The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming Page 26

by Saxon Andrew


  “This galaxy is less than half the size of the Milky Way. I don’t mean to say they can’t have a large number but there just aren’t enough habitable planets to sustain a huge number.” Charlie stared at her and Sweets raised a shoulder, “The Core Aliens occupied an area close to half the size of Triangulum. They could have as many ships as they did but if they’ve defeated all their enemies, why would they continue building up huge numbers?”

  “If they intend to conquer the Milky Way, they’ll start building them again.”

  “I suspect they’ll do that when they start settling the Milky Way,” Sweets replied.

  “I’m hearing the aliens on those warships above the planet.” They turned to Cami and she chuckled, “They aren’t complaining. They’re happy they were allowed to stay at home.” Cami paused and added, “It appears most of the ship commanders are related to the rulers on the planet.”

  “Some things never change,” Sweets commented.

  “You and Cami are out here,” Charlie retorted.

  Sweets grabbed her chest, “Touché!”

  Charlie laughed and stared at the tactical monitor. After a moment he asked, “Cami, is it possible for you to hear any of the leaders on that planet?”

  “I’ve been doing that for the last few minutes and Sweets is right.”

  “About what?”

  “They intend to build warships in the Milky Way and once enough are constructed, their fleets will return here.”

  “I haven’t seen any colony ships.”

  “They’re located further inside the galaxy. They’ll start gathering the colonists once the two civilizations are defeated.”

  “Cami, do they know about Humanity?”

  “Yes, but they’re not worried.”

  “Why not?”

  “They heard the alien’s thoughts that returned from the destruction of New Melbourne and New Britannia. They don’t believe humanity represents a real threat to them.”

  “Why not?”

  “If the aliens could defeat humanity’s most powerful planets with their warships, they know it won’t be a problem.”

  “Did they learn about the Stealth Civilization being involved?”

  “That’s the funny thing. None of the aliens they observed mentioned in their thoughts they came from Andromeda; they simply thought of them as allies. These leaders believe when the Stealth Civilization disappeared from the core it just settled in another place in the Milky Way.”

  “Cami, are they discussing this?”

  Cami giggled, “No! Remember I can see all of their inner thoughts. It appears this civilization shares anything it uncovers with all of their planets.”

  Sweets nodded, “That accounts for all the communication beams that were being broadcast from the first planet we found.”

  “Computer, how many beams were detected leaving that planet.”

  “A little more than three thousand Admiral.”

  “If every beam was directed toward one of their planets, then this civilization is about one-third larger than the Core Alien’s Civilization,” Sweets commented.

  Charlie nodded, “I suspect that’s why they’ve waited until now to plan their invasion; they didn’t want to take them on.”

  “And if they figure that if the Core Aliens were the most powerful civilization in the Milky Way, they should easily defeat any forces in the galaxy. Their warships are more advanced than what the Core Aliens were using.”

  “They didn’t scout the other side of the black hole,” Charlie remarked. Sweets and Cami stared at him. “If they did, they would know that more than two thousand of their planets were destroyed on that side and they’d know the Grang and that other civilization couldn’t have done it.”

  Sweets shook her head, “They’ll find that out once they arrive in the Milky Way, Charlie.”

  “They have to get there first. I think we’ve learned all we need to know, do you agree?”

  “Contact RJ and ask him,” Sweets replied. Charlie nodded.

  • • •

  After five days, Charlie met Justin in open space, and he confirmed their findings. “It’s amazing that this civilization has defeated all of their enemies.”

  “Not really,” Sweets responded.


  “If we defeat those two civilizations at the core along with the Stealth Civilization, what’s left to endanger humanity?”

  Justin glanced at Charlotte and she smiled. He turned back to the monitor, “You’re right. But we’d never go out not using our scanners.”

  “After a few thousand years when we didn’t find anything, we would.”

  Justin shrugged, “I guess you’re right about that. We need to do it now!”

  “What’s the rush?” Charlie asked.

  “You heard those aliens on the receiving ship in Grang territory; they’re impatient to go home and I suspect they’ll start wasting the remaining large scouts to make that happen.”

  Charlie’s eyes widened and he said, “Send this conversation to Admiral Dunhan now!”

  “Sending now,” the computer replied.

  • • •

  The next day, Sweets looked up from her console, “I’ve received a message from Fleet, and we’ve been ordered to start the escape.”

  Charlie blew out a breath, “We must find a planet where the ships around it haven’t been sent to the side of the galaxy closest to the Milky Way.”

  “Why?” Justin asked.

  “We must make sure we frighten them into calling off their invasion plans. To do that, a large number of their warships must be attacked by Fleet.”

  “I’ll start looking around the edge and you move further into the galaxy, Justin!” Charlie turned to Sweets, “Notify Admiral Dunhan what we’re doing.”

  “How do we know all of their ships haven’t been sent?” Cami asked.

  “We don’t know for sure. But if they’re as anal as we think they are, they’ll still have some ships waiting to be sent.”


