Tidal Magic

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Tidal Magic Page 5

by Janelle Peel

Curious, I dug my fingers into her soft fur and followed her gaze.

  Two figures lost their stomach contents repeatedly on the sand far below. They gasped for air as their bodies convulsed in unison. Groaning, one of them flipped over. His voice carried up to us.

  “Jin, I think I’m dying.”

  Rising up on all fours, Jin ground out, “It’s landsickness. It will pass.”

  “I hate you.”

  Jin barked a quick laugh. “Yeah, I kind of hate myself at the moment.”

  “How long is this going to take?”

  “Hopefully not too long. We have to find Riva.”

  I jerked back. Collin and Jin had followed. Tugging on Bex’s tail, I motioned to the sky. We needed to move.

  Her upper lip rose in their direction. Backing up a few steps, she threw Kai a meaningful look.

  Strapping the large pack to his chest, he intuited her expression. “You need to get on her back. Hook your legs under her belly and grip the fur around her neck tightly. It won’t hurt her. Just try not to touch her wings.”

  Awkwardly, I did as I was told. My hands barely met as I looped them beneath her throat. Silky soft, her fur tickled my cheek. Gripping her sides with my thighs, I whispered, “Ready.”

  Kai leapt from the cliff without a backward glance.

  Bex followed suit.

  The weightless feeling tore a scream from my mouth before I could catch it.

  Bex flared her frosted wings, and we shot into the night.


  The scream drew his attention skyward. His mouth dropped open in shock.

  Silhouetted against the Moon, two figures flew with incredible speed.

  Collin grunted, “Is that Riva?”

  Jin zeroed in on the large white beast. Clinging tightly to the abomination’s back was Riva. Her hair whipped out in all directions like a flag waving goodbye.

  “What do we do now?”

  Heaving a sigh, Jin crawled back toward the ocean. “We have to go home and face our Father.”

  Collin hissed, “Are you mad! If we go home empty-handed we’re screwed!”

  Swallowing the bile burning the back of his throat, Jin nodded. “Maybe not. Have you ever seen such creatures? The King must be informed.”

  “I pray you’re right, Brother. I really do.”


  Finished with the tale of lies and deceit, I settled back onto my uncomfortable throne.

  Titus took my fingers and squeezed them reassuringly.

  The Seer pursed her lips in thought. “It seems you have taken after your father. Calm, levelheaded, always willing to put the people’s needs above the crown. While I am sympathetic to your need to find Princess Riva, we have more important matters to discuss.”

  Nanu had remained silent, but at this she stood with a bark of laughter. “Go back to your hole, Mara. This court will hear none of your ridiculous notions.”

  Titus’s voice cracked like a whip. “Silence! The Seer will speak freely. Interrupt her again and your tail will be stretched over the rack.”

  Chills skittered down my spine. I’d only heard rumors of the rack. A throwback from earlier centuries, it was the ultimate form of torture. Carefully woven cords were lashed around the base of the criminal’s tail while another was wrapped around their torso. Each end was tethered to giant pillars on opposite side of the chamber. Two guards tightened each strap in tandem. As the levels progressed, the tail was stretched to the point of pain. If allowed to continue, the results were catastrophic. The cartilage of the delicate appendage would snap. With its breaking, the subject in question would be damned to walk on two legs. Your tail was your connection to the sea. Without it your magic shattered. Most Mer drowned before they could reach the surface.

  Nanu sneered. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Gideon latched onto Nanu’s arm. “Are you challenging my King?”

  Her aqua-colored eyes tightened at the corners as she shrank back. Grinding her teeth, she settled back into her chair.

  Titus addressed Mara once more. “Apologies. I do not understand what has happened in Atlantic waters, but in the Pacific our Seer is held with the utmost respect. I assure you this will not stand. Please continue.”

  The aged wrinkles lining Mara’s face lifted. “Our Queen has a worthy Mate indeed.”

  I beamed at her high praise.

  Mara shambled forward as the smile disappeared from her face. “The old power is surfacing, my King. It is true that Riva is the heart of the ocean, but only because she is of two worlds. Ours, and one that runs parallel to it. Her birth heralded a marrying of magic. The tides cheered when she took her first breath. He stirred but did not awaken.”

