Blood Sabers

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Blood Sabers Page 11

by Burbaugh, MF;

“Fine, it is their hair. If I do it, it will be a hundred.” I was trying to figure out why, or even when I picked that number.

  “She needs to go or she will be late for the wedding,” Rodel said.

  “Sorry, I was thinking.” I bent and kissed her. “See you soon, beautiful.”

  “Do me proud,” she said, and left.

  I guess my face expressed my thoughts. “Thoughtful are we?” Rodel said.

  “It’s just, I heard her say that before, or something like it anyway, but I know she didn’t,” I said.

  “John, the best, most sincere advice I can give you is relax and go with the flow,” he said.

  A guard came in. “The tailor sends his regrets; some last minute malfunctions on the women’s side of the house prevent them from helping you dress. I have been asked to assist if I may,” she said.

  “Thank you, I don’t even know where they put the sash,” I said.

  “Well, I will find it; go shower,” she said.

  I went to the shower and just soaped down as she came in.

  “Found them.” She took the sash and boxers and went to the main room as I dried off. When I got back in there she handed me the blue shorts. I put them on and she never took her eyes off me. I put on their version of the flight suit and she helped with the sash. The suit was tight fitting and I was told it was based on an old NASA design. It shimmered with different colors. “We don’t have the material to make more of them.”

  “You always help men shower and things?” I asked.

  “No, just the ones who own my soul. If I embarrass you, I will leave,” she said.

  “Little strange and uncomfortable,” I said.

  “Our ways seem very different to you, don’t they?” she asked.

  “I can’t explain it, but weird and normal almost seem to fit together.” I looked at her; she was as beautiful as all the rest. “Well, it is my wedding day,” I said.

  “Yes, wish it was mine too.” She smiled.

  “You’d marry me?” I asked.

  “In a heartbeat, but alas, I shall be content with my dreams.” She actually had a sad smile.

  “Well, I shall keep such thoughts in the back of my mind,” I told her.

  “Where they should be. I am glad I am at least desirable. Lightens my soul,” she said. She looked in my eyes, started crying. “I remember, I am sorry.” She kissed me and left out the door.

  I went out and the guard I was coming to think of as ‘My Captain’ pushed me back inside as the other left.

  “This is getting stupid. Everyone saying things I almost remember, almost said, or almost did.” I watched her. “Truth, damn it. You really believe you knew me in a previous life. That I did something to or for you?” I asked, never moving my eyes.

  “Yes,” was all she said.

  “Yes, what?” I asked

  “Yes, you did something to me and for me,” she said.

  “Who was I, when was this?” I watched her.

  “I cannot, and will not answer that,” she said.

  “You remember it all?” I asked.

  “We are under a great awakening. Those that must, do. I cannot explain it even to myself so do not ask further. However, I ask a small boon if I may? Before you get married?” She watched my eyes.

  “Sure, if I can,” I said.

  “Remember, that I may honor you, that’s all,” and she headed out the door and said over her shoulder, “Hurry, you will be late.”

  “God damn it to hell!” I shouted. “I know those words, I do not remember but I know them! This stinks!”

  Rodel’s voice was almost calming. “Relax, it will come, do not fight it. Now get dressed, and like she said, hurry. The council voted this morning, we will start making and arming ships of war. These HH of yours are avoiding us, so we will make the ships on your design, with some additions.”

  I asked the guard back, she helped me adjust the sash and get the sword in place. “I guess I’m as ready as I can be.”

  She stepped back and looked me up and down. Turned me around and made a small adjustment on the sash. “Most Regal! Most Regal indeed.” Then she kissed me lightly on the cheek.

  “Whoever he was, I think he left an impression on you,” I said.

  She smiled and took my arm in hers and escorted me to the Grand Ball Room. A man stood just past the big doors. She released my arm, whispered to him, and stepped back. She whispered to me, “Do not worry, they won’t bother you until the reception. Royal orders.”

  The man took the long ornately carved staff he held and rapped it against the floor four times loudly. He had a deep and loud voice.

