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Page 7

by Tredick Foster

  She slides her hand onto it, running her fingers on the four small scars, spaced perfectly in the shape of fingernails. Her eyes reflect a muted sense of horror with quickly rising guilt. I put my hand on hers, moving it away from that spot. We don’t say a word. Instead, she looked into my eyes with the same emotions. I moved in, continuing our kiss, snatching the passion from the abyss.

  She grabs the waist of my jeans and starts to unbutton them. My hand slides between her legs. She’s burning hot, soaked right through her panties. She moaned into my mouth, shoving her hand in my pants and through the opening in my boxers. She grips me firmly and starts to slide her hand back and forth. Her free hand is gripping the back of my head. It’s clear it’s been a while for her. I won’t say how long it’s been for me.

  Her body pressed against me, she pulls me into the tub and lays me down. Our kiss never breaks as she moves her panties to the side and slides me inside her. She slides up and down, moaning as we kiss. I can feel her hands grip my shoulders as she sits up a little, panting heavily as she moves faster.

  She’s rushed and clearly frustrated. I can’t help but reach up, cupping her face with my hand as the other grips her waist. “I missed you.” I admit. She smiles, closing her eyes as she quips, “I missed both of you.”

  We continue like this for some time, but not as long as I’d hoped. I move my hand from her face to her shoulder, gripping tight. “I’m close.” I say, trying to think of anything other than her right now. She’s moans, “Me too, just a little longer.”

  “Oh my god.” I muster, which causes her to pick up speed. She’s getting louder, her eyes locked onto my. “Fi… Fiona… Oh fuck!” I exclaim, my back arching. She doesn’t stop, her eyes widening before she lets out, “Oh fuck!” She presses down and doesn’t move. I can suddenly feel a quickly growing warm wetness between us. She’s trembling, twitching around me.

  She lies down on me. Her forehead resting on mine as she quietly hums in relief. We’re both silent, taking each other in as our high gently fades away. She’s so warm and accepting, as if her own spirit is open and reaching for mine. At thirty years old, I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll only ever feel this way with her; this gypsy of a woman.

  “Ok,” She says simply. I opened my eyes, only to be met with her staring back down at me. “Ok?” I ask and she smiles softly. She gives a slight nod, tilting her head so our noses were touching as well. “I’ll tell you.” She explains, “But you need to tell me why.”

  I pause with a heavy sigh, closing my eyes for a second before I look back up at her. “Cooper Bowman hired me. His secretary says he doesn’t want the headache of quarantine.” She sighs equally as heavy as she sits up, smirking disappointingly with a nod. “Plus, he’ll be able to buy the club cheap.”

  My brow narrows, “Club?” She sighs with a nod, “There’s a nightclub just off 11 outside of town. Just before you go up the hill.” I think back to where she’s talking about and ask, “Not that corn field by the road?” She nods, “Yeah, that’s it. It’s all paved over now.”

  I chuckle, “There’s a campground on the other side of the river, that had to piss some people off.” She giggles with her gaze drifting off, “Yeah, but Vlad has a way with people. He said he had his family’s castle shipped over brick by brick and rebuilt it here.” I don’t say a word, I just look at her quizzically. This mother fucker shipped his family’s what?

  Chapter 14

  I jumped into Kyle’s truck, which had just pulled up. He didn’t waste any time heading back on the road. I pulled my gun out from the back of my pants, popping open the cylinder and spinning it until it was green across the board. Kyle couldn’t help but look over with a smirk. I wasn’t gonna lie, I felt like a badass as I flicked the cylinder closed.

  “You sure you don’t want anything?” I asked. Kyle just shook his head a little, “Nope!” I waited a second, but he never offered up any sort of explanation as to why. I’m a little worried that I’ll have to watch his back more than I can afford. Then I remember that sucker’s head he twisted off like a soda cap. I just chuckle to myself and retreat back into my own head.

  I think back to what Fiona had said, starting to put some pieces together. Vlad’s family castle. Him being able to get approval from the town council to make it a nightclub in a town only big enough for two stop lights. Bowman buying it up after we take him out. By the time this castle of his came into view, I was starting to think we’d stepped into something a lot bigger than avoiding a quarantine of the valley.

