Riding Until The End

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by A'zayler

  My Love Ain’t Meant For a Thug III

  Riding Until the End

  A Novel By:


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  © 2016

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter One

  When a woman’s fed up

  “All I’m saying is don’t get in that shit. It ain’t got nothing to do with you, just like it ain’t got shit to do with me. I know that’s your friend and everything, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m not telling your ass that no more.” Congo was lying across the bed playing the game and getting on Honey’s everlasting nerves.

  He had been going on and on about her, Arizona, and Toro all morning. She had been on the phone with Z for a few hours, and all he kept talking about was how she was going to be right back with Toro, so Honey needed to stay out of it. Though Honey agreed with him and kind of thought the same thing, she just wished he would shut up about it.

  “That’s they shit. They’ve been doing it for years. She ain’t gon’ do nothing but talk shit with you, take his ass back, then kick your ass to the curb because you know all of her business. That’s how y’all do. Which is stupid as fuck, in my opinion.” Congo sat up so that he could see the TV better.

  Honey continued rubbing lotion on her arms like she hadn’t heard a word he said. Truth was, she hadn’t. After he’d driven straight home without buying her anything to eat, her talk time was over. There was nothing left to be said. He called himself having a little attitude then fine. He could have one, but she would have one too.

  “I know you hear me talking to your red ass.”

  Honey got off the bed and grabbed the lotion in her hand. She was about to walk past him and go into the bathroom, but his hand slapping across her butt made her stop. He knew she hated when he did that, but he always found some reason or another to do it. As bad as she wanted to open her mouth and go off on him, she chose not to. That’s what he wanted. He wanted her to act a fool with him, but he had another thing coming.

  “So you mad?”

  With a roll of her eyes, Honey wobbled out of their room and into the hallway. She picked up her phone, purse, keys, and headed to the door. Before she could even get out of it good he was right up on her. She hadn’t even heard him get up, let alone walk up behind her. Being that his parents’ basement wasn’t that large to begin with, she should have at least heard the bed squeak.

  With his hand holding the door to keep it from opening, Congo leaned down and kissed the side of Honey’s face. “You mad, lil fatty?”

  Honey looked past him and out the door. She wouldn’t even acknowledge that little comment. She allowed her eyes to roam around the yard as she waited for him to move. The sun was shining, but it was still a little cold. It was the end of January and she would be so happy when the summer came. The cold weather really wasn’t her thing. On top of that, by the time summer came, she would have her body back.

  Carrying around another little human was doing numbers on her body. When Honey’s phone started buzzing she and Congo both looked down to see who was calling. When Zay’s name popped up on the screen, she went to answer it but couldn’t because Congo had grabbed her arm. He shook it lightly until her phone dropped. The moment it hit the floor he did the same thing to rid her of her keys and purse.

  “Come back in here and let me put you in a good mood.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Oh, so you can talk?”

  “Yeah. Just not to you.” Honey tried to squeeze past him, but he pressed his body into hers, pinning her against the wall.

  He kissed the side of her face, then both of her eyes, finally stopping at her mouth. Since she had been pouting for the last couple of minutes, her lips were poked out. He grabbed onto the bottom one with his teeth and sucked on it. Honey could feel herself weakening as his hands slid around to her back, down over her butt, and onto her thighs. When he pulled her forward, his hand eased between her legs.

  “Open these up real quick.” He tapped the inside of her thigh with his pinky finger.

  Honey did as requested and gapped her legs open for him. With a quick dip of his knees, Congo bent down and picked her up. With her stomach in the way, she feared that he might not have a tight enough grip around her waist, so she tried to wiggle back to her feet.

  “Be still. I ain’t gon’ drop your big ass.”

  Honey wanted to roll her eyes and say something smart, but his mouth over hers stopped that. The slow methodical strokes of his fingers between her legs had her mind swirling. When they were back in the small comfortable room that they had been occupying at his parent’s house, he kicked the door closed and laid her on the bed. Honey didn’t even have the chance to situate herself on the bed good before Congo was right back on her.

  He’d snatched his shorts down already, and now he was pulling the maternity pants she’d been wearing down and off her legs. When they touched the floor, he didn’t bother with any other kind of foreplay, he just went straight to it. He pushed his way inside her, filling her insides with his wood. Every time he moved his hips, Honey’s body would shudder. It had been like that for the last couple of months.

  Her body had become so sensitive that the slightest touch from Congo sent her into euphoria. Honey shivered nonstop as he worked her body into exhaustion.

  “Damn, Honey love.” He grunted.

  He lowered himself onto her as much as he could and kissed her ear.

  “Babeeee.” She moaned with her hands clasped tightly around his triceps. “Baby.”


  She shook her head from side to side because she was calling for him, but she didn’t have anything to really say other than he had the best dick she’d ever had in her life. Or that she would never ever let nobody else feel it as long as she lived. Maybe even something in the area of being gone off that “D”. Whatever it was that she could think to say would remain a thought because she couldn’t formulate a good enough sentence to praise him for the love he made.