  “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, John of Earth, soon to be husband of Sylvia, has arrived, all honor his PREZZZZZZunce,” it sprawled out from his mouth.

  All over the hall people stopped talking, turned and bowed slightly. I bowed back.

  The caller said softly, “To the right, go up to the dais, stand to your right of The Chief and wait.”

  I looked back at the guard. She smiled, winked, turned, and left. As she was leaving, I saw Bill being escorted in. A big grin on his face.

  The caller did the same to him and he came up by The Chief. She positioned him further to the right then centered us both on her.

  She chatted with some others that were coming and going. To us, “Be a few minutes yet, Rodel will tell our caller. I will do Bill and Mary first then John and Sylvia. I could have done it without names and both at the same time but many people don’t know you. Agree?” she asked.

  Bill saw the medals and said, “Is that one what I think it is?”

  “Yes, an early version of the MoH,” I said.

  He turned and saluted it and turned back.

  Bill said, “Captain should be first, I’m shaking like a leaf.”

  Chief looked at him, “Lucky your seed is ripe, or you wouldn’t be here.”

  She continued, “If it is agreeable with you and your Mary, the king wishes you to take an ocean cruise on the royal yacht as our honeymoon present from the UNF to you. However, due to some time-sensitive deliveries it must depart at the conclusion of your part of the wedding and you must leave immediately--it is already being held up too long, the reception will be missed if you wish to go. The yacht is the finest vessel afloat and the trip has many breathtaking scenes.”

  She turned and said to me, “He wishes to extend an invitation to you to enjoy our ski resort in the high mountains.

  “Agreeable to you both?” she asked.

  Something soured in the woodpile. I knew ours was only two days, but I said nothing, there seems to be a lot of things going on I wasn’t yet privy to.

  Bill’s face lit up. “Sounds like true Royal Treatment,” I told him.

  “I think I get the better honeymoon package,” he said.

  “I don’t know, cold nights, lots of snow, big fire, sipping wine, sounds good to me.” I told him. “Agreed,” I told The Chief. Bill did too.

  She nodded to someone nearby who disappeared.

  “Your things are being moved to the Yacht as we speak,” Chief said.

  The Caller said, “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Let all who wish to be heard at the weddings stand behind the grooms. Everyone else be seated or stand…” He did it again, “QUIEEETTTlleeeeee.”

  A little shuffling, then silence.

  The caller nodded to The Chief who cleared her throat. “As Chief of the Tribe, President of the UNF, Head of council, and all that ungodly list I am burdened with,” a few giggles and a laugh, “I hereby call to order this gathering for the double marriage of Bill and Mary then John and Sylvia in matrimony. They come to us from the stars and have accepted our ways and are bound to them and our laws until they leave.”

  A lot of cheers and clapping.

  “Due to time requirements, Bill and Mary must depart as soon as their vows are made, we wish them a most happy honeymoon and will drink a toast in their honor at the reception.” She smiled. “Rodel, we are ready to start.”

e ancient, time-honored organ, a little more upbeat than I remembered, kicked in a wedding march.

  From the rear, I turned to watch two gorgeous women, led by young girls throwing flower pedals ahead of them as they followed the march in measured steps to the dais. As they got close I saw Sylvia’s red dress was absolutely, unbelievably, gorgeous. Her red mesh veil and the long dress train were stunning as well.

  Mary’s was no less so, off gold in color. It was fabulous.

  Two little girls on each train held them proud.

  “Aah, my legs wobble too,” I whispered.

  Bill smiled. The Chief grinned.

  “Stunning don’t you think?” The Chief whispered.

  I just nodded.

  As they came to the dais I held out my hand, Sylvia took it in hers and squeezed it. She was shaking like a leaf too. I smiled at her.

  Bill had Mary’s hand.

  Chief cleared her throat as the music stopped.

  “We are gathered today to hear the pledge of faith we call marriage between Bill and Mary and to record it in the great book. Who stands for this woman, Mary, that may give her away?”

