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Page 10

by Christina Hagmann

  “No, it was fine,” I answered quietly. “Thank you.” Aaron nodded. He skillfully put the stitches in my leg. Now the sharp pain turned into an ache of annoyance that hovered over that spot on my leg, and I grimaced as he finished up, hoping now that this was done, we could leave this place and never come back.

  Aaron stepped back to admire his work, but immediately, Judge returned to his side after disposing of the tracker. “Aaron, can we talk?” Judge asked. Aaron looked at me one last time and nodded at Judge. The two walked over to the open doorway across the room. A smaller man with glasses emerged from the darkness of the room, pausing to talk to Judge. I quickly slipped my pants back on, and the man called, “Follow me,” then led Brody, Dan, and I up the creaking stairs.

  He stopped when we came to a bedroom with two bunk beds and a double bed. He motioned to the room covered with plywood walls and not much else. “You can stay here for tonight. Tomorrow you go to Opposition Headquarters in the city.” I breathed a sigh of relief. I did not want to stay here any longer. In fact, I wasn’t looking forward to spending the night here. Not one bit.

  A pair of handcuffs materialized out of the man’s pocket. “Judge says she has to wear these.” He spoke to Brody and Dan, not to me. Brody went to protest, but I stepped forward, offering my wrists to the man. I nodded to Brody to show I was fine with it, especially if it meant they’d leave me alone. “We can’t have her changing into everyone and their brother,” the guy said, chuckling at his own joke. I was too exhausted to be offended by him.

  The man disappeared through the doorway, and Dan let out a whopping sigh that sounded like he’d been holding his breath since we got here. “I call top,” he said half-heartedly before hoisting himself up on the top bunk. He turned away, and his breathing grew heavy. Brody motioned for me to crawl in the bottom bunk, so I did. He pulled the blankets up over me and then grabbed blankets from the foot of the double bed and made up a spot next to me on the floor. I wanted to tell him it would make more sense if he slept on the bed with me, that he would get a better night’s sleep, but I was tongue-tied. I thought about speaking the words, but in my head, they sounded like an invitation to something else, which embarrassed me. My cheeks flushed as the thought of his strong hands and full lips forced their way into my head, and I don’t know when it happened, but I felt something for him, something I had never felt for anyone else. I cared about him, like a friend, but I was also embarrassed when my thoughts traveled elsewhere. I had zero experience with boys, and I felt foolish imagining something that wasn’t even there, but how does a person ever know how someone else feels about them? I didn’t know how Brody felt, besides that he was a kind young man trying to protect a young lady. I had no clue how Aaron felt at this particular moment. Dan seemed indifferent. Then I thought about my mother and what Isi had said. I started to wonder if I ever knew my mother and how she truly felt about me and my dad.

  Aaron came in only shortly after, almost tripping over Brody as he entered. He collapsed onto the bed and was breathing heavily in an instant. I couldn’t fall asleep as quickly. I thought about everyone who had been affected by the events of the last year, from my family, to Aaron and his family, to Brody and Dan, and even the men in the safe house. Though I knew I wasn’t responsible for everything that happened, the guilt made it hard for me to shut off my mind and sleep, though eventually I did drift off.

  The sleep was uncomfortable. My leg ached, and I had a hard time getting settled with my hands cuffed together. I could hear the boys’ breathing, which was comforting because it felt as though they were the only people in the world right now who had my back, even if it was to their benefit. I realized there were plans for me. Plans Brody had potentially known about the entire time, so maybe he was just using me. My head was too mixed up to think about it.

  chapter 14

  Though it seemed like I was awake the entire time, my eyes closing and then opening when I thought I heard someone moving outside the door, morning still came. Aaron got up quickly and got dressed in a fresh set of clothes that had been left in the room. I hoped he was also eager to get out of this place. He opened the door, and I could see men moving around, some with backpacks and gear, others like they were on their way to the shower.

  Aaron looked back to see if anyone was awake and noticed me watching him, then slipped out the door. Brody woke up next, having heard the door open. He sat up and stretched. Then he realized I was watching him. He smiled at me. “How did you sleep?”

