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The Offering

Page 2

by Rosary Deville

  I darted for the thicket. Not a second too soon. An alpha leaped from the trees and landed right where I’d been standing. The soon-to-be slave beta was immediately devoured as prey to the alpha’s sexual appetites. As I ran, loud cries mixed with guttural grunts behind me. I was too curious. Even though I told myself not to, I looked back.

  The beta dangled off the ground, held upside down. His knees whacked against the alpha’s meaty thighs covered in thick fur. Pelvis thumping, the beast humped the beta’s ass. The boy’s face twisted in agony, his hands yanking tuffs of grass.

  The alpha threw his head back in pleasure, and his fangs jutted from his gaping mouth, his tongue darting out. Right at that moment, his eyes cracked open, like he felt me watching him. His gaze rested on me, and he licked his lips.

  I dashed off. To run faster, I transformed into a worg—our wolf form, as much as possible, given the medicine in my system. Godsdamn the Wolfsbane!

  There was no way I would be on the receiving end of that large cock. I would not be raped by that asshole.

  I can’t be taken out now! It’s much too early. I’ll become a slave beta.

  Shit, shit, shit!

  He was gaining on me and obviously on the prowl for slaves. I was a goner if he caught me. Worse yet, if I found an alpha, I wanted a female. But gender didn’t matter in our world. I’d belong to the alpha who claimed me.

  Something massive and black leaped past me. With a heavy thunk, another alpha blocked the slaver’s path. A huge, sightly beast, his majestic black fur shimmered in the moonlight. His eyes glowed neon blue. His white fangs glistened as they clashed against the slaver’s, who looked like a shaggy dog in comparison.

  Regardless of the black alpha’s attractiveness, he was still male, and I was not interested. But I took a moment to study them. I needed to get the hell out of there, not stand around stupidly eyeing them. I had always been too curious. The black alpha looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him. He was much younger than the slaver but held his own. In fact, he was winning.

  Shit. Either of them winning meant bad news for me.

  I raced in a different direction, hoping to lose them, looking for a place to hide. Papa told me to let the weaker betas—those destined for slavery—be caught first.

  Low mist hovered near the ground and clumped around large nearby boulders. A wide oak competed with the rocks, its knees growing over some of the smaller ones.

  I chose a nook between the oak and rocks and crawled inside.

  I took out Papa’s ointment from my backpack and applied it everywhere I could, including my genitals. It looked and smelled like the lichen that covered the boulders and would mask my scent. The ointment was short-lived, however. I couldn’t hide forever.

  Two alphas passed me from either direction. One was female. I wanted to jump out and get her attention, but then I kicked myself. I didn’t want to be mated. Simply because I’d seen some large males didn’t mean I was going to come running out with my tail between my legs. And besides, it was much too early in the game. If I was caught, female alpha or not, I would become a slave beta.

  Cries and yells came from every direction. Roars. Growls. Sounds of fighting. More betas were being claimed, and by the sound of it, we had moved past the time when the weaker ones got picked off. As proof of this, I spotted a large beta running with three alphas in pursuit.

  The beautiful beta sprang up like a frolicking deer—long legs, lean body, golden hair. There was nothing weak about this beta. Three alphas followed him, two females and one male. One slip up would be the beta’s downfall. The two bitches fought to get ahead, giving leeway to the male. The beta darted into a narrow ravine.

  Inside the valley, a small stream trickled. He still held the lead, but the muddier ground slowed him down. The alpha male reached him. Claws out, his fangs sank into the beta’s shoulder. With a cry, he lost his footing. The two alpha females lost interest. Longing entered the beta’s eyes as he watched the second female leave. He must’ve wanted her to claim him. Then he was topped by the large alpha male. The alpha grunted. The beta’s panting barely audible. I no longer saw him since the alpha’s larger body covered him completely. By the thrusting of the alpha’s hips and the grunts of pleasure from the alpha, he was fucking the beta.

  Fear spiked through me, and I darted out, running blindly.

