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Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1)

Page 8

by Helene Gadot

  Ridley breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of the club and pointed to the gleaming sign. "Look, we're here."

  "To be continued, then. Time to pretend we actually like each other."



  Once they arrived, Ridley waited in the car while Cormac exited and tossed his keys at the valet with a wink and a sharp word about the condition it better remain in before he opened the door for her.

  She took the hand he stuck inside and let him pull her to her feet, wishing she wasn't in the stupid heels. Though they sure packed a nice, sharp kick when the situation called for it.

  Cormac threaded her arm through his and escorted her past the line of waiting people behind the ropes and with a quick pass of cash, they were inside.

  She leaned over, pretending to whisper coyly in his ear. "I get the same treatment at Jerry's without the bribery."

  "That's not something to be proud of, pet."

  She shot him a banal smile, but didn't bother hiding the irritation in her gaze. He smoldered at her and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  She jerked a bit, but tried to cover it with a breathless laugh. "You're going to smear my lipstick."

  "My kiss isn't the only thing that's going to smear the lipstick on those pretty lips of yours."

  Ridley's mouth dried at his words, not expecting their cover to be quite so graphic. She swallowed hard. "I'll need a few drinks in me for that."

  Cormac grinned and towed her towards the bar like he was in a hurry to get her wasted. After that, Ridley definitely needed a drink or five to steady her nerves. She wasn't much for undercover with a partner, usually she sat at a bar alone to get her target to come to her.

  She had to keep an eagle eye on her drinks as well, since this place was known for its roofies. She didn't think Cormac would abandon her to such a fate, but she only trusted herself and Malia to look after her well-being. Definitely not this guy who wanted her gone as much as she wanted to be gone.

  Damn Maddox for pairing them up. Reese would have been a lot more fun and comfortable. Cormac was too intense, too much of a dick.

  He helped her onto the plush barstool before he slid in beside her, his body brushing against hers, his leather and linen scent teasing her nose.

  Seven drinks. She needed seven drinks.

  Cormac raised two fingers, and a bartender came right over. Ridley buried a snort. Of course he got his service fast. He oozed arrogance and the expectation that the world would gladly lay itself at his feet. It was somehow disgusting and arousing all at the same time. He was made up of contradictions.

  She wished she didn't find it so compelling. She was addicted to risk and danger and heady thrills and he was all three wrapped in a very sexy package.

  He didn't bother asking her what she wanted to drink, instead he ordered for both of them, too quietly for her to hear over the music and chatter around them.

  The bartender returned with some pink drink in a martini glass and a scotch on the rocks. He set the pink one in front of Ridley and the scotch in front of Cormac.

  Before she could bitch even muster up a glare, Cormac switched their drinks, sipping with utter confidence at the pink drink. Ridley completely melted inside. She had never seen anything so fucking hot.

  She was grateful they were on a mission or she might not have been able to stop herself from dragging him into the bathroom. His eyes laughed at her behind the glass. She decided to play a little too, refusing to lose to whatever game he was playing.

  She slid a hand up his thigh and leaned in. "It's so sweet you remember my favorite drink." Though how he knew, she had no idea. A question better asked of Beckett.

  His breath hitched. "Of course, pet. I remember everything about you."

  She slid her tongue across her bottom lip and his eyes tracked the movement like a starving predator. A shiver shuddered up her spine. "Maybe I don't need as much to drink as I thought."

  "Ready to get out of here?"

  "Definitely not before dancing." She sat back and grabbed her drink, swirling the amber liquid the same color as Beckett's eyes before taking a sip.

  It was a struggle not to moan at the taste. She'd never tasted scotch like this.

  Cormac leaned over to whisper in her ear, his breath teasing her skin. "Never had a Macallen before?"

  Goosebumps trailed down her neck. "Nope. Not on my salary."

  He moved closer, his lips actually brushing her skin. "Bet it's way better than cheap beer and onion rings."

  She swallowed, trying to wet her suddenly dry mouth. "Not better. Just awesome in a different way."

  He sat back and shook his head. "You're as hopeless as Maddox."

  Speaking of, Ridley caught sight of them walking through the doors like they owned the place. She turned away, but pointed her chin towards them so Cormac knew they'd arrived.

  "Finish your drink, pet and we'll dance."

  She took a sip and leaned into him while she drank. One of his hands settled on her waist, his fingers digging in with a possessive curl. She was losing sight on what was their cover and what was real. The line was too blurred for her to see any longer.

  She threw back the rest of the drink and sat up. "Ready?"

  Cormac's pink drink was already gone. "I suppose."

  Ridley wrapped her hand around his and hauled him out to the dance floor. The music pumping into the bar wasn't her favorite, but it had a decent enough beat. She hadn't been dancing in longer than she could remember. The bars she and Malia frequented didn't have dancing.

  Usually a crowd like this made her anxious, but tonight something else ran through her veins. She told herself it was the thrill of the mission overtaking her usual nerves, but even she didn't buy the lie. Having a team at her back, even while she was trying desperately not to trust them, kept her calm and confident even as bodies crushed her from all sides.

