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Daddy’s Kilted Friend

Page 8

by Callahan, Kelli

  “What the hell?” I rubbed my eyes. “I was sleeping…”

  “I thought about what you said.” Kira motioned to my door. “I’m having locks installed on everyone’s door—even the pledges. Please don’t lock any of your sisters out before they have a chance to go to bed…”

  Kira turned and followed the man down the hall. It took me a couple of seconds to fully process what she told me, but when I walked over to the door, I found that a lock had been installed like she said. Kira apparently wasn’t as concerned about traditions as she indicated earlier because she was breaking one by having locks installed. I was surprised but happy since that meant nobody would be wandering into our rooms at night—especially during a party when they were a lot of frat guys at the sorority house.

  “You didn’t get in trouble, and you convinced Kira to install locks?” Chrissy was the next one to appear at my door.

  “She didn’t punish everyone else while I was asleep?” I gave Chrissy an apprehensive stare as I gathered my things so I could take a shower.

  “No, she had a meeting downstairs and actually praised you for voicing your concerns.” Chrissy shrugged. “She said it was a perfect example of sisterhood and the kind of camaraderie that is expected from members of Pi Beta Phi.”

  “Wow…” I blinked in surprise.

  Chrissy walked over to inspect her new lock once the guy finished installing it, and I reached for my phone. There was going to be a party later, and while I hadn’t used it much, I figured it would be best to charge it so that I didn’t end up running my battery out before it was over—especially if Lachlan texted me. I reached for the charger and saw that it wasn’t plugged into the wall. I stared for a moment and then remembered that it was plugged in when I woke up at Lachlan’s house. He must have taken my charger—and I forgot to get it when I left. I decided to text him.

  Amelia: Hey, I left something at your place.

  Lachlan: I found them.

  Amelia: Oh! Yeah, I was actually talking about my phone charger.

  Lachlan: Then you left two things at my place.

  Amelia: I suppose I did… :)

  Lachlan: Do you need me to drop it off?

  Amelia: Would you? I don’t think I should leave again.

  Lachlan: Did you get in trouble?

  Amelia: No, it worked out better than I expected. I have a lock on my door now!

  Lachlan: Good. I have to do something for my uncle this afternoon, so I could swing by after I’m done.

  Amelia: Perfect! Let me know when you’re on the way.

  After I finished making arrangements with Lachlan, I walked down the hallway and took a shower. I felt a lot better than I did when I woke up at Lachlan’s place. The hangover was mostly gone, and I didn’t feel sick to my stomach anymore. My nervousness had passed as well since I wasn’t worried about all of the other pledges hating my guts for getting everyone in trouble—for the second time in two weeks. I still didn’t know what to make of Kira or the older girls in the sorority, but we seemed to have found some form of sisterhood.

  Things may be tolerable here after all if Kira is willing to be reasonable.

  I walked downstairs and found everyone gathered in the living room for an announcement from Kira. The other pledges welcomed me with smiles, and one of them moved so I could sit beside Chrissy. All was seemingly forgiven since there was no punishment being handed out for my actions.

  “Okay, everyone, listen up.” Kira walked into the room and snapped her fingers to get our attention. “We will not be holding a party here tonight. It’s time for the sisters of Pi Beta Phi to mingle with some of the frats…”

  “I thought we held the parties.” Rachel tilted her head in confusion. “So that they had to come to us?”

  “Normally, yes.” Mallory stepped forward. “But tonight is what we like to call the Frat Party Crawl—we’ll start at Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and when that party gets boring, we’re off to the next one. Trust me; it’s a lot of fun!”

  “And, of course…” Kira grinned and winked. “If someone decides to stay behind at one of the parties along the way, we won’t hold it against you.”

  “But, for this event.” Mallory looked around the room. “We need to find something perfect to wear, so it’s time to go shopping.”

  “Shopping?” Chrissy blinked in surprise.