  Confusion shot through me. “He?”

  “Poseidon. He has slept for many millennia. While Riva remained inside the ocean, he continued to slumber. She and the heart were safe inside the sea. Now Riva walks on land. The connection she held is fraying fast. Once it’s broken he will wake.”

  My pulse increased. “And if Poseidon wakes?”

  “Pray he does not, my Queen. If what I have seen comes to pass he will rule once more. The waters will heed his call and his alone. We are interlopers inside his domain. What little magic we all hold will abandon us for its true master.”

  I’d seen Riva’s power on multiple occasions. None of this made sense. Riva was not evil. “Why would he bother with us?”

  Her slim shoulders bowed as if holding the weight of the world. “Because our people stole the heart in the first place. We were once his slaves. In a bid for freedom we took the heart and ran. Without it, he was weakened. All the Seers before me have been tasked with its care. It is passed from one ocean to the next with each union.” Digging into the pouch slung across her narrow hips, she lifted a white pearl. “The magic has slowly drained since Riva’s birth. It used to glow with every color imaginable. Now it holds nothing.”

  Titus moved to her side. He gripped the large ball inside one fist, and his eyes closed. “It’s empty.”

  Mara nodded. “If we are to have any chance, Riva must be found.”

  Nanu snorted. “I’ve had a team searching for her ever since she left. No one has found her.”

  Striding toward her seat, I cocked my arm back and slapped her across the face. “This is your fault! Had you not tried to force her to marry Titus none of this would have happened!”

  Tonguing her reddened cheek, she glared. “You know nothing! If I hadn’t, Berin would never have stopped trying to get his hands on her! He’s obsessed! If she had joined with Titus, her power would have stayed with our people!”

  I stilled. Her logic made a sick kind of sense. On the other hand, if she’d just told the truth none of this would be happening. Riva would never put our people in harm’s way.

  Strong hands latched onto my waist as Titus pulled me away.

  “Hush, Luna. We’ll find Riva. But fighting with Nanu is not the answer.”

  Leaning into his embrace, I sighed. “Then what is? We’re on the verge of war and total annihilation.”

  Turning us toward Mara, he paused.

  Mara tapped her trident on the sand with a dull thud. “We put an end to this before it begins. Hail King Titus and Queen Luna!”

  Cheers broke out with her decree.

  “All hail the King and Queen!”

  Back in my suite I watched the assigned parties gather above the coral below. Seahorses whinnied as their owners tied packs of supplies to their strong backs.

  Titus entered and closed the door softly. “They’ll find her, Luna. I promise. Gideon is leading the search personally. His first stop will be the Pacific. The Seer of my home will verify Mara’s vision. I’m sure of it. Hopefully she will have something to add. Perhaps she has seen Riva.”

  “What if Berin attacks before then?”

  His tone lowered. “Then he will get a very unpleasant surprise. My father gifted me with an army of loyal fighters for the journey here. They have remained through our union. N
ow they will defend our Kingdom. With our forces combined, Berin would be stupid to attack.”

  Softly, I whispered, “Not if he finds Riva first.”

  Chapter 6


  Hopscotching over the sea was equally terrifying and exhilarating. Once we’d achieved the proper altitude, it seemed all Bex had to do was glide.

  Kai didn’t seem to be bothered by the chilly air. The sharp tip of his tail twitched minutely as he corrected his course at regular intervals. His large ears were pinned back tightly against his skull. Tipping one wing, he drifted closer. “We should land soon, Bex. Riva looks half frozen.”

  I’d grown so accustomed to the chattering of my teeth I had to replay his words inside my mind.

  Bex yipped sharply. Our forward motion slowed as she drew her wings into her sides.

  We dropped like a stone.

  Heart in my throat, I squeezed my eyes closed. Desperately, I tried to tighten my hold, but my cramped fingers refused to obey. The feeling of falling bottomed out my stomach as I slipped from her back. I screamed, “FUCK!”

