Watch Over Me

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Watch Over Me Page 4

by Sydney Landon

  When she began pushing her hips back to meet his driving thrusts, he moaned, “Damn, Gwen, you feel so good. You’re taking everything I give you and coming after more. Fuck!” The more he talked, the hotter she became. Hearing him talk about her body so intimately was sexier than she could have ever imagined. She felt like a supermodel as he praised her. She had never been happier to have a big backside because Dominic couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of it. In what was probably one of the most vocal sexual performances of her life, Gwen threw her head back and screamed like a banshee when her orgasm hit. Dominic thrust a couple more times and shouted his release as he continued to glide in and out of her, bringing them both down slowly. She could only imagine what his neighbors must be thinking. How thick could these apartment walls be?

  Dominic pulled out of her and disposed of his condom, all the while keeping one hand on her waist. “I don’t think I can walk,” she said as she slowly straightened, attempting to work the kinks from her back. When he suddenly swung her up into his arms, she was speechless for a moment before stuttering out, “Dom, put me down. I’m too heavy.” Way to bring that to his attention, you idiot!

  He shook his head as he looked down at her. “You’re not even remotely heavy, babe. I’m going to run us both a bath so we can relax. How does that sound?” Now he was truly something straight out of a romance novel. He cooked dinner, gave her multiple orgasms, said she was skinny—well, close enough—and now was carrying her to the bath. How was this man still single? Had no other woman discovered the hidden gem that was Dominic Brady? What was she missing? There had to be something wrong with him. Maybe he hogged the covers, farted in bed, and watched sports obsessively. Of course, she’d probably even be willing to overlook all of that. Just his sexual skills alone were worth a lot. Heck, if he took out the garbage and put the seat down on the toilet, she would marry him in a minute.

  “That sounds amazing,” she murmured as he carried her effortlessly into the bedroom and sat her gently on the edge of the bed while he continued into the bathroom. She heard him whistling under his breath as he started the bathwater. She couldn’t resist getting to her feet and edging toward the open door to watch him. Oh myyyy, his firm ass was bent over the bathtub as he poured in something that looked like bath salts. He lowered his hand to check the water temperature and then turned to grab two towels from the cabinet behind him. When he also pulled out some candles and a lighter, she felt herself swoon until a thought occurred to her. There was no way he had known they would end up in the bath tonight. So, he was lighting another’s woman’s candles for her. Okay, maybe it was unreasonable to think that, but somehow it just felt wrong.

  She had no idea that she had been scowling at the offending wax until he cleared his throat and held the fat candle up for her to see. “These are new, babe. My ever-hopeful and completely inappropriate sister left them the last time she visited. She claimed that if I were more romantic, I might find ‘the one.’ I tossed them in here so I would be prepared for the next power outage and that’s where they’ve been until now.” Suddenly, he looked achingly shy as he asked, “Do you like stuff like this? If you don’t, I can put them back.”

  Gwen felt like a bitch as he looked away nervously. What was wrong with her? Wasn’t she always complaining about the men that she dated never putting her first or thinking of her needs? And here was Dominic, trying to do something sweet to please her. Only how had she handled it? Practically reduced him to vapors with the glare she had leveled on him. She was so used to being the one trying to make an impression that she didn’t know how to handle it when the other party was actually making an effort.

  She reached him in a couple of quick strides, wrapping her arms around his taut middle. Wow, this night was just full of surprises. She and Dominic were both still nude and she was comfortable with that as she hugged him. Normally, she would never have made it this long without at least putting a shirt on. With him, though, things were just easy. It was as if they’d known each other intimately for far longer than two days. “I love candles,” she whispered against his chest. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  Gwen felt him relax against her as he ran a hand up and down her back soothingly. “Good, I’m glad.” They stood there locked together for another few moments until he stepped away to turn the water in the big Jacuzzi tub off. He tested the temperature again before reaching for her hand and pulling her gently forward. She bit off a moan as she settled back into the warm, scented water. She closed her eyes in bliss, almost forgetting where she was until she felt a tug on her hair. “Mind if I join you?” Dominic quirked, smiling down at her indulgently.