  Had you blinked, you could’ve missed it. This place did it’s best to blend in with the night sky and background of mountains and trees. Sitting in what was once a corn field, it stood as high as five stories. The towers on either end standing as high as seven. There was a faint glow coming from the massive stained glass windows that dotted the front.

  The foundation of this place was quite high as well, at least a good seven feet high. The parking lot itself was elevated a good height as well, surprisingly void of any cars tonight. This plot of land used to be floodplain for the river that runs along side it. Strangely enough, the parking lot had no lamps or lights of any kind.

  There are a pair of double doors at the end of the stairs leading up to the front. They’re wide and tall enough to probably fit this whole truck through. Potton is a town that always gives me the perpetual heebie jeebies, but this place in particular invoked a certain kind of uneasiness. This type of feeling is something I learned to use, rather than let control me.

  I twirled my gun a couple times, cocking the hammer back before looking over at Kyle “You ready?” He had gone out of his way to park in the very back of the lot; the furthest away from the castle. He sat behind the wheel, engine still running and slowly looked at me. He had an almost psychotic look in his eyes, growing a devilish grin. He didn’t say a word. All he did was bounce his eyebrows up a couple times.

  He suddenly stomps on the gas pedal with everything he has. The back tires spin and squeal, echoing in the night before it catches its grip. The two of us are suddenly thrown back into the bench seat. For a piece of shit from the 70’s, this thing has some shit-n-get!

  We’re racing towards the front of the castle, climbing in speed the closer we get. I look up, looking for an Oh Shit handle, but there’s nothing to be gripped in desperation. I should be lucky this mother fucker has seatbelts, really. I’m wide eyed, putting my feet up on the dashboard as I slide down in my seat. “Kyle?” I call out, but with no response.

  I’m jolted upwards when the tires meet the brick stairs leading to the giant double-doors. I call out “OH SHIT!” a fraction of a second before there’s a loud crash mixed with the splintering sound of wood. The doors explode off their hinges and fly off in different directions. The truck is airborne for a second or two longer, but I can feel rapid thuds, like something is smacking the bumper.

  All four wheels suddenly connect with the ground again with a hard thud. Kyle slams on the breaks and turns the wheel to avoid a second set of double doors that no doubt lead to a ballroom. The truck starts to slide sideways, the tires screeching on the polished floor. Once slowed to a stop, the front end of the truck is aimed back at the front door.

  Kyle’s low and raspy chuckles of sadistic pleasure finally subside. I only then realize that noise wasn’t part of the engine sound, since it continued once he shut it off. “Goddamnit, Kyle!” I bark before looking forward.

  There were about a dozen or so human-like figures silhouetted by moonlight as it shone through the open doorway. You could make out their features, but only just barely. They were all plainly dressed, but still in darker shades of clothes. T-shirts, jackets, jeans, sneakers; more zombie-like than romantic seductors. Their eyes were shining inhumanly despite the moonlight to their backs as they sneered at the both of us.

  “I thought there’d be more” I mumbled as I rolled down my window and stuck my upper torso out. Gun forward, I took aim as they began to hiss and charge forward. Adren
aline pumping, I made every shot count and dropped six of them quickly. It all moved so quickly and… ashamed to say it, rather disappointingly.

  About the same time, Kyle had leapt out from the truck. He swung his door open, knocking one back before leaping over the door and tackling one. Pinning it to the ground by kneeling on its chest, he never wasted a second as he twisted it’s head, snapping its neck. About that time, he looked up with an evil grin as the other five came charging at him.

  I quickly threw my arm over the hood, taking aim at one. With the pull of the trigger, I forgot I’d exhausted my initial six shots. “Shit!” I exclaim, popping the cylinder out. That’s when I heard Kyle call out, “YOU HAD YOURS! THESE ARE MINE!” I look up at him, kicking one into the fender of the truck before grabbing another one by it’s hair. “Uhh...” I mumble, “Okay…”

  Once I was able to exhale, I looked around and assessed the damage we did. Contrasted by the chaotic roars from Kyle handling “his” vampires, I quietly and calmly hopped out of the truck. Once my feet hit the ground, I was met with a slippery substance that made me grip the door to keep from falling.

