
Home > Other > Synergist > Page 9
Synergist Page 9

by Chloe Adler

  “Isn’t this your home now?”

  Vasily’s brows pinch and he stands abruptly. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  Looking between the men, I stand too and place a hand on Vasily’s arm. “We haven’t finished our earlier discussion.” Maybe if I can get him alone, I can find out what’s going on. Or maybe I’m just telling myself that because I want an excuse, any excuse, to get him alone. To finish the kiss. To find the release he denied me.

  “Ah.” Vasily’s hand cups the side of my cheek. I lean into him. “If you’re amenable to feeding me, leave your bedroom door ajar.”

  Crap. I guess we’ll be finishing everything he started.

  The Bite

  Back in my room, after a long, hot shower, I’m still torn. On the one hand, I’d like to make more money in order to pay Bob as soon as possible, thus securing my parents’ house for at least the rest of the month. On the other hand, earning more money means letting a vampire drink from me. Multiple vampires. I’m not in the habit of lying to myself—it’s obvious I’m not ready for that yet.

  But the idea of Vasily being my first vampire flits through my veins, a welcome distraction that sets off tiny little tremors underneath my skin. I trust him. I kind of know him. He seems safer than just some random vamp. Plus the kisses, all of this hot male attention, is getting to me.

  Eep. I just told myself I don’t lie. I’m interested in Vasily, very interested. But it’s not just Vasily I’m attracted to. I also find myself attracted to Arch, to Forrest and even to Bodhi. The thought of letting Vasily bite me . . . and all the other things I want him to do to me feels disloyal. What’s wrong with me?

  Pacing around my room, I pull out my phone and call Jules. She picks up on the first ring.

  “All I want to hear is that you did the deed and he’s devirginized your neck.”

  I laugh. “Not yet.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Jules,” I whisper.

  “Did something happen? Do I have to kill someone?”

  “No, no, nothing like that. I,” I suck in my lower lip, then blurt, “made out with Vasily.”

  “Nice, and about time too. Anything else?’

  “A little, but no sex.”

  “What the hell’s stopping you?”

  I tell her about my freak-out, and she hmms. “But that’s part of the reason you’re there, no?”

  “I don’t know.” I pull the phone away from my ear and sit on the bed.

  “Do you want him to drink from you or not? It’s a simple question, Amaya.”

  “Am I even allowed, per the contract I signed?” I ask, already knowing the answer. It was easier to disregard when I was still furious about Bob, but now that I’ve calmed down, I need this job.

  “No, you’re not, but let’s say you were. Would you still be vacillating?”

  I lie down on my back. “What’s wrong with me? If you were in my place, you’d have fucked the guy by now while he was sucking your blood.”

  “No doubt, but you can’t compare us.”

  “I wish I was more like you.”

  “Do you want me to tell you what to do right now, or do you want to do what feels right to you?”

  “I’m torn. I’m a vampire-donor virgin and I’m worried that after I try it I’ll like it and want more.”

  “If that’s your biggest problem, sweetie, you’ll just make more money. It’s not like you’re selling your soul, or your vagina. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, if that’s what you want to do.”

  The laughter spills out of me. “Thanks, Jules.”

  “Welcome, ho. And, Amaya?”


  “If you don’t like it after he starts, just tell him to stop. If you’re worried about his restraint, have him do it in front of one of those other guys he lives with. They can pull him off.”

  “That’s a great idea.” As long as there are no pre-bite sexy times to also witness.

  She giggles. “Time to hang up and get sucked by that hot-ass vampire.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll call you later.”

  “Go get bit, bitch.”

  I hang up and keep pacing. I don’t want to take the time to figure out if my friend is right or not. I learned long ago that what’s right for Jules is often not for me. But she does have a point. The idea makes my palms sweat and before I can talk myself out of it, I’ve cracked open the door. How is he going to see it without walking by and checking constantly? Maybe I should text him instead, but no, let’s see if he figures it out on his own.

  Lying down on the bed, which puts my modest one at home to shame, I fish a book out of my backpack and begin to read.