  “That part is optional.” Kira held up her hand. “If you already have something to wear, then you don’t have to go.”

  I would have liked to go with them, but since Lachlan on the way at some point, I needed to stay at home. I used my hangover symptoms as an excuse and didn’t get any questions from anyone except Chrissy, who still seemed to be concerned about me. The reality was that everyone in the room felt it a little bit, but I took it overboard, so I managed to get a pass. I was sure more questions would have come my way if I hadn’t earned a tiny bit of respect from the other pledges by standing up to Kira—and maybe some from the older sisters too.

  It shouldn’t have taken this long for someone to say something, but at least she listened.

  I was a little hungry after my nap, so I went into the kitchen to fix a sandwich while everyone got ready to leave. It was amazing that the house was in such good shape after the party—the pledges did an incredible job cleaning up. I would have preferred to carry my own weight, but I was way too fucked up, even if I had stayed behind when Lachlan arrived.

  “You didn’t want to go shopping?” I walked into the living room to find Rachel sitting on the couch after I ate my sandwich.

  “Nah.” She shook her head and pulled a joint out of her pocket. “I’m about to go burn one, then meet up with some friends. Want to join me?”

  “Nah.” I grimaced. “I think I need to take a break after last night.”

  “You did get pretty wasted.” She laughed. “What’s up with that guy who showed up? He was hot—but he didn’t look like a student.”

  “He’s a friend.” I managed to suppress a smile.

  Hopefully, more than a friend real soon…

  “Does he have a brother?” Her eyes flickered.

  “I don’t think so.” I shrugged. “I’m sorry.”

  “They never do…” She sighed. “Okay, I’m going outside. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Have fun.” I laughed under my breath and walked towards the stairs.

  Damn, if Rachel is leaving, I’m going to have the entire house to myself when Lachlan arrives—that could be interesting…

  Chapter Ten


  “I can’t believe ye brought a lass home and slept on the damn couch.” Uncle Douglas gave me a bewildered stare when I told him about Amelia.

  “Ye slept through the whole thing. Ye wouldn’t even be able to judge me if I hadn’t told ye.” I shook my head and laughed.

  “Aye, if I would have known, I would have e kicked yer arse and locked ye in a room with her.” He leaned back in his chair and glared at me—but his expression quickly shifted to a grin. “So, is she bonny?”

  “Very.” I nodded. “Way too young for me, though.”

  “Wait.” He tilted his head. “Is this the lass from the festival? The one ye kept trying to ignore?”

  “How do ye even know that?” My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Ye were drunk off yer arse.”

  “I was drunk, lad—not blind.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry about the age difference. It’s not like yer asking for her hand in marriage.”

  “True, but she’s a student at the university.” I sighed. “What if I get a job there? I can’t date a student…”

  “Who cares?” He scoffed. “That shit happens all the time.”

  “I don’t think it does…” I gave him an apprehensive stare.

  “It did in my time.” He shrugged. “Maybe things are different now.”

  “I think so.” I nodded.

  My conversation with my uncle didn’t do much to ease my concerns, but I wasn’t sure if they were strong enough to
keep me away from Amelia. Every moment seemed to pull us closer, and there was something that kept dragging us back together—I didn’t know if she intentionally forgot her charger or not, but it was one more reason to see her. I couldn’t turn it down. I didn’t want to turn it down. She was dancing in my soul and tangled up in every thought, like a siren that didn’t even need a song to pull me in. If the thoughts weren’t enough, I had a pair of silk panties that certainly made the images in my head so very real.

  Amelia knows what she wants… I have to give her that.

  “Alright, I’m heading out.” I leaned forward and started to stand.

  “Yer going to pick up the keg, right?” He lifted his head to look at me.

  “Aye.” I nodded. “Of course.”

  “Good.” He glanced towards the kitchen. “The new kegerator is just taking up space until we have something to put in it.”

