Riding Until The End

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Riding Until The End Page 5

by A'zayler

  “I’m not stuck.”

  Zay grabbed her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. “Prove it.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  When she smiled and her dimples dented her cheeks, he couldn’t stop himself. He had to kiss her. Zay leaned forward and went for her lips. Arizona’s head tilted back some, surrendering her lips to his. He pecked her mouth softly before moving to her neck and kissing her there as well.

  “Just think about it for me, Arizona.” He kissed her forehead again before walking from the back room.

  He went back to his client and resumed the haircut he had been working on. He waited patiently for her to emerge from the back room. When she finally did, she had Honey’s pink bag thrown over her shoulder, and she was practically running from the barbershop.

  “Aight, Z,” Rick yelled after her.

  “Aight, Rick, I’ll see you later. Aight, Xavier.” She smiled at the men before leaving.

  Zay watched her through the glass as she walked to her car. He loved her body and the petite shape it held. She wasn’t too thick or too small, just average with well-defined curves. The little haircut she’d been sporting lately made his dick hard every time she came around. Zay licked his lips and looked back down at his client’s head. He had to get a grip where she was concerned.

  He’d been loving her for so long that it was taking him too fast. He wanted to give her space, but the kid in him who had given her his heart so many years ago, was jumping at the opportunity to have her for himself again. For the rest of the night as he cut hair, she was all he could think about. On his drive home, during his shower, and now that he was back in his bed. All of his thoughts were of her and what they could possibly have.

  In the back of his mind, he knew he was playing with fire by trying to start something with her before she was completely over Toro, but he couldn’t let this chance pass him by. What if he gave her too much time, and she ended up going back to Toro? He couldn’t have that again. If there was a small inkling that she might want him, he needed to jump on it. Zay leaned over and grabbed his phone from the spot next to him and scrolled to her number.

  Zay: You up?

  Arizona: Yep

  Zay: Will you be my Valentine?

  It took her a little longer to text back that time, but Zay wasn’t stressing. He knew he’d caught her off guard with that. She was either trying to make sure she wanted to say yes, or thinking of a nice way to tell him no.

  Arizona: Lol, yes Xavier. I’ll be your valentine. What does that entail?

  Zay: Dinner, movie, a box of chocolates and some dick 

  Arizona: Well I might have to change my mind…

  Zay: Why?

  Arizona: Because I don’t like chocolate

  Zay laughed because he just knew she was going to say because of the sex. He should have known better when dealing with Arizona. She had always been a joker.

  Zay: lol you wild. What time should I pick you up tomorrow?

  Arizona: Why tomorrow? It’s 12:13, it’s Valentine’s Day already…

  Zay: Now?

  Arizona: Now.

  Zay: Bet.

  That was all Zay needed to know. He was back up and out of his bed, headed to his closet. He grabbed the all black Nike tracksuit with the white check and his sneakers. He brushed his hair, sprayed on some cologne, and threw his black Raiders fitted hat on and grabbed his phone. After making sure all the lights in his house were off and his alarm was set, Zay left.

  He hopped in his truck and drove across town to Arizona’s side of town. Her apartment was at least twenty minutes from where he lived, so it was almost one o’clock when he stopped at her gate. He dialed her number, and she buzzed him in. When he pulled into the parking lot in front of her building, he could see her standing in her door. She was in nothing but a little silk gown. It was pink, and it stopped mid-thigh.

  She smiled and waved at him as he walked across the parking lot. When he got to the top of her stairs he stopped in front of her and wrapped his arms around her. Her arms went around his waist holding him to her. The grip she had on him was new, but he welcomed it. Maybe she was finally ready to stop playing with him.

  “You smell good,” she said to him, when he let her go.

  “You look good.” He kissed the tip of her nose and walked into her house.

  He stood to the side waiting for her to close and lock her door before walking all the way into the house. He took a seat on the soft gray sofa and relaxed backward.

  “Why you standing outside in something like that?”

  “I was waiting for you.”

  “You ain’t have to do that. I don’t want nobody over here knowing you up in here by yourself and trying no stupid shit.”

  He watched her blush and run her hand over her hair. “Don’t nobody want me.”

  “Shit, I know that’s a gotdamn lie. Hell, I want your ass. I want you bad as hell too.” Zay leaned forward with his arms resting on his knees. “So when you say nobody, you can’t be talking about me.”

  She smiled and looked away again. Something she always did when he was speaking to her. “You want something to drink?”

  “Nah. I’m straight. I want you to come over here and sit down by me.”

  Arizona walked over to him and sat next to him on the sofa. She grabbed the remote and flipped the TV on. “What you want to watch?”

  “You riding my dick, but I know I have to wait on that.” Zay knew he was being forward, but it was the truth.

  He figured, what was the use in faking? He and Arizona had known each other for years. There was no reason for him to beat around the bush. Plus, he wanted to bring her out of the new found shell she’s placed herself in.

  “That’s what you really want?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Arizona nodded her head and set the remote down. She stood to her feet in front of him before kneeling on the floor. She took her time removing his shoes, then his jacket and pants. When he was seated on her sofa in nothing but his navy colored briefs, she straddled his lap. Zay was still shocked by her behavior, but he wasn’t about to show it. He sat with one arm thrown over the back of the sofa with the other resting on her waist.

