Book Read Free

Just for You

Page 6

by E. L. Todd

  He spoke like he hadn’t heard me. “I don’t know my daughter at all. I don’t know when things took a turn for the worse but they did. It’s my fault for not catching it and steering her on the right path. This is entirely my fault.”

  “Cortland, Clementine made these decisions as an adult. There’s nothing you could have done.”

  “I could have raised her better.”

  “You did a fine job.”

  “Cayson turned out perfect. When I imagined how my son would be, Cayson is exactly it. But Clementine—”

  “Don’t compare them.”

  He shut his mouth and fell silent.

  “I have a gay son.” I wasn’t ashamed of it and I refused to be. “Some people think there’s something wrong with him. Some people think he’s an abomination. Other people think he should be beaten in the streets and killed.”

  Cortland looked my way, and for the first time he didn’t seem angry.

  “People question my ability as a parent. Clearly, I did something wrong if my son likes men instead of women. People judge me and ridicule me. And the fact I stand beside him and support him only makes me look worse. Just because he’s different doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. Just because he does things other people find immoral doesn’t mean he got lost off the path. Cortland, everyone is different and they make their own way in life. As long as they don’t kill anyone, they’re doing okay. Now, look at Clementine as an individual. If she weren’t your daughter, would you be this upset? Surely, you’ve been to a strip club at least once in your life.”

  “No.” Offense was in his voice.

  “But do you judge women who are strippers?”

  His tone softened. “No.”

  “Do you think less of Cassandra for getting knocked up out of wedlock?”


  “Then why are you treating Clementine like she’s a criminal?”

  He became heated again. “Because she’s my daughter. It’s different and you know it. If Skye were of a stripper, Sean would be in worse condition than I am. He would be totally distraught and out his mind.”

  “Well, my husband is crazy.”

  A slight smirk pulled up the corner of his lip. “He is fucking crazy.”

  “And you don’t want to be like him. He’s out of his mind sometimes.” I was half joking, half serious.

  “Actually, I do. I wish Clementine was more like Skye.”

  “I don’t,” I said immediately. “Clementine is perfect the way she is. She’s beautiful, intelligent, and strong. Just because she’s made mistakes doesn’t make her less of a person. My daughter is an amazing woman but she isn’t perfect either. And don’t you ever compare your daughter to someone else’s. I will keep that between us to spare your image.”

  He ground his teeth together like he was irritated.

  “You need to take a break and get away. Let the anger dissipate, and then talk to Clementine again.”

  “I can’t even look at her.”

  “That’s why I said take some time first. The baby will be here soon. You should be there with a smile on your face, not judgment in your eyes.”

  “I don’t judge her—”

  “Yes, you do. And as a parent, you’re supposed to stand by your children—no matter what.

  “Cut me some slack here. You have no idea what I’m going through and you’re lucky you’ll never have to.”

  “You’re my best friend, Cortland.” I kept my voice calm so he wouldn’t explode. “And I will tell you the truth no matter how ugly it is. Your behavior is unacceptable. You need to be there for Clementine, not make her feel worse.”

  “Easy for you to say…”

  “Do you want to lose your relationship with her?”

  He stared at the ground silently.

  “Because that’s what could happen if you continue down this path. It’s okay to be upset and hurt. It’s okay to want space. But it’s not okay to judge her and make her feel worse. That’s where you draw the line.”

  “I understand what you’re saying…but it’s so difficult when I feel like this.”

  “I get that,” I said. “But remember, Clementine was humiliated in front of all her colleagues, friends, and family members. Her darkest secret was exposed to the world in such a terrible way. How do you think she feels right now?”

  He shrugged. “Not good…”

  “I’m sure she’s never felt worse in her life. So, while you may be mortified because of what happened, she feels a million times worse. She feels terrible for disappointing her entire family. We should stand by her side and tell her we love her no matter what—because that’s what family does.”

  Cortland stared at the TV without really watching it.

  I wasn’t sure if I got through to him.

  “How’d you get so wise?” He didn’t look at me as he spoke.

  “Because I was raised by a man who has more wisdom than anyone I’ve ever known.” I gave him a slight smile.

  “Ryan?” he asked with a slight laugh.

  “He’s a modern monk and no one realizes it. He wears ancient clothes covered in holes, and he speaks his mind despite whom he might offend. But he accepts everyone for who they are—no questions asked.”

  “He’s just a hippie.”

  “The term doesn’t matter. We can learn a lot from him.”

  “You know, I’ve known him for a long time and I never realized that about him.”

  “Have you talked to him about this?” I asked.

  “No.” He rubbed the back of his neck.


  “I already know what he’ll say.”

  “Which is?”

  “I need to get over it.”

  “Hmm…sounds like what I said.” I gave him a friendly smile.

  “Easier said than done.”

  I moved to the spot beside him on the couch and patted his hand. “Parenthood isn’t easy. Even when they’re adults they’re a handful.”

  “You’re telling me…”

  “But you’ll get through it. Just be patient.”

