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Marcus & Mia

Page 18

by Hannah Meade

  "I'll have my brother drive her home. Please, Mia. Just one." He holds it out to me.

  I hesitate. What if he put some really strong shit in there that makes me instantly trashed?


  I sigh, jerking the cup out of his grip. I look at the cup, debating whether or not I really want to do this. After a few minutes, I decide to go through with it. I tip my head back and take a big drink. It burns as it goes down, and I try not to gag. I purse my lips as I finish, hating whatever the fuck is in my cup. "What the fuck was that?"

  "Bloody Mary."

  I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, trying to erase that taste forever. "That was fucking gross, Ryan. Get me something else." I hold my cup out to him, not giving him a choice.

  He rolls his eyes, but walks back into the kitchen.

  I look around, remembering just how much I hate parties. There isn't an inch of space left in the whole house, unless you go outside. There are about five million people here; drinking, smoking, making out, or grinding on each other on the dance floor. The music is so loud, you can barely hear yourself think. The smell of alcohol mixed with smoke and pot is too much, making me sick to your stomach and light-headed. I would much rather be home reading, or watching Christmas movies, in my fuzzy pajamas.

  I feels my phone buzz in my pocket, surprisingly me a little. Marcus said he had to work today, so I'm sure it isn't him. Hey, babe. Just wanted to say I miss you. Stuck at work. L Love you! <3

  I smile at the sweet gesture. It's nice to know he is thinking of me while he's busy. I text him back quickly. Miss you too! Don't worry, you can come over later. We'll have some fun ;) Love you too <3

  I stuff my phone back in my pocket as Ryan comes back with a new drink, or what I hope is a new drink. I smile as I take a drink. Much better. "What is this?"

  "Pina Colada."

  I grin. "I approve this time."

  "Good. I am not going back in there and getting attacked by girls again."

  I frown, confused as to why I am getting angry.

  "So, you talk to Marcus lately?"

  I nod and smile, remembering the text he just sent me. "Yeah. He actually just text me."

  Ryan nods, taking a big swig of his drink.

  "Slow down, Ryan. You're driving me home remember?"

  He shrugs. "Don't worry about me, Mia."


  I don't know how I got roped into this, and I'm instantly regretting it. But they already locked the door. I can't back out now.

  "Taylor, I dare you to show everyone your ass."

  I look away as some girl stands up and turns around, quickly pulling her short dress up like it is no big deal. I cringe, hoping no one would ask me to do that.

  My eyes travel the other players, until they land on Emily. Oh shit. No. No. Emily cannot be playing this game too. I go to stand up, but just then my voice is called out. "Mia." I look around until my eyes land on Emily. Great. What's she going to make me do?

  We are playing truth or dare, exempt the truth. So basically, you are screwed the whole game. There are absolutely no rules, which scares the fuck out of me.

  I sit back down and grit my teeth. "Yes?"

  She smiles as she leans on the guy next to her. "I dare you do seven minutes in heaven with Ryan."

  No. No. I can't. I glance at Ryan, who looks just as worried as me. "Really, Emily?"

  She grins and gestures for us to stand up. "Come on, don't be chicken."

  She did not just call me chicken. I am no fucking chicken. And I am going to prove her wrong. Glaring at Emily, I stand up, holding out a hand to Ryan.

  He looks surprised, but stands up as well. I stalk over to the closet and wait for Ryan.

  He comes in and shuts the door, clearing his throat. "We don't have to do this, Mia. We can just wait in here and..."

  I move quickly, not thinking, and smash my lips against his. Fuck me.

  He pauses, before kissing me back. Hard. He moves so I am the one with my back to the door, and he pushes me against it. I grunt as my back hits the door, hearing the cheers from the other partygoers.

  I weave my hands through this hair, pulling him closer to me. I am drunk on his kisses, begging for more.

  He deepens the kiss, letting his tongue inside my mouth.

  What is wrong with me?! I have a boyfriend! I shouldn't even be looking at Ryan!

