Blood Sabers

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Blood Sabers Page 35

by Burbaugh, MF;

  The officer actually smiled and took her back to the cell. More calls.

  No, she still had it. No, it broke. What was he to do? Long pause.

  “Why don’t you come do it? No insult intended.” He was too lowly an officer to have the brains to know what to do.

  He received new instructions. He said he’d call back if he was still alive.

  He came to her, looked her in the eyes, two pools of blue. He felt like his heart was being examined. Linda sub’d he was actually a decent guy stuck in an indecent world.

  The officer shook free of her stare and said, “I know you don’t understand. I know you’ll probably kill me but I have my orders. I know from my touching you earlier so inappropriately that you can kill and would do so. I don’t know if you are some bomb, or mechanical robot or what you are but I must search you. We have no women here, only the high officers get them, so I must try to search you or I die. I am truly sorry.”

  He slowly moved his hand toward her; he was shaking. He placed it on her shoulder and lifted her arm and looked, nothing. He moved it to her feet and checked each one and between the toes. He checked her other arm. He ever so slowly searched every inch of her.

  She sub’d, “Almost as gentle as someone we all love.”

  He concluded she was not a machine.

  She stood and he jerked. She turned and, palming the earpiece to her sword hand, she raised her hands to allow a better search. He knew she understood the difference between a search and a sexual come-on. He might live after all.

  When he was done she sat and he checked her ears, hair, nose, mouth. Nothing. He went to the phone as she slipped the earpiece back on. “Oooo that felt ssssssoo good!” She sub’d, and giggled.

  He called his HQ. “She’s clean. Yes, I said she’s clean. Nothing. Yes, she is very pretty indeed.

  “No, she still has the sword, none can get it away. Okay, in the morning she will. Yes, Sir, I understand.”

  He came back and squatted by her and placed a hand on each of her shoulders. “I must send you up to the pigs tomorrow. I know what they will do. If they can’t make you talk they will at least have the pleasures of your flesh and I am sorry. I am but a product of my environment.” His eyes were moist.

  He started to stand and she said in a language even she didn’t understand, “Thank you.” Pulled him to her and kissed his lips lightly and was back to a strange statue.

  He turned his back. “Someday, I would like to find out what and where you were from. Maybe I shall visit your grave that we may talk. I am truly sorry.” He left.

  “He f’ing cares. Damn this hurts in a way. We, well I, must come back and make amends. If my husband would ever allow such a transgression,” she said over the system.

  “I am a product of my environment as well,” I told her. “Your call, I fully understand how it feels to be so tortured.” I shrugged. Aawasa just smiled a little.

  That night, while Linda sat in a cell, Aawasa and I talked to her, keeping her company through the earbud. Next morning she was in the staff car. The officer stayed behind.

  Three hours of bouncing along some god awful roads and she saw nothing but a few hand-drawn peasant carts. The two vehicles she did finally see were government ones.

  I was pissed. She still was not at the main city and what awaited her here was known. If it had been HQ I would have acted, but not here. Still too low. I told Aawasa what I thought.

  She said, “I would think, at this juncture, you sent her as a spy, let her do the spy things all women spies must do and trouble yourself not. She is the Bronze Goddess, remember?”

  She was placed in a cell and yelled at by some jerk. He tried to get the sword but gave up. He tried to spread her legs but they didn’t move. He slapped her and cracked his wrist. He got mad and was going to kick her but a high-ranking general came in and stopped him and chewed him out.

  He sent him away. They were alone. He said, “You are the pretty they found by the lake? I wonder, did my lower commander have his way? Humm, not going to say? Well, I must decide if I dare. My superiors will want you to themselves but maybe a little taste would do no harm.”

  He stood along side her, ran the back of his hand down her hair, along her chin, down her neck and shoulder.

  He went and called someone. A female; they argued a bit but she said okay, and he left.

  She came to Linda and said, “You the bitch going to get him tonight? Sorry, he is a lousy lover, but we are women—they do what they will, we do or die.

  “You are a pretty one, even if you don’t understand me. Best I can do is call up the main HQ and tell them you’re here, but it will still be a day or two. Oh well, I am supposed to get you cleaned up for his bed tonight, if you understand. I do it for my job. Not because I want to.”

  She took Linda to a shower and showered her, perfumed her, tried to move the sword, gave up, and got her dried off.

  She led her up three flights of stairs to a private hall and a single door. His bedroom. The girl put Linda on the bed and moved her sword hand so it would not be in the way. She hollered to the general she was ready and left.

  Linda wondered what to do. She didn’t want his hands on her but she wasn’t where she was supposed to be yet. She quickly sub’d Aawasa who gave her the instructions, though neither liked it.

  He came in all smiles, tried a lousy kiss, and got no response. He ran his hand up the inside of her leg and she opened them slowly. He got undressed and Linda almost laughed at such a little thing. Even hard it barely qualified as a male organ.

  She let him have his way with the cold fish. He was disgusted with no response. He called the girl back in and she returned her to the cell.

