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Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1)

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by Helene Gadot

  "Awesome. I'm going to slip inside and see if I can't explain to this douchebag that stalking is not appropriate courtship behavior. I'm going silent for now."


  Ridley landed on silent feet as she dropped from the fire escape to the sidewalk below. She stuck to the shadows as she slunk around the corner, making sure her mask covered her face. If this went wrong, she didn't need him ID-ing her. Or any local security cameras. The piece of shit had a swanky place, paid for with a Legion paycheck.

  The Legion wasn't some league of heroes liked they pretended to be. They were just as corrupt as the so-called knaves they went after. It had taken every one of Ridley's resources to stay off their radar, and she planned to keep it that way.

  She cast her illusion, making her look like a leggy redhead stumbling back home after a few too many drinks. Anyone who saw her would see what she wanted them to see, not a brunette in all black with a matching mask.

  She needed to rethink her outfit, the tight black fabric didn't breathe in the hot Hawaiian air. But she had to disguise herself even while she hated having similar costumes to the Legion aces.

  Ridley frowned up at the apartment complex, not wanting to go through the front door. Too many eyes, too much security. But with her illusion in place, it would have to do. There wasn't another way up there.

  "I'm seeing movement from his place. I think he's coming down."

  "Shit." Ridly was hoping to keep it contained, not turn it into a brawl in the middle of the street.

  "Do we try again later?" Malia asked.

  Ridley considered it for a moment before shaking her head. "No. Let's follow him and see where he's going. Hopefully he'll lead us right to a nice private creepy alley or corner or something and I can deal with him there."

  "This might be better."

  "I doubt it." If she started throwing illusions around in public, it could draw the wrong attention.

  She slowed her steps and ducked into the alley beside the apartment complex, waiting for the guy to show. It wouldn't surprise her if he was headed out to torture that poor woman some more.

  An important detail they'd forgotten clanged through Ridley's mind. "What if he uses his power? We can't keep up. And this is too high class of an area to do here."

  Malia's force field was a last resort. Not the first.

  "Shit. This is turning into a complete clusterfuck."


  "Dammit, are you sure you don't want to call it?"

  Ridley massaged her temples. "Let's see how things go first. If he takes off, we will reassess."

  "All right. He's coming out the front door now."

  Ridley's lips curled at the sight of him. He was slick and blonde and covered in lean muscles. Even the way he walked set her teeth on edge—filled with arrogance like he utterly believed he was God's gift to the world.

  "I got eyes on him. He looks like a douche, doesn't he?"

  "Super douche."

  "I hope he fights."

  Malia's laugher filtered through the ear-piece. "You always hope they fight so you have the excuse to beat the shit out of them."

  "It's cheaper than therapy."

  "You really should look into both."

  "Eh." Probably. It had helped Malia a lot, but Ridley didn't trust strangers with knowledge of her past. Not with her past alive and powerful somewhere out there.

  The guy sauntered along the sidewalk, ignoring the line of cabs. He passed the alley Ridley hid inside, and after he checked around to make sure no one was paying attention, he just disappeared.

  "Shit. Release the field. We can't do it here." Ridley bolted out of the alley, searching for him even though she knew it was pointless.

  "Already done. And he's gone. He's fast as shit."

  A horrible realization hit Ridley. "We need to get to Sarah's house as soon as fucking possible."

  "Fuck, we're idiots."


  Adrenaline fueling her, Ridley raced back to her parked bike, and threw her leg over the seat, screeching off into the night. Malia yelled in her ear to wait, but Ridley ignored her. Malia would just have to catch up. He was probably already there.

  She pushed the bike faster, slipping like a shadow of mist between the traffic clogging the roads. Tourists. It was a Friday night, and they were all out to experience Hawaiian nightlife. She used her illusion power to make herself invisible, though she didn't bother hiding the roar of her bike, but most people were too tipsy or self-involved to question it.

