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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 9)

Page 8

by Lilly Atlas

  As he’d stared at Vanessa’s lifeless body in that damned casket, he’d made a promise to her as well, and that vow trumped his club oath. It shouldn’t have, but it did. If it was in his power to stop it, he’d never let a rapist go unpunished.

  A soft throat clearing jolted him out of his head.

  Cassie stood next to the bed wrapped in the thin motel towel. Jesus, the thing barely covered her from tits to snatch. Both hands clutched the flimsy terrycloth where it tucked closed at the center of her chest. Her damp hair hung even longer with the weight of the water. God, he loved long hair. Loved to feel it sliding all over his bare skin. And long red hair? Pft…his fucking kryptonite. Then there were those innocent green eyes, peering down at him, uncertainty clear as day. But they held trust too, and that made him want to prove himself worthy of her faith.

  “You good?” he asked once he found his voice.

  Her chin dipped in a nod. “W-Will you have sex with me?”

  If she’d asked him to slit Sarge’s throat in his sleep, Viper couldn’t have been more shocked.

  “What?” He said, struggling to sit up now that he had a fucking telephone pole between his legs.

  Her throat worked as she swallowed, sending a bead of water trailing down her neck and chest until it disappeared. Absorbed by the fabric of the towel. Viper could practically see her shoring up her courage before she spoke again. “We’re on the run,” she said as though that explained everything. A huff of frustration left her. “Look, yes, my family has money and yes I’m a virgin, though I have no idea how these assholes knew that, but I’m not some wide-eyed innocent. I’ve done…stuff. And I’ve read books. Hell, I’ve watched porn. I’m not stupid. If they catch us, I know exactly what will happen to me,” she whispered. “Someone psycho out there is about to be very pissed when I don’t show up. Someone with a lot of money who very well might have the resources to find me.”

  He frowned. How worried was she? “You don’t think we can protect you? You don’t think I can protect you?”

  She shifted, biting her plump lower lip. Viper groaned as he fucking felt those lips surround his aching cock. Why the fuck did she have to be so sexy?

  “That’s not it. It’s just…” She sighed, shoulders drooping. “There are two of you against a whole club out for your blood. I just want to be prepared if something goes wrong. If they get me, if they come pounding on that door in a few hours, I want to have the knowledge of how good a man can make me feel. I want to know that sex is not just what they’ll do to me. I—I want to be able to close my eyes and remember what it was like to lose my mind from pleasure. And I want you to be the one to give that to me.”

  Jesus fuck, how was he supposed to deny her?

  Shit. He was going to cave.

  “Cassie,” he said on a groan. There was no way she didn’t notice the thick bulge about to burst through his denim.

  She held up a hand, tucking her elbow into her side to hold the towel in place. “It’s not just that. I want you. You have to know how hot you are. I feel safe with you. Drawn to you. When you touched me before—”

  Fuck it. He wasn’t even anything nearing a goddamned saint. Cassie was an adult. She’d asked for it. Asked for him.

  Viper shot to his knees, grabbed two handfuls of her gorgeous wet hair and crushed his mouth to hers.


  1982 -OREGON

  This wasn’t a kiss.

  Cassie had been kissed before. She’d even been kissed well. This was an entirely different experience.

  Viper owned her mouth. In the long minutes he spent sliding his tongue against hers, nipping at her lips, and controlling the pace, she lost awareness of anything but the man making her crave more, more, more. His taste flooded her system, hot, spicy, and ten times more delicious than her favorite candy.

  This wasn’t the first time Cassie had been aroused, not by a long shot. As she’d told him, she’d read her fair share of steamy books. She owned a vibrator. One that got a pretty regular workout, especially after she would read about some woman screaming the paint off the walls while a hot as hell man buried his face between her legs. She’d had boyfriends make her come as well. Just fingers, and once a mouth, but she wasn’t a simpering virgin.

  She was just a virgin.

