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The Complete Works of   JAMES JOYCE

Page 136

by James Joyce

  Uplouderamainagain !

  For the Clearer of the A* from on high has spoken in tumbul-dum tambaldam to his tembledim tombaldoom worrild and, mogu — phonoised by that phonemanon, the unhappitents of the earth have terrerumbled from fimament unto fundament and from tweedledeedumms down to twiddledeedees.

  Loud, hear us!

  Loud, graciously hear us!

  Now have thy children entered into their habitations. And nationglad, camp meeting over, to shin it, Gov be thanked ! Thou hast closed the portals of the habitations of thy children and thou hast set thy guards thereby, even Garda Didymus and Garda Domas, that thy children may read in the book of the opening of the mind to light and err not in the darkness which is the after-thought of thy nomatter by the guardiance of those guards which are thy bodemen, the cheeryboyum chirryboth with the kerry-bommers in their krubeems, Pray-your-Prayers Timothy and Back-to-Bunk Tom.

  Till tree from tree, tree among trees tree over tree become stone to stone, stone between stones, stone under stone for ever.

  O Loud, hear the wee beseech of thees of each of these thy unlitten ones ! Grant sleep in hour’s time, O Loud!

  That they take no chill. That they do ming no merder. That they shall not gomeet madhowiatrees.

  Loud, heap miseries upon us yet entwine our arts with laugh-ters low !

  Ha he hi ho hu.



  (Please note: this chapter is best viewed on eReaders with a small font size)

  With his broad

  As we there are where are we are we there from tomtittot to teetootomtotalitarian. Tea tea too oo. Whom will comes over. Who to caps ever. And howelse do we hook our hike to find that pint of porter place? Am shot, says the big- guard.1 Whence. Quick lunch by our left, wheel, to where. Long Livius Lane, mid Mezzofanti Mall, diagonising Lavatery Square, up Tycho Brache Crescent,2 shouldering Berkeley Alley, querfixing Gainsborough Carfax, under Guido d’Arezzo’s Gadeway, by New Livius Lane till where we whiled while we whithered. Old Vico Roundpoint. But fahr, be fear! And natural, simple, slavish, filial. The marriage of Montan wetting his moll we know, like any enthewsyass cuckling a hoyden3 in her rougey


  and hairy face,


  to Ireland a




  Menly about




  Don’t retch meat


  fat salt lard


  sinks down (and


  1 Rawmeash, quoshe with her girlic teangue. If old Herod with the Cormwell’s eczema was to go for me like he does Snuffler whatever about his blue canaries I’d do nine months for his beaver beard.

  2 Mater Mary Mercerycordial of the Dripping Nipples, milk’s a queer arrangement.

  3 Real life behind the floodlights as shown by the best exponents of a royal


  Swiney Tod, ye

  gipsylike chinkaminx pulshandjupeyjade and her petsybluse indecked o’ voylets.1 When who was wist was ware. En elv, et fjaell. And the whirr of the whins humming us howe. His hume. Hencetaking tides we haply return, trumpeted by prawns and ensigned with sea-kale, to befinding ourself when old is said in one and maker mates with made (O my!), having conned the cones and meditated the mured and pondered the pensils and ogled the olymp and delighted in her dianaphous and cacchinated behind his culosses, before a mosoleum. Length Withought Breath, of him, a chump of the evums, upshoot of picnic or stupor out of sopor, Cave of Kids or Hymanian Glattstoneburg, denary, danery, donnery, domm, who, entiringly as he continues highly- fictional, tumulous under his chthonic exterior but plain Mr Tumulty in muftilife,2 in his antisipiences as in his recognisances, is, (Dominic Directus) a manyfeast munificent more mob than man. Ainsoph,3 this upright one, with that noughty besighed him zeroine. To see in his horrorscup he is mehrkurios than saltz of sulphur. Terror of the noonstruck by day, cryptogam of each nightly bridable. But, to speak broken heaventalk, is he? Who is he? Whose is he? Why is he? Howmuch is he? Which is he? When is he? Where is he?4 How is he? And what the decans is there about him


  Daimon Barbar!