  “What you think you doing, Arizona?”

  “Giving you what you asked for.”

  “This ain’t what you want. Don’t do this. Let’s just chill out in our underclothes and watch movies and shit. I’m good with that.”

  Arizona shook her head and grinded softly on the hardness that was forming in his lap. She pulled her gown over her head, exposing her naked body. She looked down at him as she fumbled with the slit in his underwear. When she felt him spring free she looked down at it. He watched her shoulders slump slightly from tranquility as she relaxed into him.

  “I want it,” She moaned, quietly against his lips.

  Her head was leaning forward so that their faces were only inches apart. Zay grabbed the other side of her waist with his free hand and rubbed the bare skin of her stomach.

  “By it, do you mean my dick or me? Because when it comes to you, they come as a package deal. I can’t give you my dick and not give you me along with it.” Zay pressed his face into her neck and bit the skin above her collarbone softly. “I love you too much.”

  Zay hadn’t wanted to admit that, but she needed to know where his head was at when it came to her. His days had been too long without her.

  “I just want to feel better.”

  “So do I, Arizona. So do I.”

  Zay pulled away from her neck and looked up at her. Arizona looked back at him with sympathetic eyes and rubbed his face.

  “I want it.”

  If he could have, Zay would have sprouted wings and flew from his spot on her sofa. He’d just explained to her what “it” entailed, and she still wanted it. All he hoped was that she still meant it after he gave her his dick. He wrapped her in his arms and stood to his feet. Arizona’s legs wrapped around his waist, as he carried her to the ba
ck of her apartment and to her bedroom.

  The dark red and grey duvet had a nice feel as he laid her on the bed. He looked down at her body as he removed his underwear. Arizona’s eyes traveled all over him as his did her.

  “You’ve changed since high school.”

  “So have you.”

  “You’re bigger.”

  “You’re more beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed her stomach.

  Arizona fidgeted beneath his lips, but he kept going. He used his mouth to tease the most sensitive parts of her as his tongue lingered in certain spots. His hands touched every inch of her body while his tongue explored. He had to touch her. There was no way the moment he had been dreaming of since she’d walked into his barbershop with her nephew all those months ago, was going to slip away without him making the best of it.

  His thick tongue grazed her nipples as he squeezed the soft flesh of her ass. When her leg circled his waist at the same time she pulled his head down to her mouth, he knew she was ready. Zay stood up and stared at her. He thought about going to get the condom from his wallet, but the truth of the matter was, he didn’t want to. She was the only woman he would gladly give his babies to again.

  A normal man might have called him a fool for giving her the same power she abused last time, but in that moment, he didn’t care. He might regret it some other day, but right then wasn’t it. He wanted her and he planned to get her, every inch of her. Zay hovered over her as her hands rubbed all over his chest. She touched and rubbed as she maintained eye contact with him.

  Her eyes didn’t leave until she felt the head of his dick at her opening. She looked down, as did he. Together they watched as he connected them for the first time in years. Arizona’s eyes shot open as her mouth dropped into an O shape. Her head fell back against the covers as she moaned in discomfort. Zay watched her facial expressions change as he fed her inch after inch of him. When he was completely in, he moaned. It was like her walls were pulling him deeper and deeper with every stroke.

  The soft warmth enveloped him just the way he’d hoped she would. “You okay?”

  She nodded.

  Zay took that as his cue to give her “it”. He moved his hips expertly. Hitting spots that he’d discovered so many years ago. He could tell by the way she was moaning and saying his name over and over that she was enjoying herself. He would have been able to give her more if she would have loosened her grip on him. She was holding him so tight he could hardly move.

  “Loosen your legs some, baby.”

  She shook her head no and tightened her arm around the back of his neck. “No. I want you close to me.”

  “I can’t move, Z.”

  She didn’t say anything to that, but she didn’t loosen her hold any, so he figured that was a lost cause. Versus fighting against her, he allowed her to hold him close to her. He whispered in her ear how much he had been missing her and how good she felt to him as he moved his hips.

  “I’m sorry about our baby,” was the only thing she said loud or clear enough for him to understand.

  “It’s okay. I’ll just give you another one.” Zay kissed her mouth, passionately. She squeezed her legs tighter around his waist. “Is that okay with you?”

  “It won’t work. I can’t have kids.” Tears escaped her eyes and rolled down the sides of her face.

  “Yes, you can. You just couldn’t have that nigga’s kids…” Zay grunted and closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. “Because you were supposed to have mine.”

  Arizona nodded her head yes as if she understood what he was saying, but she didn’t say anything. Zay knew that was a sore spot for her, but it was him for as well. He massaged her thighs as he stroked her. When he felt his release nearing, he didn’t even bother to pull out. He was serious about giving her another one. If it was meant to be, they’d have one. If not, he was fine with just her for now.

  “Zayyyyy babbbbyyy,” Arizona moaned as she tensed up only moments after him.

