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by Anna Ambrose

  Lucy briefly considered what she would taste like, trying not to think about how her parents and the church believed same-sex relationships were abominations. She didn’t have that prejudice, but it was hard to shake her upbringing.

  Self-consciously, she also wondered if Ry preferred the girl’s hairless sex to her trimmed one. But she knew if she kept spiraling down these tangents, she was going to make herself crazy. She tried to stop worrying. If his erection was any indication, he was fine with her just the way she was. For tonight, at least.

  Rylan pushed her to lie sideways, but she kept sneaking peeks at the other girl… until he slipped out of the clothes he had on. He was gloriously nude, his erection thick against his tight belly. It might not be as long as Xander’s, Lucy decided, but it seemed wider around.

  Gripping the head, Ry squeezed, highlighting how thick he was, and Lucy had a moment of pure panic. She wasn’t sure she could handle the size of him with her lack of experience, but she dismissed the thought. No reason to scare herself yet. Besides, women’s bodies were made to accommodate a man’s.

  Ry crawled between her thighs, the rough hairs on his powerful legs against her over-sensitized skin making her whimper. Erection still in hand, he started to rub the blunt tip through her folds. It was like steel velvet. The sensation had her rolling her hips, but despite the apparent enjoyment he got out of it, he stopped before she could reach the peak she’d only ever crested by her own hand a few times. She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood, desperately wanting what he refused to give her, even though his heavy eyelids and drawn features told her he’d been affected, at least sexually, by touching her.

  Lucy pushed down the fear that he wouldn’t have sex with her at all—that he’d make someone else do it while he made love to the pretty Becca—and tried not to appear awkward as she held still, waiting to see what he would order her to do next.

  Chapter 5

  Instead of issuing a command, he bent without a word, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth. She instinctually arched into him, wanting more.

  “Rylan, God, please,” she begged, gasping when he sucked her nipple so hard his cheeks went hollow. He nipped at it, that mixture of pleasure and pain boiling in her again. When he switched sides to her other breast, he wasn’t gentle, biting and sucking until she was crying out.

  “Can’t get enough. Taste so fucking sweet, so sweet,” Ry murmured, and his words squeezed her heart. She was so leaving this house with her heart broken. He was just in the moment, just into the sex, and she knew he didn’t mean anything by it. Probably didn’t even know what he was saying.

  Just rambling sweet talk—bet he’s the same to all the girls.

  Head lolling to the side to get out of her thoughts, she saw the other three watching them intently as Ry continued to use his mouth and hands on her breasts. Becca had moved into her boyfriend’s lap, facing outward, her feet on the bed on either side of his legs, but her knees held together. Her dainty hand was on Xander’s thick cock, stroking it slowly, while Liam’s were on her knees. Xander was completely nude now, having pushed his pants off, and he was so confidently and casually sexy that Lucy was envious.

  Lucy gaped, hands held loosely in Ry’s hair, when Liam pulled one of Becca’s knees open wide with one hand, then suggestively held three fingers up to Lucy with the other. Using them to point to his eyes and then hers in a ‘watch this’ gesture, he delved them between Becca’s thighs. Lucy’s eyes widened when he plunged all three into the brunette’s glistening pussy without ever breaking their eye contact, causing an explosion of butterflies in her own belly.

  God, had Lucy really just used the word pussy, even in her head? She’d never even thought of a woman’s sex that way, but it just felt naughty, right, and she wished she had the courage to say it aloud.

  As Liam tunneled his fingers in and out deeply, he rubbed his thumb against Becca’s clit on every downward stroke. The girl’s curls bounced as she rode his fingers, mouth slack with pleasure, her bottom—no, her ass—moving against the erection Lucy knew she had to be sitting on. Her grip on Xander’s cock followed her rhythm, the sounds of their combined pleasure loud even over the radio.

  When Rylan’s rough fingers swept over her own inner thighs again, Lucy’s body lit with molten fire. Dipping briefly into her wetness, he brought the moisture to her most-sensitive area, making it slicker than it already was. With deft fingers, he stroked her, gliding easily around where she wanted him most without touching it. He caressed her folds on either side of the little nub, laughing as she moaned in frustration.

