Inked & Dangerous

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Inked & Dangerous Page 85

by Evelyn Glass

  Wilder, breathless and husky, laughed to himself before asking, “What did I say about talking, Miss Lee?” I could see the shadow of the ruler lift into the air just milliseconds before it hit me again against the side of my ass as he pushed even deeper in. He rotated towards the other side, getting that one twice. The sting was bad, almost too bad. But I wanted more of it. So much more of it.

  With each push he was filling me with more and more need. Each whip of the ruler sent me higher, causing me to crash into that imaginary wall. It was one last hit before he sent me into a fit. My body released everything as I let out a sound I never knew I could make.

  He reached down and untied my arms. I had seconds to shake them out before he lifted my legs into the air and placed them around his hips. I looked down at the plastic wood and found a place to grip before I felt him push even farther into me.

  Wilder yelled out towards me, “I didn’t say you could cum!”

  I could see why they called him “Wilder.” He was a monster as he put everything, every bit of strength and energy into fucking me. His nails cut into my flesh. His hand continued to slap my ass between pushes. His body was rocking back and forth with such intensity, I was genuinely surprised he hadn’t cut me in half. My skirt was flying off of me, bouncing back and forth as I tried everything to steady myself, but it was impossible. He was too strong for his own good. But his strength was his power, and I was falling for it.

  I focus in on how he felt between my thighs. Every hit of his hips against my clit sent sensations I had never known through me. My arms shook, my head searched for something to bury itself in. I wanted to cum so badly, to orgasm again. But I wanted it to be with him. I wanted to share it with him like brothers and sisters share toys or vacations. I knew it was wrong. I knew what I was doing was so sinful, so out of line. But I was determined to make my stepbrother cum.

  I could see it from his shadow as he pulled back a bit. His hands pushed into my hips even tighter. His cock pulsated one…two...three. I felt the burst, the hit, the lightning. I was falling slowly with him as he lowered my legs and feet onto the ground. He spun me around quickly as I struggled to look up into the lights of the camera and to the sweet blue eyes staring back at me. But I watched as he reached towards my mouth and gently propped it open. His cum slid down my tongue and throat, salty and sweet. I swallowed as I held his admiring gaze.

  Somewhere Daniel called “cut!” But we remained in our place, frozen to that second.

  Chapter 8

  I felt a pat on my bare back and the sound of men whooping in the background, “Damn, Wilder! That was as good as the first time. No, not as good…better!” Daniel was ecstatic, and I couldn’t blame him.

  What just happened between me and Kylie was something out of a fantasy. The way her body moved, how she said her lines, the feeling to be inside something so beautiful and forbidden…I wanted more.

  My dresser handed me a towel and my robe as I quickly toweled the sweat off of my body. The hot lights mixed with the action had made my skin a pool of sticky wetness. But I didn’t touch my cock. I didn’t want to erase that smell off of me yet.

  I turned to say something to Kylie, but Elise was already leading her back to the dressing area to get cleaned up. Unlike last time, I wasn’t about to let her get away. As I headed towards her room, Daniel appeared again, a piece of paper in hand. He excitedly spoke, “I need to franchise this. I only have her for six more shoots, and I want every single one of them to be with you. Are you willing?”

  “I – I don’t know.” The truth was I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep doing these scenes with her. I knew it was my opportunity to taste her, to be with her, but I didn’t want to share her. I wanted to keep her for my own. The camera crew, the fans waiting for more, Daniels’ contracts weren't part of the deal I wanted. “Can you give me a couple days to think about this?”

  “Her next shoot was Monday morning. It’s supposed to be another scene like this. Catholic schoolgirl drill, ya know. But after seeing you whip her with that ruler, I think I have something much better in mind.” He sounded devious, and I knew that sick mind all too well to guess what he had in mind for her. Still, I didn’t question it. All I wanted was to go and find her.

  I pushed Daniel back and headed towards the dressing area. I listened to Kylie ask Elise about the showers. As they exited the room, I ducked behind the curtain, not sure if I wanted to be spotted or not. Elise handed Kylie a few towels and some soaps before walking back towards where I hid. As she fell out of my sight, I ran towards the slowly closing door of the shower room, catching it with my foot before it locked closed.

  The room was filling with hot steam as I heard Kylie pull the shower curtain back and step inside. The thought of her naked body covered in clean fresh water was turning me on. Every bit of me stiffened as I slipped inside, dropping my towels to the floor. I had to be bold, no matter the outcome.

  Her back was turned towards me, the front of her facing the faucet. I watched as she took a small white hand towel and poured the body wash Elise had given her onto the cloth. She began to wash her body down, starting with her shoulders and neck. Her fingers massaged and pressed gently into the skin. I could sense she was tense, even without knowing I was standing behind her.

  I reached out my hand, pushing a strand of hair out of my way before I joined my hands with hers. She startled, twisting herself backwards to see who was behind her. I steadied her shoulders, keeping her from slipping on the slick, wet floor of the tub. As she began to open her mouth, I pressed a hand over it and whispered, “Shhh.”