  He kissed her face until her breathing calmed. He pulled out of her slowly, running his hand across her wet sensitive love, before removing it from her body. When he was able to sit up, he did. He looked over his shoulder at her and reached for her hand. She weakly stretched her arm to him and he pulled her from the bed. When she was upright on her feet, he held her close to his body. She lay against him weakly and smiled.

  “What you smiling at?”

  “I just had sex with Xavier Barnes.” She smiled again.

  “Why you gotta say my whole name like that?”

  “Because it just makes me think of the last time we had sex in high school.”

  “I hope all that shit I just did didn’t make you think of me in high school. I would like to think I’ve improved since then.”

  “Oh my God, have you? Baby, let me tell you, whew!” Arizona shook her head. “I can’t even tell you. It was just that good.”

  Zay smiled and led her to the bathroom. He turned the shower on before stepping in and pulling her with him. She put one foot in before hopping back out and grabbing her shower cap. He laughed when she placed it on her head before getting in with him. The hot water nearly burned their skin at first, so he had to turn it down. Arizona took a seat on the built in chair and pulled her knees up to her chest. She then laid her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. The water splashed against her face as it bounced off of Zay’s body.

  He stood under the stream of water and looked down at her. She looked like she was almost asleep.

  “Wake up.”

  “I’m up.”

  “It doesn’t look like it.”

  “You know how long it’s been since I slept with another man?” She opened her eyes. “I feel like I’m cheating.”

  That comment almost made Zay mad because she was fuckin’ up his mood. Why the fuck would she be talking about that nigga unless she was thinking about him. Why the fuck would she be thinking of Toro when Zay was just the one balls-deep in her body? Zay took a few deep breaths to calm himself down because in a way this was something that he had asked for. He knew before he took it there with her that she wasn’t ready, but that didn’t lessen his anger though.

  “Yo Arizona, for real, like I get that you been with that nigga forever and a fucking day, but why the fuck you think I want to hear about him right now? What kind of shit is that? To tell me about the next nigga right after you hop off my dick?” Zay turned his back to her and washed his body.

  He allowed the soap and water to run over him for another few minutes before getting out. He walked out of the bathroom and to the closet in her hallway. Like he figured, it was towels inside. He was so angry that when he snatched one towel he pulled down the whole stack. He sucked his teeth and bent down to get them. He stuffed them back in there the best he could and closed the door back.

  Once he was completely dry, he went back to her room, grabbed his underwear, and went into the living room. He redressed and grabbed his things. He pulled out his phone to shoot her a text and left her apartment. He made sure to lock the bottom lock before closing the door so that her door would be locked.

  Zay was seething with anger as he took the stairs two at a time. He reached the bottom and was walking to his truck when he heard her call his name. He kept walking without turning around because he couldn’t do this with her again. He hit the locks to his Titan and was opening the door when he noticed that her voice was closer. When he looked over his shoulder she was running across the street in nothing but her towel. Zay closed the door to his truck and walked briskly to her.

  “What you doing out here in this? Go in the house. It’s cold and you’re still wet.” Zay pushed her toward her building. “You want to catch a cold?”

  She pushed back at him, standing her ground. “Xavier, I wasn’t telling you any of that because I was thinking about him. I was telling you because you were making me forget. I only told you because in a weird way I wanted you to know that I have been somewhat faithful to you. Th
ere’s been no one else since you. Just Toro, that’s it. I promise.” She looked at him.

  Her voice sounded desperate and her face held a hint of worry. Zay didn’t like that at all because that wasn’t the Arizona he knew. The Arizona he knew and had been loving was self-assured and confident. She was never worried about another person’s opinion, but in that moment that was all she craved. It was like she felt the need to make him believe her. That nigga Toro had fucked her up bad.

  “It’s cool, Z. I knew before I came over here that you weren’t ready.”

  “But I am ready… I want to be ready. I’m tired of crying and being sad. I just want to be happy.” She grabbed his hand. “I just want to be myself again.”

  Zay held her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “It’ll be all right soon, Arizona.”

  She nodded. “You still leaving?”

  “I don’t have to.”

  “Don’t.” She finally made eye contact with him. “I’ll make you breakfast if you stay.”

  Zay smiled. “Make me something else and we have a deal. I don’t want no breakfast.”

  Arizona smiled and pulled him back toward her apartment. They were by the stairs when he realized she wasn’t wearing any shoes. “Why you fucking with me Arizona?”

  “What?” She looked confused.

  “Why you ain’t got no shoes on?”

  She made a face letting him know that she was busted and ran the rest of the way to her door. When they were inside she went to her bedroom and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts. The shorts were a mix between cotton and spandex. Zay couldn’t really tell what material it was, but he was appreciative for whatever it was. When she walked into the living room she looked refreshed. He could smell whatever lotion or body spray she’d put on, and it had him wanting to see her naked again.

  Her short hair was lying down around her head with little curls here and there. The colored part was standing up slightly with the rest flat. He liked her hair like that because he could see her face better. While she busied herself in the kitchen, Zay removed his jacket, shoes, and shirt, remaining in his Nike joggers and socks. He picked the remote up and flipped her TV on. He scrolled through her apple stick menu until he found Pandora. He turned it to the Avant station and turned the volume up some.


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