  “You ready to have my baby?”

  “Oh God. Yes!” she practically yelled.

  Congo laughed at her. “I knew that would open your damn mouth.” He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and looked down at her. “Don’t worry, though. Daddy will help you out.”

  Congo’s thrusts became deeper and harder in that moment. Honey wanted to scream to the top of her lungs as he assaulted the softness of her insides, but she couldn’t. Not only were they in his parent’s house, but she didn’t have enough energy. Her body shook subtly as her thighs tightened around him.

  The leg he had on his shoulder folded around his neck, pulling him right down onto her stomach.

  “Calm your ass down before you fuck some shit up.” Congo hit her with a couple of more deeps strokes until she was moaning and breathing like she was about to die.

  “Yeahhhh.” He bit his bottom lip and nodded his head at her.

  “You so cocky.” Honey smiled, as he slid in and out of her at a slow pace.

  “Nah, this dick is muthafucking cocky.” He grabbed the base of it and squeezed as he pushed as hard as he could into her.

  Honey yelped as he followed her lead and released himself. They lay spent for a second before
Honey rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom. She washed herself really quick, urinated, and came back out in search of her pants. It took a little effort and some help from Congo, but she got redressed and headed for the door.

  “Damn, you get the dick and leave? No thank you, I love you, or nothing?”

  Honey looked over her shoulder at him and shook her head. He groaned, and she laughed. “Put some clothes on before your mama or daddy come down here and see you.”

  “So, let them. My mama won’t bring her nosey ass down here no more after she catch sight of this fucking monster. And my daddy,” Congo laughed, “that nigga know what’s up.”

  Honey rolled her eyes. “You’re terrible. Bye.”

  That time, when she went to the door, she actually left. With her things in her hand, she walked to Congo’s car and got in. He didn’t have anything to do for a few hours, so she decided to go in to work and make some money. Of course he’d begged her to stay at home, but she declined. It was a Friday and payday. She had to make her coins. Congo would be there when she got back.

  Congo’s parent’s house wasn’t too far from her job, so it wasn’t long before she was pulling into the parking lot. Instead of going right in, she sat there for a minute just thinking. She looked out of the window at all the people passing by, going in and out of the different stores in the shopping center. Running her hand through her hair, she took a deep breath.

  She couldn’t wait for the day that all of her struggles would be over. It had been one struggle after another for as far back as she could remember, and she was just ready to be free. From her drug dealing mother and uncle, to her old pervert ex-boyfriend with his thieving and low down family, to finally finding the love of her life while he was down on his luck. Honey laid her head back on her seat and closed her eyes. She said yet another prayer for Howard Blume to give her a call.

  She’d met him almost three weeks ago, called him twice, left a few messages, and he still hadn’t called her back. She had been so optimistic when he’d given her his card, but it was slowly dwindling. All she wanted to do was draw and be great. Make enough money to take care of herself and her baby, she would be all right with that. If she and Congo could just hit their come up, then their lives would be gravy.

  Light kicks brought Honey to her reality. “Be still, girl.” Honey rubbed her stomach. “I already can’t breathe.”

  It was like the bigger the baby got, the harder it was for her to breathe. She’d been going to her doctor regularly, and she was due any day now. Honey just wished one of those days would hurry up. She was so over being pregnant. She used the tips of her fingers to massage the hard spots at the bottom of her belly. Honey could tell just by rubbing that it was her daughter’s spine she felt.

  A light tapping on her window had Honey turning her head. When she saw Rick, she smiled and opened the door. Rick was one of the barbers that she worked with. He stuck his hand out and she grabbed it. Once he helped her from the car, the two of them made their way across the street and into the shop.

  “Damn, girl, that nigga Congo got you big as hell. I ain’t used to this.” Zay put Honey on the spot as soon as she walked in.

  “Shut up, Zay.” She walked to her station and sat her stuff down.

  She threw her purse under her station and grabbed her apron before standing behind her chair. She put the top part around her neck before realizing it wasn’t happening. She was too big to even think that thin apron was going to wrap completely around her. She snatched it off and threw it on the counter behind her. She huffed in frustration when the apron caught onto her ponytail. When she looked up, almost everybody in the shop was looking at her.

  Honey rolled her eyes and held up her middle finger. She moved it around from one end of the shop to the other, making sure she shot everybody in the room a bird, before putting her finger back down. They all laughed, with Rick having to be the one to do the most.

  “Why didn’t you just say fuck us, Honey?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. Anyone that knew her knew she didn’t curse, so he was just being down right petty for that comment.

  “Who’s next?” Honey looked at the waiting area and one of her clients stood up.

  He walked to her chair and removed his hat before sitting down. Honey clicked her clippers on and sprayed them with disinfectant. She had just set the can down when she felt water running down her leg. Honey looked down in horror. How could her day get any worse? Her apron didn’t fit, now she was pissing on herself.

