Shifter Academy- an Impish Christmas

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Shifter Academy- an Impish Christmas Page 10

by Angel Leya

  Wes growled. “Maybe if you kept your kind in line, she wouldn’t need protection.”

  Trevor opened his mouth for another retort, but Kenzie broke between the two, catching both of their eyes. “If you’re going to brawl, it won’t be over me. I can make my own decisions and take care of my own skin, thank you very much.”

  Oberon chose that moment to intervene. “Simmer down, gentlemen. If you need to get it out of your systems, take it to the sim room. Got it?”

  Trevor stared at Wes a few moments more, but finally nodded to Oberon and Kenzie before slinking down the hall. Which was emptying out, now that the sprinklers were off. Kenzie had no idea when that had happened, but at least she wasn’t at the mercy of the mer anymore.

  Wes crossed his arms, staring at Trevor’s retreating form.

  Oberon pat him on the shoulder. “I think it’s time we all got back to bed.”

  Wes huffed, but his arms uncrossed, and he reached for Kenzie’s hand.

  “Actually,” Oberon said, stopping Wes short, “I was hoping to have a word with Kenzie before she heads back to her room.”

  Wes scowled, and he looked like he might object, but then he turned and left, not even giving Kenzie another glance.

  Kenzie watched him go, wishing she could figure out what was going on in that head of his. Maybe if she tweaked the communication spell . . .

  “Do you mind?” Oberon asked, holding out his hand. Kenzie realized they must be near his office. Now that water wasn’t dripping in her eyes, she could see the opening of the classroom hall ahead.

  She nodded, following Oberon, wishing the forces of the universe weren’t conspiring to destroy her.

  Chapter 13

  Kenzie sat in Oberon’s office, drumming on her knees, still dripping wet. Oberon didn’t seem to mind, though, as he took care of whatever a Director of a school takes care of after a false emergency. Well, not false, but it wasn’t like the school was on fire. Yet.

  Oberon hit the screen of his tablet a few more times, sighed, and leaned back in his chair. “So, it seems things are really getting out of hand.”

  Kenzie sunk lower in her chair, unsure what to say.

  Oberon sighed again, finally meeting her gaze with weary eyes. “I’m not sure what else we can do. These vandalisms must stop. I’ve got Brett on the case, but we can’t keep having things like this happen.”

  Kenzie nodded. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “It’s not your fault. It’s clear you’re being targeted, we’re just not sure by who. Or why.”

  Kenzie put her head in her hands. It was her fault. She wanted to tell Oberon what was going on, but the stronger part of her brain argued that if she admitted to what she’d done, she’d get expelled. Or worse, be forced to leave forever. She loved this school so much. Wes was here, and her friends. And yeah, maybe it wasn’t everything she’d thought it would be, but she was meant to be here. She still knew that in her gut, even on her worst days. Even today.

  “What about the cameras?” Kenzie asked.

  “They’re being knocked out whenever there’s an incident. There was one last night, wasn’t there?”

  Kenzie nodded. “Someone tampered with the snow machine.”

  Oberon’s brows creased. “Only select faculty and you and Wes have access to that room.” He folded his hands, stroking his chin with his pointer fingers. “I’m beginning to suspect Ren’s idea of kitsune involvement is correct. Have you made any enemies among them?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  Oberon took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Would you like some time to go home? Maybe a few days away would help clear the air.”

  Kenzie’s eyes shot to the director’s. “No. I’m okay. It’s the weekend. I’ll keep to myself. There won’t be any problems.” Hopefully. But maybe if she only did Christmassy stuff in her room, the imp would leave the rest of the school alone. She had to try.

  “Ah, leave the girl alone. For a selkie, she looks downright clammy.”

  Oberon rolled his eyes as Mr. Suzuki walked in, looking like a drowned rat. Put some black clothes and guyliner on him, and he might look kinda cute. He was maybe a little old for emo-nerd-chic, but Kenzie’s imagination had no limits.

  “I suppose you’re right. It’s late. Or early, depending on how you want to look at it. You should get dried off and go to bed.”

  Kenzie nodded and stood, her socks squelching. “Thank you.”