  “Greedy girl,” he said, right before he leaned to sink his teeth into the lobe of her ear. The brief pain mingled with the intense sensations made her body tighten. Her vision went hazy and she involuntarily moved against him, blindly seeking release. Her shifting made his fingers brush against her throbbing center, and the white-hot shock made her gasp.

  Rylan seemed to realize she was close to finishing by her whimpers and swiveling hips. Gripping her firmly to stop her movements, he sat back on his knees and opened her thighs wider around him as he positioned her slightly toward the crowd, so they could see her body better. Her dazed eyes caught the figure of a different girl staring in at them from the doorframe, eyes locked between her legs, but Ry’s voice snapped her gaze to him.

  “Look at them again, Lucy Lou,” he said mildly, seemingly unaffected by the need that had Lucy desperate.

  Trying to focus, Lucy peered at him. Rylan had her lower body in a vise grip, but she unconsciously slipped her hand between her legs, wanting a moment of relief. The instant it met her arousal, she hissed between her teeth, but Rylan snatched it away, pinning her hands to her sides.

  Frustrated, she grudgingly gave her attention to the others in time to see thick spurts shooting from the cock of the guy getting a hand job. Becca milked Xander for every drop as he groaned between clenched teeth, her arm moving faster and faster.

  When Liam removed his fingers from Becca’s bare pussy, he abruptly stood, making her tumble off him.

  The indignant, “What the fuck?” the brunette shouted only got her yanked up and thrown face-first over Xander’s lap. Liam shoved her dress high, and she struggled, cursing. His sweatpants rode low on his hips, his arousal straining against the thin fabric as he bared her curvy bottom.

  “Guess we know who needs her ass smacked now,” Rylan remarked casually, a man of very few words tonight. “You know what to do, Liam.”

  Liam grinned, appearing almost vicious, as Xander held the struggling woman down with almost no effort. “Oh, hell yeah, I do.”

  Lucy’s heart was in her throat. They weren’t going to hurt Becca, were they? Trying to convince herself the waves rolling through her were fear, not fascinated anticipation—but failing—Lucy guiltily kept her eyes glued to the scene, unable to move herself.

  Liam reached underneath the bed, drawing out a small black whip, its braided leather tassels making a thwack sound when he hit it against his palm.

  The noise instantly stilled Becca’s struggles. She whipped her head toward the side, her wide-eyed stare and gaping mouth causing Lucy to stifle a nervous giggle.

  “You have no idea how happy it makes me that I got to pull out my toy.” Liam’s face was wickedly gleeful. “Now, want to tell me you’re sorry for getting Xander off first and you need to be punished…or you want to fight and make it worse?”

  Xander’s low, silky, “Oh, please fight,” had Lucy unconsciously testing Rylan’s hold, the desire to touch herself again at the implied promise in Xander’s voice making her forget she couldn’t. Ry’s warning jerk on her wrist made her jump, and she went slack. His pleased smile got him a sheepish one in return, and he lifted to nuzzle into her neck, whispering, “Soon, Luce.”

  Apparently, Becca had decided not to rock the boat, but didn’t apologize either. She stayed tense and still, all while watching Liam, dread and eagerness on her easy-to-read face. Remembering the other girl, Lucy
whipped her head to the doorframe. She goggled for a second at the blonde who had one leg propped on the frame, staring into the room, as another girl on her knees pushed a vibrator into the blonde’s pussy. Liam’s voice brought her attention back to Becca.

  “Aw, you’re no fun, darlin’. I would’ve rather enjoyed a fight.” Liam pouted, pushing his bottom lip out. Lucy had the sudden urge to bite it, suck the plump offering into her mouth, but he was too far away and busy. His voice got deep, rumbly. “But since you won’t even show me the courtesy of saying you’re sorry…” He raised the whip high, bringing it down forcefully on Becca’s ass. She cried out, legs scissoring as she tried to get away, but the steel band of Xander’s arm, muscles flexing, held her in place.


  Xander adjusted the thrashing girl, shoving his other arm under her to grip between her legs.

  Did he just pop his thumb into her ass? Lucy thought dazedly. If the drawn-out moan from Becca was any indication, he most definitely had. And yet…


  Becca was begging now, squirming, only managing to tighten Xander’s hold, his hand between her legs still moving. Her pleading was broken only by moans. “Not again, please. No. God, y-y-yes.”