  “Oh crap, sorry.” Gwen moved suddenly to her knees to give him some room, which was a big mistake in a slippery bathtub. She had just enough time to squeak out, “Yikes,” before her knees went out from under her and the silky water engulfed her. Before she could panic, hands were pulling her up and he was gently pressing a towel against her face.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Dominic asked, sounding concerned. “Shit, I didn’t mean to startle you. Do you need to get out?”

  “No, no,” she stammered as she pushed her damp hair out of her face. Dominic kept a hand on her shoulder while he stepped in carefully behind her before pulling her gingerly between his legs. She sighed against him before letting a giggle escape. “Oh, dear Lord, that was so ugly, wasn’t it? I think Justin Timberlake can relax because there’s no way I’m ever ‘bringing sexy back,’ ugh.”

  His chest vibrated against her back as he laughed along with her. “It was quite a sight, but I disagree with the sexy part. You don’t need to bring it back, babe, because it never left.”

  “You’re pretty sexy yourself,” she joked, running a hand down his thigh. “I mean, where did you get a body like this? I know you run because I see you when you’re coming back all hot and sweaty. But, you’ve also got serious muscles so you must spend a lot of time at the gym.”

  Chill bumps covered her body as he lazily moved her hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck. “We have a workout room at the office that we use in the mornings. It’s easier to get it out of the way early instead of waiting until the evening. Running is just something I enjoy doing to de-stress. How about you? You’re tight in all of the right places so you obviously exercise.”

  Gwen shifted around nervously, not wanting to answer his question. There was no way a hard-core fitness buff would be impressed with her brand of exercise. He would probably laugh her right out of the bath. “I . . . um . . . take classes at the gym next to the office.”

  “What kind of classes?” he asked, sounding genuinely interested.

  “Er . . . water classes,” she replied, still trying to keep her answer short.

  “You mean like swimming?”

  “Well . . . not quite.” Good grief, the man was like a drill sergeant. Couldn’t he just let it go?

  He turned her sideways until he could look at her and asked, “If you’re not swimming, then what kind of water classes could you be taking?”

  “Senior Swingers, okay? Are you happy now?”

  “Senior Swingers?” Dominic parroted as if testing out the words on his tongue. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a water class for active seniors. We do jazz exercise, Zumba, water ballet, and water spinning. It’s completely awesome,” she finished defensively.

  He studied her for a moment before saying hesitantly, “You know you’re not a senior, don’t you?”

  “Duh,” she snorted, “of course I do. I just thought it would be fun to join a gym and all of the other classes are full of nothing but a bunch of Lycra-wearing Barbie dolls who look down on those of us who are less than . . . coordinated. I always felt so self-conscious that I found myself not wanting to go. One day in the locker room, I met a nice lady named Marion who was sitting next to me on the bench in a swimsuit. She was really friendly and urged me to bring my suit the next evening and take a class with her. Well, I did and I loved it. Yes
, I’m the youngest one in the class, but everyone is so friendly that I look forward to going. And . . . I never feel bad about wearing a swimsuit.”

  Gwen hadn’t realized how worked up she had become until he rubbed her arms, instantly calming her. The man probably thought she was a nut-job after that rant. She had not meant to give out so much information, but after feeling like some of the women were so judgmental at the gym, she got easily riled over it.

  “Baby, I think it’s great,” he said earnestly. “It sounds as if you’ve found a group of friends that you really enjoy spending time with. Who cares what their ages are? I’ve been a member of some health clubs before where I wasn’t comfortable and I didn’t go for long. As for other women not treating you well—honey, it’s just pure jealousy. You’re a beautiful woman with a body that men dream of. You have curves where they’re supposed to be. Contrary to popular opinion, most guys want a woman to look like a woman, not a stick-figure drawing. I’m not an artistic man, but I could write poetry about your ass. It makes me weak in the knees and hard in the cock. Never . . . ever . . . even consider getting rid of it.”