  I looked around the room. It had paneling on the walls and ugly shag carpeting, but I couldn’t complain. At least there was a bed. I tried to shrug, but my cuffed hands prevented me from doing anything, and as I lifted my hands and cringed, Brody could see the oozing red flesh that bled beneath the cuffs. “Meda,” he said gently. He moved over to the bed and grabbed my wrists. I tried to pull them back, but he wouldn’t let me. “Why didn’t you say anything?” His eyebrows creased.

  “It’s not a big deal. I can handle it.” I didn’t want to make a big deal around the men who lived here. Something told me they would have very little sympathy for me. He turned my wrist around to see the extent of the damage, and I could see him really thinking about what the metal had done to my skin.

  “Why . . . why does it do this?” He tried to hold the cuffs away from my wrists, but they were snug.

  “It’s basically an allergy. All mimics have this same allergy towards silver, from what I was told.” I looked down at my wrists. The stinging was irritating but tolerable.

  “I guess every superhero has to have a weakness,” Brody said.

  I nearly snorted. “Superhero?”

  “Can’t a guy sleep in?” Dan called out from his bed. Brody smiled at me. Dan sat up and looked down at us. Brody was kneeling by the bed and holding both my hands. “Really, Brody? You didn’t even try to make a move last night? You had to wait until everyone was waking up?”

  Brody’s face turned red, and he stumbled over words to say. I looked away but peeked back at Brody. “Oh, don’t play dumb with me.” Dan got up, pulled his underwear out of his butt, and smiled at me. My face flushed, and I wondered when he had removed his clothes. His lanky body tripped over Brody and out the door.

  We both stared at the doorway for a moment, and then Brody broke the silence. “I guess it’s time to get up.” He stood and stretched his arms. “Today we head to the city.”

  “Thank God,” I said quietly.

  “What?” Brody asked.

  “I just mean, I can’t wait to get out of here.”

  “You and me both,” Brody said, helping me out of bed. We made our way into the kitchen. It was an old-fashioned kitchen, but it was an eat-in, so the breakfast table sat in the middle of the room as the counter space wrapped around two and a half walls. The curtains were a yellow that looked like they had once been white. At the breakfast table, Aaron sat with Judge.

  Aaron motioned for us to sit down and reached over to Brody. Without saying a word, he handed him the keys to the handcuffs. Brody let my wrists go free as Dan scarfed down a large bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

  “I’m so glad you have someone with good taste around here,” Dan said between slurps. The cook who was working at the oven shot him a disapproving look.

  Aaron had a file in front of him, and he and Judge seemed to be finishing up a conversation. He crossed his arms. “So, is that it?” Aaron asked, paging through the thin file.

  “For now,” Judge finished. He looked at the three boys, still avoiding direct eye contact with me. “I wish you kids the best of luck. You’re going to need it.” He saluted Aaron and left the table.

  The cook slid oatmeal in front of Aaron, Brody, and I. “Nice hot meal is what you need. Not that your friend would listen to me.” The cook nodded towards Dan, who smiled, flecks of rainbow cereal coloring his teeth. The cook walked away, shaking his head.

  We all ate while Aaron went over the plan. Brody slid some juice my way, and I chugged it down. I was dra
ined, and the sugar in the juice helped energize me. “The Opposition, which is the group that is helping us, has headquarters in the city, a hotel which provides cover for them. They are giving us a van to take to the hotel, and our contact is Smith.” Aaron studied the folder as Brody nodded. I continued to eat. I wasn’t a part of the conversation, but I couldn’t help but feel hopeful because I was allowed to listen. “There is a reason we’re going to the city. I’ve communicated with Smith already.” I looked up, surprised. “They are providing us with resources and will help us plan a Good Faith Mission.”

  Confused, I looked at Brody, who glanced at me and then turned his attention back to Aaron. “What do you mean, Good Faith Mission?” Brody asked.

  Instead of waiting for Aaron to answer, I spoke. “A Good Faith Mission is one in which they do something for you with the understanding that after that mission is done, you will follow through and do whatever they ask.”

