The Complete Works of JAMES JOYCE
Page 138
Mac Namara with summed their appondage,
Leninstar and
da, da, of Sire Jeallyous Seizer, that gamely
torskmester,1 with his duo of druidesses in ready
Cliopatria, thy
money rompers2 and the tryonforit of Oxthie-
hosies history.
vious, Lapidous and Malthouse Anthemy. You
The Eroico
may fail to see the lie of that layout, Suetonia,3
Furioso makes
but the reflections which recur to me are that
the valet like
so long as beauty life is body love4 and so bright
as Mutua of your mirror holds her candle to
The hyperape the
your caudle, lone lefthand likeless, sombring
mink he groves the
Autum of your Spring, reck you not one spirt
mole you see nowfor
of anyseed whether trigemelimen cuddle his
coddle or nope. She’ll confess it by her figure
and she’ll deny it to your face. If you’re not
ruined by that one she won’t do you any
whim. And then? What afters it? Cruff Gunne
may blow, Gam Gonna flow, the gossans eye
the jennings aye. From the butts of Heber and
Heremon, nolens volens, brood our pansies,
brune in brume. There’s a split in the infinitive
from to have to have been to will be. As they
warred in their big innings ease now we never
shall know. Eat early earthapples. Coax Cobra
to chatters. Hail, Heva, we hear! This is the
glider that gladdened the girl5 that list to the
wind that lifted the leaves that folded the
fruit that hung on the tree that grew in the
garden Gough gave. Wide hiss, we’re wizen-
1 All his teeths back to the front, then the moon and then the moon with
a hole behind it.
2 Skip one, flop fore, jennies in the cabbage store.
3 None of your cumpohlstery English here!
4 Understudy my understandings, Sostituda, and meek thine compline-
ment, gymnufleshed.
5 Tho’ I have one just like that to home, deadleaf brown with
appliques, would whollymost applissiate a nice shiny sleekysilk out of
slippering snake charmeuse.
Pige pas.
ing. Hoots fromm, we’re globing. Why hidest
Seidlitz powther
thou hinder thy husband his name? Leda, Lada,
for slogan
aflutter-afraida, so does your girdle grow!
Willed without witting, whorled without
Hoploits and
aimed. Pappapassos, Mammamanet, warwhets-
wut and whowitswhy. 1 But it’s tails for
toughs and titties for totties and come
buckets come-bats till deeleet. 2
Dark ages clasp the daisy roots, Stop, if you
are a sally of the allies, hot off Minnowaurs
and naval actiums, picked engagements and
banks of rowers. Please stop if you’re a
B.C. minding missy, please do. But should
you prefer A.D. stepplease. And if you miss
with a venture it serves you girly well glad.
But, holy Janus, I was forgetting the Blitzen-
kopfs! Here, Hengegst and Horsesauce, take
your heads 3 out of that taletub! And leave
your hinnyhennyhindyou! It’s haunted. The
chamber. Of errings. Whoan, tug, trace,
stirrup! It is distinctly understouttered that,
sense you threehandshighs put your twofoot-
large timepates in that dead wash of Lough
Murph and until such time pace one and the
same Messherrn the grinning statesmen, Brock
and Leon, have shunted the grumbling
coundedtouts, Starlin and Ser Artur Ghinis.
Foamous homely brew, bebattled by bottle,
gageure de guegerre. 4 Bull igien bear and
then bearagain bulligan. Gringrin gringrin.
Staffs varsus herds and bucks vursus barks.
1 What’s that ma’am? says I.
2 As you say yourself.
3 That’s the lethemuse but it washes off.
4 Where he fought the shessock of his stimmstammer and we caught the
pepettes of our lovelives.
By old Grumbledum’s walls. Bumps, bellows
machree, me
and bawls. 1 Opprimor’s down, up up Opima!
bosthoon fiend.
Rents and rates and tithes and taxes, wages,
Femilies hug
saves and spends. Heil, heptarched span of
peace! 2 Live, league of lex, nex and the mores!
All we suffered
Fas est dass and foe err you. Impovernment
under them Cow-
of the booble by the bauble for the bubble. So
dung Forks and
wrap up your worries in your woe (wumpum-
how we enjoyed
tum!) and shake down the shuffle for the
over our pick of
throw. For there’s one mere ope 3 for down-
the basketfild.
fall ned. As Hanah Levy, shrewd shroplifter,
Old Kine’s
and nievre anore skidoos with her spoileds. 4
Meat Meal.