  The truck itself was standing in a huge pool of blood. Puzzled, I knelt down and looked underneath, only to see a scattered pile of ravaged body parts spread from under the truck straight over to the door where we came in. In looking over the whole mess we made, it seemed we had taken a dozen or so of the suckers out when we came flying in.

  I looked around and saw the doors that had flown off; both of which had taken out two or three other of the undead pests as well. I was actually pretty impressed and felt a mixture of pride and guilt. There’s no way I would’ve have walked away from this without a reprimand from my old higher ups. Corporate is pretty strict about property damage.

  I stood back up, looking over the hood of the truck. I called out, “Good job, Kyle! You pretty much got the bulk of them with the truck.” Instead of an answer, I got a loud and raspy call of bravado.

  Kyle stood up, holding something that wasn’t revealed by the truck. Once he turned, you could see he was swinging a decapitated body by the leg, as if it were a weapon. The sheer look in his eyes reflected that of a man not just letting off steam, but someone who seemingly found his calling in life. It was disturbing, but captivating at the same time watching him beat a mother fucker with another mother fucker.

  The cylinder to the gun still out, I gave it a good spin to recharge while looking around. Off to one side of this great foyer we’d busted into was a rather large bar. My interest in Kyle’s wildman antics quickly fell as I flicked the cylinder closed. I tucked the gun into the back of my pants as I carefully power walked on the bloody floor towards the bar. I was like a toddler who just spotted a toy store.

  I got to the edge of the bar, using one of the stools as leverage so I could just leap over the whole thing. Once behind, I looked up at the shelves of bottles with a child-like grin. I grabbed a bottle of 100 proof spiced rum off one of the higher shelves. I decided to make myself a Cuba Libre!

  During the process, I heard doors burst open and a bellowing voice echoed throughout, “What the hell is going on here?” I just picked up the soda gun and an empty glass, pushing buttons and spraying the contents into the glass until I found the cola button.

  Without looking up, I called back “Vlad, right?” My voice echoing as much as his did, but lacking the intimidation. He didn’t answer, so I looked up on the balcony. My eyes trailed over the stairs that encircled the great foyer, which started at the end of the bar and led up to the balcony.

  He stood there, long black hair draped down his shoulders and back that were adorned with a dark red silk robe. The robe was open to reveal his pale white chest and six-pack abs above his pajama bottoms. He had a bird-like nose with pale skin and dark eyes. When one thinks of the romanticized version of vampires, this is the man we clearly all think of.

  “Who are you, then?” He asked, his tone a bit more mellowed as he spun a long, red pole in his right hand. Pointed towards the ground, the pole had a rather heinous-looking spear tip. Meanwhile, you could still hear Kyle wrestling with maybe three or so vampires. I just smiled like a smart ass as I went back to fix my rum and coke.

  “I’m Rick Gibson.” I explained, “The wild one over there is Kyle Levine. We’re here to kill you.” I go quiet and Vlad doesn’t really respond. I’m starting to feel uneasy, a bit. This Vlad dude is focused on me while Kyle is over there ripping bodies apart with his bare hands?

  Finishing making my drink, I looked back up as I take a sip. Once I look up with my glass to my lips, he was suddenly in front of me, on the other side of the bar with his own smirk. I finish my sip with a loud gasp of approval, “Tastes like fucking cake, man.” I can’t help but take another sip.

  Once done, I motioned to his spear with my now-empty glass.“Damn, dude!” I exclaimed, “You really are OG! Who the hell uses a pike anymore?” His only response had been a wider smile and a glance at his weapon, “My heart lies in the old ways.” He actually has the faintest hint of a romanian accent.

  I start fixing another Cuba Libre before I ask, “Want anything to drink? My bartending skills are a bit limited. My career set is actually in occult profiling.” Leaning his pole against the bar, Vlad sat on a stool with a look of surprise. “Oh, you’re a Darkbreaker? They’re usually not so…” He trails off.

  We both look back at the carnage as Kyle twists and rips the head off his last sucker. I sigh heavily and nod, leaning on the bar. “Yeah, I know.” I started, fresh drink in hand. “They canned me recently, so I’m freelancing for now.” Vlad frowns in sympathy, shaking his head a little, “No shame in that.”

