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Captivated Souls (The Beautiful Souls Collection Book 3)

Page 14

by Ellie Wade

  Everything about Quinn is a turn-on—the sounds she makes when she’s chasing her release, the way her body moves beneath my touch, and how she pushes into my face needing more. It’s all so perfect.

  Her breaths come faster, mixing with wanton cries as she approaches the edge. She grips my shoulders and moans as her body starts to tremble, and she falls into orgasm. I groan, tasting her release.

  Her trembling body slowly abates. I leisurely kiss up her body until my mouth finds hers.

  “I want you,” she says against my lips.

  “I want you,” I breathe out.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, and I lift her off the ground. Her legs circle my waist. I carry her to the Harley. Positioning myself at the back of the bike, I lay her down across the seat.

  “Hold the handlebars.”

  She reaches back and grasps the handles on either side. I press her knees out to the sides and take her in, bare against the leather seat of my bike. She’s my fucking dream.

  “Hold on, baby,” I warn before I enter her with a collective groan. She feels so good. We both cry out as I start the delicious assault.

  In. Out.


  Her tits bounce up and down as I move inside her. Nothing has ever made me feel as good as this.


  We come together. Hard. Crying into the night air.

  I pull her off the bike, kissing her as I hold her in my arms.

  “I love you, Ollie,” she says between kisses.

  I can’t respond, so I simply kiss her harder.

  Chapter 23


  I can’t keep the visions of the moonlit motorcycle lovemaking session out of my mind. I’ve been on a high all week from it. After Ollie licked me to heaven against the tree, he took me lying on the bike before making me orgasm a third time as he entered me from behind as I stood leaning over the leather seat.

  It was straight from the sexiest porn movie ever created except it was so much more than incredible, mind-blowing sex. It was raw and emotional, romantic and hot. It was love.

  Ollie may not be ready to say it back, but I know he feels it. Honestly, I think he’s felt it for a very long time because if I’m honest with myself, so have I.

  “He’s the one,” I answer when my sisters Holland and Willow ask how Ollie and I are doing.

  I drove an hour north to my parents’ home today to go apple picking with my mom and sisters. Apple picking is one of my mother’s favorite family activities. We’ve gone every year since…well, since forever. There isn’t an autumn that we didn’t go.

  We almost missed this year, though. It was near impossible to get the five of us girls home on the same day with our schedules but we managed. Barely.

  It’s late in the season, so my favorite apple—honey crisp, was picked out. Today was mainly Rome and Braeburn apples which aren’t the best for eating plain. They’re great for pies and applesauce. We did manage to pick a big bag of Fuji and some yellow delicious, which are good eating apples.

  As per tradition, we’re back at my parents’ home now, where we’ll bake apple treats, make applesauce, and eat apples until our bellies hurt, as we do every year.

  “Really,” I say. “I love him. I think I always have.”

  “Does he love you?” my youngest sister Willow asks.

  I nod. “I know he does.”

  “But has he said it?” Holland chimes in.

  “Not in words, but everything he does says it.”

  Willow shakes her head and throws the pieces of apple she just cut for the pie into the bowl. “I don’t know. If he can’t say it, Quinn.”

  “Men are different. Maybe his love language is acts of service or something else. Your sister knows his heart,” my mom adds from across the kitchen, where she stands washing a sink full of apples.

  “That’s true,” Willow says. “I’m just worried for you, Quinn. You really seem to like him a lot and his history…”

  “It’s bad,” Holland finishes her thought.

  The two of them are as good as twins. Born less than a year apart from one another, they’ve always been close. Whereas my older two sisters, Iris and Harper, are twins and have been at each other’s sides since birth. There are a few years between both my older and younger sisters and me. It’s like mom had Iris and Harper and took a break for a few years before having me before taking another break prior to having Willow and Holland.