  Aaron raised his eyebrows, surprised I could answer Brody’s question. Brody spoke up. “So, what is this Good Faith Mission?” He placed his spoon down as he waited for Aaron’s answer.

  “Well,” Aaron spoke slowly. “We are going to the city to meet with Smith because he has a plan to get Meda’s dad and sisters out of the Agency’s hands. We are going to get them back and help them disappear.”

  I stopped mid-bite. The words that came out of Aaron’s mouth didn’t make any sense. Why would the Opposition do that for me? Why would Aaron do that for me? I knew it meant I would have to do something in return, probably something big, but at that moment I didn’t care. I brought my hands up to my face, my oozing, raw wrists exposed, and began to sob.

  Dan looked embarrassed, and Aaron got up and threw his bowl in the sink. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. He didn’t look mad. Brody reached over and squeezed my hand. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him, feeling his warmth as he wrapped his large arms around me. I pictured my dad and my sisters. I hoped they were still alright. I hoped it wasn’t too late.

  Then I heard someone take a deep breath. I looked up, and the man who had grabbed my cheek when we first arrived was standing by the cook, eating a piece of toast and sneering at us. I quickly released Brody, who was confused by my sudden withdrawal but smiled at me anyway. He turned and saw the cook and the man from before, the one with the missing teeth.

  Brody pushed his chair back. “Come on, Meda,” he said, emphasizing my name to show I was no “it.” He grabbed our dishes and dumped them in the sink. The man continued to stare even as the cook turned back to the stove to make more food for the rest of the men.

  Brody came back to me and addressed the man. “Do we have a problem?” he asked, stepping between me and the man. The man smiled and continued to chew. This guy was scary. He was beginning to bald, and I could see wisps of hair carefully combed over his bald spots, but he was well-muscled and looked strong.

  Brody turned and led me back to the bedroom so we could make up the beds and get the hell out of there.

  As we cleaned up, Brody disappeared to shower. Before he left, he asked if I’d be okay, and I assured him I would be fine. There was no way I was leaving that bedroom without Brody as my escort. I was determined to pee my pants if it came to that.

  Only a few minutes went by when there was a knock on the door, and when it opened, I expected to see Dan or Aaron, or even Brody, having forgotten something. But it wasn’t any of them. It was ol’ toothless. He must have known Brody wasn’t here to protect me.

  “Oh, yes?” I asked, trying to play it cool and not show any fear. I remembered how roughly he had grabbed my cheek when we first arrived, and I looked out in the hallway to see if anyone else was out there, but we were alone. I quickly stood up from the bed. “Can I help you?” I stayed near the bed, not wanting to get close to him.

  The man had stubble on his chin, and his body odor was sharp, pungent. He moved towards me. “Judge was right when he said I ain’t seen one of you up close. Mind if I take a look?” I didn’t know what to say so as not to offend the man. His energy was like a live wire. He was a little crazed in the eyes, but I wasn’t sure if it was real or my imagination.

  “Um, I’d rather not.” He moved closer anyway. I noticed his belt was open as he stepped closer. I backed up, tripping over a small rug. The man continued to move forward slowly and animal-like.

  “Well, ain’t you got a little attitude on you. You’re lucky we took you in. I think you owe a little appreciation for that.” He moved faster than I could back up, and he soon took hold of my wrist, which was still raw from the cuffs. I grimaced and tried to shake him off. I didn’t want to call out because I thought that might force him to do something worse than what he planned, whatever that was.

  I could smell the stink of his breath. “I want to touch your skin. I was wondering how it felt, if it was like clay or loose and rubbery.” He rubbed his thumb on the raw part of my wrist, and I couldn’t help but speak.

  “Please, that hurts,” I said, again worried I would offend him, but my patience was wearing thin. He suddenly pulled me to him, uncomfortably close. He was bigger than me, and stronger. I could smell some kind of alcohol on him, but I couldn’t dare risk shifting, not after they let me loose of the cuffs.

