Echoes of Grace
Page 17
He had no interest in the family thing. When she had suggested calling to Oxshott, he had refused point blank. All he wanted was Laura; why then should he have to small-talk with people he didn’t know? Christian Jacob didn’t do small talk. Then, after a huge argument, he had relented. He could see that her family meant a lot to her. What was a couple of days, right? She mattered to him. Hell, he wanted to make her happy. For the first time in years, he felt alive again. She was the reason for that.
‘Right, let’s do it.’ Laura pushed open the door and walked into the hall. The familiar smell hit her immediately and she was strangely comforted by that. This was her home and everything would be okay. For a moment, she was transported back to the time she had been given detention at school. Her heart thumping, she had entered the house with the same feeling of trepidation, waiting for the inevitable showdown.
‘Is that you, Laura?’ called William innocently from the dining room. ‘We’re all in here!’
Laura cursed Aurora – clearly she had told him. Oh, she could just imagine him lounging at the table with a giant smirk on his face. Taking a deep breath, she opened the cream door.
‘Merry Christmas!’ she declared, a bright smile plastered on her face. The table was full and the image swam in front of her eyes. The whole family were in situ, even James. Talk about getting it all over with in one go!
‘Hello, darling. Dinner’s on the table. Just grab a plate.’ Gloria, deep in conversation with James, barely looked up.
Henry waved and resumed typing a message to his agent. Aurora didn’t react – she was staring at James.
It was only William who got to his feet and loped over. Opening his arms wide, he pulled her into a massive bear hug. ‘So, where’s lover boy?’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Or should I say lover man?’
‘Shut up,’ she hissed. ‘He’s just in the hall.’
Christian walked in at that very moment. His tanned, handsome face was impassive and he didn’t look remotely nervous. Did he care what these people thought? Not at all. Laura was what he wanted. If they had a problem with that, then they could go jump.
‘Hello,’ he announced curtly. ‘Happy Holidays.’ His brown eyes drank in the occupants of the table, figuring out who was who and analysing the situation. Being in a courtroom taught him that. He was adept at reading faces and deciphering reactions.
At the sound of his voice, Gloria tore her eyes away from James. Laura hadn’t mentioned bringing a guest. She stared at the handsome man standing in the doorframe with his expensive cashmere overcoat and his haughty demeanour. Irrationally, she wondered if her chicken casserole would stretch to feed the newcomers.
‘Laura?’ she asked.
‘This is my boyfriend, Christian,’ announced Laura breezily. ‘Christian, this is my family: my stepfather Henry, my mother Gloria, my brothers James and William, and, of course, my stepsister Aurora.’ She paused in confusion when she saw Claire. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, and you are?’
Claire waved. ‘I’m Claire.’
James stood up and came over to hug his sister. ‘Claire is my fiancée,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘We met in Syria.’
‘What?’ It was Laura’s turn to do a double take. ‘What did you say?’ She looked wildly at her brother.
‘We’re engaged.’
‘What the hell?’ she mouthed.
His eyes crinkled in amusement and he whispered, ‘We fell in love, is that so crazy?’
He helped her off with her coat and stepped out into the hall with it, Laura following.
‘It’s pretty quick, don’t you think?’ she whispered, narrowing her eyes. ‘What’s with the outfit? She’s like a lumberjack.’
‘Hey, stop that right now.’ He looked stern. ‘We just got off a flight from hell. Give her a break.’
They went back inside and sat down at the table side by side.
Henry had taken Christian’s coat from him and offered him a chair, his good manners masking his surprise.
‘May I get you a drink?’ he asked now.
‘A scotch would be good,’ Christian replied. ‘Have you guys got a Wi-Fi code I could use?’
‘The modem is over there,’ said William helpfully. ‘The password is long and complicated so you’d better type it in directly from that.’
‘I got it.’ Christian strode over to the small white box on the bookcase. Taking out his half-moon glasses, he punched in the long code to activate the internet on his phone.
‘He’s American?’ mouthed William to Aurora, noticing his twang. ‘Even better.’