  I ignore the voice, letting myself be free for once. I always do what I am supposed to do. This time, I guess I want to be a little rebellious. Fuck the consequences. I'm not thinking about them right now. All that is on my mind is Ryan, and how he is giving me the greatest pleasure ever.

  I moan into his lips as I slip my hands under his shirt, exploring his rock-hard chest. I imagine him working out at the gym, shirtless and glistening with sweat. Oh god. Why am I thinking of that?

  Ryan pulls away, all too soon. "Time's up."

  I shake my head, not wanting to go back to reality yet. I grab his shirt collar and pull him to me once more, giving him once last kiss. And a damn good one at that.

  After a couple seconds, I pull away. I look into Ryan's eyes, both of us breathing heavy.

  He smiles. "That was fucking amazing, Mia," he whispers.

  I nod, completely agreeing with him. Then I realize what just happened. What I just did. That last part? I did that. I could've left when our time was up. I could've stopped our minutes in heaven right there and forgot this ever happened. But I didn't. I fucked up. Again.

  I whip around and open the door, heading right for Emily. "I hate you so fucking much right now! You just had to do that, didn't you! I hope you fucking loved screwing me over!" I look back as Ryan closes the door behind him, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. I walk right up to him and point my finger at his chest. "Take me home. Now."

  He nods and walks out the door, letting me follow him. I think really hard on the way to his car. Should I tell Marcus? Should I keep it to myself? Should I even stay with Marcus? I've kissed Ryan one too many times while I was still with Marcus.

  Needless to say, I come to no conclusion on how I should go about this situation.

  Ryan doesn't say a word to me the whole ride to my house, which I am thankful for. I lean my head against the door, looking anywhere but at Ryan. I knew it was a mistake coming tonight. I knew it. And I still did it.

  Ryan stops outside my house and I all but jump out of the car. Without saying thank you or goodnight, I run right up to my apartment. I had taken my heels off during truth or dare, so I can freely move as I wish now. I walk into my apartment and slump against the door, letting my tears fall.

  I cry for my idiocy; for my stupidity. I don't even know why I did it. I like Marcus, I really do. I want to be with him. But ever since Ryan came into the picture, I can't help but picture my life with him too. He makes me feel so good. As good as Marcus? I don't know.

  I don't know anything. I just want to cry until there is no more water in my eyes.



  "Are you gonna call me tomorrow?"

  I sigh, shaking my head. "No, Jasmine. I'm not going to call you tomorrow. We've talked about this."

  She smiles nonetheless. "Alright. Well, see you around then." Jasmine stands on her tiptoes and kisses me on the mouth, trying to get some reaction out of me. It doesn't work.

  I stand there, motionless, waiting for her to get the fuck out.

  She lowers herself back to her normal height, frowning when she realizes I'm not going to kiss her back. "Bye, Marcus." She waves and flounces her way out the door, making sure her mini skirt rides up as she walks.

  I roll my eyes at her desperate attempt. As soon as she is out the door, I slam it shut.

  What the fuck had I just done?


  Five hours earlier

  "Dude! Why the fuck aren't you coming to the party tonight?"

  I glare at my friend, Zach. "Fuck off, man."

  Truth is, I don't wan
t to go anywhere tonight. I am sick to my stomach over the next week. Mia is meeting my parents on Thanksgiving, and I am nervous as fuck. My mom can be a little over the top. She can be very judgmental, and I am extremely worried about Mia meeting her. I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since my mom told me she wants to meet my girlfriend, a couple weeks ago. I put if off for as long as I could, but I figure Mia needs at least a week notice. A wild-ass party is the last thing on my mind right now.

  Zach reaches his hand down and slaps me on the shoulder.

  I turn around and flip him off. "The fuck? Get out of here."

  He chuckles. "That's not happening. You're coming with me to the party tonight. Get off your ass, now."

  I roll my eyes. It isn't like he is going to do anything. "No thanks."

  I feel a hand grip my arm, and suddenly I am yanked forward, almost falling onto the coffee table in front of me. I pull my arm out of his grasp. "Zach!"