  This man was driving her crazy. Every word that came from his mouth was more perfect than the last. Both her head and her heart were ready to explode from the abundance of compliments that he bestowed on her, and she didn’t think he was the type to spout meaningless flattery. Heck, what would be the point; she was already having sex with him. She was almost sure that he meant everything that he was saying. He liked her body just as it was and heaven knows she loved his. Actually, she wanted to love it some more, like right now, and she had noticed how he had thickened in the last few moments as well. “Dominic?”

  “Hmmm?” he drawled against the top of her head.

  “Could you take me to bed, like immediately?”

  “Tired, babe?” he asked as he began to release her.

  “No. I want more . . . sex?” She cringed briefly at her choice of words. It had come out as more of a question than a firm statement of fact.

  “Do you now?” he asked, sounding as if he were choking on laughter. “Well, as you said last night, I’m glad we’re both on the same page.” Standing behind her, he stepped out before turning to help her. “Let’s get you all dried off, babe, so I can make you wet again. . . .”

  And did he ever.

  Chapter Four

  “You did it how many times?” Crystal asked in disbelief.

  “Um . . . three not counting the—other stuff,” Gwen replied, knowing her face was probably redder than her hair by now. She wasn’t one for sex talk; well, mainly because she never had any good enough to share . . . until Dominic.

  “I love the ‘other stuff,’” Mia purred, fanning herself.

  “That’s such bullshit,” Crystal pouted. “My ex told me it was bad for a man’s system to come more than three times per week. He never—and I mean never ever—did it more than once per night and even that was a letdown.”

  “How about other men you’ve dated?” Gwen asked¸ curious.

  “What other men? My parents were so strict with Ella and me that we really didn’t get to date much. Bill attended our church and was a carbon copy of them so they were constantly pushing us together from the moment I turned eighteen. I swear I think they secretly arranged the whole marriage. I was so desperate for freedom that I went along with it, and before I knew what was happening, I was married to the male version of my mother.”

  “Oh wow,” Mia winced. “I’ve heard a few stories about her from Suzy. She’s . . .”

  “Batshit crazy,” Crystal offered. “Yeah, you can say it. I love the woman, but she acts freaking nuts most of the time. She has barely spoken to me since I divorced Bill. To her, I’m completely in the wrong, and she wants me to beg him to take me back.”

  “Do you miss him?” Gwen asked, noticing an underlying hint of pain in her friend’s voice.

  Expelling a breath, Crystal said, “I miss the idea of him. For so many years, I did everything I could to make him happy. I thought if I could be the perfect wife then our relationship would improve. Only that never happened. Both he and my mother had been pressuring me to have kids, and I just couldn’t go along with it. I knew if I did, then he would have me trapped forever. It forced me to finally accept that I was miserable. I gave him an ultimatum to change and he tried for all of five minutes. A few months later, I packed my bags and left him. So . . . in answer to your original question, I have no experience outside of my relationship with him.”

  Mia threw an arm over Crystal’s shoulders, giving her a brief hug before saying, “Well, I’ll go ahead and tell you that men are definitely capable of coming more than a few times a week without breaking their plumbing. You just need to find the right guy.”

  “Hey, how about the one you kneed in the crotch a few weeks ago? Didn’t you say he was cute before you emasculated him in the parking garage?” Gwen joked.

  Dropping her head, Crystal shuddered. “Oh God, you mean Gage.”

  “Doesn’t he work with Dominic?” Mia looked intrigued.

  “Wait. That was Gage?” Gwen asked in disbelief. She remembered Gwen telling them all about the incident but didn’t remember her mentioning the man’s name.