  I don’t want that! Claimed by a large male, to be trapped forever beneath a savage monster. I didn’t want to submit, period. But if I had to, then I wanted a female. In my panic, I ran out into a clearing, the treeless cliffside was rocky beneath my feet, and I almost tripped. Ahead, three alphas fought over a single beta. She cowered, and then her eyes found mine. Her startled gasp alerted them to my presence. Two gave her up and raced straight for me.


  While not very fast, they waited for me to slip-up. But after I’d watched that other beta get taken down, there was no way either of them would catch up to me, not with adrenaline pounding through my veins. As fast as I could, I sprinted toward the cover of the trees. That direction was toward that slaver alpha, but I had no choice.

  I ended up losing them and ran along a winding stream, but stream was a generous word for the line of water that rolled through the rocks. The sound of moaning caught my attention. Up ahead, two alphas shared a beta—the female taking it from both sides. Her eyes were closed, and she moaned with them. She laid on top of one alpha. His strong hands held her down. The second alpha rocked into them as he rode her ass. There was something intimate about the scene that made me pause. I never thought the Offering, and especially not the Hunt, could be intimate. But these three looked that way. I passed quickly, having no time to contemplate them further.

  Off to my left, another claiming was going on. A young boy resisted a large alpha female. She had tied his wrists to a branch. Knocking him over, she barred down on top of his dick, and he sank inside her. She looked in ecstasy. As she rode his cock, clusters of her alpha juices stuck to his shaft, like pollen on a bee. The harder she rode him, the more clumps collected on his cock. It was her alpha prowess. The beta’s head fell back in a silent scream—his eyes cloudy, his mouth gaping. He jerked like something invaded his body. She was submitting him to her will, binding him to her. He was beyond hope at this point.

  This was the first time I’d seen Pollination close up, even though I’d jacked off to it in porn lots of times.

  Someone grabbed the nape of my neck. Shit, no! Why hadn’t I paid more attention to my surroundings?

  This alpha male was stout and gray. His jagged claws dug into my shoulder, and it ripped a cry from my throat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another beta. This alpha must have been cornering her before I showed up. She didn’t look back at me as she made her escape. The alpha who had me could have come from my worst nightmares. He had a large scar across his eye. His thick, weather-worn hide told me he’d been at this game for a while. He could be my papa’s age, not that age mattered for werewolves, but his face was truly menacing. The glee I found in his glowing red eyes terrified me. Veins riddled his muscular physique. One of his ears had been chewed off. He gripped my shoulder, tearing my skin. I clawed at his hands, face, biting wherever I could as he forced me onto the ground.

  I felt sure I was a goner when he was knocked off of me. Growling surrounded us. It was the large, black alpha that had taken on the slaver. He snarled at the alpha who had been about to rape me. Slowly, I crawled away on my hands and knees. That was when he turned his fangs on me, growling. He didn’t want me to leave, as if he already felt some ownership of me. Something in his eyes halted me and trapped my breath in my throat. I shook my head rapidly.


  There was no way I would be claimed tonight. And certainly not by a male. I took off running, leaving them to their fight.

  It was over shockingly quick. The dark alpha won. My alpha. It confused me when I momentarily thought of him as mine. My body wanted to submit. Arousal grew heavy in my groin, heat
ing me up.

  Hell, no!

  Instincts be damned, I was not born so I could have some male alpha’s pups.

  The black alpha picked up speed.

  Just then, two alpha males sprang from either side of the woods. I ducked low, and they collided into each other. I dodged around them. The left one snatched me back before the alpha on the right knocked him to the ground.

  Both alphas were beautiful—if I allowed myself to think something like that about the same sex. One was a scarlet red, while the other a golden bronze. Hopefully, the two would also stop the black alpha who still followed me, and I could make a getaway.

  Both tried, not wanting to let a challenger slip by.

  I dragged out a relieved sigh. Part of me was disappointed, and that part scared me. The rest of me was thankful. I didn’t want any of them to win—especially the strong dark alpha.

  It was apparent by their beauty that all three alphas fighting over me were from the upper-class. But my eye was drawn to the dark one—jet black with those piercing neon-blue eyes and riddled, muscular physique. Of the three, he was the most handsome. Shaking my head and trying to remove those unwanted thoughts about the beautiful alphas fighting for me, I left them to battle.