  Ridley whipped between two taxis, her handlebars millimeters from scraping their sides. Her heart pounded as helpless fury washed over her, no sign of the usual bliss when she rode. Worry rode her too hard for calm.

  "If he hurts her..."

  "He has been sticking to nasty surprises and scaring her. And you're almost there and I'm less than a mile behind you." Malia's voice was strained.

  "We should have expected this. Planned for his power." Ridley made a hard right, almost knocking her side mirror into a trashcan.

  "We threw together this plan in an hour. If we'd had more time, we would have."

  "Dammit." A left and she was on the street Sarah lived on.

  "I know."

  "I'm turning into her parking lot now." Her eyes searched the area, but there was no sign of the guy.

  "I'll be there in less than a minute."

  "Set up the field as soon as you do."

  "Already planned on it."

  "He's not getting away this time. I don't care if it causes a ruckus." Ridley leapt off her bike and left it parked haphazardly, half on the sidewalk, racing towards the apartments. "I'm going to send her out to you. Whatever happens, get her out of here."

  "Will do. Be careful."

  "No promises." Ridley slowed as she approached the front door of the building, checking for anything suspicious.

  "Any sight of him?" Malia asked.

  "Not yet."

  "Maybe we were wrong."

  "I hope so. But I'm getting her out of there anyway. Let's get her to a safe house or shelter until we deal with this fucker."


  Ridley kept the invisibility illusion wrapped around her as she shoved through the doors of the lobby. The security here wasn't the best. No doorman, the security cameras were visible and easy to dodge, no guards, no keycards for the elevator. No wonder it was so easy for her stalker to get in and out without being seen.

  She took the stairs instead of the elevator, too impatient to wait, her boots stomping on the concrete steps. "What floor is she on again? Three?"

  "Yes. Apartment number 307."

  Ridley grunted her thanks and cracked open the door to the third floor, peeking through the gap. The hall was empty and silent. She slipped across the carpeted floor.

  "She knows you're coming. I didn't want you to scare her."


  Ridley arrived at the woman's door and inspected the area, but found no evidence of foul play—no packages, no trip wires, no snakes.

  She tapped out a quiet knock, releasing her illusion. Sarah threw the door opened, her face pale and eyes wide and frightened. "I already packed. I'm ready."

  "Good. Let's get you out of here."

  "He's here," Malia said.

  "Shit. I'm getting her out of here now." Ridley grabbed Sarah's arm and hustled her out the door. "Don't let go of me."

  "He's here, isn't he?" Sarah's voice shook.

  "He is."

  Sarah moaned. "He'll never stop."

  "I'm going to make him. Now, do everything I tell you and it'll be fine." Ridley held open the stairwell door for her.

  "He hasn't entered the building yet," Malia said.

  "Don't let him. Not until I get her out."

  "What's going on?" Sarah asked.

  "I have a friend outside who is going to get you away from here while I deal with that asshole."

  "Send her out the back entrance," Maila instructed. "It's clear and I'll be right

  Ridley stopped on the bottom floor. "I need you to go out the back. My friend will be waiting for you."


  "Yes. You'll be fine. He's out front."

  Sarah's shoulders stiffened in determination. "All right."

  "It'll be fine."

  Sarah didn't reply. Ridley understood. She wouldn't believe it either.


  Ridley double checked her mask and her weapons, a shiver curling up her spine. She was sick of assholes thinking they had the right to whatever they wanted, regardless of everyone else's wishes.

  "I've got her."

  Ridley relaxed at Malia's words. "Good. Get out of here."

  "No. I'll keep her safe, but I'm not leaving you."

  Ridley cursed. "Dammit, Malia. You agreed."

  "I lied. Now, deal with him so we can all go."

  Ridley slipped out the door, no one paying attention to her. "Stay hidden behind your field."

  "You aren't my commanding officer. You're my partner. You don't get to give me orders. I've trapped him in a nice dark alley for you."

