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Crystal Grids Power

Page 6

by Ethan Lazzerini

  How To Cleanse Your Crystal Grid With Universal White Light

  Place your hands palm down over the Crystal Grid. Get close but avoid touching the crystals if you can.

  Close your eyes and visualise a beam of pure white light coming down from above, into your Crown Chakra (At the top of your head) down to the Heart Chakra (At the centre of your chest). Moving out along your arms and into your hands.

  Visualise this white light shining down from the palms of your hands onto your Crystal Grid. See this Universal White Light in your mind’s eye filling the crystals and surrounding them.

  Focus on clearing the grid as you say out loud or in your head “I cleanse, purify and rebalance this Crystal Grid of all negative, unbalanced or fear based energy, now”

  When you feel this has been done, open your eyes.

  Copper Pyramids

  I use Copper Pyramids to cleanse and rebalance my crystals all the time. Copper Pyramids focus energies but also purify and rebalance the energy of anything placed inside them. When crystals are combined with Copper something very magical seems to happen.

  Copper Pyramids are not inexpensive devices but can be a way to save you having to worry about cleansing a Crystal Grid. Any Crystal Grid kept inside a Copper Pyramid will be cleansed and constantly protected from outside energies. You can make these pyramids yourself if you have the right tools or know someone who does welding. Ideally you will want to follow the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza for maximum effect. The proportions of the Great Pyramid use very special angles, which relate to Sacred Geometry and the Earth.

  You will need a Copper Pyramid that is big enough to place over the entire Crystal Grid. For a Copper Pyramid to work you will also need to align one of the four triangular sides with magnetic North. This charges the pyramid and connects it with the Earth’s energy grid and magnetic field.

  Deactivating a Crystal Grid

  Once you are finished with a Crystal Grid, you will want to deactivate it and use the crystals for something else. It is vital that you cleanse and deprogram all the crystals. They will be holding your intentions, which could interfere with their use in the future. This could cause confused effects on other Crystal Grids you might use them in.

  The crystals just keep doing their job until you tell them to stop. See it like a radio signal that just keeps broadcasting. When it is time and your crystals have finished their work, use the following method to deactivate the grid. It will cleanse and deprogram all the crystals and any other items used. This can of course be altered to use whichever cleansing method you prefer to use.

  How To Deactivate a Crystal Grid

  Start by removing all the crystals from their position within the Crystal Grid, along with any other items you used with it.

  Hold all the crystals and items together in your hands if possible. If not you can work in batches. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

  Now visualise a beam of pure white light coming down from above, into your Crown Chakra (At the top of your head) down to the Heart Chakra (At the centre of your chest). Moving out along your arms and into your hands.

  See this Universal White Light in your mind’s eye filling the crystals and items and surrounding them.

  Focus on clearing everything as you say out loud or in your head “I cleanse, purify and rebalance these crystals of all negative, unbalanced or fear based energies, now!”

  Then follow with “I clear and remove all previous patterns and programs stored within this Crystal Grid, now!”

  When you feel this has been done, open your eyes.

  Once this has been done your crystals and all other items are completely clear and deactivated. Everything is ready to be put away for now or used again for other Crystal Grids or whatever you want in the future.



  Now you know how to prepare, activate and maintain a Crystal Grid, there are a few things you may want to also do. Once your Crystal Grid is set up you might want to enhance its effects and bring the energy of your grid with you. These are just optional extra ways to help you get to your goals or support you on the journey.

  The more you are focused on a goal or something you are trying to manifest, the more likely you are to see it happen. The Crystal Grid will be a reminder of your intention for the time being but it is not portable. Some people need reminders throughout the day. Some need to focus their mind daily to help them take the right actions and motivate themselves.

  This chapter will look at ways to use crystals within your personal energy field or Aura. It will also look at other tools for your mind and spirit, which can help you towards your goals. Think about how the intention behind your Crystal Grid relates to these tools. How can you use one or more of these techniques in your daily life to keep you on the path to your desired outcome?

  Pocket Crystals

  Crystals are available in a variety of sizes and forms. Tumble Stones are one of the easiest and affordable ways to use the power of crystals in your daily life. You could also use small Crystal Points or Thumb Stones. Thumb Stones are small polished flat oval shaped stones with a carved recess to comfortably place your thumb in.

  Look at the crystals that are included in your Crystal Grid. They all align with your intention and offer support for your journey. Clear Quartz is usually used for any intention because it is highly programmable. I include some of the key properties of the crystals for each grid to help you select a crystal. You may find you are naturally drawn to one of the crystals in the Crystal Grid already. Or you could use one of the substitute stones I suggest for the grid if you prefer.

