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Waveoff (Murphy's Lawless Book 6)

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by Chris Kennedy


  Book Six of Murphy’s Lawless


  Chris Kennedy

  PUBLISHED BY: Beyond Terra Press

  Copyright © 2020 Chris Kennedy

  All Rights Reserved

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  This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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  For Sheellah.

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  Cover Design by J Caleb Design

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  About Chris Kennedy

  The Caine Riordan Universe

  Excerpt from Book One of the Revelations Cycle:

  Excerpt from Book One of the Salvage Title Trilogy:

  Excerpt from Book One of The Progenitors’ War:

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  LOCAL YEAR: 672 SR (Date coding note: SR stands for “Since Rev.” Origin of “SR” uncertain. Could refer to spaceside locals’ first official recording of years (i.e., revolutions around the local star), the political revolts that compelled the SpinDogs to leave R’Bak, or the founding of their first rotational habitat, or rohab.)

  LOCAL DATE: Day 074 (of 369) (Time sync note: Local days are only 18 hours. Consequently, the local year of 369 days is actually only 75 percent the duration of one Earth year.)

  EARTH DATE: September 19, 2125 AD


  Increasing competition among powers in the primary system (Jrar) may have prompted several nations on the main planet (Kulsis) to move up the timetable on exploitation of R’Bak during the imminent Searing. First mission arrived in this system (secondary star, Shex) 18 months earlier than on any previous Searing. ELINT and SIGINT both indicate that the OpFor is from Kulsis’ second largest power, which has an entente/détente relationship with the greatest/oldest/traditionalist power.

  Due to OpFor’s early arrival at R’Bak, SpinDog and RockHounds (two different branches of the spaceside local population) had neither instituted full cessation of travel nor completed re-concealment of stationary assets. Many were compelled to go into hiding wherever they were, including various resource collection teams on the second planet, V’dyr, and one trade mission concluding business on R’Bak.


  000Ship carrying Lost Soldiers (Dornaani hull Olsloov) arrives in system, scans, discovers SpinDogs on far side of local sun (Shex). Observes, decodes comms. Language is quickly identified as a devolved form of Ktor as it was spoken almost 1,400 years ago (approximation only). Despite linguistic roots, Olsloov command staff deems it unlikely that the SpinDogs would become aggressive or that they have had any recent contact with the Ktoran Sphere.

  001Contact made by Olsloov command staff. Purpose: acquire consumables.

  002No response, but Spin/Rock ships move to avoid further LoS/lascom messages. Pickets of harvesters/raiders notice movement of the previously undetected Spin/Rock craft, begin maneuvering at extremely high gee (often 2–3, sustained) to effect intercept. Terran cadre analyzes the situation; Olsloov selectively jams OpFor broad-comms. Only transmission completed by OpFor was decrypted as “Investigating local anomaly; stand by for details.” Narrow-beam comms blocked by position of companion star (Shex), which occluded receivers located in the primary (Jrar) system.

  003Sensor results from Olsloov indicate that OpFor’s hi-gee maneuvers are consistent with a) intercept of SpinDog craft and b) repositioning to clear transmission coordinates to Jrar. Capt. Mara Lee, USAF, is restored from cryogenic suspension to assist in battlefield support and liaison duty with SpinDog matriarchy.

  004Contact established with Spin/Rock leadership using Dornaani translation system to update language from classic Ktor and to crack cyphers. Agreement reached. Compromised Spin/Rock craft adjust course to flee toward prearranged coordinates in outer system. Intercept trajectory for OpFor intersects optimal ambush point for Olsloov and her drones/ROVs. Captain Lee receives partial accelerated training in local language via virtuality immersion.

  006OpFor pursuit elements ambushed by Olsloov at edge of outer system. Tech superiority of Olsloov and her deployed assets results in complete elimination of enemy hulls without loss or significant damage. In and near R’Bak orbit, Dornaani ROVs (with direct oversight from Captain Lee) assist Spin/Rock assets to eliminate small number of OpFor hulls (mostly interface transports) and sensors. Dornaani standoff drones eliminate two planetside comm arrays with potential to reach Jrar system.

  007Olsloov arrives on-station at R’Bak, conducts close survey for further planetside comm facilities with inter-system capability. None located. AARs generated and shared between Olsloov and Spin/Rock cadres.

  008Data sharing and first meetings between Olsloov and Spin/Rock leadership. Mutual support and joint operation agreements reached. Captain Lee is debriefed by Olsloov cadre and resumes accelerated language training via virtuality technology.

  009Transfer of volatiles and other consumables to Olsloov commences. Captain Lee completes accelerated language training.

  010Data packets for tech sharing and replication of 20th century Earth weapons and systems relayed to and declared operational by Spin/Rock automated production facilities. Examples of each system are provided from legacy examples carried aboard Olsloov. Legacy examples include helicopters, weapons, ammunition, simple electronics. Captain Lee commences training of first class of SpinDog rotary wing pilots.

