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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

Page 92

by Nova Rain

  Rosanna parted her lips, just when a slow, guitar introduction filled the air. Melodic synthesizer notes joined in as a robotic voice was heard from the speakers.

  If you’ve got love in your sights

  Watch out - Love Bites

  To my satisfaction, her response came very fast indeed. She nodded assent, standing face-to-face with me. I placed my hand on her shoulder blade, Joe Elliott’s fantastic voice singing the first lyrics of Def Leppard’s “Love Bites.” I interlocked my free hand with hers, and Rosanna put her hand on my shoulder. This wasn’t how I had imagined our first dance together. I believed it would be somewhere more romantic, like a mountain cabin with a fireplace. She had left me no choice, though. And if this was my one and only dance with her, I would try to enjoy it.

  I kept my gaze fixed on hers, a huge desire to sing along with those wonderful lyrics rising within me. Most of them were describing what I felt inside. In particular, the one that said “it’s bringing me to my knees.” It wasn’t love; it was too soon for that, but the want to make her part of my life. Rosanna had remained adamant, frustrating me more and more. However, any words that would come out of my mouth were sure to destroy that moment. So, I elected to gaze upon those darkened, blue eyes as our bodies moved to the music.

  For the first half of the ballad, she demonstrated no emotion whatsoever. But, once it had reached the second chorus, Rosanna did something that took me by complete surprise. She let go of my hand, sliding her other hand down my back. Curving her arms around my waist, she leaned in and rested her head on my chest. For a moment, I didn’t know what to do. The ice queen had finally let her guard down, and I just stood there. Figuring out my next move was much easier than it seemed, though. I wrapped my arms around her back and held her close, the coconut scent of her hair filling my nostrils. I bent towards her and kissed it, still struggling to come to terms with this abrupt change in her behavior.

  With the music fading out, I realized that this would soon be over. Once she leaned back, that suspicion came true. She pulled her arms away from me, her eyes wide like she’d seen a ghost.

  “I have to go,” she let out a soft whisper, before stepping backwards. Frustration and helplessness shot through my system, watching her walk out of my office. Nothing could get through to her. It was as if I was trying to bring down a brick wall using a spoon. No matter how hard I hit, I couldn’t even damage it, let alone bring it down. In essence, that Monday morning marked the end of my pursuit. I wasn’t going to go after her anymore. I liked her, she made my heart dance in my chest, but pursuing her had become one of the most pointless endeavors of my whole life. Rosanna, the girl with the beautiful name and the golden hair, had to remain a dream.

  Chapter Seven


  My pulse was off the charts. Waves of cold sweat would not stop washing over me, even when I walked out of the building. Figures of people had somehow blurred. I couldn’t make out any details about them, such as clothing and weight. All I could see, were shadows on the sidewalk, of things I had to stride past on my way back to work.

  Ambient noises like honking and drivers yelling had been muted. The smells from the hot dog cart further down the street were not reaching me. In my head, that incredible melody was on a loop, along with Joe Elliott’s amazing voice. Chris’s masculine scent was still fresh in my nostrils.

  Love Bites? I couldn’t agree more. I never denied the power of love. But someone else bites, too. Catherine would bite my head off if Chris and I got together.

  Legs trembling, I rushed back into the lobby. I didn’t even glance at anyone around me. I needed some time on my own and water. Lots of it. Plenty of cold water, to be exact.

  The bathroom door flew open and banged the wall behind it as I stormed in. I headed for the nearest sink and opened the faucet, my breath coming out in gasps. I held out my hands and felt the cold wetness on my skin, before bending towards the sink. Splashing the water all over my face, I got a temporary sense of relief.

  You resisted. You got out of this with your honor and your self-respect intact.

  One of the two voices within was true. I was able to endure this romantic assault. I almost slipped, yes, but there was no harm in hugging someone, or so I thought.

  But no amount of water could silence the second voice. I could splash a hundred gallons of it onto my face, and I would still hear it loud and clear.