  “I’ll take what you’re having.” Vlad relents. With that, I picked up a new glass from under the bar. I scoop out some ice, filling the glass about half way. I didn’t bother any ice for mine, but I figured he’d like his made proper.

  I take a tin measuring cup in the shape of an hourglass, measure out a pour and a half onto the ice before spraying the cola in. I pull out a lime wedge from a container, placing it onto the lip of the glass and sliding it around the rim.

  In a theatrical move, I push the glass over to Vlad. He’d watched me carefully the whole time, smirking before taking the glass and having a sip. He hums in approval, followed by a nod. “You certainly have a skill to fall back on, sir.” He comments as I chuckle. “I’d rather be on your side of the bar. I don’t need the stress that comes with this whole thing.” He shrugs with one shoulder, “The world always needs more bartenders.” I hold my glass up and agree. “Ain’t that the truth.” I say before taking another drink.

  Meanwhile, Kyle made his way over to the bar. He had the head of his final vampire by the hair as it dripped a trail of blood. Vlad and I stayed quiet, enjoying our drinks for the time being. Kyle’s white t-shirt was covered in blood. His hands were soaked and dripping, as if he’d submerged them in a pool of it.

  He plants the head on the bar as he sits down. The eyes of the head lifelessly staring at me, I take a drink as I reach over and just turn it’s gaze away from me. I then toss my thumb over my shoulder to the shelf, giving him a quizzical look. “Just gimme the bottle, bro.” Kyle says simply, not giving a preference.

  Vlad pays Kyle no mind as I reach and grab a bottle of whiskey for him. I twist open the cap before sliding it down the bar to him. Kyle catches the bottle and takes a few large gulps. He growls in satisfaction before looking to Vlad and the drink I made him.

  “Why aren’t you drinking blood?” Kyle asks Vlad.

  “He’s an OG Vamp. He’s really more of a witch than what we’ve been killing.” I explain.

  Kyle looks to me, quizzically “Then why not call him a witch?”

  Vlad smirks “Because I don’t partake in the other dark arts, other than that which extends my life.”

  Kyle slowly nods, clearly confused “Oh, ok. That makes some sense, I guess.”

  I chuckled a little and explain further “Ok, so Vlad doe
sn’t really care for anything else other than eternal life, right?” I look to Vlad for acknowledgement. He nods before we look back at Kyle. “So, he drains someone of their lifespan. That gets tacked onto his own, along with their youth, prime, etcetera.” Vlad picks up by pointing back at the vampires, “Those are a result of the spell. The body; soulless and exsanguinated sets out to fill what was taken from it.”

  I continue, “He means they go out to turn people. That person is soulless, so it doesn’t have any kind of emotions, morals or feelings. That’s why they’re technically not people anymore. It’s all about the blood. So it goes and bites like… five people. They go and turn five more, so on and so forth.”

  Kyle nods and I can see the gears turning in his head. “So they just need blood to feel whole, not really to survive?” Kyle asks. Both Vlad and I nod in agreement. I can’t help but smile, he’s really catching on quick.

  Kyle continues, “Is that why they look like junkies? They’re just chasing the high?” We nod again while I follow up, “They want to feel alive again, in some capacity.” Vlad holds his drink up while adding, “To the dead, there’s no greater high than life.” I can’t help but think that’s a tad too cheesy of a line, taking my own sip.

  We decide to enjoy each other’s company for a little while. We’re taking in the silence as we sip back on our drinks. Kyle takes heavy gulps out of his bottle of whiskey while Vlad and I take in the taste of our rum and coke.

  It’s a point in the night I can actually enjoy, lamenting how this kind of thing never really happened when I was in the Darkbreakers. Not with the so-called person we were there to take down, at least. I’m sure if Vlad wasn’t a murderer and a black magic user, he’d be a stand-up guy. It’s a damn shame, really.

  In the Darkbreakers, we’d have to arrest him. We weren’t any kind of authority figures, so we’d need to be accompanied by the cops while we went in and did our thing. Even then, there’s all kinds of permits I’d need now that being employed gave me access to. Tonight, we’d have to be doing things a lot more differently.


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