  I heard a voice in the rear and glanced back, he took one-step forward, the tailor, but that was no pair of scissors he had his hand on. A huge katana. “I Willard, first in line to the throne, stand for Mary. Let any who would dispute it come before me that I may take their heads.” He looked around, nodded his head, and stepped back.

  As that was going on I noticed both trains were actually add-ons, not part of the actual dress, which was unusual. Then I remembered he said the shortage of silk and all just had one dress for all functions.

  “Do you, Bill, take Mary as your wife in sickness and…until death you do part?” She looked to Bill.

  His voice squeaked and a giggle was heard. “I do,” he said.

  Do you, Mary, take Bill as your husband, to bear his children and to accept all children he may have unto you as your own? To protect and love them with your life?”

  “I do,” she said.

  “Do any others claim wife?” Chief asked.

  I quietly whispered to Sylvia, “You’re right, I sense we have done this before.” The Chief shushed me and frowned. Sylvia squeezed my hand.

  “Then by the powers vested in me I pronounce you husband and first wife. Well? You need an invitation?” she said, and laughed.

  Bill lifted Mary’s Veil and planted a big kiss on her.

  “Turn around so that the people may honor your union.” When they did, it was pandemonium.

  “I do so love Jake for bringing this to us!” Chief said. “Wish them well now, they depart immediately.”

  I shook Bill’s hand and kissed Mary on the cheek. “Make him one sore S-O-B!” I whispered.

  “I intend too, believe me,” she smiled, and squeezed my hand.

  “Escort the bride and groom to the king for their Royal papers then to the chopper for the ride to the Yacht please? It sails immediately.” I watched them, Mary’s long train being chased by the two little girls. The king came down to them, shook hands, kissed Mary, and gave them some fancy parchments, said a few words to the people that got them a cheer and poof, they were gone.

  “We’re being set up, aren’t we?” I asked The Chief.

  “You betcha you are, they get a slow cruise, you get a few days.” She smiled. “You had better make the best of them, you Earth people have a huge reputation to uphold. Jake rode the Goddess three days and nights non-stop before he wore her out.”

  “What? You jest of course! Three? No way!” I had raised my voice, she shushed me and winked.

  “Legends, my friend, you are expected to match legends.” She just smiled again.

  The caller said, “They will make the sailing time, Chief.”

  “Good, shall we proceed?” she asked me.

  “If my knees don’t buckle, yes,” I told her, glancing at Sylvia.

  Sylvia squeezed my hand.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I now present the main course of the day’s events. The joining of Sylvia and John in matrimony. First, a gift to Sylvia, hand crafted by her soon to be husband in the old style.” A young woman brought forth a red jewelry box. “Any here still under the cloud of awakening?” No one said anything. “Good, then Sylvia, John spent many hours unaided, to make something that you may remember this day and his love for you by.” She opened it and held the box to me. I removed the necklace and as soon as people saw it, there were “oo’s” and “aa’s”, then I saw on a huge screen a close-up of it and the crowd started going wild.

  “I was sort of forced to make it, but my love for you is eternal.” I placed it around her neck and hooked the clasp. I slipped the chain under her vale and she adjusted it.

  She took my hand and squeezed, a half-pound more on her squeeze and bones would have broken.

  “These are the property of the UNF in normal tradition, but they are in your care until you leave us. Agreed?” The Chief was speaking to Sylvia.

  “It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life,” she said. Even through her veil, you could see her tears.

  I laughed. “Ah, love is clouding you vision.”

  “Do you, um, John, take this lovely woman, Sylvia, to be your wife, to have and to hold in sickness and heath, until death you do part?” Chief asked.

  “I do,” I managed to say.

  “Who stands Sylvia to be married?” Chief said.

  A deep voice, I knew the voice, I was afraid of it too, “I do, in her father’s stead. Let any who find fault step forward to die.” There was a short pause. “Good.”

  I glanced back. He still wore the big blood red Katana as he took the step back.

  “If he threatens me I promise to run far away!” I whispered. Chief winked.