  “I still think yer going overboard.” I shrugged. “But it’s yer money.”

  “I’m retired, and I have money to burn.” He laughed. “If I want to have a keg on tap, I will.”

  “I’ll be back in a little bit.” I gathered my things and walked towards the door.

  My uncle got a bright idea for a kegerator after the festival. He apparently liked the new brewery he ordered the Scottish Ale from so much that he wanted it on tap at home—which was odd since he usually didn’t drink anything weaker than Scotch. I thought it was a little ridiculous, but I wasn’t going to judge him. He had been too good to me for me to question his methods.

  I’ll pick up the keg later—first, I’m going to drop Amelia’s charger off at the sorority house.

  I sent a quick message to Amelia so that she would know I was on the way before I climbed into my uncle’s truck. I needed his vehicle if I was going to haul a keg back to the house. It was kind of humorous that my uncle was sending me to get it. They would have delivered it for an extra charge, but that was too much, yet he thought setup itself was reasonable. I also didn’t know if he realized how fast he was going to have to finish the keg before the ale went bad. He drank his fair share, but I doubted he was going to go through it as quickly as he would need to.

  Not my money. Not my problem.

  My drive to the Pi Beta Phi sorority house was uneventful, except for the final stretch when I had to keep my eyes on the road since there were a lot of people treating the street like a playground. It was a lot more active than it was earlier than morning, and they were obviously planning for a party. I was kind of glad I didn’t pick up my uncle’s keg before I went to drop off Amelia’s charger because I might have gotten mugged. I parked his truck in front of the sorority house and reached for my phone, so I could let Amelia know I was there.

  Lachlan: I’m here.

  Amelia: Come on inside.

  Lachlan: What? You don’t want to come outside and get it?

  Amelia: Nah, all of my sorority sisters left.

  Lachlan: Oh… Okay.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew that being alone in the sorority house with Amelia was a bad idea if I intended to fight what was going on inside me. The fact I got out of my uncle’s truck and walked towards the house was just one more step I shouldn’t take, but I did it anyway. The attraction between us was off the charts, and I had no idea how to escape the pull I felt towards Amelia. She had been in my head since the festival, and nothing I did to get her out worked.

  I felt protective of her, while simultaneously wanting her so much I couldn’t think straight. I texted her the previous night because I didn’t want her to have the full college experience with someone else. She was David Hartley’s bairn—the lass he talked about all the time when he visited—yet I couldn’t put those things together in my head. She wasn’t a child anymore, not like he described at least, and the woman she had become was so fucking tempting the thought of seeing her made my pulse race with anticipation.

  It’s been a long time since I felt this kind of excitement, and it doesn’t just feel like lust—there’s more to it than that.

  “Amelia?” I pushed the front door open and stepped inside.

  “I’m upstairs…” Her voice echoed from the second floor of the sorority house. “You remember where my room is, right?”

  “Yeah,” I exhaled sharply and walked towards the stairs.

  It took me a while to find Amelia when I showed up at the party, but I definitely remembered which room was hers. My footsteps felt heavy when I got to the stairs. I had never been fully aware of a mistake while I was making it in real-time before, but the pull was too strong. What she said was true. All her sorority sisters had seemingly left—although I had no idea how long they were actually going to be gone. A better man would have left her charger downstairs and walked away, but I didn’t do that. I kept putting one foot in front of the other until I was standing outside of her room.

  “Amelia…” I knocked on her door a couple of times and pushed it open.

  Amelia was sitting in the middle of her bed wearing a t-shirt, and she had the covers wrapped around her waist. I drank in the sight of her for a moment as the desire swept through my body. Everything about her just screamed at me—like a devil on my shoulder that silenced the angel who should have been on the other one. The angel wasn’t there—the angel was sitting in Amelia’s bed looking at me with eyes that raged with a need any man in the world would be able to recognize.

  “I have your charger.” I held it up.