  Oberon frowned. “Maybe I should get some of the military staff to see that you’re safe.”

  Kenzie snorted. “I can take care of myself.”

  Mr. Suzuki put an arm around Kenzie. “I’ll get her back to her wing. Or is it fin for the Oceanids?”

  Kenzie snickered.

  Even Oberon cracked a smile. “Go. And you get some sleep, too, before your jokes get any worse.”

  Mr. Suzuki gave a lazy salute, and the two left as Oberon was reaching for his tablet once more.

  “Thanks,” Kenzie said. Mr. Suzuki had let go of her, but an awkwardness hung between them. She wanted to blame it on the situation, but the kitsune could crack a joke in the middle of a funeral.

  “So, you’re mom’s pretty cool, for a selkie.”

  Kenzie snorted. “Don’t let her hear you say that. She’s got magic, and she’s not afraid to use it.”

  Mr. Suzuki laughed. “Yeah, don’t I know. But you and I are cool, right? I mean, you’re not offended I’m dating your mom.”

  Kenzie’s brows furrowed, and she watched Mr. Suzuki out of the corner of her eye. He seemed nervous, but she couldn’t imagine what it was about. She thought she heard a chuckle, and she quickly scanned the hall for the creature. But she didn’t see anything. It had to be her imagination.

  “Anyway, try not to tell her I’m coming for a visit next weekend. I want it to be a surprise.”

  Kenzie’s head swiveled back toward Mr. Suzuki. “Don’t you go up there all the time?”

  “I mean, yeah, but she’s not expecting me until Christmas break.”

  “Oh. Cool. No worries.” She could keep a secret. Especially a lame, non-secret like that.

  “Good. Well, uh, I guess that’s that,” Mr. Suzuki said.

  They’d reached the bottom of the steps to the Oceanid wing, and had stopped. Kenzie wasn’t sure if she was dismissed or not, and with Mr. Suzuki, who knew?

  “Okay, well I guess this is a Chinese food goodbye.”

  Kenzie lifted a brow.

  “Farewell. Parting is such sweet ‘n sour.”

  A laugh escaped Kenzie’s lips. “A food pun. I might have to use that.”

  “I live to serve.”

  Kenzie nodded, heading up the stairs.

  “Oh, one more thing,” Mr. Suzuki said, and Kenzie paused. “I know a lot of people are offering to help you, but if you ever need someone, I’m happy to be there for you.”

  Kenzie nodded. “Thanks, Mr. Suzuki.”

  “You can call me Ren.”

  Kenzie stood a little taller. “Then thanks, Ren.”

  “You don’t happen to know anything about the Ninja Turtles, do you?”

  Kenzie shrugged. “A little.”

  Mr. Suzuki nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer, then headed down the hall, whistling as he went. Kenzie wasn’t sure she’d ever really understand the man, but he was good, and good for her mom, and that was all that mattered.

  Kenzie tapped her selkie statue as she went up the stairs. When she reached the common room, she turned toward her room, but a sharp hiss brought her to a stop. She whirled around, coming face-to-face with Trevor, and yelped.

  Trevor smirked, putting a finger to his lips. “Shhh. Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m supposed to have gone back to bed, but I wanted to make sure you were okay first.”

  Kenzie shrugged. “Yeah. Fine.”

  Trevor wiped something off her cheek. “You’ve got a little glitter going on.”

  Kenzie blushed, looking at the floor. “Yeah. I forgot
about that. Guess I’ll be showering before bed.”

  Trevor let out an amused huff. “The sparkles suit you.”

  Kenzie rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t deny her heart had skipped a beat. She needed to leave, before her exhausted, adrenaline-fueled mind did something she regretted. “I should go—”

  “Was it the creature?” Trevor asked, his voice low.

  Kenzie looked around the room. “Yes. And I’m calling him an imp.”

  Trevor gave a curt nod. “What can I do to help?”

  “Honestly? I have no idea. I’m just gonna hole up in my room this weekend and see if I can trap him in there.”

  “And then what?”

  Kenzie hedged for a moment, but Trevor was the only person who knew anything about this. “Then I wait for it to shift back . . .”