James nudged Laura and whispered, ‘So, why are you seeing a sugar daddy?’
‘He’s not a sugar daddy,’ she retorted. ‘He’s amazing.’
‘Still though, he’s on the wrong side of fifty. Gloria looks like a fish. Her mouth is opening and closing so much.’
They both regarded their mother, who was desperately trying to process the news. Her son was getting married to a girl she’d never met and now her only daughter was dating a man old enough to be her father.
William scraped his second plate merrily and refilled his wineglass. It felt good to be the son who caused no trouble. He knew that his mother had been planning to lecture him on his lack of social life and now that had all been forgotten. He blessed his siblings silently. Gloria would have too much to think about now.
It was Aurora who had given him the heads-up regarding his mother’s concerns. ‘She’s worried about you, Will. You’re a catch yet you never seem to meet anyone.’ He had waved her away dismissively. What he did or didn’t do was none of their bloody business. He did meet women. He just didn’t broadcast it to the world. In fact, he had just split from an intensive-care nurse last week. They had been seeing each other for two months. Yet, for some reason, it had fizzled out. His crazy workload afforded little time for wooing and she had grown fed up of coming second-best.
Was he upset about it? Not really. Penny had been fun and someone to cuddle up to at night, but she wasn’t the one. He had known that from the start. The only girl who had ever had a major effect on him was Ella, Laura’s friend from years ago. He had admired her from afar and had never even tried to make a move, despite dreaming of her constantly. She had always fancied someone else and they had been firm friends: nothing more. Then she had moved away when she was fourteen. Her father was involved in foreign affairs and had been offered a job in Canada. So, Ella Taylor had emigrated, leaving a heartbroken Laura behind. Unbeknownst to everyone, she had broken his heart too. He never had the chance to tell her.
‘James?’ said Gloria, getting to her feet. ‘Would you join me in the kitchen? I want to show you something.’
Claire’s eyes met his and they smiled. It was only natural that Gloria wanted details. This was a huge bombshell and she was having difficulty processing it.
He sauntered into the kitchen and closed the door behind him. ‘Mum?’
She had her back to him and her shoulders were slightly slumped. ‘Please explain.’
He took a seat and drummed his fingers on the table. ‘Can you face me at least?’
Gloria turned around and lifted her head. ‘You must understand my concerns, James. This is so sudden.’
He smiled. ‘I know. It caught us by surprise too.’
‘Are you sure it’s the right thing? Are you rushing into something?’
‘No.’ His tone was firm. ‘I’m nearly thirty-three years old, Mum. The time is right. She’s perfect for me – surely you can see that.’
She shook her honey-blonde hair. ‘I don’t know her from Adam, darling. She seems pleasant enough but I just can’t tell. Why marriage? Isn’t it a bit extreme?’
James took her hands in his and urged her to look at him. ‘We met in a world where nothing mattered. Human life, children, homes, families – nothing was held sacred any more. It was living hell. Then, in the midst of all the pain and chaos, she was real. She held me and talked me through it. She symbolised everything that was good a
nd hopeful about this crazy world.’ He paused, his brown eyes sad. ‘I don’t think I’d have survived if it had not been for Claire. She kept me going.’
‘In extreme circumstances,’ Gloria argued. ‘Now that you’re back to reality, will your love survive?’
He nodded. ‘It will. I’ve never been so positive about anything. She’s my world.’
His mother stared at him speculatively for a moment. ‘You’re my son. I want what’s best for you. Please don’t make a mistake.’
‘I won’t.’
‘So, I’m a partner at a law office in New York,’ said Christian, sipping his scotch. ‘I work sixteen-hour days. I’ve got to say that I love it.’
Henry nodded. ‘I never understood the appeal of the legal profession myself. Frightfully boring, one would imagine.’
‘Boring?’ Christian raised an eyebrow.
Henry sipped his cognac. ‘Maybe in America it’s more exciting . . .’
‘You got that right.’