  I’m pulled out of my novel by a knock on the doorjamb. I’m not even sure how long I was reading. The light in the room suggests it’s sunset and my stomach grumbles as if on cue.

  “Come in.” Shit, am I ready for this?

  The door opens slowly, and the man of the house enters wearing a red dinner jacket with a black collar. Really? Well at least he’s not wearing a bib.

  “I’m glad you changed your mind.” He closes the door behind him.

  I remain a frozen lump, as if I’m supposed to be a particularly large throw pillow atop this particular piece of furniture. It’s all the rage really, human accessories.

  He coughs out a deep laugh. “You look like you’re terrified to stand on your own. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes. No. Yes.” I stand up straight, leaving the protection of my bed, and take several wobbly steps toward him. “Actually . . .” I stop.

  “If you’ve changed your mind, I understand.” He turns to leave.

  “Wait, no.”

  He turns back, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest.

  “Look, I’m embarrassed about what happened earlier, how I overreacted when you were . . .” I look away. “When we were . . .”

  “When I tried to make you come?”

  “Yes. I was uncomfortable.”

  “I respect that. Are you uncomfortable now?”

  I nod.

  “Enough said.” His lips tighten. “Dinner will be ready in about an hour.”

  “Can you ask Bodhi to join us?” I blurt to stop him from turning away again.

  His eyebrows rise. “Of course. Whatever you’d like.”

  I walk back to my bed and sit down. “I’d be more comfortable if someone was here with us when you drink from me. I want this to happen but I’m nervous, and having someone else here—”

  He holds up a hand. “No need to explain.” Crossing to my bed, he presses a button I didn’t notice before behind the headboard.

  “Yes sir,” a woman’s breathy voice responds.

  “Candy, please send Bodhi to Amaya’s room.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  “I’ll wait for Bodhi out here.” He stands by the door.

  “No, it’s okay, you can sit down.”

  He crosses to my bed and takes a seat next to me.

  I cross and then uncross my legs. Then cross them again.

  “I’m a little different from other vampires. I know you haven’t experienced this before, but I’m assuming you’ve been told what to expect, yes?”

  I nod.


  “How much will you drink?”

  “Less than an ounce.”

  That is not what I’ve been told. Vampires need way more blood than that. “Is that normal?”

  “For me.” The twinkle in his eye is back and I shift closer, wishing he would kiss me again.

  “Do you have trouble stopping?”

  He shakes his head. “Never.”

  There’s a knock at the door and Vasily shifts his gaze but says nothing.

  “Aren’t you going to tell him to come in?” I ask.

  “It’s your room.”

  Heat radiates from my belly, rising up into my chest and then to my face, a total-body flush. “Come in.”

  Bodhi open
s the door and enters, closing it behind him. “You called?”

  “Amaya would feel more comfortable if you were here when I drink from her.”

  I shift back from Vasily. At least I don’t have to worry about spontaneous orgasms again. However, this is way too awkward and I cast my eyes to the ceiling, anywhere but on him. Will Bodhi find it weird that I’m requesting his presence? It does cement my lack of trust in the process.

  “Of course.” Bodhi moves toward the bed and I pat the spot on the other side of me, letting a breath escape. He drops next to me without another word, as if my request is perfectly normal. Whew.

  I smooth down the front of my shirt, scoot an inch closer to Vasily and lean my head to one side, exposing my neck.

  Vasily slips a hand behind my neck and tilts my head forward.

  “You’re not ready?” I ask.

  “Oh, I’m ready.” A sly smile lifts the corners of his lips. “Would you like me to drink from your neck or . . . elsewhere?”

  “I have options?”

  Bodhi snorts.

  “I thought perhaps for your first time, the wrist might be easier.”

  My wrist. I hadn’t thought of that, but I like the idea. It’s less invasive. “Yes, let’s do that.” I hold my arm out to him.

  He grins and for the first time I realize he doesn’t have any fangs. All vampires have fangs, all the time. It’s not like they retract or anything. But his eyeteeth are just like mine, dull. “Um, Vasily?”