  My other hand took the washcloth out of hers and began to lather her neck, back, and shoulders. She stood before me with her back pressed up against the wall, unsure of what to do. But through the noise of the warm water beating down on her, I could hear her sigh, both tired and satisfied. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

  I stepped towards her, reaching an arm around her small waist. I could feel a hint of her bones, but I didn’t mind. She was real. Every inch of her was real. She was different from the girls I was paid to screw and the ones who came to me in my drugged out haze. Her long blonde hair, the scent of her skin after sex, the way she pursed her lip as I touched mine to her neck – every bit about her was there and present with me.

  I moved my kisses up towards her chin and along her jaw until I found her lips. Sweet and tender, they tasted even better now that she wasn’t covered in makeup and lipstick. She pushed forward, into me, and then wrapped an arm around my neck. My cock rested against her stomach as it grew harder with each taste of her. Our heads spun under the spraying faucet as each fought to lead.

  Kylie’s small hand grabbed my cock and began to trace her fingers up and down the shaft. Mixed with the water beating down and still recovering from fucking just minutes before, it was a great alternative. She cupped it slowly and rhythmically, gently adding a tug to each ending of the pattern. Her hands sped up a bit but still remain as gentle and as soft as before.

  I loved this change of pace. I loved how she was focused on me and what I wanted. I was not a stud or someone to follow a script. I watched in amazement as she lowered herself down to a crouch, pressing her lips to the tip of the cock, sending shivers down my spine. Her tongue traced the bulging vein on my cock, causing me to thrust forward. I met her lips, her mouth wet and waiting as she took me in fully, swirling her tongue in circles around the perimeter of my shaft. I let out a breath as she rose slowly back up, meeting my eyes and kissing me again.

  Her hands dropped, but a leg slid up against my side. I grabbed hold of it as she pressed herself next to me. She was just a bit too short, but I could hold her off the ground and against the back of the shower. The last shoots were so quick, so sudden. But here in the shower where it was just us two together, I wanted to explore her. I wanted to know her.

  I traced my fingers along her tits, tweaking her nipples ever-so-slightly, making her cry out softly in my ear. My cock entered her
, and I was amazed at how tight she was, even after being fucked hard. I continued letting my fingers explore her torso, along her stomach, down her sides, right along her ass. Without a care in the world, I grabbed her forcefully, taking both sides of her backside in in my hands and squeezing. She responded by wrapping her legs around me and cooing, following my thrusts by moving her pelvis up and down while balancing on my hips. It was really amazing what her body can do.

  She relaxed, and I felt her cunt loosen as I rocked up into her, her pressing her hips down and steadily circling around. I rested my head between her breasts, smelling her skin and tasting where I just soaped up. I couldn’t help it as I lost myself. I sped up, pushed harder. I could feel her dig her nails into my back as she desperately murmured to herself.

  I took a few deep breaths before I came up to face her. She was looking at me with eyes open. Her mouth opened, letting drops drizzle into her pursed lips. She said something to me, but I didn’t hear it. I placed my head against the side of hers as I continued to push farther into her.

  She repeated it again, this time louder and stronger. “William. William.”

  I pulled away, still holding her in place, unsure if what I heard was what I actually heard. I looked down at her as she shrunk a bit. “What did you call me?”

  She bit her lips as she pulled away and ducked under my arm. “I called you William. You’re Wills.”

  I was in complete disbelief. “No one calls me that. No one calls me Wills but my—"

  It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be my Kylie. She was too young. Well, she was young when I left her, only fifteen. I was doing the math. She’d be twenty-one now and the Kylie before me was certainly around that age. The picture of the girl came back to me. The blonde, long hair, the hazel eyes the same as her mother’s, her tiny developing body…

  “Kylie?” I whispered, unsure if I was still asking the question despite knowing the answer.

  “I’m so, so sorry. I should have told you sooner.” Her hands were pushed together as she reached for the faucet, turning the water off. “I wanted to tell you the day I recognized you, but I couldn’t. I just didn’t know what to say or how to tell you. It all happened so fast.”

  I couldn’t bear to hear her panic, so I walked out of the tub, grabbing my robe off the floor. She called my name once more, this time calling “Wilder” as if we were on set, as if this were another shoot. But it wasn’t. This was real life, and she was my real stepsister. We were family. I grew up with her. And now I fucked her? And not only once, I did it three times.

  I screwed the sister I loved and protected – the sister I slept across from each night as we listened to our parents fight and make up. She was the girl I kept other guys from teasing and, eventually, hitting on. She was the teenager I whispered goodbye to when I finally fled the house.

  I ran back to my dressing area and grabbed my clothes as quickly as I could. I wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but where she was. As I pulled my shirt over my head, I heard the door open and slam shut.

  She was calling to me again, “Please, talk to me. I need to explain!”

  I grabbed my pants and yanked them on. As I buckled them, I felt the layer or protector slip back on. “What are you even doing here, Kylie? Porn? Are you kidding me? You were smarter than that. You were going to go to school, make a difference, change the world. What happened to you? What shit did you get yourself mixed up in?”