  013Major RY Murphy restored from cryogenic suspension. Debrief commences.

  014Major Murphy debrief ends. Light company of Lost Soldiers detached for R’Bak ops is revived.

  015R’Bak ops contingent (Lost Soldiers) commences accelerated language training aboard Olsloov. Olsloov and seeded (permanent) microsat net detect upswing in movement by advanced vehicles on surface of R’Bak.

  016First planetside training sorties of SpinDog RWP pilots led by Captain Lee. Planetside movement increase is confirmed as OpFor activity. Spin/Rock intel assessment is that they are gathering resources to secure optimum construction site for transmitter capable of reaching Jrar system.

  017Guildmother/Matriarch of leading Spin/Rock Family reported to Olsloov as MIA planetside on R’Bak while conducting undisclosed SAR ops in north polar extents. Capt. Lee is cleared for, and tasked to, effect recovery of Guildmother/Matria
rch, attached personnel, and others requiring rescue.

  018Capt. Lee’s recovery mission achieves objective while sustaining moderate casualties, but Guildmother/Matriarch had been mortally wounded prior to her arrival in AO.

  019Olsloov cadre, Lost Soldier CO Murphy, and SpinDog leadership agrees to conops of joint contact and recruitment mission to R’Bak. Objective: gather sufficient indigenous forces and commandeer cached Kulsis equipment to disrupt and prevent OpFor construction of dirtside inter-system comm array. Spaceside requirements articulated; assets identified. Preps begin. Construction of improvised meteoritic assault capsules commences, with limited assistance from Dornaani and contemporary Terrans. Mission leadership selected and briefed. Training commences.

  021Lost Soldier R’Bak detachment completes language training, skills assessment, physical readiness conditioning, and is officially stood up as an active unit. Designation pending.

  022Olsloov completes replenishment activities, prepares for departure. Training for joint mission to R’Bak concludes. Objectives and targets updated. Final briefing.

  023Olsloov departs.

  024Mission dropship commences op with tug boost toward R’Bak along retrograde orbital track.

  028Orbital insertion successful. Joint mission under command of Lt. Harold Tapper confirmed as maneuvering to establish contacts with Sarmatchani nomads.

  036SpinDog transport shuttles conduct high angle insertion to R’Bak north polar regions, followed by subsonic overland NOE flight to convey task force under Cpt. Hubert Moorefield to border of Hamain desert region in northern hemisphere. Cpt. Moorefield establishes and assumes command of Camp Stark FOB, proximal to anticipated rendezvous point with Lt. H. Tapper.

  045Lt. H. Tapper coordinates and conducts successful Sarmatchani strike against elements of J’Stull satrapy. Mission-critical Kulsian vehicle cache, along with relevant operational supplies, taken and being convoyed to elements from Camp Stark.

  046Seized vehicles and supplies are transferred to Cpt. Moorefield, CO Camp Stark, at rendezvous point. J’Stull pursuit/attack repulsed after suffering heavy losses. Abandoned and reclaimable equipment includes APCs, light ACVs, and company-level personal gear, including Kulsian small arms. Note: otherwise unbreakable draught creatures (whinaalani) allow themselves to be ridden by our personnel. Casualties: 11 WIA, 1 WIA/ND (“non-deployable”), 4 KIA.

  055Counter-intelligence operation carried out by Chalmers and Jackson interdicted J’Stull attempt at covert interception of strike assets en route to main objective from Camp Stark. (See Tab #1 in classified addenda.)

  071Supplemental debrief of Major Mara “Bruce” Lee produces intel and cultural liaison contexts suspected but unconfirmed in re: to failed rescue op of SpinDog Matron of the Thraazqir family. (See classified addenda Tabs #2 and #3.)

  076Coded communication from asset “VAT” indicates increased indig support and trust among distant tribes of the areas that are particularly hard-hit during the Searing. A tribal elder revealed subterranean survival chambers (and possibly travel passages) which exist in the fringe regions that the R’Baku call the Ashlands and may extend as far as the Hamain (high-altitude desert). Immediate tactical utility: movement of troops and light materiel to strike zone. Long term strategic utility is similar, but for surrounding and isolating satrap allies and cities.

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  Chapter 1

  Lieutenant Kevin Bowden, U.S. Navy, selected the station with his remaining heat-seeking missile, turned the master armament switch on, and focused on the blimp just off the nose.

  The dirigible was a monster, its lifting bag more than a hundred meters from end to end. The craft was held together by a latticework of heavy ropes, like a coarse fishing net, which he could just make out as the craft turned toward him. Hanging beneath the lifting bag was the structure he was more concerned with—a long, enclosed gondola that had an exhaust stack projecting to its starboard. A thin haze trailed behind it, indicating its power plant was on and functioning. Perfect. Two propellers on the midships rail drove it forward, although Bowden doubted they were hot enough for the improvised missile to see.

