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The Beast Within

Page 11

by D L Goddard

  “Thank you both … so very much for … for simply … everything.”

  Her heart was so full, she felt as if she would burst. Never had she owned anything like the wardrobe the twins had made for her. There was simply no way she could ever repay them. Mir disappeared then, reappeared again almost instantly. He held a medium size velvet jewelry box in his gloved hands.

  “My Lady, would you lift the lid please?”

  Trembling for no reason she could think of, Anya lifted the intricate golden clasp. She gasped in shock. Sitting against the black velvet lining was an intricate platinum tiara crafted so delicately it looked fragile. Two flowers half open in their buds were drawn from the finest tracery making them appear almost lifelike although Anya had never seen any flower like it before. The stems had two slender leaves apiece that wound around the stems forming the arms of the crown. Set firmly in the center was a large flawless cut diamond and in the center of the flowers sat two smaller perfectly matched diamonds. The tiara was unbelievably gorgeous.

  Mir and Val knelt as they placed the crown perfectly on her head, not mussing one single strand. Before Anya could say a single word, Mir took out a small parchment from his jacket and read.

  “To My Darling Granddaughter Anya,

  It has been a very long time since a daughter has been added to our family and I had feared we would never see anything but males inside our castle walls. I have been overjoyed to learn of your existence and very sad to learn of the death of my darling daughter Mai. You have my condolences my dear; it is a very hard thing to lose one parent let alone both parents in such a short time. Even so … you are a Royal Princess of my blood and I had a crown made by the finest artisans on Serenor. It is yours my dear and it will recognize only you, no other head will ever wear it but yours. Wear it with pride my dear and one day soon come home and meet your family. I am sure Mir and Val have told you much about Serenor and its people.

  I am desperate to see my son Arahir, please help him before he becomes the beast in truth, for truly dear granddaughter, you and you alone can keep my son whole until he comes back to the castle. Thank you for your invaluable help in finding him my dear and I was overjoyed to hear of your union and the expectation of new life running these empty halls. Bring him and my great grandson home. It has been a very, very long time since an infant has been born among us. Please come home … soon.

  My highest regards,

  Your loving Grandfather

  King Caranor of Serenor.”


  When the letter ended, Anya realized the crown had fitted itself on her head perfectly and when her head moved, the crown stayed unmoving as if it had become part of her. Somehow Anya knew that no matter what happened, she would not lose her crown; it was truly hers. She had tears in her eyes when the twins knelt before her.

  “We joyfully introduce … her most Royal Highness, the exquisitely beautiful, Princess Anya of Serenor.”

  Then, they smiled and hugged her tight. Draping a luxuriously white soft fur wrap about her shoulders, Val and Mir each offered her an arm. They escorted the radiant Princess Anya into her coach to see the play. Never could Anya remember feeling this way, so much had happened so soon. She smoothed out the creases in her gown nervously, settling herself. It was going to be a glorious night.


  Chapter Ten

  The Beast was drugged, not chemically but magically. No drug ever concocted would work on the Beast, but a magic charm woven into the food he was eating was untraceable and without taste or odor of any kind. He had glimpsed places they had passed through; a long dark tunnel … the lush green meadow under the light of the full moon as he imagined making love to Anya among the richly scented flowers and the overwhelming fragrance of new green grass.

  She felt so real in his arms; he could picture her body … open and waiting for him while he plunged himself deep inside her. They moaned and arched together as they climaxed, then Arahir found himself really making love to his lady. It was no fantasy, she felt solid and whole under his hands. Arahir could finally do all he had wanted to when he had made love to his Anya. Taking his time, he pleasured her exquisite body, showing her that her scars could give her pleasure too as he nibbled the ridges and touched the weals in ways that made her tremble and shiver.

  They were in the meadow, the full moon hanging low in the sky and the light gleamed on her creamy skin making it shine like alabaster. The Beast wondered how she had become so real when he felt the twins in the back of his mind.

  “We brought you both together as much as we were able.” they whispered, “We were seeing her pining for you and worried for you both. Bringing you together so that you could help each other will protect both you and Anya. Help her Arahir for we are tied to you both. Please … forget us … just make love to her as you need to, we are not sure how long we can keep her solid.”

  Arahir felt the twins’ in the back of his mind, knowing somehow they had connected to Anya by a heart-thought. He was really angry at first, but he could also feel the despair and the loneliness in the hearts of the twins. Arahir decided to make love to Anya, enjoying every moment of the time he had, but also sending the brothers a very clear message. He gave them a gift and a warning, one the twins couldn’t help but understand.

  But as he and Anya lay sated and limp; the Enchantress showed up in a dreamlike image, furious and screeching. He saw her in all her true beauty, she positively glowed. Arahir saw disbelief on Anya’s face, knowing she could not accept what her eyes were trying to tell her. The scene reverted back to the Beast and Anya’s bonding when she fell pregnant and the soul-joining was one of such power that nothing and nobody could separate them. He knew then that the Enchantress had felt the joining. She was obviously furious because she had hoped to trap Arahir by joining with him even if she had to force the bond by magical means. But now … it was too late and Lirima was determined to destroy the woman that stood in her way.

