, the burden is on us to remain steadfast and hold to our orders even when we don’t have all the information,” Nathan said.

  “I won’t let you down again, Colonel,” Major Shelton said.

  Nathan leaned toward her so no one else could hear him. “I’m just as scared as you are,” he admitted.

  A small smile appeared on Major Shelton’s face. “I’m glad you’re here, Colonel. With your permission, I’d like to broadcast what you’ve said to the rest of the base. I think it will be good for them to hear it.”

  Nathan considered the request for a few moments. “Permission granted.”

  Major Shelton left him and went over to the ops station.

  “Colonel, I’ve just received a message from Captain Walker,” Sergeant Boers said.

  Nathan walked over to the comms workstation. “What have you got, Sergeant?”

  “They’ve found the salvage team, but there are Vemus forces keeping them pinned down. Captain Walker is requesting backup-team deployment, sir,” Sergeant Boers said.

  Nathan’s eyes widened. The fact that they’d found the salvage team in all that wreckage was a monumental feat, but Vemus soldiers being aboard one of the wrecks was a sobering thought. He’d thought they’d all be dead by now.

  “Sir?” Sergeant Boers asked.

  “Acknowledged receipt of the message, Sergeant. Do not send a reply,” Nathan said and hated having to say it.

  “Yes, sir,” Sergeant Boers said, her voice sounding thick and constrained. “Sir, can’t we send Captain Walker backup?”

  Nathan’s mouth went dry. “No,” he replied solemnly.

  Sergeant Boers opened her mouth to speak.

  “You have your orders, Sergeant,” Nathan replied sternly.

  “Yes, sir,” Sergeant Boers muttered and turned back to her workstation.

  Even though Nathan was following orders, he still couldn’t escape the feeling that he was abandoning soldiers under his command. It would be such an easy thing for him to order another combat shuttle with reinforcements. There would be no shortage of volunteers should he ask for them. Nathan glanced over at the operations work area with an almost wistful urge to do just that, but he squelched the urge almost as suddenly as he felt it. He would not disobey his orders. Captain Walker and his crew were on their own. He hated it, but given what they were about to face, he had to believe it was the right call.


  The CDF soldiers on Phoenix Station worked at an accelerated rate, preparing for the Vemus Alpha. Authorization for the use of stimulants had been given, but it was a narrow line to walk. Connor had sent out an advisory to all officers reminding them to rotate their crews, allowing a soldier to work only two extra shifts before rotation was mandatory. It was difficult for any of them to rest, even when off duty.

  Connor entered a small conference room where Colonel Cross and Major Elder were already sitting. Connor went to one of the unoccupied chairs and sat down wi
th Major Quinn, who came to sit at Connor’s side.

  A holoscreen was powered on in the middle of the conference table, and a comms channel was opened that connected them to CDF headquarters in Sierra. They were greeted with a view of a small conference room occupied by Governor Tobias Quinn, Director of CDF Operations Franklin Mallory, Director of Field Operations Damon Mills, and Captain Juan Diaz of the CDF Infantry Division.

  Connor was glad Tobias hadn’t brought the rest of the colonial defense committee into this meeting.

  “Just so we’re on the same page,” Connor began, “this will be our final meeting before we engage with the Vemus Alpha ship. From here on out we’ll send data bursts that will contain any intelligence gathered about the enemy, as well as our own analysis of our engagements with the enemy.”

  “That’s clear, Connor. Just one question. Why isn’t Colonel Hayes patched into this meeting?” Tobias asked.

  “Lunar Base remains in comms blackout,” Connor replied.

  “But shouldn’t—” Tobias began and then stopped himself. Franklin Mallory leaned over and spoke into Tobias’s ear, and the governor nodded. “Never mind. Franklin has just reminded me. Please continue.”

  Over the next hour, Connor laid out the plan they’d come up with for engaging the Vemus Alpha. Connor couldn’t remember planning a more complex operation in his entire career, nor could he remember learning about one in history. The militaries of Earth hadn’t had to face a singular enemy like what the colony was about to.

  Connor watched the holoscreen and saw Tobias take a sip of his coffee before responding. “I just want to make sure I understand this on a high level. Once this Vemus Alpha crosses Sagan’s line, you’ll begin firing our missiles at them?”

  “This is not a simple point-and-shoot exercise. That’s only one facet of the plan—”

  “I trust you, Connor,” Tobias said. “I know you’ve picked over this plan of yours eight ways till midnight . . . or is it Sunday?” Tobias frowned. “I can’t remember. What I want you to know is that we’re not going to pick apart your plan. You have our support and gratitude.”


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