Shifter Academy- an Impish Christmas

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Shifter Academy- an Impish Christmas Page 14

by Angel Leya

  There was a sound behind her, and Kenzie rolled over, yelping as Trevor’s handsome, smiling face came into view. She didn’t realize he’d awoken. He still sat on the floor, but his arms rested on the bed, his chin on top, face-level with her own. Kenzie sat up, crossing her arms over her chest. “Didn’t your mom ever teach you not to sneak up on a girl like that?”

  Trevor chuckled. “I’m pretty sure you’re in my bedroom, and I didn’t do any sneaking.”

  Kenzie grunted, unwilling to admit he was right.

  “Who were you talking to?” His brows scrunched. “And where’s your phone?”

  Kenzie held up a hand and smirked as she wiggled her fingers. “Magic.”

  “Ah, yes. She’s a witch.” There was a twinkle in his eye as he said it.

  Kenzie threw her pillow at him—or rather, his pillow, but she wasn’t going to split hairs. “And it was my mom, if you must know.”

  “Everything good?”

  “Yeah. She’s engaged.”

  Trevor’s brows rose. “Oh, wow. You like the guy?”

  Kenzie cut her eyes at Trevor. “It’s Mr. Suzuki.”

  “Oh. Oh! Really? Wow. I would’ve never . . . Wow.”

  “Right?” Kenzie threw off her covers and slid from the bed.

  Trevor stood as well. “I mean, are you cool with it?”

  Kenzie shrugged. “I guess. I just found out.”

  “So you didn’t know it was coming?”

  “I should’ve, I suppose. He’s been acting a bit . . . weirder lately. But he and Mom are great together. I’m happy for them.”

  Trevor chuckled. “I’m not sure I’d be so cool with one of the teachers suddenly becoming my dad.”

  Kenzie shrugged. “It’s worth it if Mom’s happy.”

  Trevor’s face softened. “You’re pretty cool, you know that?”

  Kenzie snorted. “Sure. Whenever I’m not magically ruining Christmas or making out in front of my boyfriend.”

  Trevor had the decency to redden. “That wasn’t recent, was it?”

  “The video was new to me, but no, that little scene played out almost a year ago. And Wes knew I had to do all sorts of crap to keep my cover with the vamps. We didn’t really go into details, but he had to know.”

  “Guys can get pretty possessive.”

  “It’s not like we were even together at the time! He’d just had his first shift and marked me in the process, but it wasn’t like we were a couple. Not really.” Kenzie looked at her lap. “And not anymore.”

  “I’m sorry.” He sounded so sincere, Kenzie had to meet his gaze. “But he’s an idiot if he would hold your past against you.”

  Kenzie cocked a brow. “And you wouldn’t freak out if you saw an old video of your girlfriend kissing some other guy?”

  “I’d be upset, of course, but if she was worth it, no, I wouldn’t let it come between us.”

  Kenzie put her head in her hands. “What does that say about me?” she mumbled.

  “Nothing.” He pulled her into a hug.

  Her mind was waging an inner war, guilt and anger wrestling for the upper hand. How could Wes do this to her? But hadn’t she done it to herself? She wanted to break down and cry, but she chose to envision kittens instead. She laugh-sobbed once or twice, wiping at her damp eyes. “You must think I’m crazy.”

  “No. But if you say that again, I’ll have to do something crazy to prove otherwise.” With him so close, and the tone of his voice, her mind filled with all sorts of thoughts she’d rather not be thinking.

  Kenzie ugly-laughed once more, her whole body warming. “I don’t think I’ll tempt fate.”

  Trevor sat on the bed, tugging Kenzie down next to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned in, losing herself in his strength.

  Jesse could’ve probably done the trick, if Trevor wasn’t around, but she’d never felt for Jesse what she was feeling for Trevor now. For all the were’s flirting, she’d never really found him attractive. Cute? Yes. A fantastic friend? Absolutely. But a boyfriend?