  Confused, turned on, and nervous, Lucy stared, unsure about the mixed signals. The girl’s pleas to stop sounded like she meant them, but the breathy moans contradicted it.


  “Say it,” came the harsh demand.


  “Fucking hell, Liam, I’m sorry,” she gasped, face as red as her ass.


  It seemed to put her over the edge, and she exploded in a whirlwind of arms and legs that broke Xander’s hold. Dropping the whip, Liam brought a ruthlessly wielded bare palm onto her fiery red ass, the sound echoing louder than the crack of the whip, before yanking her by the hair until her mouth was in the vicinity of Xander’s cock, which was only at half-mast.

  Liam held her there, forcing her to be still. “He’s always the go-to for you because he can get it up more times than anyone we know, right? You seem to be enjoying him tonight, so have at him. He looks like he needs some help getting in the game.”

  Her panting sobs caused Lucy to once again feel like she was doing something wrong, though the pulse-humming desire she felt from simply observing told her that her body thought it was oh so right.

  “Suck it up, Becca, and face your punishment like a good girl.” Rylan’s voice was an authoritative boom.

  Lucy swung her head toward him in surprise. He nodded for her to continuing watching but released one of her hands. He distractedly played his fingers over her skin, keeping her on the brink.

  The brunette didn’t argue, only wrapped her lips around the proffered cock. Xander pushed his hips up, not quite hard, but amenably driving into her mouth as Liam held her.

  Forcing her to take Xander in deeper, Liam used her hair as a piston. It didn’t take long before she had worked Xander into full arousal. He took over and continued the assault, keeping up a punishing pace that had to be halfway down her throat. Besides an occasional gag, she deep-throated him with an ease that amazed Lucy.

  Liam sprang his own dick free, spit in his palm, and rubbed it all over the hard length of it. He wasn’t as big as either of the other two men, but he was more than adequate, his shaft fitting his lean, lightly muscled physique. He was attractive with his classic good looks and intensely bright blue eyes. His skin was fair and lightly freckled, his white-blond hair a little too long, so different from the darkness of Ry and Xander, but the perfect complement.

  After kicking free of his sweats altogether, Liam put one knee on the bed, his other foot on the floor, and straddled Becca’s ass, smacking it with his erection a few times. He spread her cheeks apart, slid between the plumpness, and pushed them together to sandwich his hardness, grunts leaving him at the minuscule thrusts he made.

  Lucy had never seen anything like it, wondering what it would feel like to be in the woman’s position. Every time she peeked at Ry, he was staring at the others avidly, desire all over his face. He barely swirled his fingers over Lucy’s skin, apparently finding the show more appealing than he did her.

  But if Lucy were being honest, she found it unbelievably erotic, too. She just wished he’d pay the kind of attention to her that the other girl was getting twofold.

  Lucy cupped her breast with her free hand, hoping to entice him back to her. It worked for a moment. He covered her fingers with his, kneading her flesh, but then lost interest. She huffed, and he swung his gaze to her, flattening his lips before moving from between her legs.

  Chapter 6

  “Becca, come here. He doesn’t need to come again yet. Xander, why don’t you rest a few and then show Liam there that you’re a team player, huh?” Ry’s voice went gravelly as he said this, the dark undercurrents of his tone sinful. Lucy wasn’t sure what he meant by it, but Xander’s body stiffened.

  Liam backed up so Becca could stand and saunter over, her tear-streaked face at odds with her lust-filled eyes. But Lucy was already shaking her head. No way. Rylan was not putting his hands on that girl. Forget this. It might be dumb since he wasn’t hers, but dang it. Sighing, she knew it didn’t matter what she wanted. It was what Ry wanted. She had to get used to it, because she’d promised to obey him.

  Still, she glared at them, and the girl let out a peal of laughter before she finally got rid of her dress, pulling it over her head.

  Big, perfect breasts bounced free. Becca lifted one to her own mouth, licked over the nipple, and then blew, eye-fucking Rylan.