  “I don’t know what you did or didn’t, but he never calls it off this early, hum. Well, come on you deserve to try and scrub some of his stink off.”

  Linda showered and it didn’t help a bit.

  The next morning Higher HQ called wanting to know why they weren’t told of this intruder. Who was she, etcetera.

  The general explained she arrived very late and he didn’t want to disturb the sleep of such hardworking people since she didn’t speak and had nothing on her except a sword.

  She was to be sent to supreme HQ immediately. A helicopter would arrive in an hour.

  “Finally!” she sub’d.

  The helicopter took her to their capital city. She was put in a heavily guarded cell inside a large military compound. She spotted the headquarters and the ruler’s palace and the government’s seat of power—the peoples something or other, like a congress.

  She occasionally would say something in a strange tongue. Guards would look or ignore, but hardly paid attention.

  Some doctor types came to do blood work, the usual. They couldn’t use a needle or anything on her, best they got was a little sperm. It was soon identified because a certain lady found it odd she gave her two showers inside an hour. A certain general was under house arrest.

  By noon the next day she was a public display for high ranks in government. Even the ruler and his wife came by and he drooled. His wife told him to kill her at once. She was some evil demon. Was she afraid for him? No, she was afraid he’d be humping this girl if he could.

  Linda found everyone she met, male and female, evil and hateful. Those at the top fought to stay there and those below used any means to try and get to the top.

  There were two exceptions, both women. One was a doctor’s assistant, who tried several times to get blood, urine, anything that could be analyzed for DNA or other data. Talking kindly, saying how despicable they treat someone who had done nothing wrong and how she’d been raped by that general too.

  The second was a young, very pretty, light green skinned woman that met the requirements to be carrying a child of the twelve. Her brains clearly matched her body. She was a linguist. Rodel helped feed info regarding names and as the woman showed things Linda gave names and slowly the linguist was learning Gallic, or some such. An old Earth lang
uage, according to Rodel.

  The linguist found out this Linda was 21 and from the stars. She liked two people, her and the doctor’s assistant. She remembered she was aboard a space mover and then she remembered a lake. Some trip they were on. Some guy raping her, and when her boyfriend comes she knew he would be most unpleased.

  Linda overheard a bit of information. Supreme Council was meeting in two days. Linda would be inspected by the general tonight.

  The linguist told her she would probably get raped. They all did now and then, part of the job. Go with the flow.

  Linda informed the linguist that on the day of this meeting she and the doctor’s assistant might wish to go picnicking or vacation or something. If she warned anyone Linda would know and she would die. Linda’s eyes flashed blue fire just enough for the linguist to believed her. Linda promised it would be no one’s job to ever be raped again.

  The general, supremely proud and confident late that night, with two assistants, managed to get Linda to lay down on a bed and spread her legs for a general with a little bitty thing that thought itself a telephone pole or something. He was extremely happy when he mounted her. She stared at the ceiling and never blinked. He was in heaven until he realized it was getting tight, very tight. He screamed and barely managed to get it out. He required immediate surgery. He ruptured some major blood vessels. One of the assistants, a female, said, “I like you!” Patted her cheek and left. She was evil, but saw humor there.

  She lay there and never moved until they all left and she sat up and smiled.

  I said, “Always wondered why, now I know.” She blew snot laughing but got back under control as a guard thought he heard something and came back to check. She was laying there, so pretty, legs spread and bent and all alone. He came over thinking he could…but decided if he did he’d be dead. A mere private. But he could dream and went back to his post.

  Good boy, Linda thought. You’ll die faster than the rest.

  The general ordered her shot at dawn. He was still in recovery.

  At dawn she was led from her cell and placed against a wall that appeared well used for such deeds.

  She stood there, legs spread slightly apart, bright white and pale blue Camelot battledress on, right hand holding the sword. A firing squad came out and lined up. The general was there on a gurney to watch. The officer in charge raised a sword, Linda noticed it was a total piece of crap. He hollered fire and two things happened. A bullet bounced off her sword and hit him in the guts and another hit a general almost square between the eyes. She mentally bit her tongue. “Such bad luck these people have,” she sub’d.

  They led her back to a cell where she just sat and people were talking about secret armor or force fields and the odds of two bullets hitting people.

  The council meeting was to start in a couple hours. Rodel jammed all tracking gear that might see a certain blue armored king with a huge plume on his head ride in from the heavens on a saber tooth towing a blue bubble full of half naked women with sharp swords. The timing was perfect. All the power of this government was about to meet in a single large building surrounded by guards with popguns and four tanks outside, one at each corner just to back up the guards.

  The entire main compound had been checked by Rodel’s small remotes. These people were as afraid of attacks from within as without. Two machine gun towers were the main defense, one northeast, one southwest. The guards around the building had clip fed, bolt-action rifles and the officers had pistols and cheap swords.

  The armory had two guards outside and two inside, behind locked doors. The only source of real firepower for a couple miles.