  When I heard them following me, I stole a glance over my shoulder. My heart stopped. Both the scarlet and golden-bronze alphas chased behind me. The dark werewolf must have been beaten. My heart sank. I wanted to slap myself. Why did I feel so let down?

  I ran blindly through the forest and over the rocks until I backed myself against a cliff. Both werewolves approached me, snarling. I retreated as far as I could go before I drew my fangs. There was no way I was going down without a fight.

  Perhaps they formed an alliance because they no longer fought each other. Instead, they homed in on me. Was I about to be claimed by two males?

  How would they take me? I only had one opening. Would they both try to fit? I trembled, but my beta brain started to submit. It craved having the alphas’ cocks inside me.

  Backing away, I shook my head and crouched low. They sprang at me, but before they could touch me, a black shadow leaped from the cliff over my head. He landed in front of me.

  There he is again!

  The black alpha.

  Gratitude overwhelmed me, and I could do nothing but stare at him. I wanted this alpha. I ached inside. Precum dripped from my hard cock. I wanted him inside of me.

  Violently, I shook my head. No. I did not want to be claimed by anyone tonight. I found a small opening created by their fighting and snuck out. The black alpha growled at me, and I couldn’t stop my shiver. He wanted me to wait for him. He wanted me to let him claim me. Already, it felt like he had his claws around my heart.

  No. I won’t submit. I won’t be bred or mated, not until after I graduated.

  Barely aware of where I was going, I sprinted off in an unknown direction—my body sluggish.

  Then I felt it. I didn’t know how, but I knew their fight was over. Stupidly, I stopped running and turned around. Both alphas that had pursued me lay on the ground. Dead? Knocked out? I had no idea. It wasn’t uncommon for alphas to kill each other in the Offering. One thing was for certain, the black alpha had won.

  Panicking, I took off running again, but I wasn’t moving fast enough. My body already wanted to obey him.

  Two paths approached as I neared a fork. I prayed that I chose the right direction. I was mid-way in when I saw ahead of me…

  I chose wrong. It was a dead end.

  The dark alpha stood at the mouth of the fork. Boulders and mountains loomed above me on either side, the path barely a route through the peaks.

  I had nowhere to go. The alpha knew he’d won. His smirk grew. The challenge blatant in his bright neon-blue eyes. He knew it. I knew it. My doom rapidly approached.

  Despite my fear and my resistance, beta juices leaked from my asshole and down my thighs. My erection grew painfully stiff, more juices dripping from the tip.

  He looked even larger as he neared me. His thick bulge grew beneath his ripped-up jeans. His eyes never leaving mine, he freed his massive cock—canine, hard, reddish-brown, and the largest one I had seen in my life. Its length and thickness grew by the moment while it gorged with blood. Cockhead swollen, prominent veins and grooves ran up the shaft. I swallowed. Something like that was about to go inside of me. Possibly forever.

  I’ll get bred by that?


  Spinning on my heel, I took off running until I came to the end of the path. He got behind me quicker than I imagined. I faced him with my back against the wall. Growling. Showing him my fangs to tell him to back off, I transformed into as much of a werewolf as I could. But there was no way he was leaving now. Not with the kill rapidly approaching.

  For a moment, I froze. Time slowed to a crawl. This was it. If I let him do this, I would be claimed. I had no hope of winning, but it wouldn’t be without a fight if I was going down.

  I sprang at him. I thought I saw his brow raise and his mouth smirk. Before it was all over, he had me in his strong arms, my back against his chest. He tipped my head to the side, exposing the valley between my neck and shoulder. Sharp fangs broke my skin, and I cried out at the excruciating pain. His power tried to make me yield. I resisted as much as I could, but his fangs sank even deeper. I reached out, for what…I wasn’t sure. For help, for freedom? He was claiming me hard, turning me from partial werewolf back into wereduin form.