  The possibility of Arahir’s death as a result never even caused Lirima pause. She was sure the strength of her magic would be enough to keep him alive in spite of the death of Anya and their unborn son. From what snippets she had gleaned about Anya through her sources, Anya was human, so the strength of the tie would not be strong enough to harm Arahir anyway. She picked up from the Beast as she entered his dream that Anya was pregnant. The death of a bastard son, one half human and the other half Seren … well … even Arahir would realize that no child should survive being so impure. Any child Lirima bore to Arahir would be a pure mix in that the child would be of the race of the Hidden Ones regardless of the world they came from.

  Arahir jerked awake. He had picked up on Lirima’s thoughts and her plans for his Lady. He had to prevent them happening. She might have picked up some surface thoughts from him, but he had read everything she was thinking about her plans for him and Anya and forcing a joining with him. He was terrified for his Lady. Somehow he had to warn the twins to ward themselves against the Enchantress. Someone was helping her and passing information to her. Thinking aloud … he thought he might just know who it was. But he wasn’t sure how, or even why. And what was Lord Savage gaining from his aid. But Arahir knew Adam couldn’t have done everything on his own. Someone had to have helped him … someone from his world had to have helped Lirima in her schemes to destroy the Keeper. She knew immediately when he went missing. As soon as he was taken, Lirima began trying to weaken the portal that stopped anyone from entering the castle while the Keeper was absent.

  The portals ensured he was given time to visit his family on Serenor without anyone breaking into the magic stored in the castle. The Living Light knew when he left and when he returned and the Light took a very curious set of precautions when her beloved Beast left. The Beast always was able to go anywhere the castle wished, ensuring he was not trapped to the limitations of Castle Barshael; the Castle traveled throughout the portals it guarded, hidden in the castle’s grounds allowing Arahir to visit all th
e worlds he kept safe and at peace, from people like Lirima.

  Arahir gave a mighty yawn. He knew he was being kept sleepy and docile from something either ingested or something in close proximity to him. It was draining his magical strength and he knew if he didn’t find it he would be delivered dozing and content to the Enchantress. Then, his life and Anya’s would be over. He had to break the hold the magic had on him and escape. He had to find his way back to Anya and strengthen the bond. Maybe they could sort the heart-touch out as well. He really liked the twins and didn’t want them hurt. But he didn’t want anyone else joined to their bond.

  Just thinking of his lady love made him ache. He stretched, yawning hugely once more. Sending her all his love through their link and feeling that their son was growing strong and he was healthy … he began to doze. He was passing through a dense forest and he thrilled at the sounds of life everywhere. He felt the wagon carrying his cage squeak to a halt. At least they would go no further tonight. The Beast really had no idea where they were headed and it bugged him. But hopefully one of the team would let slip some useful information soon.

  The moon called and an owl hooted. The Beast sighed on his bed of clean straw and scratchy blanket. He closed his heavy lids and between one breath and another … the Beast slept.


  Chapter Eleven

  Anya blossomed like a beautiful flower opening for the first time to the sun. She was dazzling, drawing men and women’s hearts like a flame. The twins felt the pull of her warmth everywhere they went and were amazed at the effect a happy Anya had on all those that came near. The gathering Anya had gone to with the twins after the play ‘The Golden Bird’ was put on in her honor for the exclusive gentry to meet the newly discovered Princess. They watched as skeptical upper class snobbery was warmed and finally melted by her loving graciousness and her infectious smile ensuring they left her circle well pleased with knowing the wonderful Princess Anya.

  Realizing she was suddenly looking a little pale, the twins realized the baby was starting to drain her energy. Mir and Val were not wasting their time by attending frivolous parties and forgetting their real task; they were gleaning information on the whereabouts of Lord Savage by picking up on all the comments and hints dropped to his friends and cronies. Unfortunately most of his circle was in the dark as much as the twins were, but one person they knew might know something wasn’t at the soirée.

  Mir and Val left Anya to be the center of attention especially after being connected to Arahir all night had reignited the spark of their bond. As a result … she seemed to glow drawing everyone like a moth to a flame. Mir found himself looking at the beautiful young woman … thinking how absolutely stunning she was and how glad he was she had come into their lives. Because he was watching her so intently, he saw her go as white as a sheet, her body began to fall. Before he stopped to think; Mir was beside her, catching her in his arms. Anya smiled gratefully as she lost her grip on consciousness.

  Val had seen his brother race to Anya’s side, knowing no one in the room could possibly have seen Mir; he was moving faster than a human eye could follow. With Mir carrying Anya and Val beside him, they followed their hostess, Lady Mason to the guest suite. Laying her on the huge four poster bed, they loosened the stays and laces on her gown and petticoats. She was burning up and yet they had to deny their need of a physician assuring them she just felt a little faint due to a passing illness. But after a rest, they informed the gathering, Princess Anya would be fine. Neither brother saw an overdressed man slip out of the room and follow them cautiously. They were so wrapped up in Anya’s sudden illness that they hadn’t bothered to check anything else.