  Linda asked a guard for the linguist by name. He said she went to visit a very sick somebody or other. He had to repeat it several times because she didn’t speak his tongue.

  At almost the exact time the meeting was called to order, with the ruler and wife in a private box overlooking the huge hall, all communications in the city collapsed.

  A guard tower was smashed to smithereens when a flying saber tooth hit it full force and another tower was cut down by a cable towing some women.

  Inside a cell a blond bombshell armored up and with eyes throwing blue sparks sliced a cell door open and, as promised, quickly removed the heads of her guards.

  Outside she mounted a lion and soon a whole building called the People’s Congress, was surrounded by a blue glow. Most of its guards were outside that pale blue bubble. As Linda ranted and raved and pointed her sword, four tanks melted and exploded.

  The towed blue bubble with some half naked women in it smashed into the armory, killing two armory guards—the door they were guarding had fallen inward. The guards inside gave their heads for their country.

  Aawasa said, “Secure.”

  Linda said, “Secure.”

  Some officer ran to the armory. He emptied his pistol to no effect on the guy in funny blue armor standing there. He raised his sword to charge and a little girl with a big sword stepped out of the armory door.

  He checked up and readjusted his attack to take her first. Sword held high and to the side, he charged.

  His arms didn’t work, his legs didn’t work, his head went missing as Matawasa dismembered him in short order.

  I went inside; they had several types of explosives and grenades. Right after we left, they all went boom.

  We met Linda at the big blue bubble. She turned it off just long enough for us to step inside. Rodel estimated 1400 to 2000 in there. Aawasa and the others said there were few, if any, good souls anywhere. I told them no quarter; these bastards raped my wife and tried to shoot her. None would live unless Aawasa said different. Linda and I sent our pets to prowl the lower floors. From the screams they found toys to play with.

  The grand assembly hall and dais were against the back wall, across from the big doors we entered. Benches lined the walls and chairs filled the floor.

  Two officers tried to stop us. Katawasa’s sword was sharp and Queastra’s speed was too. I could tell there was going to be a lot of headless bodies for burial.

  Queastra moved quickly into the main room, saw, and took out five guards—all had a single arrow sticking through their chests, one side to the other. Each arrow had a black heart impaled on it.

  We walked in. Linda and I together started down the center, the girls fanned out behind. I could not imagine what these people thought. We all just started removing heads and arms and legs. One side to the other. We could hear the ruler’s wife telling him how he should have listened to her and killed the bitch, and blaming him for her predicament.

  Altogether it took about two hours to finish all but the ruler and his wife. Being afraid of a coup and requiring all to be unarmed except the few trusted guards who were now dead, had distinct disadvantages for them.

  Linda told him, in his own language, she found him to have affronted her decencies. Had her raped by his generals and mistreated all the women around him. She told him where she planned on putting his privates as she ripped them off. He then was forced to bend over and died. His wife was screaming, not because of what was being done to her husband but what she was told was going to happen to her.

  Communications were re-established. Linda went outside the bubble to persuade the military types that their options were do as they were told or die. A few dozen tried to change her mind, but she was quite insistent and the burning corpses and melted tanks did not go unnoticed by the remainder.

  After Rodel did his magic, their TV saw a despotic communist ruler and his wife resign and turn over all rights and properties to King Jake for his disposition. They were going to retire in an undisclosed location.

  Rodel had done an exceptional job. The army was ordered to stand down under penalty of death. Most did, a few thought it a good time to try and revolt.

  Linda took Matawasa and flew to all the nuke storage sites and missile silos. They became empty tombs. Warheads disabled and doors fused shut. More than one had bodies left behind.

capitalist country’s leaders were sent a private video, a slow trip over the entire assembly. Careful attention to the leader’s entrails and those of his wife. The final scene showed a blond bombshell, hands on hips, blue flames shooting from her eyes, legs spread apart and a big sword across her body crackling blue sparks, covered head to toe in body parts and blood. She told them all, “This will be you if you also piss me off!”

  It was never shown or mentioned on any TV or news.

  Aawasa said, “That went well, I think.” And we all laughed. Linda went to find a shower. She felt filthy inside and out. We didn’t blame her a bit.

  Aawasa had checked a few people, but found none worth saving along the way.

  Linda told of the two she had found and the guy they all knew about.

  Having Rodel giving orders from non-existent and unknown generals, the two young ladies were rounded up.

  They came by and saw the carnage and were terrified. They were taken back outside to await our decisions.

  We stacked and burned bodies. Not much to do about the blood.

  Linda found the ruler had a well-appointed suite up stairs. We all showered. One of the few clean rooms left around.

  Aawasa and Linda read the two girls. Both had good, strong genes and kind, but bruised, souls. Both had been raped many times and had simply accepted it as the way it was. Aawasa declared both were acceptable.

  I told Linda to find that guy she met, negotiate with him, and I told her what he needed to do. Katawasa was going to go with her but I told her no. She would handle it just fine.


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