  “You can put it on the dresser.” She grinned and motioned towards the spot where I found it.

  “Okay.” I walked over and caught a glimpse of her father’s picture—fuck, even that wasn’t enough to make me run.

  “Is that all you brought me?” She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head.

  “What do you mean?” I gave her a confused stare.

  “Well, I left something else at your place…” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  “I didn’t realize you expected me to return those.” I stifled a laugh.

  “I guess you can keep them…” She shrugged. “I’ll just sit here without them.”

  “You…” I looked at the covers bunched around her waist, and a lump rose up in my throat. “Fuck.”

  “Why don’t you lock the door?” She pushed one of her long, slender legs out of the covers—just enough for me to see that what she said was true.

  “I see…” I broke my stare away from Amelia and walked to the door.

  Fuck, I’m caught in this trap, and I don’t know how to escape…

  If there was a man with the willpower to resist, he wasn’t in the room. It was just me—someone who knew better but had lost the ability to fight. I had a bonny lass—a sorority girl that was so gorgeous she made my blood boil—literally throwing herself at me. I tried to tell myself how wrong it was, but I didn’t listen, I simply locked the door and turned back towards her.

  “Ye are a naughty lass, aren’t ye?” I exhaled sharply as she nudged the blanket with her foot.

  “You didn’t realize that when we met at the festival?” She bit down on her bottom lip and grinned.

  “Aye, I noticed.” I walked closer. “I didn’t know if I wanted to kiss those gorgeous lips or put ye over my knee.”

  “Do you think I need a spanking, Daddy?” She moved her foot to my jeans and worked her way up my thigh.

  Fuck, that still sounds hot when she says it.

  “Ye need something…” I grabbed her ankle before her foot could make it to my cock.

  “Then you should give it to me.” She tried to scoot closer, which made the covers around her waist unravel.

  “I am, lass.” I narrowed my eyes. “Yer going to get exactly what ye deserve.”

  Even if it ruins me…

  Chapter Eleven


  Lachlan had a way of bringing out of a side of me that had been completely stifled since I left California. I was on guard when I arrived in Georgia. I was so caught up in what I needed to do with the next four y
ears of my life that I was scared to have fun. That changed when I met him at the festival. The way he looked at me lit a fuse that burned until my body was on fire with a need for something I didn’t fully understand. I didn’t care that he was my father’s friend or that there was an age difference between us. I wanted him. He was hot-as-fuck, his accent drove me wild, and calling him Daddy made me tingle when the word left my lips.

  “Naughty little lass…” Lachlan squeezed my ankle, slowly moved his hand up my calf, and then he pulled me towards him. “Yer such a fucking tease.”

  “Is it really a tease if I’m serious?” I stared into his eyes and rolled my tongue against my lips.

  “Do ye even know what you’re being serious about?” He tilted his head slightly and pulled me closer.

  “I may be a virgin, but I’m not naive...” I felt a devious grin spread across my face.

  “No, ye just like playing dangerous games.” He leaned forward.

  “It doesn’t feel dangerous with you…” I exhaled sharply. “All you’ve done is take care of me.”

  Lachlan let go of my ankle, slid his hand along my thigh, and grazed my rips as he reached for my arm. He pulled me up to my knees, and before I even had a moment to process what was happening, his lips crushed mine. I melted into his embrace in an instant. His kiss turned the fire that was burning inside me into an inferno, and electricity danced along the surface of my skin. His tongue ravaged my mouth, and I collapsed until I was dead weight in his arms. I felt his hands on my body—moving—exploring—until he squeezed my ass and our lips parted.

  “Damn...” My head was spinning, and I had to gasp for air.

  “Yeah,” he exhaled sharply.

  “I guess you decided to kiss me instead of put me over your knee.” I bit down my lip as my thoughts came into focus.

  “Maybe I’ve decided to do both.” He squeezed my ass. “Ye are a naughty lass—even if I can’t resist ye.”


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