  Boyfriend. It wasn’t as if she wanted to jump right into bed with Trevor, so to speak, but was that where they were headed? The prospect both intrigued and frightened her. She’d spent the last year with Wes, her first real committed relationship ever. But what if she’d jumped in too quick with him? What if she was making the same mistake with Trevor?

  As if sensing her state of mind, Trevor put a finger under her chin so they could look at each other. He searched her eyes, his gaze flicking to her lips, though he didn’t linger, and he didn’t make any other move. At least this was one moment when she wouldn’t have to battle her already conflicted heart.

  “How are you doing?” he asked at last, his voice rough.

  Kenzie shrugged and stood, running a hand through her hair, wishing for maybe the millionth time since cutting it to fool the vampires—which totally didn’t work, by the way—that her hair was long and mousy brown and just . . . hers again. The way it had been before Wes entered her life.

  She conjured up a smile for Trevor. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t have to be brave for me. I’ve seen things.”

  “My things?”

  Trevor reddened. “Um, I’m not sure how to answer that. Never mind. I just want you to know you can be yourself around me.”

  “Yeah, well this is me. Don’t let ‘em see you cry. Don’t let ‘em see you sweat. I’m always channeling my inner cool cat.”

  “That’s gotta be exhausting.”

  “Eh.” What was exhausting was this conversation. She didn’t want to think about Wes or how she was feeling. There was no time to rest. There was only one week of school left before everyone went home for Christmas. She’d been planning on staying, particularly for Wes’s sake, but now? Whatever. She still had a holiday to bedazzle and an imp curse to undo. “Any chance we can get Mike back on that production schedule?”

  Trevor scooted forward, running a hand through his hair, making it stand on end. Dang these stupid shifters and their supernaturally good looks. Even with bedhead he looked like a freaking male model. Kenzie blushed and crossed her arms instead of jumping him to drown her woes like she was tempted to.

  “Maybe. I was going to talk to him today. Want to come with?”

  Kenzie shrugged. “Yeah. I don’t see why not.”

  “Good. I’m gonna shower. Meet you at breakfast?”

  The heat in her face refused to leave. It seemed to be getting warmer, especially at the mention of him showering. “Sure.”

  Trevor nodded, grabbed some clothes, and slipped out of the room. Kenzie waited a few beats before gathering the nerve to leave. Students weren’t technically allowed to stay in another’s room. Not that she hadn’t done that with the girls plenty of times, but she didn’t want to risk getting caught sneaking out of Trevor’s room at this time of morning. Or ever. Not that anything had happened, but that wouldn’t stop tongues from wagging. And she was already in enough hot water as it was.

  She cracked the door open, listening for any sound. What she wouldn’t do for an invisibility spell right about now. Maybe she’d have to invent one, if it didn’t pop up soon. It seemed that book held more secrets than a priest at a confessional. The magic that bound it must have been complex. One day she’d have to figure out how to make her own. A backup MacLugh grimoire might be a good idea, considering how long the other one was lost.

  She managed to make it back to her room and to the shower without incident. Thank Father Christmas for small mercies. But as the hot water grew cold, she thought she heard a high-pitched cackle echoing through the vents.

  It was daylight, and the imp had only ever appeared at night.

  That couldn’t be good.

  Chapter 19

  It turned out Mike was able to move up the production schedule—providing he had help. And by help, he meant that he needed someone there to talk to. Trevor was able to pick out parts and tools to keep his hands busy, but Kenzie kept to the
talking. At least that she was good at.

  “So how did you and Trevor hook up?” Mike asked.

  Kenzie turned red, cutting her eyes at Trevor. “I’m not sure what he told you, but we’re just friends.”

  Trevor shrugged. “That’s what I told him.”

  Mike laughed, his hands still moving at an incredible speed to put together all the parts. “Yeah, but we’re talking about Trevor, here.”

  Kenzie smirked. “So what? He’s a playboy or something?”

  “Let’s see. He’s a mer—and mer tend to hate selkies more than the other shifters—he makes girls swoon with one smoldering glance, and he’s kind of a—”

  “Not really!” Trevor called.

  Mike chuckled. “Whatever, dude. Just stop with the charades and tell this girl she’s your dream girl.”