  I’ve always been close with my sisters, and they would do anything for me, as I would for them. Yet the two sets have a deeper bond with each other than they do me, and that’s totally fine. Alma’s my soul sister. Despite the fact that she was engaged, living with a guy, and then married, almost our entire relationship—we’ve been close from the start. Relationships are funny that way. When they’re meant to be, they just are.

  Like Ollie and me.

  “It’s different,” I disagree.

  Now that I know Ollie so much more than I used to, I can’t see his past as bad. He’s one of the greatest people I know. His journey made him who he is, and he’s pretty spectacular.

  “He’s an addict, Quinn. How can you trust that?” Holland says.

  “We’re just worried about you,” Willow adds.

  “He was a kid,” I say. “The meds that got him hooked were doctor prescribed. He’s been clean for twenty years and is seriously the best person I know. I promise you, I’m good.”

  “And it doesn’t bother you that he’s old?” Willow scrunches her nose.

  I can’t help but laugh. Willow isn’t much more than a kid herself. “Wait until you meet him. He isn’t old. He’s gorgeous.”

  “Girls, stop giving your sister the third degree. You haven’t seen each other in months. Surely, there are other things to catch up on,” my mother comes to my defense, but the truth is I don’t need her to. I know my heart, and I’m not ashamed of it.

  “It’s fine, Mom. I don’t mind the questions. You’ll all see when you meet him. He’s pretty great, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “I’m glad, sweetie.” My mother shoots me a smile that lets me know she’s on my side no matter what.

  “I’m going to go outside and hang with the kiddos for a bit,” I say before taking off my apron and hanging it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

  The kitchen door is closing behind me when I hear Willow say quietly to Holland. “I thought Beau was the one.”

  “Me too,” Holland agrees.

  I smile as I step outside so grateful that I didn’t settle for Beau.

  “Hey, Quinn-a-lynn.” Iris uses my childhood nickname that she and Harper came up with, though I have no idea why. I’ve never thought it made sense.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” I ask.

  “Finding the cutest pics from today to post,” Harper says, scrolling through her phone.

  My nieces’ and nephews’ giggles can be heard across the yard as my dad pushes them on the swings. Harper and Iris got married within a year of each other, and each have two toddler-aged kids, a boy and girl each. Even for twins, they’re ridiculously in sync.

  “Oh, I bet there are a lot of them,” I say.

  “So many,” Iris says.

  I take a seat on the porch swing beside my sisters, and watch my dad and the kids. I loved growing up here. It’s so peaceful. My parents’ home is a hundred-year-old farmhouse that they’ve renovated. There are two large red barns out in the distance that stand empty. When I was young, they housed our sheep we showed at the county fair every year in 4-H and sold their wool.

  I had a great childhood full of love and adventure. I have great parents and family. I feel nothing but happiness when I think of my life growing up. I hope to give that to my own kids one day. They probably won’t be raised on a farm as I’m pretty much a city girl at this point. But I want to give them the same amount of happiness and security as I had. And I want to do it with Ollie by my side.

  We’ve o
nly been together a couple of months, but I simply know he’s it for me. He’s the eight-year crush that’s finally mine.

  And I’ll never let him go.

  Chapter 24


  Quinn is so beautiful lying in my bed with nothing but a white sheet covering her body. Truth is, she’s gorgeous—always. Yet, there’s something about her in the morning. Hair in disarray, no makeup, and eyes still puffy from sleep is when I find her the most stunning.

  I carry the wooden tray in my hands.


  “It’s too early,” she grumbles into her pillow.

  The two of us were up late, entwined in all sorts of positions. My entire body was sore when I woke up this morning so I know hers must be hurting as well. The two of us are insatiable. It’s crazy, really. I’ve never been with someone who fits with me the way that Quinn does. It’s a whole new experience, one that I will never tire of.

  “I brought you breakfast,” I say.

  She bolts up in bed, her bed head looks like a lion’s mane, and it’s fucking adorable.