  Cassie had experience with desire, want, lust. But, holy crap, never to this extent. Her breasts literally felt heavy and tender. Her nipples were tight points of need. If she’d had more experience, maybe she’d have begged him to touch her, but as it was, she had little idea what she was supposed to do with the man driving her insane.

  Between her legs, a dull ache formed, making her aware of how empty she was. And how wet she was becoming. The craving for him crossed over the line into necessity. The need for him rivaled that of air, food, and water. If he abandoned her now, she’d crumble to dust.

  “Fuck, you taste sweet,” he muttered against her lips. “Give me more.” He dove back in, tightening his fists in her wet hair as he plundered her mouth again.

  Cassie couldn’t help it; she moaned shamelessly into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck. When her body came flush in contact with his, she arched her chest into him, finding just a tiny bit of the pressure her nipples demanded. She moaned again, so ready for whatever he wanted to give her.

  But the needy sound seemed to douse Viper with ice water.

  “Shit,” he growled as he tore his mouth away.

  She stepped back, eyes wide, scrambling to grab the drooping towel. As hard as he was panting, her lungs were working overtime too. Her head spun and her lips tingled. Arousal coated her sex and eased its way down her thighs.

  Being left in this needy state hurt. An ache of unfulfillment deep in her core.

  “Jesus, Cassie. For the love of God, cover your tits.” Viper groaned, running a hand down his face.

  With a quick glance at her bare breasts, she gasped and yanked the towel back up. Once decent—at least where he could see—she peered up to find him staring at the ceiling.

  Her face grew hot as an oven. Had she misread the situation? Was he not as into her as she was him? God, she’d practically thrown herself at him.

  How humiliating.

  “Baby, I’m not first-time material,” he said, gaze still fixed on the cracked ceiling.

  First time material? What did that even mean? Was it a thing? Cassie frowned. “Why not?”

  Finally, he gave her the gift of eye contact. “I have no idea how to make it all…” he waved a hand in her direction, “perfect for you. I’m not gentle. Not anymore.”

  Her heart melted at the softly spoken words. So, it wasn’t that he didn’t want her. Quite the opposite. He was afraid he couldn’t give her what she needed to make her first time special. She hadn’t realized he could be so sweet.

  Yet stupid. Hearts and flowers weren’t at the top of her priority list at the moment. Pleasure was. A few toe-curling moments of distraction. Something to erase the last few days from her mind, at least for a while.

  “Do you know how to make me come?” she asked as she tilted her head to the side.

  He chuckled, folding his arms across that firm, yet still clothed, chest. “Yeah, babe, that I can do.” He winked. “More than once.”

  “Well, then, I think we’re all set, don’t you?” Somewhere, she found the courage to be bold and demand what she wanted. Actually, her words might have come from fear, not bravery. Fear that they’d be discovered, and she’d be sold off to some sicko who’d rape her and make her his toy for the rest of her life. If that were to happen, she’d have at the very least the satisfaction of having chosen for herself this first time.

  And her choice was Viper.


  She had no doubt it would be absolutely perfect. Even without romance, or declarations of love, because she’d chosen.

  Cassie straightened her shoulders, swallowed her nerves, and dropped the towel as she stepped forward.

  Go big or go ho

  Viper’s eyes bugged, as his gaze immediately fell to her breasts. “Cassie,” he said on a groan. He curled his hands into tight fists at his sides. “You’re playing a dangerous game, babe.”

  She took another step then rested her open palms on his chest. Damn, the man was hard—everywhere if that tent in his pants hid what she assumed it did. “I’m willing to risk a little danger. Seems to me like the prize might be worth it.”

  “I’ll be too rough.” He whispered the words while still staring at her body.

  Cassie spoke just as low. “I think I’ve proven over the past few days that I’m not a china doll. Takes a lot to shatter me. Give it your best shot.” She smirked. “Maybe I’ll like too rough.” Something about him made her feel safe enough to voice desires she’d always wondered about. Admittedly, she preferred her books, her heroes on the darker side. Sure, flowers, pretty words, and wooing were all fine and dandy, but there was something about being taken by a man she wanted that heated her blood more than those other things combined.