James appeared in the doorway and winked at Aurora. She half-smiled but her mind was racing. Laura’s and Christian’s arrival had been a blur. All she could think about was James and that girl and that ring. It had knocked her for six. She watched him lift his jacket from the back of his chair and put it on. His handsome face looked tired and his eye was twitching slightly. It always did that when he was tired. She knew that.
James cleared his throat and nodded at Claire. ‘We’re off,’ he announced, taking her hand in his. ‘I apologise for the short visit, but we want to get to her house relatively early.’
Claire beamed at everyone. ‘Thank you for the wine. I’m so sorry that we shocked you all.’
Henry waved and, getting to her feet, Gloria hugged her meaningfully. ‘Not at all, my darling. We’re delighted that you two are so happy.’
‘Rather you than me,’ quipped William, winking at her. ‘Jiminy is hard work.’
James made a face at his brother. ‘Well, see you all tomorrow then,’ he said, waving.
‘Have a good evening,’ drawled Christian, sipping his scotch. ‘What with you guys gone, I guess I’ll take centre stage.’
Laura glared at him. ‘Don’t be rude,’ she mouthed.
Aurora followed them out to the hall. ‘Happy Christmas,’ she whispered as James opened the door.
Claire kissed her cheek. ‘I hope that we’ll be great friends,’ she said with a conspiratorial wink. ‘James has told me so much about you. In fact, I feel like I know you already.’
Aurora hugged her back awkwardly. ‘Of course we’ll be friends. We’re going to be sisters.’
‘Night, Borealis,’ said James, giving her a quick hug. ‘See you tomorrow for our annual chess tournament.’
‘Yeah – night, Borealis,’ echoed Claire, with a small wave.
The door closed and Aurora rested her head against it.
No one was allowed to call her Borealis.
No one, except James.
The family had retired to the sitting room when she rejoined them. Christian, having refused a plate of dinner, had accepted a refill of scotch and was chatting to Henry about American politics. Sitting with her back to them, Gloria was speaking in hushed tones with her daughter. Laura looked menacing. Aurora could almost predict the conversation. Not only was Christian much older, he was still technically married. She could see how Gloria would be worried.
William patted the sofa next to him and signalled for her to sit down. In a daze, she sidled in next to him, clutching a crimson pillow close to her chest.
‘Mum is close to a complete meltdown,’ he muttered. ‘Look how red her face is. Laura looks like she’s about to pop.’ He chuckled softly to himself. ‘Am I a terrible person that I find this amusing?’
‘Yes.’ Aurora said. ‘You’re awful.’ She regarded her stepmother berating Laura. Getting angry served no purpose at all. She sighed. ‘Hopefully it will all settle down in a while. Christian seems nice and you know Laura – she’s so independent.’
‘Why are you so depressed?’ asked William, noticing her gloomy exterior.
‘No reason,’ she replied, plucking a stray thread from the cushion. ‘I’m just tired.’
Henry’s laugh resonated through the room. ‘Gloria!’ he called, ‘Christian knows Arthur Mackenzie, my old golfing pal. Can you believe it? He acted as his lawyer during his divorce with that American.’
Gloria reluctantly turned around. She had only begun with Laura and she didn’t want to be interrupted. ‘That’s nice, darling,’ she said, smiling tightly before resuming her muffled conversation with her daughter.
‘He was difficult to say the least,’ Christian went on. ‘I earned every buck with that guy.’
‘That’s Arthur all right,’ agreed Henry. ‘Super chap, but hard work nonetheless.’
‘Oh, just back off, Mother!’ shouted Laura suddenly, jumping to her feet. ‘Let’s talk about this openly. I’m not twelve any more!’
William sat up in excitement. Aurora, alerted by Laura’s outburst, tuned back into her surroundings. Christian regarded Gloria calmly, swirling the amber liquid around his glass.
‘Christian,’ beseeched Laura, her chest heaving. ‘Please tell Gloria here that we’re serious about each other.’
‘We’re serious about each other,’ he repeated slowly, enunciating every word.
Gloria bristled. His arrogance and self-assuredness annoyed her. ‘You must understand our concerns,’ she began in a brisk tone. ‘You’re much older and married –’
‘Married?’ shouted Henry. ‘Is that true?’