  His claws scratched my pack from my shoulders. He caught the Mating Quilt while letting Papa’s ointment and the locker key spill onto the wet grass with the rest of the bag. With the hand not holding me, he forced open the quilt. Throwing it, he spread it on the ground with his foot, then he stepped us closer until we stood on its edge. We sank down until my knees rested on my quilt. One of the corners got bunched together. So when he forced me to lie down, the side of my face and shoulder smashed into the grass. He was heavy on my back as he continued to bite me. My thoughts were so incredibly jumbled that I couldn’t hold on to any of them. I felt vulnerable, like he had his hands inside my heart.

  “Yield to me.” His deep, gruff voice sealed my fate. I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to be claimed. Tears blurred my vision, muddying the dirt.

  “You will yield to me.”

  Slowly I nodded, even though I continued to struggle.

  “You’re mine.”

  My skin felt clammy. My body slick with sweat—mine and his. A heavy pulse thudded from his cock; his thickness pressed against my crack...

  Would it break my skin? Then, it found my hole.

  “No!” I couldn’t get him off me. He was far stronger and heavier. His teeth pierced through my skin straight down to the bone. It burned. Yet, I wanted it. I wanted him. He was my alpha and bounded me to him. Already, I lay in a pool of my beta juices. My hard cock dug into my stomach, and strings of precum added to the wetness beneath me.

  His hands pinned mine against the ground. With one brutal thrust, he filled me, his balls slapping my ass hard. Pain burst behind my eyelids. My cries muffled into the mud. He grunted in pleasure and bit me harder, then he scooted me over, so I was completely on the quilt. He panted loudly against my ear as he moved inside me, turning the bitter pain into something almost pleasurable.

  I had never had a cock inside me, spreading me wide open. I felt so full. He continued to grow until he cramped up my insides. I felt every inch of his massive cock, felt the blood pumping through the strong veins winding up the shaft when it moved in and out of my tunnel.

  His grunts filled up the narrow space. I thought I heard footsteps running away past the fork. I wondered if they would hear him devouring my virginity. Wondered if they’d heard me…what sounds was I making? Small, almost helpless whimpers that turned to moans.

  Every thrust shook my body. I’d had sex before when I dated a human girl, but not anal sex, and never with a werewolf. His weight and girth pushed me beyond my limits as he slowly broke me in. His en
ormous, solid build covered in soft fur pressed me into the quilt.

  He got up onto his knees and pulled me against him. His larger frame completely covering mine. His arm held me like a belt strapping me to him. The contours of his well-built chest and rugged abs pressed against my back. The thick fur didn’t stop me from feeling every inch of his muscles. Instead, they gave him a soft texture. He panted against my ear, and by the sounds of his pleasure, he was immensely enjoying his meal.

  A clawed hand grabbed my erection. I yelped as the tips scratched my skin. I was so stiff, I ached. Stimulation overdrive. I could probably be hard all night with the way he fucked me.

  He chuckled, his breath caressing my cheek. He held my cock steady, and I writhed against him, at the intrusion, at the force. I had never had another guy touching my cock, and the only girl I’d been with barely touched me there. It was nothing like this. He grabbed my cock like an instrument he knew how to play.

  Slowly, he stroked. His leisurely pace was the exact opposite of his rapid humping. My body molded to his as he covered me like a shell. He trapped me between his sea of muscles, moving me as he desired.

  A few times, I felt the dry burn when his fur and my skin were out of sync. His pubic hair scratched and cushioned my butt. Some of it had to get inside me as he fucked me bare, pumping more and more of his alpha essence inside me—as he tried to get me to submit.

  His thrusting turned savage as he raped me like the beast he was. He had me kneeling, one hand grabbing my cock, the other supporting his weight on the ground. The more excited he got, the more weight he put on me. I sank onto my forearms, burying my face into the quilt. My mouth parted, and small trails of saliva rolled down my chin, pooling onto the quilt.

  I didn’t get out of being claimed. I had been naïve to think I could escape. I ended up with a large alpha drilling his rock-hard cock up my virgin ass, growing harder with each thrust. In one night, I had been changed from sheltered pup to yielding beta.


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