  A thick arm wrapped around my shoulders as another settled behind my knees. My skin burned on contact as Kai secured me against his chest. The searing heat ripped a pained grunt from my throat.

  Darkness came inside the Demon’s embrace.


  Fighting back my possessive instincts, I shifted back in a shimmer of blue light. Seeing my Mate hold another female, sister or not, was almost too much to bear.

  Kai’s tail slithered from his backpack and dropped it to the ground with a thump. Luckily, he’d been able to remove the straps midair and grab Riva.

  My voice cracked at the near miss. “Is she okay?”

  His skin lit with an orange hue as he gently tipped her chin to the side. Delicious heat poured from his hide in waves. “She lives. I think she passed out from the shock.”

  I should have realized how cold she would be. Why hadn’t I thought of that? Kai should have been carrying her from the start. What an idiot I was.

  Astute as always Kai met my gaze. “She’s all right, Bex. You didn’t know.”

  Grumbling under my breath, I began rummaging through our meager belongings. Where did I put my tablet?

  “Side pocket.”

  Nodding in gratitude, I unzipped the compartment. As it flashed to life, my fingers flew across the display. While Hell had nearly destroyed everything on Earth, the satellites had remained mostly operational. Thank the Goddess for GPS. I was terrible with directions.

  Following the red pin, I was pleasantly surprised to find we’d made it to the eastern seaboard. Hmm. Virginia Beach. No wonder it felt so humid. I sighed. “Only another 2,300 miles to go, give or take.”

  “Do you want to take a break before we continue?”

  Stubbornly, I shook my head. “No. Are you good to carry her?”

  He chuckled. “Of course. I think she’s lighter than you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I threw him a glare. “Very funny. How’s her body temperature?”

  Riva looked like a child nestled against his broad chest. Her long hair had lost its tether at some point and hung limply down to Kai’s knee. The abalone hues seemed to flicker in the glow of his magic. Oddly, it appeared as if the pink tips were multiplying. Moonlight played across one cheek and highlighted the soft curve of her jaw. Her dark fan of lashes fluttered for a moment before settling.

  “She seems fine and is no longer shivering. I’ll keep my flames at this level so she is comfortable. You, however, will have to carry the backpack.”

  I snorted. “With what? My teeth?”

  He smirked. “If that’s what it takes, yes.”



  He strode through the halls to his father’s chambers, his thoughts rolling.

  Where was everyone? Normally someone would have greeted him as he passed through the sphere. He’d had to send Collin off to find him appropriate clothing.

  Unconsciously, he fingered the loose material wrapped around his hips. Rounding a corner, he stopped in his tracks.

  Blood moistened the sand just inches from his toes. Lengths of viscera coated the stone walls in a gory display.

  Bile rose to the back of his throat as he recognized Adrik’s yellow scales. He was the King’s right hand. Who could have done such a thing?

  A ragged rattle drew his attention. By the Gods, he was still alive! Still warm, the scarlet pool squelched as Jin dropped to his knees. “Adrik! What’s happened?”

  His lids lifted. Steel gray, his pupils tightened to small pinpricks in pain. “My Prince…”

  Jin’s mind rebelled. “Guards!”

  Adrik jerked his head sharply. “No! I’ve sent them away. The castle is empty.”

  Pounding footsteps echoed down the corridor toward them.

  Terror shone on Adrik’s face as he desperately tried to sit up.

  “Shh,” Jin soothed. “It’s Collin. Rest.”

  Collin skidded around the corner in a panicked rush. His mouth opened in shock.

  Adrik shuddered. “The King…”

  Leaning closer, Jin held his breath.

  Using the last of his strength, Adrik whispered, “He’s… gone insane. He speaks to himself. Leave, both of you… Before it’s too late…” His head lolled to the side as the air escaped from his lungs.

  Collin gripped Jin’s shoulder. “Jin, come on. He’s gone. There’s nothing we can do for him now.”

  Jin had no love for Adrik, but this was one step too far. Anger lit his veins as he rose to stand. No one harmed his people. Shrugging off Collin’s hand, he continued down the hall.