  “Fuck.” He said the word as though he knew he’d already lost this battle. “Cassie this is—fuck.” His head fell back, and he stared at the ceiling.

  Triumph surged through her. Who knew having a man want her that much would be such a thrill? She rose up onto her toes and spoke as close to his ear as possible. “Maybe I’ll be too rough for you.” As though someone else had taken control of her body, she nipped his earlobe then shoved him back onto the bed.

  His warning growl shot lust and victory through her in equal measures. “You’re making it really hard to do the right thing right now.” He gazed up, straight into her eyes.

  She almost squealed in delight at what she saw there. She’d won. He wasn’t going to be able to resist her.

  His hand came up, circling her neck with a light but steady hold. Beneath his thumb, her pulse fluttered in an out of control rhythm. “Before this goes any further, I need to hear two things from you.”

  She nodded. Anything he wanted she’d give him right then.

  “Tell me you aren’t doing this because you feel like you owe me something.”

  “I’m not,” she said immediately and without lying. “I wouldn’t. I want you.”

  He stood until it was him staring down at her, those dark eyes hot with desire. A single nod was all she got in response. “Did any of the men in my club—”

  “Nuh-uh. No. Nothing more than groping, which was bad enough, but no. They didn’t do what you’re thinking or make me do the other thing you’re thinking.”

  A rush of air left him as though he’d been holding his breath waiting for confirmation. “So you think you might like it rough, huh?” He asked, thumb stroking her pulse point. His mouth descended, stopping no more than a half inch from hers. “I’ll make you fucking love it, sweetheart,” he said right before he captured her lower lip between his teeth. The sting sent a shiver through her. “And I will make you shatter. All over my cock.”

  Cassie gasped even as her pussy released more wetness and her knees shook. No man had ever spoken to her with such raw sexual intent. She had a feeling even if she hadn’t been a virgin, her body would react just as strongly.

  She liked it.

  Loved it.

  Couldn’t wait for more.

  Viper cupped her breasts in his large hands. Just the heat and feel of his coarse palms against her sensitive skin made her knees wobble. He kept his hungry stare on her face as though gauging her enjoyment of his efforts. When he pinched both nipples with firm pressure and gave a little twist, Cassie cried out and grabbed his forearms.

  “Like that?”

  “Uh-huh.” Was she expected to say anything more intelligent? Like real words? All her energy went into keeping her eyes open so she wouldn’t miss a minute of this.

  “How about now?” He leaned in and sucked a nipple into his mouth, keeping his fingers on the other.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered. “That feels so good.”

  He chuckled, then sucked harder. Cassie curled her fingers into the back of his T-shirt. The sensation was so intense, who knew if she was trying to hold him close or shove him away. She could barely process the riotous shock of electricity coursing through her body let alone analyze it.

  He increased the suction yet again. A bolt of heat streaked from her nipples straight to her clit. It was nearly painful in its intensity and she loved every single second. Never before had she felt so alive. “Viper,” she shouted.

  “I got you, baby. Just feel me. Enjoy it. I promise I’ll make it so fucking good for you.”

  Yeah, she was pretty sure even if he stopped right then, it’d still be the best sexual experience she’d ever have. The next thing she knew, he was spinning them. Before she had the chance to adjust to the shift in position, he pushed her down to the edge of the bed and hovered between her spread legs.

  With a playful grin—probably at her expense since she seemed to be in a stupor, Viper stripped his shirt over his head, revealing a smooth, tanned chest. A vivid snake tattoo—a viper?—curled around one pec. Cut abs rippled their way into his jeans along with a trail of brown hair she had the craziest urge to rub her nose against.

  Would it be soft and fine? Or coarse and a bit scratchy?

  Next, he lost the jeans. Black briefs hugged a bulge that had her licking her lips. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to rip them off or ask him to spin so she could take in the rear view which promised to be just as hard and sexy as the front.