  He shrugs. "I told you that you are coming to the party tonight. Now, let's go."


  Two hours later, I am wandering around the stupid party, searching for my friends who had ditched me as soon as we got here. Figures.

  I take a sip from the beer in my hand, and continue to think about Mia. How pathetic. I'm at a party surrounded by hot girls and I keep thinking about the one I just cheated on. I sure have changed. I take another drink, bigger this time. I need to forget about Mia. Just for tonight.

  I spot a girl with a dress that shows off all her assets and wander over to her. I push any thoughts of Mia to the back of my mind and show this girl my pearly-white smile. "Hey."

  She looks over at me and smiles. "Hey yourself."

  I lean against the doorway, letting my eyes roam all over her body. And she has a fine body. "What is a pretty girl like you doing all alone?"

  She blushes. "My friend made me come."

  I nod in understanding. "My friend made me come too, but I'm glad I did." I make a bold move, and interlace my fingers with hers. "Want to go somewhere?"

  She looks down at our interlaced fingers and grins. "Hell yeah I do." She suddenly walks forward, making me almost fall flat on my face, as my hand is still in hers. She giggles. "Keep up, lover boy." She breaks into a run, weaving in and out of people.

  I smile and run with her, never letting go of her hand.

  We eventually make it out the front door and she stops. "Take me to your apartment."


  I open the front door to my apartment and look over at her, grinning like an idiot.

  "My name is Jasmine."


  I close the distance between us and press my lips against hers. My heart is screaming, telling me to stop. Stop kissing the girl who's not my girlfriend. Who's not the girl I'm in love with.

  But I'm not listening to my heart tonight.

  I shut the door and push Jasmine up against it, deepening the kiss. I wind my fingers through her long, brown locks and push her closer to me. She reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, jumping up to wrap her legs around my waist. I cup her butt with my hands, walking towards my bedroom.

  I set her down gently on the bed and climb on top of her, trying not to crush her with my weight. She keeps her legs wrapped around my waist and kisses me harder. Her tongue slips in my mouth and I don't stop her. I push my tongue in and explore her mouth, not once breaking the kiss.

  I don't stop any of it. I don't stop it when she asks if we can go all the way. I don't stop it when I pull a condom from my dresser drawer. I don't stop it when she starts undressing, herself, and me. I don't stop any of it.



  I check my phone to see if Mia has texted. She hasn't. And to be perfectly honest, I am kind of glad. What the hell am I supposed to say to her? I set my phone down on the table and go to take a shower. I smell like garbage, just how I feel.

  Ten minutes later, I am in new sweats and no shirt. Just how I am every day, except when I go to Mia's. Speaking of, I check my phone again to see if she texted me. She didn't, but Jasmine did. How did she get my number? Though the whole night was pretty blurry, so I don't blame myself for not remembering.

  Need to talk to you. I'll be there at three. Kisses XOXO <3

  I roll my eyes. She really thinks we were going to be a thing. I glance at the clock. 2:59. Shit. She is going to be here any moment.

  Right on cue, someone knocks on the door. Is it possible that if I ignore it long enough, it will go away?

  She knocks again.

  I sigh and walk to open it. And surprise surprise, it is Jasmine. "Hey baby!" She tries to lean over and kiss me, but I step back.

  "Stop it. What do you want?"

  She tries to step in the door, but I put my foot out. "Let me in."

  "Anything you have to say to me, you can say out there."

  She nods and steps back in the hallway. "Fine. My dad wants to offer you an internship to an art school in Manhattan."

  I blink. An art school? In Manhattan?

  She smiles when I don't answered her. "Now can I come in?"

  I simply open the door wider and let her come in.

  She steps into my apartment and keeps talking. "After I left, I called my dad. You mentioned last night," She turns and smirks at me, "in between the sex, that you were into art. So I called my dad, the headmaster of the art school, and he offered you an internship. You would leave the day after Thanksgiving for six months."

  "That's in a couple of days, Jasmine."

  I would be leaving Mia for six months. Six months.