  “Give me a break!” Honey screamed.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Arizona’s voice carried from the front of the shop.

  When Honey looked up, all she could think to do was cry. She looked down at her legs, trying to be discreet about telling Arizona she’d peed on herself. When Arizona leaned her head to the side so that she could see Honey, she smiled and covered her mouth briefly.

  “Did your water just break?”

  Honey stepped back and looked down at the water that was still running down her leg. “I don’t know. Did it?”

  “Yes, crazy ass girl. Put them damn clippers down so we can go to the hospital.”

  Honey looked at Arizona with wide eyes. She had been practically begging her baby to come, and now that she was on the way, she was scared out of her mind.

  “Oh my God. Call Congo. He did this.”

  “What you mean he did this? He ain’t even here?” Zay asked, getting in her business.

  “We had sex before I left. This is his fault.”

  Honey was so out of it she’d just told the entire barbershop her business. Them all being silly and immature, they burst out into laughter all over again.

  Arizona grabbed her phone as she held Honey’s hand and led her to the front of the barbershop. She laughed at the men who were jumping out of the way like Honey had some type of disease. They were so busy running away from Honey that they hadn’t thought to offer any help. Well, all of them except for one. Zay walked over to the door where they were standing with Honey’s purse.

  “She might need this.”

  Arizona looked up and nodded at him. “Thanks.”

  Honey frowned momentarily at the briskness in Arizona’s tone. She barely even made eye contact with Zay. She wanted to say something, but she would save that for later. Right now, she just needed someone to get her to the hospital. She wobbled behind Arizona with Zay right behind her. Once he’d helped her into the front seat of Arizona’s car, he placed her things onto the backseat and walked around the car to Arizona.

  Honey leaned over some in the seat so that she could hear what was being said. Arizona had turned around and was trying to get into the car before Zay could get to her, but he caught her arm before she could. Honey watched how gently he pulled her to him. She smiled because that was the same way that Congo did her all the time and she loved it.

  “What I do to you? Why you acting so shady?”

  Arizona wiggled her arm until she freed it from his grasp. “I’m not.”

  “Well, tell me what I did?”

  “You didn’t do anything. I just need to get Honey to the hospital that’s all.”

  Zay looked at her for a minute, not saying anything, before looking away. When he turned back around, his face was a little harder. “You back with that nigga?”

  Arizona shook her head quickly. For that Honey was happy. She may have been playing hard with Zay for whatever reason, but she made to let that nigga know she wasn’t back with Toro mighty fast.

  Zay nodded his head. “Cool. I’ll be to the hospital once I finish here.”

  “Okay.” Arizona was about to get into the car but he grabbed her again.

  “You better be there waiting on me,” Zay licked his lips and leaned down into her ear.

  Honey strained to hear what he was saying, but she couldn’t, so she just sat back. Whatever it was, it had Arizona smiling like a fool. He was still talking as Arizona nodded her head yes to whatever he was saying
. When Honey saw Zay’s hand grab the back of Arizona’s neck she wanted to scream. The gesture was so simple, but so endearing at the same time.

  “Now go ahead and take Honey to deliver my niece. I’ll be through there later. Call me and keep me updated.”

  “I will.” Arizona got into the car at the same time Zay leaned down on the door.

  “Go have that damn baby, Honey.”

  “I would have been on my way already if y’all two weren’t out here telling secrets and stuff. I thought for a minute y’all might have forgotten that I’m in labor.”

  Arizona and Zay both laughed in embarrassment before Zay told them he would catch them later and went back into the shop. Arizona pulled from the parking lot and dialed Congo. As soon as they told him what was going on, they could hear the excitement in his voice. He told them he would meet them at the hospital and they ended the call.

  Once they finally got to the hospital, everything went by a lot faster than Honey had expected, but she was more than thankful. Not even three whole hours after her water broke, she held her baby girl, Blaze Makenna Jaquel, in her arms. Weighing in at 9lbs 3oz and 21 inches long. Tired was an understatement, so after basking in the joy of welcoming her baby girl, Honey fell off to sleep.

  When she woke up a few hours later, it was like she was in a totally different space than she had been before she’d fallen asleep. Honey looked around her room and tried to sit up. When Congo noticed she was awake, he moved to her side and helped her sit up in bed without exposing herself in the large hospital gown.

  “It’s about time you woke your ass up. Got all of us sitting in here watching you sleep,” Arizona said, from the chair in front of her bed.

  Arizona, Congo, and Toro were all sitting around her room. Arizona, in front of her, while the two of them were on either side of her bed. Congo was now standing next to her while Toro sat on the windowsill.

  She smiled at Arizona. “Man, girl, did you not just see all that work that I just put in?” Honey looked at Blaze wrapped in the light pink blanket cradled in Arizona’s arms.


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