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The Beast Within

Page 3

by D L Goddard

  Realizing where she had been seeking comfort, Anya seemed to come to herself. ‘Why was this creature even able to think let alone speak?’ Lord Savage had told her only that to ask it to move away as she entered using certain tones of her voice, knowing the beast would understand the inflections of her voice not the words she said. But, the creature had responded as any well-mannered gentleman would in understanding her plight and comforting her, and for a while she had actually enjoyed being held while she wept. The young woman wondered who was game playing here. Apparently, she was to be given to the obviously manlike creature to be used for what … she didn’t know. But then Anya happened to glance at the Beast before he moved out of the light and she stared in fright at the bulge in his tattered breeches. ‘Is that what she had been given to the beast for? Is that what the master meant when he said she would be grateful for his attention instead?’

  Anya knew in spite of the handsome exterior that drew women like flies; Lord Savage was a corrupt monster and obviously more of a beast than this poor creature seemed to be. But the manlike beast obviously was able to have wayward thoughts about her. ‘How human was he actually? Would the beast repel her as much as being with Lord Savage would?’ She already knew the answer to that question. No one repelled her as much as her master.

  Anya reached out and tentatively touched his arm. He turned toward her, his once beautiful mane was shaggy and unkempt and she longed to run a brush through it, making it shine once more. It was obvious to her that her master thought the prisoner in this cell was merely an animal. He’d often said the creature had some cunning intellect but nothing of note. All that was required is that the beast understood who was master. She smiled inwardly knowing it shone in her eyes at the thought of the ‘animal’ in the cell being better spoken and more intelligent than her master in spite of his ragged and unkempt appearance.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you, I haven’t seen anything of real beauty in a long time and in spite of my appearance, I do have needs and wants like anyone else. Forgive me … I don’t mean to offend.”

  Anya smiled a genuine lovely smile that lit up her whole face … He stopped and stared. It seemed as if she glowed in the filthy cell with her beauty, her whole face was transformed into one of such loveliness that he was rooted to the spot wanting her so badly. He had said she was lovely, but when she smiled … she was … breathtaking. Now he knew why Adam Savage wanted to keep her, to teach her a lesson. This woman was something very, very special.

  She came right up to him and stretched out her hand to stroke his smooth cheek. He bent for her to reach him and as he felt the touch of her hand, his big hands held hers against his skin, reveling in the feel of her. He felt on fire at just the merest brush of her silken skin. Something about Anya resonated deep inside him. He felt as if he knew her … that she was familiar somehow, and yet he knew he had never met her before this moment. But when she touched him, somehow it seemed so … right as if she belonged in his arms, almost as if he knew that they were supposed to be together. His heart knew her and he felt feelings for the young woman that he couldn’t possibly have felt before.

  She gently took her hand away and began to undo the laces on her bodice. The Beast just stared at her in shock.

  “What … what … are you doing?” The words were jumbled and awkward, bursting from him at the end.

  “I am getting undressed so that my clothes don’t get dirty. I have no way to get newly washed ones for two days so I need to keep them clean. We get in real trouble if our garments get grubby or stained. The master expects us to be pristine at all times.”

  He shook his head. “No … I mean … why are you getting undressed?”

  She looked up at him shyly. “Because I have been given to you for your reward; if I do not do what is expected, then I will be punished in ways I do not ever want to be again. I have no choice in this matter. I nearly died last time I disobeyed Lord Savage, I do not want to be in such a position ever again.”

  “So … because you have been sent to me, you’ll let me take you on the orders of your master?” His voice was hard, disbelieving. Somewhere there was a catch in all this; he half expected Savage to come in and shatter his hopes at the last minute. He knew Anya was a virgin and frightened, but because her fear of punishment was greater than what she was expected to do … she would do it anyway. In that moment he wanted the death of her master, to feel his life blood pour through his claws. He would have done it without feeling any remorse whatsoever.

  Anya looked up at him with clear eyes … there were no tears, no fear, just a warm smile on her lovely face. He found himself walking up to her, mesmerized by the beauty in those wondrous eyes. He held her gently against him then, drew away looking down at her.

  “You do not have to do this … I did not expect anything of you, certainly not something so priceless. Do not give yourself to such a beast as I am. I do not deserve you.”

  Anya continued with her unlacing. A large hand on hers caused her to stop. She looked up into his unhappy face. He did not want her to waste herself on him. She realized in that moment that she really did want to make love to the Beast. He was beautiful, his body was simply perfect, but his head which she at first found so terrifying, frightened her not at all. In fact, the more she looked at him … the more she found his face … wonderful. He was noble in a wild predatory way and as much as he frightened her … he excited her in ways she would never have believed possible. It was as if her heart already knew him and her body called to his. Strange as it was … she felt as if they were meant to be together.

  “I think you are under the impression that I find you horrifying or bestial. I think you are totally wonderfully beautiful and I would rather share my first time with you than learning about intimacy from Lord Adam Savage, who while he is so handsome and perfectly put together, he is more of a beast than you will ever be. I am not afraid of you anymore, strange as it may seem … I feel as if I know you, that our hearts are familiar.”