  “Food?” she sits back against the padded headboard. “I will never tire of waking up to a feast, Ollie. Oh my goodness. It smells so good.” Quinn yawns from my bed, stretching her arms out over her head.

  The sheet from the bed falls below her breast, and I internally groan and look away. We have plans today, and I can’t risk becoming distracted, which is easy to do when Quinn, especially a naked Quinn, is around.

  “Do you mind covering yourself up?” I instruct.

  “Seriously?” She chuckles.

  “Quinn,” I warn.

  “Fine. All covered.” She pulls the sheet up over her chest and tucks it beneath her arms. “But seriously, that looks amazing.” She eyes the tray.

  “You know it’s my favorite meal of the day.” I set the tray over her lap.

  “This is incredible.” She looks at the spread. “I still can’t believe you make such elaborate breakfasts, and here I was serving you stale Cocoa Krispies the first night you stayed over.”

  “I liked your Cocoa Krispies,” I say.

  “Lies.” She shakes her head.

  Bending down, I give her a chaste kiss. “I will eat anything you serve, and it wasn’t that stale. There was a slight crunch left to it. Give me a second. I’m going to go grab my tray and join you.”

  Moments later, I’m returning to my room with another tray of food. I sit beside Quinn and place the tray over my lap.

  Our trays contain French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, strawberries, orange juice, and coffee. It’s a typical breakfast. If I don’t have anywhere to be in the morning, I usually make a big meal. My mom always made big breakfasts for me, even on school days. I must’ve inherited my love for this meal from her.

  Quinn pops a strawberry into her mouth. “I love your breakfast obsession.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  Saki hops onto the bed and starts purring loudly.

  “Hey, lady. I gave you canned food,” I tell her as she walks over to my tray. “She wants the eggs,” I tell Quinn. “She’s been obsessed with eggs since she was a kitten. It’s weird.”

  “Can cats have eggs?” Quinn asks.

  “Well, she’s been eating them for twenty years so I’m thinking so.” I laugh.

  “I’ve never known a cat to eat eggs before. Maybe they’re the secret to her longevity.”

  “Perhaps they are.” I dump the strawberries from the little bowl onto my plate and scoop some eggs into the bowl before placing it on the bed for Saki. “Spoiled girl.”

  “She really is,” Quinn agrees.

  “It’s true. No use in denying it. She’s a princess and she knows it.”

  “She has to be approaching the world record for her age.”

  I shake my head. “No, the oldest cat was thirty-eight years old when she died. Her name was Crème Puff. So Saki has a good eighteen more years left in her.”

  “Thirty-eight years old? And you know her name?” Quinn laughs.

  “Only because Clem looked it up a couple of months ago and told me.” I grin

  She stuffs a large piece of French Toast into her mouth and groans, “This is amazing. Do you seriously make food like this all the time or are you just showing off?” she puckers her lips.

  “This is a pretty typical Sunday morning breakfast. I told you, it’s my favorite meal.”

  “Well, then, it’s official…I’m marrying you.”

  I jerk my face toward hers.

  She starts to laugh. “It’s an expression, Gorgeous. Calm down. We’re not getting married.”

  “Just eat your food.” I scoff. “We have a full day.”

  “So you really want to go clean out cages and pick up animal feces instead of staying here with me all day?” she lets the sheet drop from her chest.

  “You better pick that sheet right up,” I warn. “And I told you that you didn’t have to go with us.”

  She blows out a breath and covers back up. “I know but I want to spend the day with you, and it’s important that I get to know Clementine better. But tell me again, why is cleaning cat litter boxes going to help her with her sobriety?”

  I fork a strawberry and hold it out to her. She takes it in her mouth. “You’re so focused on the shit aspect of the day. You know there will be puppies, cats, and maybe bunnies to snuggle. And I told you, Clementine needs a purpose. She needs to find something in this world that she enjoys, that she looks forward to, that makes her happy. So we’re volunteering at several places to find what it is she loves.”

  “Like your first bike that you found in the junk yard did for you?”