Christian nodded. ‘Sure, but not for long more,’ he said calmly. ‘The divorce is almost final. Tara didn’t put up much of a fight which was desirable. Tara Jacob – she’s an artist. Have you guys heard of her? She’s pretty popular over here. She has a gallery on Canary Wharf.’
Henry clapped his hands together. ‘She sculpts as well,’ he declared. ‘I saw an exhibition of hers years ago in the Tate Modern. She’s your wife?’
‘Ex-wife,’ he corrected. ‘We have a son – Luca. He runs her European empire and lives in Ireland with his fiancée, Lydia.’
‘Lydia?’ repeated Gloria dangerously, comprehension dawning. ‘Not Lydia from Paris?’ she asked her daughter directly.
Laura shrugged helplessly.
‘Not Lydia who had a baby a few months ago?’
‘Why, sure,’ nodded Christian, crossing his legs. ‘Sienna, my grandkid, is incredible. Easily the cutest kid I’ve ever seen. I’m flying over in a couple of days to see her.’
‘So, you’re a grandad,’ stated William helpfully and got a furious glare from Laura.
‘I sure am.’
Aurora stood up. It was time to curb the animosity. Everyone needed to move forward. She’d had quite enough of drama for one night.
‘Well, I’m very happy for you,’ she announced genuinely. ‘Love knows nothing of age or circumstance. I believe that we should be happy regardless. Best of luck to you both.’ She raised her glass.
Laura shot her a grateful look and Henry smiled at her proudly.
‘Hear, hear!’ he shouted in agreement. ‘Well said, my darling!’
Gloria sat back, defeated. There was no point even fighting it. With any luck, it would fizzle out on its own. She had always known that Laura would be troublesome. She had never been conventional. Sure, Christian was in good shape for his age and looked handsome now, but what about in ten years? Her daughter would only be in her mid-thirties and her boyfriend would be well into his sixties. Time was cruel and she wasn’t sure if Laura understood that.
Chapter Seventeen
Ophelia texted the next morning to remind Aurora of their plans.
Pub later? Bring your hunky brother XX
She texted back, saying that she would meet her at five, but only for a couple of drinks. Gloria liked to have the family around her on Christmas Eve. They would watch a film and drink mulled wine by the fire. She and James would have the
ir annual chess competition which she suspected he allowed her to win. This irked her as she was a good player and it took from the glory when she shouted ‘Checkmate!’ He would hold his hands up in defeat and toast her alleged superior strategy. However, she watched him make stupid mistakes throughout the game: mistakes she knew were on purpose. She could see why he did it as he always tried to make her feel good about herself. It’s just sometimes she wished that he would stop treating her like a child. She had grown up but he didn’t seem to realise it.
She sighed loudly and glanced at the time on her phone. It was almost noon. She never stayed in bed that long. It was just that today she had no desire to face the world. All she wanted to do was sleep.
James was getting married.
It had come from out of left field and she couldn’t get her head around it.
She realised now that it was naïve to think that he would stay single forever. He was handsome and intelligent, funny and kind. Claire didn’t know how lucky she was. Oh, why couldn’t she be happy for him? Was she being selfish, wanting him in the background at her beck and call all the time? He always gave her his full attention, ever since she was a little girl. Now, she was losing him and it hurt like hell.
James arrived home at lunchtime, cleanly shaven and dressed in a smart navy hoodie. He dumped his rucksack in the hall and joined William in the conservatory. Gloria loved her ‘sun room’, as she called it. It was a place where the family used to relax on a Sunday morning.
‘Hey, Will,’ he said amiably. ‘Where’s the rest of the family?’
William, still in his sweatpants from his run early that morning, didn’t look up from the newspaper. His blond hair kept falling into his eyes and he kept swatting it away. A quick coffee and a flick through the paper had turned into an hour-long session of refills and in-depth analysis of events around the world.
‘Laura’s gone into the city for some last-minute shopping. Her man wanted to go to Harrods and she needed chocolates for Mum from Fortnum and Mason.’