  He gently tapped the thruster that functioned like the rudder in his old F/A-18 Hornet, bringing the nose of the craft in line with the blimp, and pulled back slightly so the missile’s seeker head was pointed at the gondola. If the missile had been a Sidewinder, he would have received a growl in his headset when the seeker saw the heat generated by the power plant. Since he didn’t have that, he trusted to his visual aim and the technical abilities of the SpinDogs who had built it, and pushed the launch button that had been wired to his left panel.

  With a woosh! and less smoke than an actual Sidewinder would have produced, the missile leaped from his port wing and raced toward the blimp. The airship yawed to port as the steersman tried to give his gunners a shot at either him or the missile. Bowden chuckled. Like they could hit either.

  Bowden put the craft into a right-hand 360. Regardless of whether the missile worked or not, he wasn’t going to play chicken with a craft that was as big as a football field. He was parallel to the craft when the missile hit the gondola, detonating its payload of magnesium flares.

  It was impossible to tell if the motor inside the gondola was still working as most of the gondola suddenly caught fire, and several of the burning flares punched upward into the gas bag. The center of the bag turned into a sun as the gas caught fire, and he flinched away from the brilliant flash. When he looked again, the center of the blimp had crumpled, and the gondola’s weight was pulling the front and back of the airship together as it fell from the sky.

  Flames roared across the lifting bag and the gondola, and several figures fell from the gondola. Bowden flinched but understood. Given the choice between dying from the impact at the bottom of the fall and being burned alive, Bowden knew he would have jumped, too. Hell, for all he knew, the jump might even be survivable.

  He wrapped the turn up harder to get around faster. The antenna was easy to see on the other side of the town, and he rolled wings level, heading directly toward it. The blimp wouldn’t be a factor; its still-burning corpse would pass down his starboard side.

  Bowden selected two of the rocket-propelled bomb stations, turned on the laser designator, and then swore when the “Ready” light didn’t illuminate on the panel. Worse, the TV screen that should have shown him a view of where the laser was pointing stayed black rather than bringing up an image. He cycled the switch again. Nothing.

  Damn it! He leaned forward, then looked out the window below the port wing to where the laser package was mounted. He could just see the back of the device…and several detached wires flapping in the wind. Exactly the malfunction he’d warned the SpinDogs about.

  He sighed. His worst fear was confirmed. He was screwed.

  As screwed as screwed gets.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2

  “Mind if I sit here?”

  Kevin Bowden looked up from his lunch. His eyes took in the person in front of him, then all the empty tables in the refectory that served the section of the habitat in which the Lost Soldiers were billeted. He shrugged. “Fine with me, sir,” he finally said. “The answer’s, ‘no,’ though.”

  Major Rodger Murphy raised an eyebrow as he sat. “Not sure what you mean.”

  Right. Bowden pointed with his spoon toward Murphy’s empty hands. “You’re not here for lunch. That means you’re here to recruit me for a mission, just like you did everyone else who was in the Mogadishu chopper wreck. The answer’s ‘no.’”

  Murphy’s tone cooled. “How do you know what the answer is, when I haven’t even asked the question?”

  “Because I’m done. I’ve done enough for my country.” Bowden looked back down at his food and shoveled in another mouthful. Hell, more than enough.

  “I need you for this. You’re the only one who can do it.”

  “What?” Bowden exclaimed, loud enough to cause everyone nearby to glance over at t
he pair of humans. “You’ve got more kids for me to kill?”

  “Easy, Lieutenant,” Murphy said, making a calming motion with his hands. “This is not a combat op. You’re the only tactical aviation guy we’ve got from around our time frame, and that’s the skillset I need to look at a mission in the conops stage.”

  Bowden’s eyes narrowed. “Just look at something?”

  “For now, I just need you to look. There are no missions being planned.”

  “Being planned, ‘yet,’ you mean.”

  Murphy shrugged. “Lieutenant, you and I know that, given our current situation, there’s no guaranteeing you won’t have to get back into a cockpit again. And I’m not going to insult your intelligence and make myself a liar by saying otherwise. But at this point, what I need is your knowledge and expert assessment. And only that.”

  “Guess I could look at something for you.” Bowden sighed as his shoulders slumped. “It’s not like I have a whole lot else to do here. Don’t appear to be going home any time soon.”

  Murphy’s smile was small, brittle, and shadowed by more than a little regret. “Thanks,” he said. “Meet me in an hour in Docking Bay 3A.”

  * * *

  Bowden walked into the assigned docking bay, exactly an hour later, to find the major talking to two of the alien SpinDogs—if they really were aliens—standing next to one of their interface craft. Murphy nodded to the two humanoids, and they went back to working on something on its nose.


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