  Lucy growled low in her throat when she swung her head in his direction and saw his hand drift down to grasp his cock, eyes pinned on Becca.

  At the sound, he quirked an eyebrow at Lucy, but didn’t seem repentant. She wanted to tear out his eyeballs, no, the brunette’s, or hell… she didn’t know what she wanted.

  Rylan crooked a finger at Becca, and then pointed at the floor near them. She dropped to her knees obediently, and Rylan shot a warning glance at Lucy.

  “Don’t give me a reason to spank you, Lucy. I won’t be so gentle next time. Don’t move.”

  Deliberately, he snapped his fingers at Becca, and she scooted to him after he swung around to place his feet on the ground on either side of her. He planted a heavy arm against Lucy so she couldn’t move, and then pushed his cock against his hard stomach, revealing his balls.

  Becca cradled them in her palm, rolling them between her fingers before leaning to run her tongue over his sack. She gently sucked one into her mouth, and Rylan’s drawn-out, “Oh, fuuuck…” made Lucy see red. She seethed, but stayed still, watching the brunette lick her way up the underside of his cock until she reached the broad head and swirled her tongue around the tip.

  Lucy kicked her foot into Rylan’s thigh when Becca side-eyed her with amused triumph gleaming in her eyes.

  Rylan spared her a glance that said she’d pay for that little move, speared his fingers into Becca’s gorgeous curls, and drove into her mouth over and over, making harsh noises when he hit the back of her throat, the girl humming appreciatively.

  Lucy tried to clamp down on her jealously, realizing she’d forgotten about the other men. When she looked over, all thoughts flew out of her mind. The two guys were entwined, mouths slanted over each other’s, tongues dueling. Xander had his hand between Liam’s muscular legs. It looked like he was running his fingers from Liam’s sack through his crack and back. Liam was shifting with the movement, bearing down as if he wanted more pressure.

  The bigger man broke the kiss, turned toward Lucy, and very deliberately shoved Liam around until he was on his hands and knees on the bed. Xander’s tanned body seemed huge compared to Liam’s paler bent form, powerful and domineering. Deftly opening a condom packet that must have been beside him, Xander rolled it on, eyes cutting to her.

  Lucy darted a glance at Rylan, whose hooded eyes surveyed her. “Is he really going to… to…” She trail
ed off weakly, not sure she could say it, even as Rylan continued to push inside Becca’s willing mouth.

  “Fuck a man? Oh, my innocent little love, he already is.”

  Lucy’s gaze flew back over. She gasped, blood rushing to her face. She’d never really imagined this, not even when Ry had threatened her with it.

  The dark-haired guy had two hands on Liam’s ass, spreading his cheeks apart. Xander’s condom-wrapped cock pressed into the tight pucker revealed for only an instant before he started working himself into it. The shallow thrust, retreat, thrust, retreat had sweat pouring down his face, Liam eagerly rolling his hips to help.

  Lucy felt bewilderment fill her. If Liam liked to be with guys, why was he in a relationship with a girl? She opened her mouth to ask, but then closed it with a snap. It wasn’t her business. Besides, why were any of them there? She guessed it was to do things they enjoyed on the side, without fear of repercussion.

  But when most of his cock was finally wedged in, Xander pulled back a final time and glanced at her with an inquiring head tilt. Lucy got the feeling he was curious to know if she wanted him to continue. Did she?

  Quickly deciding she most definitely did, she pointedly flicked her eyes to Liam and back. Xander’s face briefly tightened before he slammed home, sinking in until his pelvis met the other man’s ass. Liam shouted, grinding against him, and Xander sucked in huge gasps of air, fingertips digging into Liam’s muscled butt before grasping his hips.

  Using his hold there, Xander pulled out to the tip, and then ferociously slammed into Liam again and again, the slaps of flesh on flesh and groans causing a flush to cover Lucy’s whole body. As she watched Xander swivel Liam’s hips in the opposite direction of his grinding thrusts, she started to move reflexively, so fascinated by the forbidden act that a rush of wetness flooded her.

  “Oh, you like that, huh? You should see your face. You wanna get fucked like that? You like seeing him go savage into another man’s ass?” Rylan’s voice was a dangerous purr, but she barely spared him a glance, too entranced by the other men.


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