  Once you select a crystal, you will want to protect it by placing it in a small drawstring bag. Look for soft material, velvet or leather. Organza bags are the mesh material often used as gift bags when you purchase crystals online. These may look pretty but will not protect your crystal while you’re carrying it about.

  You can take this crystal with you by putting the bag in your pocket. Other ways are to place it inside your purse or wallet. Some women do not use the bag and place the Tumbled Stone inside the bottom of their bra. When carrying or wearing crystals regularly they will absorb all kinds of energies from you so will need clearing at least a few times a week to keep them working at their optimal level. This applies to all the other ways to use crystals in this chapter.

  It can be helpful if the crystal you choose is also charged with your intention. Crystals will work for you without this but I find when you program a crystal you bring a laser like focus to it. The procedure is similar the one I have for activating your Crystal Grid. Here is a method for programming any crystal for your intention. This can also be used for the other options to enhance your Crystal Grids in this chapter.

  Programming will imprint your energy and intention into the crystal. When you program a crystal you are communicating your clear intention so that it can help you. This does not limit the crystal in any way. You are not telling the crystal ‘how’ you want it to help you. Again you can come up with your own statement of intention or use the one that I suggest with the Crystal Grid you are working with.

  How To Program a Crystal

  Hold your cleansed crystal or crystals in your hands.

  Sit for a few moments with your eyes closed. Get really clear about your intention.

  Raise your crystal up in front of your Third Eye Chakra. Between and just above your eyes.

  Focus on your desired result. Say to yourself or out loud a statement of your intention. You can use the one I have included with all Crystal Grids in this book or create your own: “I program this crystal for...” or “I charge this Crystal to...” or “I ask this crystal to assist me with...”

  Crystal Bags & Pouches

  Perhaps you wish to carry more than just one crystal? Maybe you want to have one each of the different crystals used in your Crystal Grid with you wherever you go? This can be done too.

  As you will be keeping a gro
up of crystals together it is best to use the polished Tumble Stones. These are less prone to chipping or damage. Decide on which stones you want to include in your crystal bag. Then select a soft and protective drawstring bag for them.

  Cleanse and possibly program them for your intention. You can cleanse and program all the crystals you have chosen together at the same time. As with pocket crystals, you can take the bag with you anywhere. If you include a Clear Quartz crystal Tumble Stone, it will also enhance the energies of all the other stones. Some people like to include other symbolic items or herbs in these bags but it is not essential. This is sometimes called a Medicine Bag and can even be worn around the neck.

  Quartz Crystal Points

  As Clear Quartz Crystal Points are good to program and focus energies, they make good pocket crystals. You only need a small Crystal Point but avoid crystals that are too small, fragile or very narrow, as they are likely to break or damage. This will be a personal crystal that you will have with you all the time, so choose one that looks and feels right for you.

  Cleanse and program the crystal for your needs and intention if you like. Place it in a small protective drawstring bag as with any pocket crystal. Some people prefer to only carry Tumble Stones, as they are more comfortable to put in their pocket. Another way you can use a Crystal Point is in the form of a pendant worn around the neck as a necklace.

  Crystal Jewellery

  Gemstone jewellery has been worn for its metaphysical power for thousands of years. You may already have something that you can wear which uses one of the crystals in your Crystal Grid. Many of the crystals featured in this book can be found as jewellery for men and women. Choose something you will wear daily, while your Crystal Grid is up and running. As before select stones from the crystals used in your Crystal Grid or the substitute stones.

  You can wear crystal bracelets and necklaces very easily in your day to day life. Jewellery has symbolic meaning for many people. So if you do decide to get something new to work with your Crystal Grid, it will always remind you of your intention. Crystal jewellery does not need to be visible to work, you can discreetly wear a necklace.

  Crystal Jewellery will also work like any personal crystal. It will allow you to access the energy of the crystal while you have it on your body and within your Aura. Just make sure you cleanse your jewellery and consider programming it for your specific intention.


  Now we will look at other ways to work with and enhance your Crystal Grid’s power. Affirmations are usually positive statements made out loud or in your head. These are similar to mantras as they are spoken multiple times. Either in set numbers like three or ten or over and over, countless times.