  “His dream girl?” Kenzie cast a worried glance at Trevor, who was as red as a beet.

  “Come on, man. You know it doesn’t work like that.”

  “What? I’m so lost right now.” Kenzie’s gaze see-sawed between Mike and Trevor. What the crap had she walked into?

  Mike leaned toward Kenzie, his voice conspiratorial. “Trevor’s a seer.”

  “No,” Trevor countered, throwing the latest tool Mike had requested on the counter.

  “Hey, careful!” Mike said.

  “Seers don’t dream about the future. They see it, they have visions, they can learn to control it. I’m an anomaly.”

  “You see the future, don’t you?” Mike said, barely looking up from his work.


  “And you’ve dreamt about me?” Kenzie asked, chewing on her lower lip.

  “Not exactly.” Trevor’s face held a neutral expression, but it looked like he was biting on the inside of his cheek.

  “Well, why don’t you tell me about this dream?” Kenzie offered, patting the stool next to hers.

  Trevor shook his head. “No. I’m not having this conversation now. Not in front of him.”

  Mike leaned toward Kenzie again, speaking out of the side of his mouth. “He’s just bummed he’s not part of the seer club.”

  Trevor pointed at Mike, pressing his lips together. “And that’s why.”

  “Poor unfortunate soul,” Mike sing-songed, and Kenzie put a hand over her mouth to keep from chuckling. It wasn’t working.

  Trevor glared at them, but the look held no venom. “Glad you two are having a good laugh over this.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kenzie said, fighting against her merriment to provide sympathy. “Do you want to be a seer?”

  “Yes. No. Anything but this in-between shhh— mess.” Trevor scowled, looking away from her.

  Kenzie’s face wavered between sympathetic smile and confusion. “Why? I think it would be pretty cool to get a glimpse of the future every now and again.”

  Trevor shook his head, then ran a hand through his hair.

  “Soldering iron,” Mike called out.

  Trevor sighed. “I mean, sure, it sounds cool, but the future is a tricky thing. I hate to say it, but look at Kendall. He died because he misread a vision. He chased that ending, thinking he had it right, and look where it got him?” He rummaged through the tools for a moment, then set the pencil-like device on the table.

  Kenzie hadn’t really known Kendall, but Myreen did, and she was upset when he died. Of course, the kidnapping attempt in the middle didn’t endear him to anyone, but Myreen insisted his intentions were good. Try convincing most of the shifters of that. He defected to the vampire side to save his own skin, even willingly chose to make a show of becoming a hybrid. Only to have his heart ripped out by Draven, himself.

  “And he actually was a seer,” Mike chimed in.

  “Yeah. So how screwed am I when some wacko dream pops up and I have no one to discuss it with?”

  Kenzie focused on her hands, picking at the little pieces of skin peeling around her fingernails. “Maybe you don’t need the seer team, if they didn’t help Kendall.”

  “Or maybe things would’ve been different if he didn’t try to keep that vision to himself.”

  Kenzie met Trevor’s gaze. “Sounds like pretty solid advice to me.”

  Trevor gave her a mock snarl. “Whatever. Ask me again later, when Mr. Peanut Gallery’s not around.”

  “I’d take that back if I were you,” Mike said, laying down his tools.

  “Why? Because you’ll stop working on it if he doesn’t?” Kenzie asked.

  “No. Because I’ll take the thing back apart. I’m done.”

  “Seriously?” Kenzie said, coming to her feet.

  “Aw, dude!” Trevor said at the same time, reaching her side in a couple of bounds.

  Mike held up a hand. “Ah, ah, ah! Apology?”

  Trevor pulled Mike into a hug. “Come on, man. You know you’re my favorite Peanut Gallery.”

  “You just like to use me,” Mike retorted, laughter softening his words.

  “And you like to be used,” Trevor said, releasing Mike and ruffling his hair. “Any chance we can get a demo?”

  “Yeah, yeah. But I’ll make you pay for it later, lover.” Mike winked, and Trevor shook his head. “So the thinner part here is the handle, and the larger, kind of snake-like part up here is the front.”