  “Exactly. That bike changed my life. Clementine is flailing through her days without a purpose right now, and she needs one desperately. She’s going to college but doesn’t know what for. She doesn’t have any friends besides me. So I’m hoping if we can find a place that resonates with her she could find both, you know? A future job prospect, and maybe some cool co-workers with similar interests that she could become friends with. She loves Saki so much, I thought somewhere with animals would be a good place to start.”

  Quinn takes another bite of her French toast and leans her head against my shoulder. “You’re so sweet, Ollie. Like, seriously, you’re one of the best people I know in this world. I love the way you care for others so much.”

  I brush off her compliment. “You’re sweet, too.”

  She sits up and shakes her head. “No, I’m different. I care about those close to me. You care about everyone.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “Your heart is one of the things I love about you, Quinn. You’re a good person.”

  “Maybe.” She shrugs. “But Clementine is lucky to have you. You’re incredible. I want you to know that I see that in you, and I’m in awe.”

  I take a piece of bacon between my thumb and forefinger, and flick it toward her. “Eat up. You’re going to need the energy for all the cat shit you’ll be picking up.”

  “Hey! I thought we just agreed that I’ll be in charge of puppy snuggles.”

  “We’ll see.” I slide off the bed, leaving my tray behind, and shoot her a smirk. “I’m going to shower.”

  “Oh!” Quinn’s voice is filled with excitement.

  “Don’t join me,” I warn. “I’ll be quick and then you can go. We need to meet Clem soon.”

  The reality is that I want nothing more than for Quinn to join me. I’d love to stay naked with her all day—in the shower, my bed, the kitchen counter—wherever lust leads us. She’s addicting, and it scares me how much I want her, all the time.

  Once the water of the shower is hot, I step in. Seconds later, the shower curtain is being pulled to open to reveal a naked Quinn with a wickedly sexy smile.

  Well, shit.

  “Quinn.” Her name is meant as a warning but sounds more like a plea.

  “I can be quick, too. You know?” she drops her gaze to my evident arousal and slowly takes me in unt
il her eyes meet mine. Her green stare holds me, as she bites her bottom lip.

  “Fine,” I relent in a heated whisper, gripping her waist and pulling her toward me. “Quick.”

  “Quick,” she says against my lips as she wraps her arms around me. The second her tongue enters my mouth, I lose all concept of time.

  “I want this one,” Clementine holds an old gray cat against her chest, as he purrs loudly.

  The three of us spent the past few hours making sure all the animals in the shelter were fed and watered. We cleaned out cages, and mopped the concrete floors. Now, we’re in a large cat patio, or catio as the cool kids say, playing with the cats and kittens.

  A little black kitten swats at my hand, and falls over, his legs shoot in the air causing me to laugh. The black fur ball’s siblings climb up my shirt with their sharp claws and bounce on my shoulders like a jungle gym.

  I’m going to reek of cat when I leave here. Saki is going to be jealous, and probably angry with me when I come home smelling like cats. I’ll have to give her extra attention tonight so she doesn’t pee on my laundry which she’s done before when she was mad at me. Cats are weird like that. They don’t put up with shit.

  “You said the same thing about the orange tabby kitten a minute ago,” I remind Clem.

  She looks to the orange tabby now in Quinn’s lap and smiles. “Yeah, he’s cute but he’s a kitten, so he’ll get adopted. This guy’s old and will be looked over. He probably has some tragic story. Like, maybe his owner died and he had to come here to this scary place after losing his whole world or even worse, what if he’s never been loved? What if he was a stray and got caught and spent years here? It’s so sad. I don’t want him to die in a cage in the shelter.”

  “That is so sad,” Quinn agrees. “He seems to really like you. I’ve never heard a cat purr so loud.”

  “Clem, you’re going to want to take all the animals home. Every week there will be one or more that will break your heart but you need to be content with the fact that you’re making their lives better just by coming in here and playing with them, and showing them love,” I say.


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