  “Because it would reduce the provisions needed to have them all in one place and allow their fleet commanders time to get their fleets organized. The six ships at the first planet were just arriving, so there must be other planets that haven’t started sending their fleets,” Sweets answered.

  • • •

  After four days, they stared at the planet in the distance. “I’m detecting more than eight hundred warships in formation above that planet,” Justin commented. “This is where we need to do it.”

  Charlie nodded, “I’m notifying Fleet and moving out of the galaxy. Be careful!”

  Justin smiled, “That’s my middle name.” Charlotte snorted and Justin turned to her, “Hey, I’m not going to put you in danger!”

  “As if you have a choice. Just move us in and I’ll make the scan. We should take off our combat helmets now.”


  “They aren’t using their telepathic scanners and we need to make sure they detect us as quickly as possible,” Charlotte replied as she stared at her console. Justin took off his combat helmet and thought, “Cami, thank you for sharing my thoughts.”

  “It needed to be done. Please don’t take any foolish risks.”

  “You’re seeing what I’m planning, aren’t you.”


  “I’ll be careful.”

  Sweets turned to Cami, “What is he planning?”

  “He wants to determine the top speed of their warships. He intends to fly just below their top speed to allow them to get closer.”


  “He must do it!” Charlie instantly responded.


  “If he flies away faster than they can pursue, they’ll give up the chase. He must make them believe they are closing in on him.” The Sweet Tooth was flying at maximum speed out of Triangulum and Charlie moved the ship vertical to Justin’s anticipated course. Sweets turned toward him,
and he shrugged, “If he fails, we’re going to continue the pursuit.”

  Sweets sighed and nodded.

  • • •

  Justin moved the small ship in closer to the planet and turned to Charlotte, “Are we inside the range of our active scanner?”

  “Yes but I want you to move closer.”


  “We don’t know anything about the hulls on those ships and I want to make sure our scan can get through.” Justin nodded and moved inside the orbit of the planet’s closest moon. “Those ships are quite a bit larger than our current warships.”

  “The blasters on their hulls are larger as well.” Charlotte paused and added, “Well, the heavy blaster’s barrel we use is larger. This is close enough.”

  “They can reach out and touch us at this range.”

  “Grab your courage Justin. You know we must do it this way.”

  “Charlotte, I love you.”

  Charlotte turned to him, “Now was that so hard to say?”

  “I’m frightened you don’t feel the same.”

  “I’m here with you and that should tell you everything you need to know.” Justin reached across and squeezed her hand. Charlotte turned back to her console, “Show Time!”

  • • •

  The Commander of the alien fleet above the planet was on a shuttle headed to his command ship. He had finished the meeting with the planet’s leaders and was glad to finally be away. He saw his ship ahead of him and looked forward to being back on board. Suddenly, he saw the large formations of warships powering up their thrusters. “What’s going on?!”

  His ship’s commander appeared on the shuttle’s monitor, “Drogan, one of our warships has been hit by a powerful scan. The fleet is powering up to pursue the ship that made the scan!”

  The Drogan turned to the shuttle’s pilot, “GET ME TO MY SHIP!!” The shuttle accelerated and entered the large warship. It had its thrusters powered up and it left at maximum speed behind the fleet.

  • • •

  Charlotte shook her head, “I’m glad we moved in closer. The hull on that ship is extremely dense.”

  “How much longer?!”

  “Five seconds.”

  Justin looked at the tactical and saw every ship above the planet was powering up. Charlotte turned to him, “Got it!” Justin whipped the ship around and pushed the thruster handle forward. The small ship accelerated away as hundreds of alien warships accelerated toward it. Several blaster beams passed on both sides of the small ship before it moved out of the blaster’s range. “They have their scanners operating.”

  “Do they see us?”

  Charlotte smiled, “Oh yes!”

  “Their blasters have a long range.” Charlotte nodded. “I’m increasing the distance between us. They have to get up to their maximum speed before I start to slow.” The small ship leapt ahead as the warships picked up speed. “Send the data you collected in the active scan to Fleet.”

  “It’s already been sent. You know the range of their blasters, keep us out of it.” Justin nodded and stared at the tactical monitor. One warship was lagging far behind the fleet chasing him.

  • • •

  The Drogan’s ship was far behind the pursuing warships and his anger was growing. The pilot saw it and said, “Drogan, our fleet is moving at maximum speed and our ship is no faster. We’re going to fall behind until we get to maximum speed.”

  The Drogan wanted to shoot the pilot but knew he couldn’t do anything more than he was doing. He stood up on one huge leg and glared at the monitor, “Do not move out of scanner range from my fleet!!”

  “We’ll remain inside scanning range, Drogan.”

  The Drogan returned to his chair and announced over his communicator, “You will not allow that ship to escape! The closest ships to that vessel will launch missiles!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Charlie had the Sweet Tooth high above Justin’s ship and was pacing it staying even with it. Cami turned to Charlie, “The closest ships are going to launch missiles.”

  Charlie increased speed and moved ahead of the pursuit. “What are you doing?”