  “Yeah, that’s him,” Crystal groaned. “He had asked me out a few times before I shoved his balls up around his neck. I mean, it wasn’t on purpose or anything. I had worked late that evening and was walking through a mostly empty parking garage when someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder. I thought I was being mugged so I did one of my self-defense moves and kneed him right in the baby-maker. That shit works, too, because he dropped like a stone. I looked down right before I took off and recognized him instantly.” Looking dejected she added, “He’s avoided me like the plague since then.”

  “Well, duh,” Mia laughed. “No man wants his dick chopped off.”

  “Who got their dick chopped off?” asked an interested male voice from behind them.

  Gwen whirled around in her seat to see Dominic standing behind her, looking equal parts curious and amused. “I . . . oh . . . hey.”

  “Hey, babe,” he said in reply before dropping a kiss on her upturned lips. “Hi, ladies,” he turned to greet her friends.

  Crystal kicked her under the table, snapping Gwen out of her daze long enough to introduce her friends. “Dominic, this is Crystal and Mia.” He shook each of their hands, and she noticed both of her friends swooning under his handsome gaze.

  Returning his attention to her, he said, “I dropped by your office on the way out to see if you needed anything. Sorry. Things were a bit hectic this morning and I missed bringing you coffee.”

  “That’s okay.” She fidgeted under the watchful eyes of her friends.

  “How about dinner tonight?” he offered as he rubbed lazy circles on her shoulder. She wished he would stop touching her because she was only seconds away from panting with desire for him. He had magic hands with a direct link to her clit.

  “Oh, I can’t. I’m babysitting for Shannon tonight.” Shannon was a neighbor, as well as a single mom. She worked at a local hospital and sometimes had problems finding a sitter when she worked the evening shift.

  “The Shannon who lives a few doors down from you?” Dominic asked, which surprised her. She should have known that someone in his line of work would make it his business to know the people he lived next to.

  “Yes, that’s her. I help her out with Megan and Maddy occasionally.”

  “I know,” he said, again surprising her. “I’ve seen you with them on the complex playground. How about I pick up some pizza and come along? Do you think the girls would like that for dinner?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to warn him about how rambunctious the kids were when she suddenly thought better of it. Maybe he needed a reality check on how tough it could be to spend the evening with a couple of little girls who looked like angels yet acted more like devils most of the time. The poor man would probably run screaming for his life aft
er the first hour. Trying to hide her smirk she said, “I think that’s a great idea. The girls just love pizza. I’m supposed to be at Shannon’s at six so why don’t you come on by when you get home?”

  “Sounds great, babe,” he said as he dropped another kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you this evening.” With those words, he walked toward the front of the restaurant and picked up a couple of to-go bags before waving a final time on his way out the door.

  “You totally just set him up.” Mia shook her head. “I’ve heard you talk about those kids before.”

  Leaning back in her chair, Gwen couldn’t stop the evil laughter that escaped her throat. “Ladies, it’s time to separate the men from the boys before I go any further. If he makes it an hour tonight, then I’ll know that he’s got more staying power than my last three boyfriends combined.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Crystal asked, playing devil’s advocate.

  “I’ll just use him for sex, without relationship potential.” Gwen rubbed her hands together, suddenly looking forward to babysitting more than she ever had before. Come on, Maddy and Megan, don’t let me down now.

  * * *

  “Do you have a penis?” asked the little blond-haired cherub standing in front of him. Dominic couldn’t remember if this was Maddy or Megan, and he wasn’t sure it mattered at this point.

  “How about another piece of pizza?” He attempted to derail her train of thought without answering her question.

  “I got a gina,” she continued, completely ignoring his food offer.

  The older of the two put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. “It’s a V A G I N A,” she carefully enunciated. He almost sagged in relief when Gwen walked into the room, shook her head at the conversation she had obviously overheard and then did the unthinkable—she turned and walked away, leaving him in hell. The older girl continued in a scary, matter-of-fact voice, “A penis is like a stick and a vagina is a hole. You gotta be careful so nothing falls in there, you know.” Fucking shit, how could Gwen have left him? He wasn’t supposed to be having a conversation like this.


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