  She paused in the center of the dance floor and spun to face Cormac, her stomach writhing with uncertainty. He eased her into his arms with a gentle touch, his hands settling low on her hips, moving to the rhythm of the song. She inched closer until they were basically plastered together, winding her arms around his neck.

  She avoided his gaze as their bodies ground against one another, his cock hard and pressing into his lower belly. Lust pooled inside her and her core swelled. He released his left hand from her hip and gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  "What?" Ridley asked.

  "We're supposed to be a couple and you're showing more interest in the crowd than me."

  She didn't want to look at him. She didn't want him to see the desire she fought.

  Ridley cleared her throat and met his eyes. They were lighter than usual, more glinting silver than thunderclouds. His hands dipped lower on her waist, brushing the top of her ass, pressing her into him. She almost let out a moan, but she stopped it just in time. Was this part of the show, or was it something more? His stiff dick digging into her made it seem like something more, but maybe it was nothing more than a natural reaction to having a hot woman writhe all over him.

  "Relax. I'm not going to bite. Not unless you ask me to."

  He had to be fucking with her.

  Before she could figure out how to respond, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Some pale tourist type slipped something into the drink of the girl he was trying to chat up on the dance floor.

  "Spin me. Hard."

  Surprisingly, Cormac didn't argue with her and did what she asked without comment, sending her whirling through the crowd of people. She yanked from his grip and careened over the floor, unsteady in her heels, as she slammed laughing into the girl, causing her to spill her drink.


  Ridley grabbed the girl by her arms and put as much valley girl into her voice as she could. "Oh my gosh. I am like so sorry. My man over there got a little like excited dancing and I might have had more to drink than I thought. Come on. Let
me help you clean up, then I'll totally make him buy you a replacement drink."

  She didn't give the girl a chance to object as she hustled her over towards the restrooms. Inside, she dropped the act. "I really am sorry about your dress, but that drink was drugged."

  The girl's irritation vanished, leaving shock and horror in its place. "What?"

  Ridley winced. "Yeah. I saw him slip something into it."

  The girl let out a screech of rage, her pixie-like face flushing scarlet. "Dammit. I'll cut his dick off."

  Ridley didn't disapprove of the plan. "I won't stop you, but I will warn you, this place is known for date rape and them getting away with it."


  "I can help you get out of here without him seeing you if you want. And I suggest never coming back here and telling all your friends."

  She straightened her dress. "You can bet your ass I'll be telling them. And leaving a few Yelp reviews."

  "Hide your IP address if you do. Do it anonymously."

  "What kind of place is this?" Her hazel eyes widened, fear finally creeping past the shock.

  Ridley gave her a grim look. "A dangerous one."

  "Thank you for helping me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't..."

  Ridley patted her shoulder. "I know. Now, let's get you the hell out of here."

  "What if he's waiting for me?"

  "It won't matter."

  "Then how am I getting out?" The girl's face wrinkled in confusion.

  Ridley smiled at her. "Right by my side."

  "But he'll see and might follow."

  "He won't see you. I promise."

  "You're a marvel?"



  "Just walk right beside me and don't say anything. Once we're on the dance floor, you'll still be invisible until you're outside."

  Not really invisible, but she wouldn't look like herself to anyone.

  "Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much."

  "Don't mention it. Seriously, don't tell anyone a marvel helped. I'm on an op."

  "How exciting. My lips are sealed."

  Ridley wasn't so certain, but she couldn't leave the girl to escape on her own. Even if it put their mission in jeopardy. She would always choose the safety of the victim of an abusive asshole over everything else.

  She opened the door and held it for the girl who now looked like a dirty blond white woman. She trembled against Ridley as they moved through the crowd towards Cormac, who waited with worried eyes.

  Ridley smiled wide at the woman. "Have a nice night."

  She nodded and headed for the door. A line of sweat ran down the side of Ridley's head as she kept up the surrounding illusion until the girl was gone. She released it with a breath of relief and turned to Cormac.

  "Everything all right?" Cormac asked.

  "Yeah, she wanted to be alone. I think she was a little pissed off at me. She declined the drink."

  "That's too bad."

  Ridley shrugged. "It was an accident. If she wants to be a bitch about it, that's her problem."

  "Want to dance your bad mood away?"


  Cormac smiled and drew her close. "I take it that was her who just left."

  A wicked smirk curled her lips. "Yep. Where's the dude?"

  A matching smirk appeared on Cormac's mouth. "He's taking a nap in the men's restroom."

  "Nice." She nodded in approval.

  "Maddox took care of it."

  "Is it time?"

  "We have two minutes."

  Ridley searched the mass of writhing bodies for her team. Not her team. The guys she was reluctantly working with. She needed a better term for them. The shitheads. That worked.

  It didn't take long for her to find them. They stood out even among all the other beautiful people there. Several women surrounded them, tossing their hair and batting their eyes. A surge of something ugly roared through Ridley at the sight. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn't like the shitheads. She didn't want to hang out with them, much less live with them. Sure, they were hot, but they were also annoying and stupid and annoying and arrogant and nosy. And very annoying. Maybe if they got some, they'd leave her alone.