  Why the hell did you leave like that, you fool? He was nice to you, he was romantic, and you didn’t even kiss him? Is there something wrong with you?

  I looked at myself in the mirror, knowing in my heart that answering those questions was much too hard. To me, Chris Fullerton represented the forbidden. The untouchable. He was the face of sin itself. A sin that would destroy my friendship with Catherine and unravel my life. It didn’t matter how good a man he was. Dating him would be like telling one of my best friends that whatever we’d been through over the years didn’t mean anything to me.

  Chapter Eight


  Code ‘til you drop.

  I had neglected my passion because of my situation with Rosanna. It had been a week since the last time I went over software glitches and user suggestions. Still, that thing with the blonde was no longer an issue. At last, I was free to plunge back into the world that had made me one of the richest men under thirty in the country.

  For the rest of the week, I split my time between meetings with the head of my development team and working on my creation alone. I was searching for ways to make it more user-friendly and eradicate any issues that caused it to crash. It wasn’t easy. Neither was it going to take a day or two for me to perfect it. Besides, there’s no such thing as “perfect software.” In any case, I wanted to put in as many hours as possible every day.

  Upon hearing my intention, Sam voiced his disagreement.

  “It’s nice that you’re willing to bust your butt working, but you don’t have to. The next release date is set in early 2021. You have plenty of time to fix any glitches.”

  His comment made perfect sense. I had more than a whole year to work on the new version of “Office Fab.” Nonetheless, there was something I was trying to get away from, something he had no idea of: Rosanna. His knowledge about me and her had been limited to the night of the fundraiser. I would tell him, but only if I got to date her. Otherwise, Sammy was going to be a major pain in my ass. He loved to be sarcastic, and I was his favorite victim. I did appreciate a little sarcasm every now and then, but my bruised ego could not tolerate it. It was better for me to keep him in the dark, at least for the time being.

  On Thursday afternoon, Sam waltzed into my office, grinning from ear to ear. And the reason behind that grin? An engraved invitation to Ryan Benson’s bachelor party. Our old college friend had booked a strip club called “Eleganza,” on the outskirts of North Haven. I didn’t like that detail. It was a bit too far from New York. Still, I was so sick and tired of staying in all week that I would go, even if the place was up in Vermont. After all, Sammy was too excited. I just didn’t have the heart to tell him to go there alone.

  Friday night came, and along with it, came a sense of relaxation. Just thinking about that bachelor party was enough to take off some of the pressure. It wasn’t about the sexy ladies I would watch strip it all off. It was more about the whole atmosphere between me and my old college friends. This is what women couldn’t—or perhaps I should say—wouldn’t understand. Strip clubs are fun to men for more reasons than naked ladies. They’re about teasing and messing around with the guys we go there with. Laughing with them. Drinking with them, until one of us can take no more.

  My Dodge Viper roared down the narrow road, surrounded by lush greenery. In high spirits, Sammy wouldn’t stop rambling on about the impending reunion. I was in a similar mood, but I kept my mouth shut. I wanted to see with my own eyes what sort of club we were going to.

  Minutes later, I received an answer. A large, fuchsia sign with a woman lying on her si
de flashed in the distance. Right below it, the name of the club in calligraphic letters prepared me for a decent experience. On the surface at least, “Eleganza” seemed to live up to its name.

  I left my car in the parking lot, smiling to myself. I needed an outlet. I needed to vent, and this night out with old friends was an ideal occasion.

  A large bouncer pulled the heavy door open, letting in Sam and me. I snorted in amusement, wondering if I had just opened a door to the past. The club featured a large disco ball in the middle. Smaller, similar balls were hanging over individual tables, leading me to believe I had just visited the nineteen eighties. A big stage down the hall and to the right was the gathering place for the twenty or so guests. A curvaceous redhead was dancing in front of Ryan’s table, to Aerosmith’s “Crazy.”