  She sat on the chair by my dressing mirror and covered her face with her hands. She was exhausted, but not as badly as me. “I owe a debt to Daniel. I worked for him as a waitress at one of his clubs. I accidentally spilled some champagne and now I need to pay him back. This was the only way. I already can’t pay my tuition!”

  “You could have said no to that shoot at the pool. You could have told me or Daniel or someone.”

  Tears were forming at the corner of her hazel eyes, making them glisten and sparkle under the lights. “I didn’t know I had a choice. And by the time we started, I couldn’t stop. You felt it. I couldn’t stop myself. You didn’t make me do anything. You didn’t force me. I just wanted it too much. I’m—"

  I couldn’t wait to hear her apologies, “It’s wrong, Kylie! It’s fucking wrong and you should know that.” I walked past her seat and out the door, listening to it close behind me. I found Daniel standing in the middle of the room as the crew tore down the set and prepared for the next film. I grabbed him by his collar as he shrieked in pain. The rest of the men stole glances but didn’t step in as I dragged him towards a dark corner near an old machine. I lowered my voice as I said, “What does she owe you?”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Kylie. What does she owe you? I’m taking over her contract starting right now. I don’t care how much it costs or what I have to do. Just let her walk free.” I tightened my grip, emphasizing my strength.

  I watched Daniel as a smile sunk in and he began to laugh. “Do you think I’m going to let her get away from me? Do you think for a second I would let someone like her walk away or get sold to the highest bidder? You have to think I’m a damn fool, Wilder. Our sales are through the roof. The first film caused our servers to crash within the first twenty minutes of going live. No, she isn’t going anywhere.”

  I released him, walking away from where I left him, “Then I quit,” I shouted backwards, “I’m done.”

  “You’re not done. You forget who I am and what I know. And if you walk away from our contract, you even think of taking your business elsewhere, all it takes is one phone call to the cops.” He looked down at his nails, biting into one of the cuticles and then spitting the remains on the floor. “But hey, at least you won’t have to worry about your porn career when you’re serving time for drug dealing and trafficking.”

  I slammed my feet in place and walked back towards him. “You’ve got something coming for you, Daniel. And I’m going to be there to watch you fall.”

  He laughed, totally unmoved by my threats. “The only people here who has anything to lose are you and Kylie.”

  As I watched him walk back towards the crew, I lowered my head defeated. He was right. Together, Kylie and I would lose it all.

  Chapter 9

  Come on Will! Pick up your damn phone. Please, please. Just answer me.

  It was my third attempt at calling him today. After begging Elise to give me his number, she finally relented after I lied and told her he was a long lost, very distant cousin of a friend of mine. She snuck off to Daniel and fed him another lie until he gave her his cell. So many lies, both big and small. They were piling up in my life now.

  But there was one thing that was for certain – I wanted him.

  After coming home from the last shoot in tears, sobbing my heart out, I knew my feelings were true. This wasn’t just because he was a great fuck or that it felt so wrong to be with him that it turned me on just thinking of it. It was because I started remembering the man behind the tattoos and large cock. I remembered the brother who saved me from a slap when my stepfather became angry or the teenager who would take me to the candy store after class and spend his tiny paycheck on treating me. He was the guy who let me ride on the back of his bicycle, my arms wrapped around his waist and my legs circled tight around his thighs.

  I knew then, at fifteen, that I had feelings for him more powerful than a brother and sister should be. I watched him grow into a man with such fascination. I could remember myself studying his body as he bulked up, especially how his arms seemed to rip with new muscles and his jaw squared out against the skin. When he brought girls over thinking I was sleeping, which was frequent, I watched them from behind the living room door. He’d kiss them with such ferocity that I would run off, not sure if I wanted to see the rest or ashamed that I longed to be on the other side. Now I know which way I really felt.

  I was wrong for hating him for so many years. Whatever he did to want or need to run was beyond this. He was the one person in my life I could count on,
could trust. And I let that amazing relationship go because I believed whatever my parents said.

  I had a few old photos from him in one of my boxes from home. I'd left them sitting there for so long they were collecting dust and tattering around the edges. I grabbed some tape and stuck them up against the side of my bed so I could steal glances at them at night. I didn’t want him to be buried in the past anymore. I wanted to resurrect the William I knew. And I wanted so badly to be with the Wilder I had experienced.

  Lana was growing suspicious, though. She had walked on me several times making calls and cursing at the phone when he didn’t answer. On Friday, she slipped in behind me and grabbed the phone from my hand. She looked down at the name of the person I was trying to reach and pouted, “Girl, you know the first rule in getting a guy back is to not be the one calling – it’s to be unreachable.”

  I scoffed. “It’s not like that. It’s just that we – “ How could I make her understand that there was more to this than a little fight or some crossed signals? What happened between us was beyond her scope of boy-conquering. I stammered, “We had a huge fight over something I said. I need to make it right, but he won’t call me back.”


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