  “That’s a kind of weird shape,” Kenzie said. “Wouldn’t something that looked like a gun be more practical?”

  Mike shrugged. “Mr. Suzuki said he wanted it to look like a Star Trek phaser.”

  Kenzie and Trevor shared a look. Yeah, that sounded like something Mr. Suzuki—Ren—would do.

  “You press this button on top, and it scans the target. Like this.” He pointed it at Trevor.

  Trevor jumped out of the way. “Hey, man! Watch what you’re doing with that thing.”

  “Relax! It’s just scanning you right now. It’s not gonna hurt.”

  Trevor frowned, eyeing the device.

  “Okay. It takes a moment to process the info, but once this button turns green”—Mike pressed it, and Trevor went ramrod straight, looking stiff as a board—”you press it to neutralize the threat. Hey, baby. Miss me?” Mike gave Trevor a quick, very ugly peck on the lips, then released the button.

  Trevor pushed Mike off, wheeling backwards. “What the heck, man?”

  “I told you you’d pay.” He turned to Kenzie. “By the way, releasing the button releases your target.”

  Kenzie gave Mike the thumbs up, hiding her laughter behind her other hand. When Trevor’s glare turned her way, she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  Trevor lunged at her, his body caging her against the table she was pressed against. “Maybe I should do the same to you, since you think it’s so funny.” There was a playfulness to his words, but the look in his eyes said the threat was anything but a tease. Part of her wanted to give in, to feel his lips against hers like she could feel his body against hers, but she couldn’t. Not yet. Everything was still too . . . raw.

  Kenzie, now duly sobered, put a hand on Trevor’s chest and gently pushed him away, looking at the floor. Her breathing was heavy, and her hands a little shaky, but Trevor backed off.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Sorry. I just . . .”

  Trevor shook his head. “No worries. I should be sorry. That was a stupid move.”

  Kenzie nodded, grateful she didn’t have to try to come up with an excuse.

  Mike was frozen, his eyes darting between the two. “Whoa. I did not see that coming. Trevor, you’re losing your touch.”

  Kenzie reddened.

  Trevor sneered at Mike. “Hey man, knock it off.”

  Mike held up his hands. “It’s all good. So, everybody understand how to work this thing?”

  Kenzie nodded, and she could see Trevor doing the same in her periphery.

  “Good. Here.” Mike held out the device, but just as Trevor was about to take it, Mike pulled it back. “What exactly did you say you wanted to use this for, again?” His gaze bounced between Kenzie
and Trevor.

  “A harmless prank,” Kenzie said, while Trevor said, “Were problem.”

  Mike’s brows rose.

  “A harmless prank on a were that we’re having problems with,” Kenzie said slowly. “Right, Trevor?”

  Trevor nodded. “Yeah. That’s what it is.”

  The latch clicked as Mike closed the protective case he’d put the device in. “I thought—”

  Trevor snatched the case out of Mike’s hand before he had a chance to finish his thought. “Thanks again. I owe you. But not nearly as much as I would have, had you not kissed me.”

  Mike laughed. “Worth. It.”

  Trevor wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve, keeping his eyes on Mike. “Come on, Kenzie. Let’s go.” He nodded toward the door, and Kenzie followed. “Thanks again, Mike!” He waved, then slipped his hand into Kenzie’s. This, at least, she could handle.

  “So how are you and Mike friends?” Kenzie asked after a few moments of pleasant silence.

  Trevor sighed. “I had a dream.”

  Kenzie raised a brow. “About him?”

  Trevor laughed. “No. Not like that. His family wanted him to come home for the Chinese New Year. Everyone was on high alert because of the vampire threat, and he wasn’t planning on going. I made sure he did.”

  “Wait. Was that before the attack Draven—?”

  “Yes. I only saw Mike, and he was going to die.” Trevor shuddered. “I couldn’t let that happen. I didn’t really know him, but I felt I’d been shown the vision for a reason. He was confused by my support of him leaving at first, but then when everything went down . . .”

  “And he and his family were safely away from Draven and his army . . .”


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