  Stepping into his path, Collin hissed, “Are you mad? We have to go!”

  Jin growled, “Where are we supposed to go? I need to know what happened.”

  Collin threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fine, but quickly.”

  They came across four more of Berin’s personal guards before arriving at his chamber. Each had met Adrik’s fate.

  Shaking with rage, Jin paused at the door. A voice filtered through the crack.

  “I am no closer, my Lord. My men have failed me.”


  “I know how important she is. We will find Riva.”

  Confusion replaced Jin’s anger. Who was Father talking to?

  Quietly, he pushed the door open slightly.

  King Berin knelt beside his massive bed in supplication. He was robed in a white sheet, his shoulders bowed. “Yes. When you are whole we will rule… No, my sons have not returned… I agree, we’ve waited long enough… Vessel? I don’t understand.”

  Collin nudged Jin aside so he could see.

  Similar to an oil slick, something dark poured through the window. Slowly, it crept along the floor toward Berin.

  Berin nodded enthusiastically. “Of course.”

  The black shape slithered along the King’s calves. Licking up his frame, it paused near his face like a sea snake swaying in the current.

  “I’m ready to accept your power, my Lord. Until you are able to rise we shall wield it together.”

  Faster than Jin could track, the darkness poured down his father’s throat.

  Falling backward, Berin convulsed on the floor.

  As Jin prepared to rush to his father’s aide, Collin pulled him to a stop.

  Berin rose in one fluid motion by invisible strings. He straightened the folds of his robe, and a maniacal cackle tumbled from his lips. “Foolish mortal. I’ve grown weary of your excuses. Perhaps you will enjoy a front-row seat to the fall of your Kingdom.” He lifted a hand, and the ocean poured in through the window. As his fingers closed, the side wall of the room tore away with a loud screech. Moving through the debris, he paused at the edge of the crumbling floor. “Poseidon will rule once more, and Riva will be mine.”

  Jin blinked and he was gone.

  Collin tugged the door closed on the water spilling into the hall. “We have to go before he comes back! Mov

  Bewildered, Jin screamed, “What the hell was that!”

  Collin pushed him down the flooding corridor, sarcasm lacing his reply. “Obviously not our father. Snap out of it! We have to find Riva!”

  The sound of her name broke through Jin’s shock. Whatever that creature was, Riva didn’t stand a chance against him.


  The popping of my ears drew me awake with a start. The grip securing me to a pleasantly warm surface tightened in response. Hesitantly, I opened one eye.

  Kai smirked. “Good morning, Riva.”

  Slapping a palm over my mouth, I mumbled, “Uh, morning.”

  He chuckled. “Bex does the same thing.”

  My cheeks heated. Running my tongue along my teeth, I cringed at the fuzzy sensation. Gross.

  Bex snorted. “You can put her down now, Kai. If she can talk she can walk.”

  Gently, Kai lowered my bare feet to the ground. I felt strangely bereft at the loss of heat but was quickly distracted by the soft green blades tickling my toes. Dropping to a knee, I reached out to touch the thick mat. Course, yet soft.

  A set of leather boots entered my field of vision. Panning my gaze upward, I fell back on my rear with a yelp. This had to be the largest man I’d ever seen.

  Dark denim hugged his thighs like it had been glued to his skin. A black tee showcased the narrow V of his hips before stretching across the broad expanse of his chest. Blond stubble lined his square jaw. As his lips rose, twin dimples showed on either side of his cheeks.

  Bex rushed to my side. “Back up, Blaze. Jesus. Give her some fucking room.”

  Blaze moved back a few paces. “You have a knack for bringing home the strays, Bex. Who is this?”

  A low growl rumbled from Bex’s chest.

  Kai moved between us in his human shape. Waving near his throat, he made a cutting motion.

  Blaze lifted a single brow in response. “You’re not a pup anymore, Bex. Answer me.”

  Motioning toward a giant structure further in the distance, Kai sighed. “Walk with me, Blaze. I’ll explain.”

  As their steps retreated, Bex’s growl cut off.

  I asked, “Why do you make that sound, and who is Blaze?”


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