  Dig him in the




  Ungodly old Ard-


  rey, Cronwall


  beeswaxing the

  convulsion box.

  1 When we play dress grownup at alla ludo poker you’ll be happnessised to feel how fetching I can look in clingarounds.

  2 Kellywick, Longfellow’s Lodgings, House of Comments III, Cake Walk,

  Amusing Avenue, Salt Hill, Co. Mahogany, Izalond, Terra Firma.

  3 Groupname for grapejuice.

  4 Bhing, said her burglar’s head, soto poce.

  Swing the banjo,

  anyway, the decemt man? Easy, calm your haste! Approach to lead our passage!


  bantams, bounce-

  This bridge is upper.





  blown to fook.

  Thus come to castle.


  Thsight near

  Knock. 1 .


  left me eyes when

  A password, thanks.


  I seen her put

  Yes, pearse.


  thounce otay

  Well, all be dumbed!



  O really? 2



  Hoo cavedin earthwight


  Tickets for the

  At furscht kracht of thunder. 3



  When shoo, his flutterby,



  Was netted and named.4



  Erdnacrusha, requiestress, wake em!


  And let luck’s puresplutterall lucy at

  ease! 5

  To house as wise fool ages builded.

  Sow byg eat. 6

  Staplering to tether to, steppingstone to mount by, as the Boote’s at Pickardstown. And that skimmelk steed still in the groundloftfan. As over all. Or be these wingsets leaned to the outwalls, beastskin trophies of booth

  of Baws the balsamboards? 7 Burials be ballyhouraised! So let Bacchus e’en call! Inn inn! Inn inn! Where. The babbers ply the pen. The bibbers drang the den. The papplicom, the pubblicam he’s turning tin for ten. From

  1 Yussive smirte and ye mermon answerth from his beelyingplace below

  the tightmark, Gotahelv!

  2 O Evol, kool in the salg and ees how Dozi pits what a drows er.

  3 A goodrid croven in a tynwalled tub.

  4 Apis amat aram. Luna legit librum. Pulla petit pascua.

  5 And after dinn to shoot the shades.

  6 Says blistered Mary Achinhead to beautifed Tummy Tullbutt.

  7 Begge. To go the Begge. To go to Begge and to be sure to reminder

  Begge. Goodbeg, buggey Begge.

  Mars speaking.

  seldomers that most frequent him. That same erst crafty hakemouth which under the assumed name of Ignotus Loquor, of foggy old, harangued bellyhooting fishdrunks on their favorite stamping ground, from a father theo- balder brake.1 And Egyptus, the incenstrobed, as Cyrus heard of him? And Major A. Shaw after he got the miner smellpex? And old Whiteman self, the blighty blotchy, beyond the bays, hope of ostrogothic and ottomanic faith converters, despair of Pandemia’s postwartem plastic surgeons? But is was all so long ago. Hispano-Cathayan-Euxine, Castillian - Emeratic - Hebridian
, Espanol - Cymric-Helleniky? Rolf the Ganger, Rough the Gang- ster, not a feature alike and the face the same.2 Pastimes are past times. Now let bygones be bei Gunne’s. Saaleddies er it in this warken werden, mine boerne, and it vild need older- wise 3 since primal made alter in garden of Idem. The tasks above are as the flasks below, saith the emerald canticle of Hermes and all’s loth and pleasestir, are we told, on excellent inkbottle authority, solarsystemised, seriol- cosmically, in a more and more almightily expanding universe under one, there is rhyme- less reason to believe, original sun. Securely judges orb terrestrial. 4 Haud certo ergo. But O felicitous culpability, sweet bad cess to you for an archetypt!

  Smith, no home.

  Non quod sed


  Hearasay in

  paradox lust.