  While they were making Anya more comfortable, they tucked her in the bed in just her camisole watching in amazement as her small belly went through the second stage of its gestation. She was noticeably rounder and her belly grew hard and hot. They had a problem. One of them would have to go home and get other clothing for Anya; placing restricting garments on her baby belly would harm her son. Val was planning on going home when they discovered the man hiding in the other room.

  Val frog marched the man into the room with Mir, demanding he walk in front where Val could keep an eye on him.

  “What are you doing in the Princess’ rooms and why were you following us?”

  To the twin’s surprise, the portly overdressed man threw back his head and laughed.

  “Princess? Hah! She’s no more a Princess than I am!”

  “How dare you sir! Who are you and how dare you say that about our Princess.”

  The Lord sat himself on a comfortable chair and stretched, his feet crossed comfortably on a footstool and his hands steepled over his rather rotund stomach.

  “I am Lord Silverstone and I was an ‘Uncle’ to Anya. Her parents were good friends to me long before they died of the plague. But she is nothing more than a common peasant.”

  “Whom you sold on the block not ten minutes after taking me into your care after promising my dear Papa on his deathbed you would raise me as your own. When Winton your driver reminded you of your promise, you threatened him with losing his job, making his wife and four children go hungry as a result. Winton couldn’t risk his family starving after it took him so long to find a job. So while you dined at the finest restaurant the town had to offer … I was stripped and examined most intimately then, chained and sent to the block to be sold to the highest bidder. I was bought for three gold coins, two of which you were given before you left to go home to your childless wife and your luxury mansion. I on the other hand, was sold to Lord Adam Savage for his own brutal uses.”

  Her voice was strong, commanding and she was standing straight drawing the men’s eyes to her. Anya had never looked more beautiful, her skin glowed and her hair floated around her head as if blown by an unseen wind. Her sheer camisole clung to her lovely curves accentuating her pregnancy and a look of cunning flitted over Lord Silverstone’s jowly face. He leered at the luscious body then, grinned at the two men who were even more captivated by the commanding figure than he had been.

  “So ‘Niece’ …” he stressed his relationship to her, “Who is the father to your babe? Is it one of the men here or is it Lord Savage’s get hmn? It is obvious you being a Princess is just another word for a common whore these days. Maybe you just slept with the right nobility. How many of the men did you sleep with to get your crown?”

  Lord Silverstone missed the anger on Anya’s face as well as the fury that filled the two men behind him. So intent was the Lord on his plan, he would not be deterred from finishing. “Although … what you get up to is certainly none of my business … I wouldn’t tell a soul of your pregnancy or of knowing where you’ve come from. But of course … everything has a price you understand. I am finding myself a little out of pocket these days and my coffers could do with a regular generous donation to help me keep silent. After all it is little enough when you are so happy with your lovers. Shall we say ten thousand gold crowns a month?”


  Anya was outraged at the greedy man’s avarice. The amount he asked was more than most Lords used in a full year. It amazed her he placed such an outrageous price on his silence. She shook her head stiffly.

  “You forget yourself ‘Uncle’.”

  Anya put every bit of contempt in her words that she was capable of. Lord Silverstone was incensed.

  “Why? Is it too much to ask that you give me some of what you have so freely been given. Everyone knows your ‘Uncles’ as rich as Midas and from what they have spent on a common block whore, they can spare what I want. Just because I don’t have a body to barter with, but I can upset the nice little setup you have here if you don’t pay me.”

  Anya wanted to wipe the smug expression off his hated face. But first … she was going to deflate his hopes.

  “You’re forgetting something Lord Silverstone … you see … once, I actually thought we were related; which confused me completely. But Prince Selmir and P
rince Tûval are from a foreign land called Serenor and they were looking for their sister, Princess Mai. She had eloped with a very handsome, dark haired man who had helped restore parts of her father, King Caranor’s castle. The young couple fell in love and ran away. After getting married, they settled in a little village where she wouldn’t be recognized.

  The young woman named Mai was a Healer and cared for the sick, while her husband made things and repaired furniture to roofs and windows. When she fell sick and died, he died of a broken heart, not the plague at all. Your snobbery and selfishness meant Princess Mai’s only child was sold as a slave. You see Lord Silverstone; I even have a letter from my Grandfather King Caranor who had my crown made for me because I was the only child of Princess Mai. So whatever you may think … if you try to say a word I will tell them of your greed and your broken promise to a man on his deathbed. I’m sure your wife will be delighted to know that her only chance to have a daughter was sold to the block. Not only will that hurt your marriage but your reputation will suffer rather badly as well.”

  Anya watched as her Uncle got redder and redder. ‘How dare this little snip of a girl, a whore playing games pretending she was something more than a common peasant … how dare she threaten him?’ Silverstone advanced on Anya … his fists clenched by his sides. His intentions palpably clear. He would teach her a lesson she would not soon forget.


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