To add gay touches. For hugh and guy and
Flieflie for the
goy and jew. To dimpled and pimpled and
jillies and a
simpled and wimpled. A peak in a poke and a
pig in a pew. 6 She wins them by wons, a haul
for the
hectoendecate, for mangay mumbo jumbjubes
tak mutts and jeffs muchas bracelonettes
gracies barcelonas.6 O what a loovely free-
speech ’twas (tep) 7 to gar howalively hinter-
grunting! Tip. Like lilt of larks to burdened
crocodile, 8 or skittering laubhing at that
wheeze of old windbag, Blusterboss, blow-
harding about all he didn’t do. Hell o’ your
troop! With is the winker for the muckwits
of willesly and nith is the nod for the umproar
napollyon and hitheris poorblond piebold
hoerse. Huirse. With its tricuspidal hauberk-
1 Shake eternity and lick creation.
2 I’m blest if I can see.
3 Hoppity Huhneye, hoosh the hen. I like cluckers, you like nuts
4 Sweet, medium and dry like altar wine.
5 Who’ll buy me penny babies?
6 Well, Maggy, I got your castoff devils all right and fits lovely. And
vaguely graceful. Maggy thanks.
7 My six is no secret, sir, she said.
8 Yes, there, Tad, thanks, give, from, tathair, look at that now.
helm coverchaf emblem on. For the man that
broke the ranks on Monte Sinjon
. The all-
Pas d’action,
riddle of it? That that is allruddy with us,
peu de sauce.
ahead of schedule,which already is plan accom-
From the seven
plished from and syne: Daft Dathy of the Five
tents of Joseph
Positions (the death ray stop him!) is still, as
till the calends of
reproaches Paulus, on the Madderhorn and,
Mary Marian,
entre chats and hobnobs, 1 daring Dunderhead
to shiver his timbers and Hannibal mac Hamil-
and thorny too.
tan the Hegerite 2 (more livepower elbow him !)
As Shakefork
ministerbuilding up, as repreaches Timothy,
might pitch it.
in Saint Barmabrac’s. 3 Number Thirty two
West Eleventh streak looks on to that (may
all in the tocoming of the sempereternal speel
spry with it!) datetree doloriferous which
more and over leafeth earlier than every
growth and, elfshot, headawag, with frayed
nerves wondering till they feeled sore like any
woman that has been born at all events to the
purdah and for the howmanyeth and how-
movingth time at what the demons in that
jackhouse that jerry built for Massa and Missus
and hijo de puta, the sparksown fermament of
the starryk fieldgosongingon where blows
a nemone at each blink of windstill 4 they
were sliding along and sleeting aloof and
scouting around and shooting about. All-
whichwhile or whereaballoons for good
vaunty years Dagobert is in Clane’s clean
hometown prepping up his prepueratory
and learning how to put a broad face bronzily
out through a broken breached meataerial
1 Go up quick, stay so long, come down slow!
2 If I gnows me gneesgnobs the both of him is gnatives of Genuas.
3 A glass of peel and pip for Mr Potter of Texas, please.
4 All the world loves a big gleaming jelly.
Puzzly, puzzly,
from Bryan Awlining! Erin’s hircohaired
I smell a cat.
culoteer. 1
Two makes a
And as, these things being so or ere those
wing at the ma-
things having done, way back home in Pacata
Auburnia, 2 (untillably holy gammel Eire) one
world burrowing on another, (if you’ve got
From the Buffalo
me, neighbour, in any large lumps, geek?, ant
Times of bysone
got the strong of it) Standfest, our topiocal
sagon hero, or any otther macotther, signs is
Quick quake
on the bellyguds bastille back, bucket up with
quokes the par-
fullness, ant silvering to her jubilee, 3 birch-
rotbook of dates.
leaves her jointure, our lavy in waving, visage
full of flesh ant fat as a hen’s i’ forehead,
Airyanna ant Blowyhart topsirturvy, that
royal pair in their palace of quicken boughs
hight The Goat ant Compasses (‘phone
number 17:69, if you want to know 4 ) his sea-
arm strongsround her, her velivole eyne aship-
wracked, have discusst their things of the
past, crime and fable with shame, home and
profit,5 why lui lied to lei and hun tried to kill
ham, scribbledehobbles, in whose veins runs
a mixture of, are heat bent and hard upon.
Spell me the chimes. They are tales all tolled. 6
Today is well thine but where’s may tomorrow
be. But, bless his cowly head and press his
crankly hat, what a world’s woe is each’s
1 A pengeneepy for your warcheekeepy.
2 My globe goes gaddy at geography giggle pending which time I was
looking for my shoe all through Arabia.
3 It must be some bugbear in the gender especially when old which they
all soon get to look.
4 After me looking up the plan in Humphrey’s Justice of the Piece it
said to
see preseeding chaps.
5 O boyjones and hairyoddities! Only noane told missus of her massas
behaving she would laugh that flat that after that she had sanked down
on her
fat arks they would shaik all to sheeks.
6 Traduced into jinglish janglage for the nusances of dolphins born.
Some is out for
other’s weariness waiting to beadroll his own
twoheaded dul-
properer mistakes, the backslapping glad-