  “Do you, Sylvia, take John as your husband, to bear his children and to accept all children he claims his as your own? To bring unto him wives as you deem them worthy of being called family? To love him and protect him with your life. In sickness or health until death you do part?”

  “I,” a squeak more than anything. She cleared her throat, “I do.”

  “Do any others claim wife?” Pause. “So be it. By the powers invested in me I now pronounce you husband and first wife.”

  I turned, lifted her veil and kissed her tears. She grabbed me and kissed so long I don’t think I breathed for five minutes. All to continuous roars and clapping.

  “All may kiss the bride and wish the groom well later at the reception. Our king wishes to honor these newlyweds.” Chief whispered, “Go down, over in front of, and move back up to, the king, bow deeply, and stay until acknowledged.”

  “Why do I feel everyone knows something but us?” asked Sylvia.

  “Because they do!” hissed The Chief. “Go.”

  We backed off the dais, went to the right, and turned where we were facing the king and his three beautiful wives. We walked up and I bowed low. So did Sylvia.

  “I feel—” the king started to say, but his first wife hissed at him and he shut up.

  “Kneel,” he said. We both did.

  He drew his sword, a real beauty. He dubbed each of us as Knights of the Round Table. He nicked his finger and sheathed the sword.

  “Rise, Sir Knights.” He turned to the crowd “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, the Government, and the people of the UNF, I introduce our newest knights, Sir John and Sir Sylvia, honor bound and duty sworn this day forward.”

  A huge roar erupted.

  The king held up his hands calling for quiet.

  “As official people from the Stars, Earth to be exact, we were hard pressed to come up with a proper title. With consent of Council I pronounce him Ruler of his estate, for now it shall be the state of Old Camelot, all lands north to the pole, west to the builders, and east to Mineral Bend. They are now official rulers of that area and as such entitled to all the Royal colors, rights, privileges, and responsibilities afforded there, until such time they may wish to le
ave. Any who oppose may present their grievance at next council meeting. All has been recorded and my seal affixed. Turn to meet the UNF, Ruler John and Queen Sylvia of Old Camelot.” He indicated we should turn. The noise was truly deafening.

  The king said something I could not hear. Finally, it died down. He shouted, “I bet the damned Koteck can hear us in hell!” It started all over again.

  “I, as king, am the only person alive permitted to offer you something; first Rodel wishes to tell the entire UNF a short story taken from your ships records. If I find anyone was not listening they may lose their heads,” he said.

  Speakers all over the lands herd Rodel as he told a story. “An off duty army kid jumped in front of two radical leftist spies for a group NASA was at war with. The dumb kid took a total of six bullets, a vice President was saved, a secretary was killed. The kid, bleeding to death, picked up a dropped pistol and put two rounds into each of the bastard’s hearts. It was said the second was just to keep the first from being lonely. A doctor’s intern saved his life in the back of an ambulance, and a grateful nation awarded him its highest honor, the Medal of Honor, and a purple heart for his injuries. He wears our Heart equivalence now.”

  The king cleared his throat, “As king, I offer you Our Royal Order of Queastra in place of your Medal of Honor. You have seen her die and understand its honor and meaning. It is your choice, we would be honored if you would, but understand if you would not.”

  Sylvia said, “When in Rome.”

  “Your Majesty, I feel I would be so unworthy of it. It shall be your choice, not mine,” I bowed my head.

  “So be it! So ordered. I break tradition in that the presentation shall be given by one of our Royal Guards. Her comment is as follows, “I am glad he lived that we may honor him.”

  Not one single peep.

  I am definitely thinking of her as ‘My Captain’ as she stepped forward, bowed to the king and removed the medal from his hand. Hers was shaking. She turned and marched to me, placed the white bloodstained panties medal around my neck, removed the pin holding the old MoH and kissed it, turned and handed it to someone who gave it to the king. She then kissed the new one and kissed me on the cheek. She backed up, saluted, and marched away.

  I almost passed out when Sylvia said, “That went well, my husband.”


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