  Excellent. "I guess I can forgive you since you wrapped him so nicely."

  "I'm so happy to have your forgiveness. Thank you so much." Sarcasm coated Malia's tone.

  "Yeah yeah. No need to get snippy."


  Ridley winced at the high pitch and volume of Malia's offended tone. But her face turned into a smug grin when she saw Tyler bouncing against Malia's field. Red stained his face as he tried to use his speed to break through, but he only smacked his face into the invisible barrier. Malia's powers were strong. Mostly defensive, but few marvels could get past her field.

  Ridley leaned against the building with crossed arms and watched him struggle for a few minutes, hoping it would wear him out. It took him a while to notice her.

  His face twisted with rage. "Who the fuck are you?"

  She waved at him. "I'm a friend of Sarah's."

  "No, you aren't. I know all her friends."

  She kept the rage from showing in her expression. "Because you stalk her. Didn't your mother teach you manners? Or consent?"

  He spat at her, but it bounced back into his own face. "You women are all the same. Yapping about consent, but you wear your sexy clothes and then pretend to be offended when we notice how hot you look."

  Ridley ground her teeth, breathing deep, but he was destroying her calm. And her enjoyment. It was time to end this. "Clearly, you are too stupid to live. But hopefully you have just enough intelligence left to learn a lesson. You are going to leave Sarah alone."

  He flexed, like that was supposed to impress her. "Or what? What are you going to do to me? Keep me trapped in your little field forever?"

  "This isn't my field."

  His eyes widened, and she smiled. "Did you think I came alone?"

  He tried to play off his worry. "Of course not. You're just some girl. No way you can handle me on your own."

  "Oh, thank you. I am going to enjoy the hell out of this."

  His eyes narrowed. "Out of what?"

  "You sent Sarah snakes, right? I wonder if you like them as much as you seemed to." Ridley used her powers to make it look like his entire body was wrapped with writhing and poisonous snakes.

  A scream ripped from his throat and his eyes bulged in panic.

  "What's wrong? You don't like being terrorized? You don't like being scared?" She made him believe the snakes bit him, one after the other.

  He screamed again as he felt the phantom venom spread through his body. The mind was easy to trick. He believed he'd been bitten, so he felt the sting of fangs, felt the poison.

  Just for fun, she added spiders, curious if those scared him too.

  They did.

  He screamed himself hoarse while she stood there grinning like an asshole.

  "Are you going to leave Sarah alone?"

  "Yes. Yes." His voice was breathy with panic.

  Ridley stepped right up to the edge of the field. "Are you going to turn your nasty-ass unwanted attention to any other women?"

  "No. No. Just get me to a hospital."

  "I'll find out if you're lying. I'm going to stalk you just like you stalked Sarah and probably scores of others." Malia had already flagged his social media and other accounts.

  "I swear."

  She shook her head. "I don't believe you. You'll say anything to make me stop. I think I want to get a full confession of what you did to Sarah that I can send to the Legion. I think they need to know the kind of scumbags they have working for them. Though I doubt they give a shit."

  Malia's worried voice crackled in her ear. "Shit, Rid, you've got incoming. Get out of there. Now."

  Before Ridley could ask any questions or run, four men in Legion uniforms and masks surrounded her.


  Maddox and his team traveled by rooftops and fire escapes as they patrolled their section of the city. Things had been quiet lately while they waited on more intel on the knave they were after. It made him twitchy.

  "What the fuck?" Cormac's British accent was harsher than usual, drawing Maddox's attention.

  "What is it?" Maddox asked, concern spiraling through him.

  "I'm not really sure. I'm seeing a dude covered in snakes and spiders while a woman in a mask stands there and watches him."

  Maddox's brows furrowed. "Where are you?"

  "I pinged the location. You three should get here. Now."