  Charlie blew out a breath, “I’m moving ahead of the alien’s telepathic scanner range and preparing to drop in front of them if Justin’s ship is destroyed. I’ll slow and allow them to see me if that happens. Everyone needs to be prepared to take off their helmets.”

  “Why would they continue to chase us?” Cami asked.

  Sweets turned to her, “They’ll believe that Justin sent the data he collected to us and that we must be stopped.” Cami nodded and turned back to the tactical monitor. She couldn’t broadcast her thoughts to warn Justin about the missiles without removing her helmet and the aliens would immediately detect them if she did. She sat by helplessly shaking her head.

  • • •

  Charlotte turned to Justin and said in a calm voice, “The closest alien warships have launched a missile barrage at us.”

  Justin had a death grip on the steering wheel and shook his head, “If I increase speed to outrun them, they’ll call off the chase. Use the two rear blasters to take them out, if you can.”

  Charlotte activated the rear blasters and said, “I’m going to allow them to move well inside the blaster’s range; they don’t need to learn our maximum range.” Justin nodded and stared at the red blips moving in toward them. Charlotte smiled, “The missile’s closing speed is manageable.” She targeted the closest missile and pressed the firing button.

  • • •

  The Drogan watched the missiles fired at the tiny ship start blowing up before they could hit it. “Move more ships in and launch a larger barrage at that vessel!!”

  The Scanner Operator turned to him, “Drogan, our ships are moving at maximum speed and none of our ships can get closer to that vessel than the ones that launched the first salvo.” The Drogan snarled and glared at the monitor.

  • • •

  Charlotte was totally focused on the ship’s targeting system and shook her head, “Those three ships firing missiles at us carry a lot of them.”

  “Just keep them off us!”

  “I could probably hit those ships with the heavy blaster.”

  “Don’t do that!”

  “I won’t; I’m not dumb.”

  “I know that, my love.” Justin saw the three ships moving slightly closer and wanted to increase speed but forced himself not to do it.

  • • •

  A ship commander appeared on the Drogan’s monitor, “Drogan, we are gaining on that ship, but we’ll exhaust our missiles before we’re close enough to overwhelm its defenses.”

  “Stop firing them immediately. How long before you’re close enough to launch where it can’t remove all of them?”

  “Another three hours. We’ll be inside blaster range in four hours.”

  The Drogan looked at his Scanner Operator, “Are we gaining on that ship?”

  “Yes Drogan, it is as the leader said.” The Drogan turned back to the wall monitor and after a few moments, the Scanner Operator said, “I’ve learned some things about that ship we’re pursuing, Drogan.”

  “What is that?”

  “It is using some kind of stealth technology that our electronic scanners can’t penetrate.”

  “I thought our electronic scanner would make it through their stealth fields.”

  “Drogan, it does make it through when those ships are moving toward us, but we’ve not scanned one of them moving away. It could be that ship’s drives are blocking the scan.” The Drogan nodded and turned back to the monitor. The Operator added, “There is a good possibility that ship is not from the civilizations we’ve been scouting in the spiral galaxy.”

  The Drogan jerked back to the Operator and it said, “That ship is smaller than any ship we’ve detected in those two civilizations.”

  “Just how do you know that if you can’t detect it?”

  “After it completed the scan of our warship, it turned an
d fled directly toward the edge of our galaxy. It entered a region of dust before it moved out of the galaxy and our scanner detected the wake it was leaving behind it. From that wake, I’ve determined that it is less than twenty percent the size of our warships.” The operator paused and then added, “The rear blaster that ship is using to destroy our missiles is more powerful than the ones currently being used by those two civilizations we’ve been scouting.”

  The Drogan’s expression changed and the Science Leader quickly added, “I’ve run a search of all the data we’ve collected from those civilizations and there is nothing in it about a ship the size of the one we’re pursuing. And if that small ship is a scout from them, then their warships would surely have the same blasters on them…they don’t.”

  “If that ship came from those two civilizations, it would have shown up in the data we collected; there would be no way for them to hide it,” The Scanner Operator interjected.

  The Drogan stared at them and then said, “Are you suggesting that ship came from another civilization? Those two civilizations saw us scouting them and I believe they sent scouts to take a look at us.”

  “That ship doesn’t match up with either of them, Drogan. It must have come from somewhere else,” the Science Leader answered.

  “Where is it headed?”

  “We’ve not been able to triangulate its course yet due to the inability of our electronic scanners to detect it. We should be able to do that with the telepathic scanner once our ships move closer to it.” The Drogan snarled again; that ship appeared at the worst possible time for him to be with his fleet. He leaned forward and extended the claws from his fingers. This was frustrating.

  • • •

  “They’ve stopped firing missiles.”

  Justin nodded, “They’re waiting to fire them when they’re too close for you to be able to hit all of them with our blasters.”

  The time passed slowly but not slowly enough. “I’m detecting them powering up their missile tubes.”

  Justin looked at Charlotte and heard over the wall speaker, “Captain Brown, maintain your current course and don’t deviate from it. We have a path cleared through our formations and it’s imperative you don’t change course.”

  “Sir, the aliens are about to fire an overwhelming missile barrage at my ship!”


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