  Kenzie sighed. “And . . . lift the curse.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Yes. Maybe? I’m pretty sure.”

  “Alright, then I’ll help.”

  Kenzie shook her head. “No. There’s no need.”

  “Why? Because lover boy’s getting jealous?”

  Kenzie bit down on her tongue to keep angry words from flying out. “No. Because this is my problem.”

  “Because it’s targeting you?”

  “Because it’s my magic that created it. Okay? I’m the only one who can fix this.” Was he really that dense?

  Trevor paused for a long moment, pushing back his dark hair. “That doesn’t mean you have to face it alone.”

  “I can take care of it myself.”

  “I know. But two against one is better odds, don’t you think?”

  Kenzie sighed. “I suppose.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  But Trevor was already walking off. He turned to give Kenzie a wink.

  “Make sure you knock!” she hissed after him, then shook her head. He was awfully persistent. But he was her only option. Right?

  You could tell Wes, her mind whispered. But she couldn’t, could she? Wes had been so tired, so distant lately. She didn’t know what he was dealing with or how to get through to him, but she didn’t want to add to his burdens. This was one problem that she’d have to see through without him.

  And she was glad for Trevor’s help, when it came right down to it, but she worried it would drive a bigger wedge between her and Wes. Sure, it wasn’t like that with Trevor. Not really. Maybe. But she couldn’t deny her heart leapt whenever he flashed that smile, and her mind was quick to fill with thoughts of what it would be like to kiss the handsome mer.

  Kenzie took a shuddering breath, trying to shake off her thoughts. She was committed to Wes. But if she wasn’t . . . No, she wouldn’t think that way.

  Kenzie decided to skip the shower and headed straight for bed. Thankfully it was dry, no doubt thanks to the mer. Or Trevor. She pushed that thought right back out. She didn’t need to imagine Trevor in her room, manipulating the water out of all her stuff. Her basket of clean, unfolded laundry still stood in the corner, brightly colored bras and panties popping against the black uniforms. Ugh. She’d have to clean that up before tomorrow. Ah, forget it. She pushed the basket into her closet and closed the door. Problem solved. For now.

  Kenzie changed, then sank onto her bed, her teeth chattering, her wet hair sprawled over the pillow. She closed her eyes, but her brain didn’t want to turn off.

  She decided to give Leif a magical call. He was the only person she knew who never slept. And it had been too long since she’d heard his voice. She’d nearly forgotten how worrisome that last magical call was. Hopefully this time he would answer.

  “Claoigha,” she said, and thought of Leif. She could feel him on the other end almost immediately. She opened her mouth to speak, to let him know she was there, but a knock at the door made her drop the connection. Kenzie bit on her lower lip, hoping it wasn’t Trevor again.

  She cracked the door open, and was relieved to see her friends’ hopeful faces. She widened the door. “Are you all okay?”

  “We came to ask you the same thing,” Jesse said, and June, Leya, and Juliet nodded.

  Kenzie pulled them all into a hug. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry I ran out on you guys like that.”

  Leya chuckled. “We thought you’d done something to start the whole fiasco. We’re so glad that’s not true.”

  Kenzie did her best to smile. They were only half wrong.

  “Anyway, want to come back to the avian wing to finish out our movie marathon?” June asked. She looked so sweet, with those big brown eyes, that Kenzie almost said yes. Almost.

  “Sorry, guys, but I think I’m just going to pack it in for the night.” She smothered a yawn. “I’m tired.”

  “Here. Let me at least do this for you.” Juliet ran her fingers through Kenzie’s hair, and warmth spread. Juliet did that a few more times, and when she finally stepped away, Kenzie lifted her hand to her hair, which was nearly dry. “I’d dry it all the way, but I don’t want to give you split ends. Or set your hair on fire.”

  Kenzie chuckled. “Thanks. You guys are the best.”

  “You know it,” Jesse said, and June and Leya jabbed him in the arms. “What?”

  Kenzie chuckled as she shut the door. Jesse’s persistent question faded, followed by quiet laughter.