  He looked down into her lovely face, seeing the truth of what she was saying, hardly daring to believe this sweet innocent wanted to share her body with him. He bent his head and kissed her soft inviting lips, tasting her sweetness and feeling drunk on her sweet spicy fragrance. Her slender arms came up and around his neck as she pressed herself against his rock hard body. He pulled her tightly to him, crushing her curves against his bare skin. She was almost swooning as the kiss became deep and needy and he was using his lips and teeth in ways she had never imagined.

  He helped her remove her garments, laying them carefully on a bale of clean straw waiting for him to change his bed. All he slept on was a thick layer of fresh straw each night with one blanket. The master was afraid of rats and lice infesting his home, so even though the cell itself might not have been exactly clean, the bedding and blankets certainly were. And for that the Beast was very grateful.

  He lifted the wondrously perfect Anya and laid her on the blanket he had spread over the scratchy straw. For a few moments, he just looked at her, drinking in the sight of her loveliness then, he turned his back and removed his breeches, unwilling to frighten her. As he turned, the light flickered across his shoulders and back, Anya’s eyes widened in horror and sympathy at the cruel ragged scars and whip marks covering every inch of skin. She felt tears fill her eyes at all her sadistic master had put him through.

  When he turned back around, he couldn’t fathom the look on her face, but she opened her arms to him and he fell into them. For the rest of the evening, the Beast spent some time showing Anya he was capable of such tenderness that tears filled her eyes. When she recovered somewhat, he then became almost violent in his passion with teeth and lips and tongue doing things to her that sent her screaming over the edge, clawing his back with her sharp nails. What he did with his talons thrilled her to the core, feeling the dangerously sharp claws running over her soft skin with the constant terror of being harmed but somehow … not … and instead being taken to that exquis
ite edge of pleasure and pain where she shuddered and shook around him making him totally lose control as he roared his release, shaking the very walls of his cell.

  Anya was curled on top of him, sated and content. Her mouth was swollen from his kisses and she had never felt so at peace with herself before. She knew the master had gone out for the evening and was staying with an old ‘girlfriend’ for the night and for that she counted her blessings. It wouldn’t have been good for Lord Savage to have investigated the unbelievable roar that just came from the throat of her lover. But in spite of even that, Anya knew the man beneath her was definitely human and under some form of curse. There was a very wonderful man behind the lion like head and she was determined to find out what was going on. Not only that but, she vowed she would free him of his prison. She knew she herself might never be free of her master, but she was determined that one of them would find their way to freedom.

  She felt the Beast begin to kiss along her skin and she shivered as her body reacted almost immediately to his touch. Lifting her face to his, he kissed her beautiful full lips exploring her mouth with his tongue. She responded instantly to the fires he was lighting inside her and smiled up at him as he rolled her over onto her back. The Beast knew once Savage returned, he would never see Anya again and he was determined to spend every second making love to her. Never had he felt like this before and even when he had completely lost control; their lovemaking was little more than the primal need to procreate, she had responded with the same animal heat. It had stunned and delighted him and he let himself completely enjoy the moment. It was then that the Beast felt his seed take hold inside the fertile bed ready just for this moment. He knew he was right … he knew he had begun something that meant he had to get free … and in doing so … he had to take the lovely Anya with him whatever the cost. He vowed to himself that somehow soon they would be free of the sadistic Lord that kept them both for his twisted pleasure.


  Anya was working in the kitchen trying to figure out a way to free her Beast. It had been four days since she had seen him and her birthday was tomorrow. Across her bed was some form of lingerie that was so slutty in its tastelessness that she shrank in horror at the thought of wearing it. She was expected to wear it after the evening meal and go to his Lordship’s quarters. Her skin crawled at the thought of wearing something so provocative for Lord Savage.

  Ever since she had been fetched from the Beast’s cell, her master had looked at her speculatively, telling her he expected more from her than before. She was obviously no longer a virgin and had no reason to be shy around him. Having seen a male naked body and grown used to it in the two days he ended up leaving her with the beast, he expected her to be more forthcoming with her affection. He had saved her from having to endure the beast’s affections, she should be grateful for a more palatable bed partner.

  Anya looked at him in stunned amazement. He expected because she had been with the Beast for two days that she would be grateful for his handsome face and body instead. She had spent two days making love to the Beast and every single moment had been precious. He had told her he thought she was carrying his seed, but not to worry because the child would not carry the curse of his face.

  Anya had been so happy knowing it would be impossible for her to fall pregnant now to her master. His Lordship wouldn’t realize the child was not his, not until the last moment and then, the Beast told her there would be no mistaking who the father was. He had told her the ears were part of who he truly was and their child would carry them. She had stroked a slender finger down the length of the fine pointed ear, marveling at the shape of them and wondering if he truly was human after all or one of the hidden folk she had heard legends about. After all, the tales of the beast and the hidden castle were over five hundred years old; if her Beast was the same one as the legends then, he would be very old indeed. And yet, he didn’t appear old; she thought he might be around thirty. His age certainly didn’t affect his performance she thought as he began nuzzling a naked breast and taking the nub between his sharp teeth.