  Maddox checked his phone as the rest of his team sent their acknowledgments. It was only three blocks away. He used air elements to help him get there a little faster and in less than three minutes, he arrived at Cormac's side.

  His mouth fell open as he looked down at the woman and man. "Is she a knave?" A masked woman in all black, weapons strapped to her hips stood a few feet away from a man covered in snakes and spiders.

  Cormac didn't turn away from the sight. "She's clearly powered. Looks like illusions. If that many poisonous snakes and spiders bit him, he'd be dead already."

  Maddox peered more closely at the man. "Isn't he a Legion ace?"

  "Yeah. A prick, but he's one of us."

  Beckett and Reese appeared behind them, cursing at the scene.

  "I want her alive. She may have intel we could use and I want to know who the hell she is." Something about her struck him as familiar, but he couldn't place it. "If you see anything strange, ignore it. Her illusion power is strong."

  It irritated him that she would use her powers this way. She could do so much good, but instead chose to torture an ace, a hero. And apparently enjoyed it if the smirk on her lips was anything to judge by.

  Maybe they could turn her if she wasn't too deep into the darkness yet. Her powers would be a good addition to their team. But he wasn't interested in someone who enjoyed violence. They weren't trustworthy.

  Cormac disappeared, slipping down the fire escape to approach her unseen with his power of invisibility while Reese used his flight to dive to the ground behind her. Maddox used his power over the air to float himself and Beckett down on either side of her.

  The only sign the woman gave of her alarm at their appearance was the slight tension stiffening her shoulders.

  Maddox didn't give her time to spin more illusions or run. He, Cormac, and Reese reached for her, power dampening handcuffs slapping around her wrists. Beckett tried to assist the still screaming man, but he ran up against an unseen force.

  She had force field powers too? Or was it some sort of illusion?

  Once the handcuffs encircled her wrists, the snakes and spiders disappeared.

  "Now," the woman said.

  "Now what?" Maddox demanded.

  She ignored him.

  The barrier was gone, but the man took off before Beckett could reach him, leaving nothing but a puddle of piss behind.


  Ridley prayed Malia played it smart and got herself and Sarah the hell out of there. At least she released the
force field at just the right moment so these idiot Legion aces wouldn't realize she wasn't working alone.

  The jackass got away and she could kill these four for it.

  And now he saw her arrested, so he wouldn't be scared of her coming after him.

  "Damn you morons. If he kills her because of this, I will ruin your lives. Slowly. Before I kill you."

  "What the fuck is she going on about?" A masked man with a British accent asked.

  The biggest one shook his head, his long hair swaying. "I don't know. Let's get her out of here and get some answers."

  Ridley didn't bother fighting as they led her out of the alley. She pretended to scratch her ear and flicked the device to the ground. The last thing she needed was Malia in trouble too. She needed to remain free and keep Sarah safe until Ridley figured out a way out of this. Dammit. She'd been so caught up in her enjoyment of his torment, she hadn't paid attention to anything else.

  And now, her powers were smothered and all the fight training she had wasn't going to get her away from four Legion aces. Especially not before she discovered what powers they had. They way they appeared out of thin air didn't inspire a lot of confidence in her ability to escape.

  And if they ran her DNA through the Legion's system, it could raise a bunch of flags. She'd erased everything she could, so hopefully they'd just run fingerprints. Those were clean. But a blood sample was harder to erase.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  They loaded her into the back seat of a black SUV, the Brit and the tanned California surfer looking one trapping her between them. She sat stiffly, trying to calm her breathing and shrink her body so she didn't brush up against them. The men kept their masks on and didn't touch hers as they drove through back streets, leaving Waikiki behind and headed to the North Shore.

  The Legion office wasn't out there. It was in the center of Honolulu.

  Her brows shot high when they pulled into the drive of a large beach house built almost right at the water's edge. She knew the Legion paid well, but this was ridiculous. A place like this would go for millions.

  Meanwhile, she lived in what was basically a hovel above her garage.


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