  "I have a girlfriend. I can't leave her for six months."

  She frowns. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

  I shrug. "Yeah. I do. I can't take the offer."

  Jasmine laughs. "Oh, baby. You do realize that this is an extremely prestigious art school. You are lucky as hell to get an internship to that school. Don't blow your chances because of some girl. She will be fine. You won't be if you give up this opportunity." She takes a step closer. "This is your chance. Your chance to make a future for yourself. Hell, if this internship goes well, my father might even give you a job there. You would be living a dream."

  She's right. This is the future I want. There's only one thing this future doesn't contain.



  I've been trying for two days to figure out how to tell Marcus about Ryan. To no avail. How am I supposed to tell my faithful boyfriend that I fucking kissed another guy? That I initiated the kiss?

  "Mia. Stop fucking pacing around the room. You're pissing me off."

  I glare at Emily, and keep pacing. "Shut up. I'm still trying to figure out a way to tell Marcus. So if you have any ideas, please feel free to tell me. Otherwise, leave me alone."

  She turns to look at me from her spot on my couch. "Damn, Mia. Chill out. He doesn't even need to know. It was a stupid game, and you were just playing along."

  "Don't forget that you were the one who initiated that stupid game and made me "play along"."

  She sighs. "I thought we were past that."

  "Maybe we aren't."

  We stare at each other for a couple of minutes, daring the other to back down. Without breaking eye contact, Emily replies. "I probably should just leave."

  I don't say anything, just watch her walk out.

  Great. Now I don't have any support whatsoever.

  I pick up my phone and dial Marcus's number. He doesn't answer. He has to be home. It is eleven o'clock at night. Where the hell would he be?

  I sigh, and put down my phone. Might as well get some sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to tell Marcus. At Thanksgiving dinner.





  I slam my hand down on my alarm clock, making it shut the hell up. I am not a morning person, and this damn alarm isn't helping to change that.

  I can't believe I have chosen to wake up at eight o'clock in the morning.
Granted, I have a very important Thanksgiving lunch to get to, but I am starting to wonder if getting all dolled up is worth it anymore.

  I reach over to grab my phone and start scrolling through it.

  Fun fact: I have to scroll through my phone for at least fifteen minutes before I even think about getting out of bed. If I get up right away, I would get nothing accomplished.

  My phone buzzes loudly, causing me to jump. My hand flies to my chest, trying to calm my beating heart. "Jesus Christ," I say out loud.

  I glance at my phone and see I have gotten a text from Marcus.

  Hey, baby. I'm so excited for you to meet my parents today! Don't be too nervous. They will love you! I sure do. See you in a bit. J -M

  I smile, feeling reassured. Everything will turn out okay. Marcus doesn't know what I did, and maybe I should just keep it that way. He seems so happy. How can I ruin that?

  Hey. I hope they do! Love you too. See you. –Xoxo, M

  I send the text and decide to get out of bed. Might as well get ready sooner rather than later. If I am going to impress Marcus's parents today, I need to look my absolute best.

  I walk up to my body-length mirror and glance at my bed in the reflection. Oh, how comfy that looks. What if I just stay in bed for a couple more...

  No. I have to get up. I have to get ready.

  I shake my head, erasing any thought of climbing back into that fuzzy bed, and take my long, brown hair out of my ponytail.

  My eyes widen at the tangled rat's nest my hair is in. Well, this is going to take some work.

  A half hour later, I have finally figured out how to tame my mess of a hair. I have relieved it of all the tangles, flat-ironed my hair until it was as straight as a pin, and sprayed some magnolia oils into it to make it shine.

  Now, I am tackling my make-up. I would like to think I don't need make-up to look good, but this is a special occasion. All I put on is some simple foundation and concealer, to cover all the blemishes and dark circles on my face. I swipe on some mascara, lightly color in my eyebrows, and set it all with powder. It takes me about ten minutes, which I am thankful for. If I am actually going all out, it would've taken me an hour to do up my face.

  Now, I have extra time to pick out my outfit.

  Two hours later


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