  It was much later when she finally dressed and somehow knew her time with her beloved Beast was at an end. He held her tightly, knowing this might be the last time he saw her and there seemed to be a lead weight where his heart should have been.

  “I don’t want you to go; I want to hold you in my arms forever.” He was frantic, worried what would happen to the lovely precious young woman when her master came and took her from him. He knew it was only five days until her birthday and he hated the thought of Savage abusing her beautiful body. He was so angry, his rage was a palpable tangible thing; Anya felt she could ball it up in her hands and use it for a weapon. It would have been better than knowing she had no way to protect him or herself for that matter.

  She clung to him, having made the most wonderful exquisite memories with him that might well be the only thing she would ever have to cherish of him for the rest of her life.

  “I don’t want to leave you either … I am afraid of what he will do to you once I have gone. I’m not even sure why he has left us alone so long; he’s not usually so ‘kind’.”

  Tears fell from her eyes and he delicately lifted one from her silken skin, carefully placing it in his mouth as if it was a gift of immense value. The gesture so stunned and touched her that she wept even harder.

  “Thank you for such a precious gift, for all you have given me … I am beyond words. I know this may sound strange to your ears, but … I am in love with you and if I were free … I would take you with me. Would you come if I could?”

  She flung her arms around his neck, kissing him frantically between tears. “Oh yes! … I love you … I wish my love could help you escape your curse and your cell. I would follow you anywhere. I want to bring up our child with you. Please stay safe for me, don’t provoke him my love then, maybe he will give you back to me.”

  They heard the heavy tread of a man’s footsteps coming down the passage. Reluctantly they parted after hurried kisses. Savage’s sneering face appeared at the grille. For once the beast was subdued and didn’t charge the bars. Lord Savage was pleased. Perhaps the beauteous maid had tamed the savage beast after all. Without a word to either of them he pulled Anya toward him. Unresisting … she went, but sent her Beast a look of such love that it melted his heart. As the cell door clanged shut he pulled futilely at his chains. He was helpless to do anything and it ate away at him.


  Her master came into the kitchen to find her, telling Anya he wanted to talk to her. He led her into the drawing room and sat while he studied her standing, watching him warily.

  “Tomorrow night I want you to wear the garments I have left on your bed; you are to change into them in my rooms. Then come into the suite that is directly attached to my bedroom. I will be having a few male guests over for supper and entertainment and they are looking forward to meeting you. After all, you have been with the creature in the cells for two days, nothing much should be a problem for you now.”

  He smiled in delight at the look of horror that crossed her face. She would not let her master’s cronies anywhere near her body even if it meant she had to kill herself to keep them from her.

  “But …” Lord Savage stood and slowly advanced on her, frightening her so badly she began to shake. “… I thought we could get to know each other better before then; after all you’ve already lost your virginity so there’s no reason why I should wait to taste you any longer. You really have grown up into a rather delectable young woman.”

  Without warning, he pulled her to him, holding her tightly in his arms. She made no move to pull away, trying to restrain the impulse to scratch his eyes out. Anya loathed Adam Savage with all her being, but she had no right to stop him from doing anything he wanted to do. He owned her body and soul and no one would protect her from him. He began kissing her neck and fondling her breasts until something inside her snapped. Anya pushed hard against him then, slapped him as hard
as she could across his handsome stunned face.

  Furious, Savage belted her across the mouth swinging her head wildly back and causing her to see stars. She felt blood in her mouth and her lips begin to swell, but felt unable to back down. She couldn’t let him take her, not now, not after the two days she had been with her Beast; she just … couldn’t do it. She went for him with her claws out and dug them deeply into his perfectly unmarked face that was the snare for so many unwary women. He yelled as her nails scored his cheeks, narrowly missing having his eyes clawed. Grabbing her hands, he pulled them from his face; his snarl was more terrifying than anything she had ever seen. She saw a clenched fist coming toward her then, the most agonizing pain before darkness claimed her.

  When Anya came to, she had been stripped down to her camisole and petticoats and tied to one of the posts of his four poster bed. Her hands were strung up above her head, stretched out as far as she could go and still have her feet on the floor … just … she was only able to stand if she pushed herself up onto the pads of her feet, almost balancing on her toes. Anya began to tremble, she had been beaten before, but this was too much like the story one of the other young women had told her about being flogged for her disobedience. The girl had shown Anya her back; scored horribly, criss crossed with risen weals that would never go away but be a permanent reminder of what the young women could expect if they pushed their Lord and master too far.

  She heard his footsteps and turned her head as far as she could. He was stripped down but for the long black pants he had been wearing earlier. He flexed the impressive muscles and as he did, a whip cracked the air behind her. She suddenly realized her hair had been tied up out of the way then, he walked up to her and grabbed the back of her camisole ripping it in half and baring the soft silken skin of her shapely back.


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