  “It’s not bad, is it?” I told Sam, starting off. “I like the vintage style.”

  “Nah, screw the style,” he scoffed, waving his hand in front of his face. “Who cares about it anyway? I’m more interested in chicks—juicy, naked chicks.”

  “You’re hopeless,” I teased, noticing Ryan striding away from his table.

  “Hey! You made it!” He cheered, opening his arms wide.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world, man.” I smiled and shook his hand. “How have you been? It’s been a while.”

  “Well, not as good as you, but good.” He winked at me, most of the guests walking towards us. Not long afterwards, I was greeting them one by one, exchanging pleasantries with my old friends. For a few minutes, none of us even glanced at the dance floor. We hugged and teased each other, mentioning what we had been doing lately. I ended up receiving most of the praise, which I enjoyed, but I had to tell them to stop. This night wasn’t about me. It was about the end of Ryan’s freedom, and his passage into married life.

  Sammy and I took up the table in the corner, before a waiter brought us a bottle of champagne in a bucket. I settled down for a fun night, looking at the familiar faces around me. Aerosmith’s song fading out, I could hear their rumbling laughter all too well. I was in a playground, filled with guys in their late twenties and early thirties.

  Another familiar introduction overshadowed their voices as another dancer came on stage. Dressed in a tiny, silver bikini, she swayed her hips on her way to the pole. Her black curls caught my eye. They reached several inches below her chest. With a pair of black shades on, she looked out over the tables. Reaching up, she lowered her frame and settled her gaze on Ryan. It was then that my jaw dropped to the floor. I had seen that sea-blue shade in someone else’s eyes. I recognized those high cheekbones and that creamy complexion. Those shapely legs had struck me, on the night of the fundraiser. They had been giving me dirty thoughts for days. I was looking at Rosanna…

  “Shit,” I said to myself, lifting my hand up to my eyes. I lowered my head and stared at my empty glass, wondering what the hell I was going to do. I couldn’t just leave the bachelor party, because Ryan and everybody else would be mad at me. Neither could I afford to make eye contact with her. In my indecision though, I had an idea. The wig was a clear sign that Rosanna was trying to keep her identity secret. Why would she do that? Yes, being a stripper wasn’t a prestigious job, but there was no shame in it.

  I swept the club for the waiter as he strolled away from me. I gestured to him, dying with curiosity.

  “Yes, sir?” He spoke, leaning over towards me.

  “What’s that girl’s name?” I asked, raising my voice.

  “Silvia,” he informed me. “She’s the club’s attraction. She’s from Prague.”

  “Does she escort?” I posed another question, my pulse rising.

  “No, sir,” the waiter replied, his tone steady. “She’s one of the girls who works here that doesn’t escort.”

  “And how much for a private dance?” I continued, glad that Rosanna had not gone down that road.

  “One thousand, sir.”

  “Whoa!” I exclaimed at the amount. I didn’t hesitate. I eased a wad of cash out of my pocket, counted out ten, one hundred-dollar bills and handed them to him.

  “Thank you, sir. Follow me, please.”

  I threw a quick glance at the dance floor and rose to my stature. Rosanna was swirling around the pole, flaunting her curves to the hungry eyes below. I kept my attention on the bar to my right while the waiter strode through the tables. I quickened my pace and turned left and into a narrow corridor, the music lowering in volume as I did. Purple spotlights overhead lit the way, leading us to two, adjacent rooms.

  “Silvia will be right with you, sir,” the waiter said and walked back down the corridor. I walked into the room, holding in a snort.

  “Silvia my ass,” I mumbled, the exact same spotlights in the ceiling painting the room purple. I dragged the door behind me and left it open, debating my approach. To my satisfaction, I reached a decision rather quickly. There was just one way to approach Rosanna. I was a civilized man, attending a friend’s bachelor party in a public place. Out of respect to Ryan, I would try to keep my cool.