  "How am I going to change the illusion when they have this much attention already? I should have done it before they came inside." This wasn't going to work.

  "Don't you have to see them to cast the illusion?" Cormac asked.

  "Yeah. I should have come in here with them under the illusion and then you could have picked me up."

  He spun her around so he could see them. "Please don't tell Reese you didn't like his plan."

  She grumbled. "I would have told him to his dumb face if I realized this was going to be the reaction."

  "Don't worry. They may be excellent at drawing people in, they're even better at sending them running away screaming."


  He chuckled. "Just keep watching. You'll know when they're ready."


  He spun her so her back was to his front, his cock pressing into her ass, his arm wrapped around her waist. They swayed back and forth, the shitheads right in their line of sight. She noticed them peeking over at her and Cormac over the shoulders of the woman flirting with them.

  Reese suddenly pulled Maddox into a kiss who responded instantly, cupping Reese's cheeks and kissing him back. The women sighed, disappointed, and turned to Beckett. He shrugged with an apologetic smile and shook his head. Maddox broke away from Reese and turned to Beckett, trailing a hand down his arm and tugging him over to kiss him too.

  Cormac's lips teased Ridley's neck. "You're staring, pet."

  Her breathing hitched. "I think everyone is."

  "Like what you see?" His voice was deep and soft and teasing.

  Ridley couldn't help the shiver vibrating through her. Cormac made a strangled noise and cursed under his breath.

  "Wait for it."

  The girls filed away, leaving the three of them alone. They kept up little kisses and touches as they moved towards the shadows in the back of the club. Cormac turned her again, so she didn't lose her line of sight on them.

  "Wait till I tell you. We have to be sure no one's looking."

  "I know." She ground the words out, annoyed he was telling her how to use her powers.



  Maddox didn't feel any different, but his two teammates turned into the most gorgeous women he'd ever seen. They looked like they could be super-models in tiny, shiny dresses. He looked down at the huge boobs Ridley gave him and held back a laugh.

  Reese had just told her hot. Apparently, she decided to have fun with it.

  They definitely shouldn't have any trouble getting past the velvet ropes now. He was just concerned people would wonder where the hell they came from.

  He rubbed his chest, curious if he could feel the tits as well as see them, and he could. Her illusions were so strong, the mind tricked him into feeling it. If he focused, he felt his own hard pecs, but it took concentration.

  Damn, she was talented as hell.

  Reese gaped at his own body, then back up at Maddox and Beckett, shock on his pretty new face. "Wow. I kind of want to take my new self for a spin before we do this."

  Beckett slapped the back of his head. "Don't be gross. Come on."

  They walked back out to the main part of the club, men's eyes roving up and down their bodies immediately. Maddox ignored them and checked on Cormac and Ridley. They had taken seats in a corner with a complete view of the club. Ridley was snuggled up to Cormac, a drink in her hand, her focus on them.

  He shot her a wink, smiling when her lips twitched. Watching her and Cormac dance together still had him turned on and wishing he could yank her away from his friend and grind on her too.

  Maddox knew Cormac, and his performance wasn't just for their cover. He'd been enjoying himself even though getting him to admit it would be impossible.

  The thre
e of them headed for the bar, acting like they didn't care if they were invited behind the velvet ropes or not. Hands slid against his sides and ass as they waded through the crowd. He didn't react, but fury lit up inside him. He ached to grab those grasping hands and break their fingers.

  Before they placed their orders, a hulking bouncer approached. "Would you ladies care to join the owner and his friends in the VIP section?"

  Beckett turned and smirked over his shoulder. "Sounds fun."

  Maddox was impressed with Beckett's acting skills. He'd have to send him undercover more often. They followed the bouncer to the spiral stairs leading up to the balcony overlooking the rest of the club. He flashed a glance at Cormac and Ridley, but they were still in the same spot, a perfect view of the balcony from their position. Cormac was ducked down, whispering into her ear and Ridley was biting her lip. Maddox sucked in a breath at the sight. They were sexy as hell and he hoped this op would be a turning point in their relationship.

  She'd shown interest in all of them as much as she tried to hide it. He had no problem sharing her with his closest friends. They were ohana. And they already shared everything. She wouldn't tear them apart into different directions. She was the first woman they'd all been attracted to, especially on this level, so quickly.

  He reminded himself to slow down. She'd only known them a couple weeks. They still didn't know who she really was. And she didn't know who they really were either. Right now, to her, they were rebel Legion aces forcing her to work with them. She didn't know what drove them, what dark secrets were hidden in their own pasts. He couldn't rush this and he didn't want to scare her off. It was time for him to give her some space and let her decide to join them on her own terms.

  There was no way she was some kind of evil mastermind. He wasn't going to turn her over to the Legion for doing exactly what any of them would have done in her shoes.

  He just hoped she'd want to stick around after they finished this mission.

  Maddox shook off his thoughts and focused on the scene in front of them. There were about fifteen other people sprawled out on the black couches up here, drinks flowing freely. Their target sat right in the middle of them, a girl on each side. Neither of whom was his wife.


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