  The idea is that affirmations help reprogram your mindset through the subconscious mind. Negative thinking and self talk does affect us. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, over time you will start to believe it. You could see affirmations as counteracting this or reprogramming your mind. People also use affirmations to help manifest things through focused intent.

  Although affirmations are not for everyone, many people use them successfully. You could create your own affirmations or find some online which are in alignment with the change you want to see in your life. Repeat these for a few minutes each morning and or before you go to bed. At the very least they will certainly keep you focused on your goal.


  Visualisations are another well used meditation technique to bring about change and manifest different things. Like everything else in this book it will not do the work for you. Visualisation is a powerful way to focus the mind on the end result. It also builds up creative energy, which will help attract your desired outcome.

  Some people find it hard to believe that our thoughts can really create our reality. This very book started out as a thought, an idea in my head. I wrote it down into words and then sketched a book cover idea in a note book. Here it is many months later in physical reality. Having a clear vision of what you want can only help you.

  You may like to include a visualisation into your morning or bedtime routine. Focus on what it is you want to achieve with your Crystal Grid. Perhaps you can even sit near the Crystal Grid and meditate for a few minutes each day on your intention. Try to see and feel what it would be like to have the desired result now. If you can bring in emotion of how good it will feel, this will super charge your visualisations even more. You can also combine this with affirmations. The words may also help stop your mind from wandering. If it does, just bring it back to your original intention.

  Vision Boards

  Vision boards are a collection of images and words related to your goals and aspirations. You can search for images online or use catalogues and magazines. You want images that represent your desired outcome. There are also lots of inspiring quotes and affirmations, which can be included in your vision board.

  Once you find the images you want, print them out if needed and pin or stick them, collage style to a piece of card or a cork pin board. This can be added to or changed over time. Although vision boards are usually a collection of many goals you can make smaller and more focused ones.

  Ideally you want this visual representation to be hung up somewhere you will see it every day. The vision board helps you stay motivated and focused on your goal. Look at it whenever you need to remind yourself of what you want to manifest. It can also give you ideas for visualisations or be used as a focal point in your meditations.

  Deprogramming Crystals

  Before we move on, I want to show you something many books do not mention. If you have programmed a crystal or some crystal jewellery, you can also deprogram it at any time. Once you have finished working with your stone, you can clear it of any programs or intentions it carries by following the steps below.

  This process is similar to deactivating a Crystal Grid. It is certainly something you will want to do after your Crystal Grid has completed its job and all the crystals have been put away. Gather any programmed crystals or jewellery that you carried or wore together and cleanse them first.

  How To Deprogram a Crystal

  Hold your cleansed crystal, crystals or jewellery in your hands.

  Raise this up in front of your Third Eye Chakra. Between and just above your eyes.

  Say to yourself or out loud: “I cancel, clear and delete this crystal of all previous programs or intentions, now!”



  Now that you know why Crystal Grids work and how to set them up, I want to show you a really simple and easy grid. This super simple Crystal Grid can be customised and used for any purpose. The geometric pattern it uses is the Flower of Life, which you may remember from the Sacred Geometry Reference Guide earlier.

  The Flower of Life is found all around the world, painted onto walls and etched into stone. The symbol is said to contain all other shapes and forms of Sacred Geometry. Many believe it represents the whole Universe.

  The Flower of Life has become one of the most used designs for Crystal Grids today. It is a universal symbol and serves as a multi purpose grid layout. It brings in cosmic energies and assists in manifesting anything.

  The other benefit of the following Crystal Grid is that it can be easily formed with just a few crystals. Each of these Crystal Grids uses six Clear Quartz Crystal Points and one Central Stone. The Central Stone could be a Standing Crystal Point or other recommended Central Stone form. You could also use a medium or large sized Tumble Stone. I have also included some options for alternative crystals for the Central Stone to give you more choice.

  You can use these Crystal Grids when you are in a hurry. It may take time to find all the crystals needed for the more complex Crystal Grids in the next chapter of this book. One of these grids could be set up in the meantime. Once you have printed off the Flower of Life template from the link below and have six Quartz Crystal Points, you only need to find one other crystal.

  These Crystal Grids a
re quick, easy to make and effective. They may not be as powerful as the more advanced Crystal Grids, only because they do not use as many different types of crystal. More crystals bring more types of energy in to help, which also has a more synergistic effect. Try these grids and see what you think, you may find they work just as well for you. They are ideal for when something comes up and you need to set up a Crystal Grid straight away. To see some finished photo examples of the Crystal Grids from this book, please visit the Resources page of my website and look under the Crystal Grids section.


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