  “Yes?” He strokes down my arm, turning it over to expose my wrist.

  “Why aren’t your fangs sharp?”

  His face drops to my arm and he inhales, deeply. “Hybrid.”

  “What does that mean?” My first instinct is to pull away but I’m drawn by his touch, lulled by our past tryst and no longer worried with Bodhi on my other side.

  “Hybrids take many forms. Some are half one Signum and half another,” says Bodhi. “It’s uncommon but it does happen.”

  I briefly wonder what Vasily’s other half is and make a mental note to dive deeper later. Right now I’m more concerned about the potential pain factor. “Without fangs, won’t it hurt?”

  “You won’t feel a thing. I promise. And if you do, simply say stop and I will. Immediately.”

  I nod but he doesn’t notice; his focus is on the soft inner crease of my wrist. I stiffen when he places his mouth over my dark skin. My other hand flies off my lap, reaching for Bodhi, and he clutches it. I don’t even notice when Vasily pricks my skin, there’s no pain at all, just a gentle sucking. Sensations flood my body, a tingle blossoming with warmth. The heat travels out from the point of contact, down to the center of my core and out the length of my extremities. A moment later, I’m falling, floating as the white-hot heat of an orgasm starts to build between my legs. Oh yes, I’m on the precipice and I want more. The orgasm he deprived me of earlier is back and building fast. I drop Bodhi’s hand and latch onto his toned, taut thigh. I squeeze it and rock against the bed, leaning my chest toward Vasily.

  He breaks contact, pulling away. “Don’t stop,” I cry out. I even try to push his head back down, but he shakes off my hand like it’s nothing. Fighting him, I whimper and writhe, trying to force him back on me. Even though I realize I’m acting crazy, I can’t stop myself. I need the release. I need it. It’s building, luscious, potent, stronger than any past feeling I’ve ever known.

  “Please,” I pant, keeping my eyes shut tight, “finish me. I can’t take it. I need to come.”

  “What the hell?” Bodhi says. “Why is she acting like this?”

  I can’t see Vasily’s response because my eyes are screwed shut but Bodhi doesn’t speak again, and a second later both men have their arms wrapped around me.

  “Shhhh,” one of them says.

  I let myself get pulled into a rock-hard chest, hands cradling my head and rubbing my back.

  Whimpering, I push my body into them, trying to grind my hips into whoever’s lap I’m in, seeking anything against my swollen clit.

  “Can you make me come? Please?” I whisper. I don’t know who I’m asking. Bodhi, Vasily, both? Normally begging like this would embarrass me, much less in front of an audience of two, but I’m so lost to lust and I need the release so badly that I can’t control myself.

  “Not like this,” someone says. He strokes my hair and the scent of lilacs overwhelms me. Vasily? I’m so lost to anything but my aching body I can’t focus.

  “Are you sure that’s not the best thing for her right now?”

  No answer.

  “Please.” My mouth is so dry I can barely swallow. I wet my lips. “You owe me this.”

  There’s a deep sigh from above me, more silence and then someone nuzzles my neck. I lean my head back so whoever is there can kiss me. A tongue snakes out and runs up the length of my skin, leaving trails of heat so intense it burns my flesh, making me seek more.

  “Yes,” I hiss. My hips rock against the thigh under me, and I’m sure that without their help I could bring myself the release I so desperately need.

  My desperate panting fills the air. Whoever’s thigh is beneath me stays put. Two hands move along my clavicle, down toward my breasts. I tear my shirt open—I need more, I need skin on skin. The cool air pricks my flesh and the men gasp, almost in unison.

  “So beautiful.” The voice is raspy and thick. Its owner unhooks my bra.

  Hands move over my chest, cupping my tits, thumbing the nipples. Light, like a butterfly kiss. My body tenses and lips find mine. I recognize the kiss and the taste. Vasily’s tongue fills me and I push up into the kiss and down onto the thigh. The men rock with me as I bring myself closer. He breaks the kiss and the hands move to my back, gently pushing me forward.

  “Let’s reposition,” Vasily says. “If we’re going to do this for you, let’s do it right.”