  “I hope you’re ready for Silvia, stranger.” Her fake accent brought another smile to my face, the moment I heard her voice from outside. I stood in front of the couch, the sound of her heels on the hardwood floor growing louder.

  The hinge of the door creaked as she joined me. She stepped forward, our eyes meeting across the room.

  “Oh, no…” Rosanna whispered, freezing to her spot. “This can’t be happening.”

  “You might want to close that door,” I suggested with a smirk.

  “You again…?” She groaned, clicking the door shut behind her.

  “Well…” I gave a short giggle. “You know what they say. Small world.”

  “Oh, my God…” she sighed, running her hand through her hair.

  “Nice wig,” I complimented. “I like you better with your real hair, though. Why do you do this, Rosanna? Is it the money? Is it the attention?”

  “Because some of us have to pay rent,” she explained, her tone weak. “How else could I afford an apartment in Manhattan? Guess what, Chris. Working for minimum wage can’t even cover basic needs. Now, sit down. Let’s get this over with.”

  “That’s an interesting suggestion, but no.” I responded, looking at her from bottom to top. “You see, I’ve imagined this moment about a hundred times, and none of those scenarios in my head included a purple room and you in skimpy lingerie.”

  “You paid a thousand dollars for a dance,” she pointed out, her voice beginning to wobble.

  “I did, but, um…” I paused. “I have something else in mind.”

  “I don’t sleep with…”

  “Shhhh…” I hissed, inching closer to her. “I just want to kiss you.”

  Easing my arm up, I gripped her wig, her cheap perfume lacing the air. I slid it down and off her head, until I heard it hit the floor. Feathering my fingers through her hair, I leaned in, feeling my heart thumping against my ribcage. I brushed my lips against hers for a fleeting moment, gauging her reaction. Rosanna didn’t move a muscle. A second time was like the sweetest piece of candy I had ever tasted. Our lips joined in a fiery kiss, our bodies clinging to one another. I felt her fingers caressing my jawline, her hand on the back of my neck. I snaked my arm around her upper back, savoring one of the things that I had been desperate to experience. Tingles rose and skated from her skin, tempting me to take this further. God knew how much I wanted to drop my pants and fuck her, right then and there. Just by attempting that though, I would push my luck. I had spent a week courting her; I wasn’t going to let greed ruin what I had built. A small whimper fled Rosanna as my lips moved over to her cheek. I laid a tender kiss on her skin, my eyelids rolling up.

  “You’re not going to walk out on me again, are you?” I whispered, my fingers stopping at her shoulders.

  “Trust me, I’m thinking about it,” she confessed, dragging her gaze away from mine. “You’re putting me in a tough spot, Chris. You’re trying to make me choo
se between you and one of my best friends.”

  “That’s not true,” I disagreed, my tone soft. “All I’ve been trying to do, is show you how much I like you. Have you talked to your friend about what’s happened between us lately?”

  “No,” she replied, her voice but a whisper as she returned her attention to me. “I’m just too scared to bring it up.”

  “Then I’m going to give you a choice,” I declared, lowering my arms. “Talk this through with her. In my mind, it’s absurd, because it’s not like we’re ex-lovers or anything, but if that’s what you have to do, do it. If she says ‘no,’ I’ll leave you alone. You have my word.”

  “You said that the last time,” she complained, a touch of anger in her tone.

  “I said I wouldn’t bother you again,” I corrected her. “I didn’t. I just happened to run into you. Anyway, you have three days. Don’t call me. I’ll be waiting for you atop the Empire State Building, Monday night at seven. I’ll be seeing you.”

  Moving around her, I strolled out of that weird room. I loved how we had kissed. It was a small win for me, but a win I just couldn’t enjoy. I was still in uncertainty. I had dared suggest something that would get us out of this predicament. It was the right course of action, but it also meant that I’d have to wait. At any rate, I didn’t mind. In seventy-two hours, I would know where I stood with Rosanna. It was much better than the last time we met in my office, when I thought I’d never see her again.


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