  Kenzie thought about trying to find Wes before heading to bed, or even giving him a magical call, but decided against it. He’d been pretty upset when they last parted, and probably needed a minute to cool down. Besides, he was okay. Unharmed, anyway. Maybe she’d take her weekend to do some online Christmas shopping. Time was whittling away fast, and she still had so much to do.

  Chapter 14

  Kenzie grabbed breakfast early the next morning, went topside to get more Christmas decorations, then settled back into her room. If the imp wanted to ruin Christmas, it would have to come to her to do it. And maybe, just maybe, she could trap it there until it shifted back. However long that would take.

  There was a knock on her door, and Kenzie opened it. She was surprised to see Trevor there. Somehow she’d forgotten that he was planning to help. He looked clean, his hair still damp, and he smelled of the ocean, as usual.

  Kenzie looked at her feet to keep from taking a sip of his mocha eyes. “You don’t have to spend the entire day with me. It’s only been coming at night.”

  Trevor smirked, looking down the hall before slipping into her room and closing the door. “I figured we should take the day to brainstorm, prepare. Maybe catch a little extra sleep while we’re at it.”

  Kenzie shrugged. “You’re welcome to try. I’ve never been much for naps.”

  “Not even if you’re spending half the night chasing down the grinch?”

  Trevor sat on her bed, scooting back far enough so his feet dangled off the floor. He bounced a couple of times. “Hey, this is pretty nice. Did you magic the mattress to get it so soft?”

  Kenzie snorted. “I’m pretty sure it’s the same as everyone else’s.”

  Trevor shrugged. “So. What’s the plan?”

  Kenzie pointed at the bag sitting by the door, decorations oozing out of it. “That stuff. In here.”

  “And then?”

  “Then we wait.”

  Trevor put his hands behind his head. “How are you going to trap it?”


  “Because I was talking to Mike—”

  “The kitsune, the naga, or the—?” The school had far too many Mikes.

  “The kitsune. Anyway, he said they’re tinkering with the VRD—”

  “Wait. The what?”

  “VRD. Vampire Restraining Device. Apparently Ren hasn’t come up with a better acronym. But I was thinking we could use it to capture the little guy.”

  “Yeah, because the imp seems like a blood-sucker to me.”

  Trevor chuckled. “They’re working on some modifications. And I’m not entirely sure it’s c

  “So what? You’ve got a . . . VD tucked in your pocket?” Kenzie crossed her arms.

  Trevor shook his head. “VRD, and no. I was just happy to see you. But Mike’s working on replicating the device for our use. Smaller, of course.”

  “And how did you manage to convince him to do that?”

  Trevor’s impish grin only widened.

  “Never mind. When’s he supposed to have this thing ready?”

  “Tomorrow? Maybe?”

  Kenzie sighed. “So we’re on our own for tonight.” She dropped her arms and sank onto the bed next to Trevor, her shoulders drooping.

  Trevor put an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned her head on him. “We’ll work this out.”

  Kenzie snorted. “Of course. The question is, will it be before or after I’m kicked out of the school forever?”

  Trevor pulled back, frowning at her. “It won’t come to that.”

  “How do you know?” Kenzie said, her eyes finally meeting his. “This is all my fault, and as soon as anyone finds out—”

  “Shhh.” Trevor shook his head. “I’m going to help you take care of this. You can count on me.”

  The moment stretched between them, and Kenzie’s heart began to beat loudly. As Trevor leaned toward her, his eyes flicking to her lips—Is this really happening? Is he trying to kiss me?—Kenzie raised a hand to his chest, a protest forming on her lips. She had a boyfriend to think of, a bond to protect. As hot as Trevor was, she couldn’t let him do this, no matter how curious she might be of what could come of it.

  But before she could speak, the two were startled apart by the door slamming open.

  “What. Are. You. Doing?” Wes stood in the door frame, his shoulders forward, his eyes glowing red.

  Trevor’s jaw tightened, the vein in his neck throbbing. “Nothing.” He stood, drawing himself to his full height, his chin in the air. “I believe she said she can handle herself.”

  Wes’s eyes narrowed. “Out.”

  Trevor’s brow raised, his head cocking to the side. “You’re in the way, man.”


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