  1 Huntler and Pumar’s animal alphabites, the first in the world from

  aab to zoo.

  2 We dont hear the booming cursowarries, we wont fear the fletches of

  fightning, we float the meditarenias and come bask to the isle we love


  spice. Punt.

  3 And this once golden bee a cimadoro.

  4 And he was a gay Lutharius anyway, Sinobiled. You can tell by their

  extraordinary clothes.

  Honour commercio’s energy yet aid the



  linkless proud, the plurable with everybody



  and ech with pal, this ernst of Allsap’s ale


  Move up,

  halliday of roaring month with its two lunar



  eclipses and its three saturnine settings! Horn


  Make room for

  of Heatthen, highbrowed! Brook of Life, back-



  frish! Amnios amnium, fluminiculum flami-


  nulinorum! We seek the Blessed One, the


  Harbourer-cum-Enheritance. Even Canaan


  the Hateful. Ever a-going, ever a-coming.


  Between a stare and a sough. Fossilisation, all


  branches. 1 Wherefore Petra sware unto Ulma:


  By the mortals’ frost! And Ulma sware unto


  Petra: On my veiny life!

  In these places sojournemus, where Eblinn

  water, leased of carr and fen, leaving amont her

  shoals and salmen browses, whom inshore

  breezes woo with freshets, windeth to her

  broads. A phantom city, phaked of philim

  pholk, bowed and sould for a four of hundreds

  of manhood in their three and threescore

  fylkers for a price partitional of twenty six and

  six. By this riverside, on our sunnybank, 2 how

  buona the vista, by Santa Rosa! A field of May,

  the very vale of Spring. Orchards here are

  lodged; sainted lawrels evremberried. You

  have a hoig view ashwald, a glen of marrons

  and of thorns. Gleannaulinn, Ardeevin: purty

  glint of plaising height. This Norman court at

  boundary of the ville, yon creepered tower of

  a church of Ereland, meet for true saints in

  worshipful assemblage, 3 with our king’s house

  1 Startnaked and bonedstiff. We vivvy soddy. All be dood.

  2 When you dreamt that you’d wealth in marble arch do you ever think


  pool beg slowe.

  3 Porphyrious Olbion, redcoatliar, we were always wholly rose marines

  on our side every time.

  In snowdrop,

  of stone, belgroved of mulbrey, the still that


  was mill and Kloster that was Yeomansland,

  flesh and helio-

  the ghastcold tombshape of the quick fore-


  gone on, the loftleaved elm Lefanunian above-

  Here’s our dozen

  mansioned, each, every, all is for the retro-

  cousins from the

  spectioner. Skole! Agus skole igen! 1 Sweet-

  starves on tripes.

  some auburn, cometh up as a selfreizing flower,

  that fragolance of the fraisey beds: the phoenix,

  his pyre, is still flaming away with trueprat-

  tight spirit: the wren his nest is niedelig as the

  turrises of the sabines are televisible. Here are

  the cottage and the bungalow for the cobbeler

  and the brandnewburgher: 2 but Izolde, her

  chaplet gardens, an litlee plads af liefest pose,

  arride the winnerful wonders off, the winner-

  ful wonnerful wanders off, 3 with hedges of

  ivy and hollywood and bower of mistletoe,

  are, tho if it theem tho and yeth if you

  pleathes, 4 for the blithehaired daughter of

  Angoisse. All out of two barreny old perishers,

  Tytonyhands and Vlossyhair, a kilolitre in

  metromyriams. Presepeprosapia, the parent

  bole. Wone tabard, wine tap and warm tavern 5

  and, by ribbon development, from contact

  bridge to lease lapse, only two millium two

  humbered and eighty thausig nine humbered

  and sixty radiolumin lines to the wustworts of

  a Finntown’s generous poet’s office. Distorted

  mirage, aloofliest of the plain, wherein the

  1 Now a muss wash the little face.


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