  “Damn, baby, you want it, don’t you?” He reached into his underwear, playing with his hard cock.

  “I want you,” she whispered, transfixed by the sight before her. Watching him touch himself was so erotic, she almost told him to forget about her and keep going. Getting the chance to watch him as he jacked himself to completion would almost be worth missing her own pleasure.


  “Please let me see you.”

  Viper shoved the briefs down to his knees before he swiped his thumb over the tip of his dick. A wet streak of precum coated the finger. Without needing to be told, Cassie grabbed his hand and lifted his thumb to her mouth, cleaning the salty digit with her tongue.

  Viper groaned a string of curses and a surge of power flowed through her. Reducing this strong man to a few mumbled words could easily become an obsession.

  He yanked his thumb from her mouth and gave her a rough shove. Her eyes widened as she collapsed back onto the bed. Before her head hit the mattress, he was on his knees over her, lifting and pushing her thighs wide. The position afforded him an up-close and personal view of her saturated pussy.

  Cassie’s breath caught in her throat. The longer he stared at her, the harder her chest began to rise and fall. Did he like what he saw? Was that something men even did? Just stare at women between their legs like that?

  “Fuck you’re slick.” Viper inhaled as though savoring a fine wine before dropping his face between her spread thighs.

  She didn’t even have a chance to protest, not that she would have, but, God, he was all up in there. Her one past experience with a man going down on her had nothing, absolutely nothing on this and he’d been at it for less than ten seconds.

  When his tongue stroked through her folds, she cried out and fisted the itchy comforter in her hands.

  “And I thought your mouth was sweet,” he said against her sex. “It’s got nothing on this delicious pussy.”

  “Viper,” she yelped as he lashed her clit with his tongue.

  “That’s fucking right, baby. Say it as many times as you want. Fucking scream it.”

  Her legs began to tremble as his words ramped her up nearly as much as his mouth.

  “You wanna come?”

  “Uh-huh,” she said. Already, she felt as though it would splinter into a million beads of pleasure.

  “Here we go.” He buried his face in her, licking, sucking, and nibbling everywhere his mouth could reach. Two minutes couldn’t have passed before she was
thrashing on the bed and begging for relief. He showed her no mercy, plunging his tongue into her, and fucking her with it. Thank God she was lying down. She’d surely have collapsed otherwise.

  Two thick fingers breached her, making her back arch which only pushed her clit harder against his tongue. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he mumbled against her, though it seemed he was talking more to himself than to her.

  He stroked the front wall of her pussy, and she saw stars. When his lips wrapped around her clit, Cassie swore she died a little at that moment. Her world shrank down to the pleasure between her legs before exploding into a sensation so intense, she screamed. Screwing her eyes tight, Cassie gave herself over to the wonder of it.

  When she joined the world again, she realized Viper had shoved her farther up the bed. Now, her head rested on the pancake-flat pillow.

  Viper’s lower half nestled between her legs as he propped his upper body on his elbows. The proof of his still very aroused body lay hot and hard against her stomach. “Hey,” he whispered.

  “Hey,” she said. She was far too sated to feel embarrassed about the way she’d lost control and shouted so loud.

  “You ready for me?” he asked, shifting so his erection nestled in the soaking wet V of her legs.

  “I’m ready.” For the first time since they started, a tiny tremor of nerves zinged through her blood. She knew it’d probably hurt a little, but uncertainty about the unknown was finally making its way into her consciousness.

  He winked down at her. “You sure you can handle all this?” As he spoke, he nudged her opening with the thick head of his cock.

  Cassie gasped. God, she hoped so because she wanted this with a frightening force. “I’m sure. Do your worst.” Hopefully the words sounded more confident than she was beginning to feel.

  He chuckled then grabbed one of her hands. As though he seemed to pick up on her growing apprehension, he guided her to his cock, then wrapped her fingers around him.

  A condom covered his steely length. When had that happened?


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