  While still holding my wrist, he brought his face to my neck. I had the irrational fear he was going to bite me as he took a long inhalation. “Hmm, you smell like a woman.” I closed my eyes and turned away, nearly gagging, and then suddenly, just like that, he let go.

  When I opened my eyes, Aaron stood behind the man. He had a blade pressed down on the man’s neck. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Aaron snarled in the man’s ear. I’d seen Aaron look angry before, but for the first time, it wasn’t directed at me.

  The man tried to shake Aaron off. “Get your hands off me, boy.” Aaron swiftly turned the man around and pushed him down on my bed. He leaned forward and put the knife to the man’s neck again.

  “If you even look at her funny again, I will cut you.” Aaron didn’t even blink.

  The man sneered but started to look unsure. “Kid, what is your problem? She’s a mimic. An animal.”

  “You are my problem, but you won’t be anymore if you go near her again.” Aaron pushed the knife down, not enough to cut the man, but to let him feel the pressure. “Get it?” The man gave a quick nod, and Aaron stood up and stepped away, leaving the man room to get up but also blocking the man’s view of me. The guy got up and spit on the floor before walking out of the room.

  Just then, Brody walked in. He was rubbing his hair with a towel but froze when he saw Aaron standing there with a knife. Aaron quickly slid the knife into his pocket. “What’s going on?” Brody asked, immediately moving to my side. I was sure he could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Nothing,” Aaron quickly answered. He walked by Brody and out the room. Brody turned to me, but I didn’t know what to say.

  “What happened? Did Aaron do something?” Brody’s eyes searched me, making sure I was okay.

  I shook my head vehemently. “It was that guy. I…Aaron saved me.” Brody looked confused, probably as confused as I was.

  Then Dan came in the room. He was completely oblivious to our tension and walked between us, picking up his bag. “Time to go, ladies,” he said, smiling at Brody. Then he stopped and looked at Brody’s flushed face and then mine. “What?” he asked.

  “Let’s just go,” I said. With the promise of seeing my dad and sisters again, I didn’t care about anything else, even if it meant heading towards another unknown.

  chapter 15

  Though they had provided fresh clothes for Aaron, Dan, and Brody, they didn’t think to provide me with any. Brody managed to track down some unisex clothes. I slipped into an old Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt and some black sweatpants that were too big for me, but considering I had been running around in scrubs before, I felt this was a much better look.

  The van we loaded into l
ooked like a corporate van, white and windowless. Dan slid into the driver’s seat. I got the sense he enjoyed driving. Aaron was in the passenger seat and immediately pulled out his cell and started clicking away. Once again, Brody slid into the back of the van with me, his dark hair still wet from the shower. He shook it, and a few water droplets flew off his close-cut hair. I could smell his shampoo from my spot across the van.

  Once we rolled out of the driveway of the safe house, I felt relief. Even though I wouldn’t call the boys my friends to their faces, they felt like it, and even Aaron didn’t scowl at me as he looked back to make sure we were all ready to go.

  I was back in a place where I at least felt safe, and we were on our way to my family. I tried to tell myself I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but hope was all I had. I didn’t even want to think about what the Opposition was going to ask me to do in exchange for my family, so I tried to enjoy the trip, if that was possible.

  We were on our way to Chicago. It was the first time I knew where we were, well not exactly, but at least the area. Prior to this trip, no one thought it was important enough to let me know. I laughed at that thought. This was the first time in over a year I didn’t feel like a prisoner. Brody looked at me and smiled. Aaron had his window down, and the breeze rustled my hair. I closed my eyes and felt my dark hair flutter on my cheeks. This was what freedom felt like, even if it was an illusion.

  While Dan drove, he babbled on about the Opposition, using his free hand to emphasize important points. “There are three groups. First, there are people like us. The revenge-seekers. The normal folk who got their lives taken away, erased.” I looked up at Aaron in the passenger seat, and I felt the pang of guilt. I reached up to spin my earring but forgot it wasn’t there. I gripped my ear instead. Aaron looked back like he sensed my eyes on him. He made eye contact with me, gave me a tight smile, and turned to the road once more. I dropped my hands in my lap.


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