  My eyes fly open and a strangled moan dies in my throat. Vasily stands, hauling me up with him. Bodhi moves backward on the bed to lean against the headboard, his legs spread wide. Vasily positions me against Bodhi’s warm chest. My shirt hangs open, the buttons torn off, my bra undone and baring my cinnamon nipples to the men. I shiver, more from the sense of exposure than from the cold. During the heat of the kissing and petting, having my breasts on display was a turn-on but now I can’t help squirming a little.

  As if he can read my mind, Bodhi reaches around to cup and cover them. The tension melts from my spine as I lean back into his solid chest. For a guy who’s not built like Vasily or Arch, he sure is deliciously firm.

  “Pants off or on?” Vasily stands above me. Sexy as hell, but also imposing in his red velvet dinner jacket. I’m tempted to rip it off him and fling it out the window. The moment strikes me as comical. I’m half naked, and the vampire has arrived at the party overdressed.

  I suck in my lower lip, sawing it between my teeth. I’m craving flesh-on-flesh action the way a performer craves the spotlight, but now’s not the time for soul baring. Not unless, or until, we’re all on an equally naked footing.

  “On,” I whimper.

  Vasily crawls onto the bed, kneeling before me. My thighs are clamped together and he brushes a hand against my pussy without forcing my legs open. The vampire straddles me, towering above me even though we’re sitting. I crane my neck back, using Bodhi as a cushion, to look at him.

  “Has the moment passed?” Vasily asks. His dark eyes glitter in the falling light. His erection pulses against my outer thigh.

  “Oh, hell no.”

  A smile pulls at his lips, soon lost to a kiss as he takes my mouth. Bodhi has a hard-on of his own pushing into my lower back. I grind my butt against it while pushing my thigh against Vasily’s and my pussy into the heel of his palm. I focus on his tongue and mouth so I don’t do anything stupid, like rip off the rest of my clothes and splay my legs for all to see, which is exactly what the animal inside me is screaming for.

  Vasily nips and tugs at my lips with his teeth and Bodhi descends on my neck from behind
, gripping the flesh between his teeth the way I imagined a vampire would. His teeth nip at my tender skin, which is heated and oversensitive from my desire. The sensation is completely different from the way Vasily drank from my wrist, when there was no pain at all. The slight sting from Bodhi’s teeth is welcome, though. It pulls me out of my lust, just a smidgen, grounding me further in the moment.

  His hands work their magic on my tits, squeezing and pinching. Kneading and rolling. My orgasm builds again, slowly. Deliciously. Like the beginning of an orchestral melody. First the flutes, tripping on a fine meter. So soft and unassuming that one barely notices when the piano joins. The overture turns, swells. By the time the heavy hitters have entered—the strings, the brass, percussion—it all spills over, gliding into a finish of perfectly blended instruments that leaves you swaying and moaning in your seat. Or maybe that’s just my response to a well-played orchestra.

  “Let yourself go,” Bodhi growls into my ear. “We’ve got you.”

  It’s just what I need to hear to trip and fall over the edge. My body spasms and jerks, still grinding into the men, and I imagine that we all come together, through our clothing, at the same moment. My own release is hot and wet, steaming through my veins and out my pores. I scream, gutturally, like an animal. My head thrown back into Bodhi, my chest heaving in capable hands. They, too, are writhing and groaning, but neither lets me go.

  What Rules?

  “Amaya.” Arch throws my bedroom door open without knocking. His look of concern morphs quickly into a glare openly at Vasily and Bodhi, who are extricating themselves from my body.

  My arms fly up to cover my bare breasts and Bodhi helps bring the edges of my shirt back together.

  Arch clears his throat and relaxes against the wall. A mocking smile spreads across his chiseled features. “I didn’t realize those were howls of pleasure.”

  Vasily offers Arch one raised eyebrow, glides off the bed and straightens his jacket. I give up on my shirt—too many buttons are gone—and lie back against Bodhi’s chest. His arms encircle me.

  “Jealous?” asks Vasily in a lighthearted tone.


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