Read Through the Rose Gate...Chapters One and Two Storyline:
"Through the Rose Gate" is book one of Janette Payton's "Genus Rosa Society" series. In Book I we are introduced to the main characters, and to the largest truly secret benevolent society in the world. The main characters embark on a series of adventures, one of which is a trip through a worm hole in the Bermuda Triangle to a Shangri-La type land in which the inhabitants live to be quite old."Through the Rose Gate" is book one of Janette Payton's "Genus Rosa Society" series. In Book I we are introduced to the main characters, and to the largest truly secret benevolent society in the world. The main characters embark on a series of adventures, one of which is a trip through a worm hole in the Bermuda Triangle to a Shangri-La type land in which the inhabitants live to be quite old. In this safe haven members of the Genus Rosa Society rejuvenate themselves and meet to discuss future plans for the world.Pages of Through the Rose Gate...Chapters One and Two :