  His fingers interlocked with mine. “She’s my little girl, you know.”

  I gave him a sympathetic look. “I do know.”

  “It’s just hard.”

  “Being a parent will always be hard. You just have to do your best.”

  Chapter Ten


  I pulled the driver back and lined up my shot. The golf ball lay on the grass, and the hole was hundreds of feet away. Timing, wind speed, and physics were all considered before I struck the ball.

  When I thought I was ready, I pulled the driver back and began my swing.

  “You swing like a little bitch.”

  I stumbled and missed the ball. The driver went flying into the air. I looked over my shoulder and glared at my father.

  He smirked. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”

  I retrieved the driver then lined up again. Then I turned to him. “Are you going to keep your mouth shut this time?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll know when you do.”

  “Asshole,” I mumbled.

  He chuckled like he heard me.

  I concentrated then hit the ball. Dad didn’t try to interrupt me again, and the ball went sailing. It landed close to the hole.

  Dad came to my side, his driver over his shoulder. “Good shot, son.”

  “I thought I swung like a little bitch?”

  “You do. But that was a good hit.” He patted my shoulder. “Now let me show you how it’s done.”

  “Alright. Impress me.” I stood out of the way.

  Dad lined up his shot and took at least three minutes to do it. When he was ready, he pulled back. Then he made the swing.

  “You have a fat ass.”

  He faltered and the club went flying. “I do not have a fat ass.”


  He retrieved the club then lined up the shot. When he swung for the ball I held my silence. After he hit the bal
l, it sailed through the air. It hit the green and kept rolling until it landed in the hole.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  Dad turned to me with the cockiest grin I’ve ever seen. “Would you look at that…my fat ass just kicked yours.”

  “Lucky shot.”

  “Luck is taking advantage of an opportunity—and I’m taking advantage of my awesome skill.”

  “How does Mom put up with you?” I asked seriously.

  He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t have a clue.”

  We got into the golf cart then drove to the hole. I sunk my ball in after one putt then we headed to the next hole.

  “So, how’s it going with Lexie?” Dad asked.

  “Great.” Things couldn’t be better. I was so happy it should be illegal.

  “When are you going to ask?”

  “Ask what?” For her to move in with me?

  “To marry you, idiot.” Dad lined up for the shot then hit the ball hard. It soared through the air but didn’t make it into the hole.

  “Whoa…aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves here?” Marriage was the last thing on my mind.

  “Conrad, you’ve been with her for a year. What more time do you need?”

  “Uh…more like a month.”

  He gave me a surprised look. “You aren’t going to count all that previous time?”

  “No. She and I were just fooling around. Now that we’re in a real relationship things are different.”

  “They can’t be that different.”

  “Well, they are. I’m not sure if I ever want to get married. Right now, I’m just trying the relationship and seeing if it goes anywhere.”

  “Goes anywhere?” he asked. “You love her. That’s where it went and that’s the last place it goes.”

  “I’m just not ready,” I said quickly. “Get off my back. You’re acting like Mom.”

  “And you buy Lexie expensive diamond earrings just because…?”

  “When I saw them I thought of her.” My caddy handed me a new club and I tested it in my fingers.

  “And you just hang out in Tiffany’s to kill time?” Skepticism was in his voice.

  “Like you’ve never bought Mom something nice.”

  “I buy her nice things all the time—because she’s my wife. It’s my job to spoil her.”

  “Well, I like to spoil Lexie.”

  “And you should. So marry her.”

  “Seriously, get off my back.”

  “I just want you to be happy, Conrad.” He took a calmer tone with me.

  “I am happy. And I’ll let it run its course.”

  “Just don’t take marriage off the table.”

  “I’m not even sure if she ever wants to get married,” I said.

  “I’m sure she does.”

  “Well, she doesn’t want to have kids.”

  Dad’s eyes narrowed on my face and he studied me for a full minute before he spoke again. “She doesn’t?”


  “She said this?”


  “Are you sure?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know I’m not very bright but give me some credit. I do understand English.”

  “Well…a lot of people say that when they’re young. Then they get married and have a change of heart.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case for her. She had her tubes tied.”

  Dad’s eyes narrowed again. “What? Why? Was it a health issue?”

  “No. After her ex-husband cheated on her she decided she never wanted to have kids. So, she had the surgery.”

  Dad rubbed the back of his neck and seemed stressed out.

  “When she told me I was surprised too. But it’s what she wanted.”

  “Okay…we have a problem.”

  “What?” I was about to swing but I turned to him instead.

  Dad came closer to me. “You can’t marry someone who doesn’t want to have kids.”

  I released an irritated sigh. “We aren’t getting married. Let it go, Dad.”

  “Listen to me.” He was talking with his hands so I knew he was being serious. “I understand that you don’t want kids right now. I didn’t either until I was much older. But you will change your mind. And if Lexie never will…” Sadness came into his eyes.

  “I’m okay with it, Dad.”

  “But one day you won’t be. You’ll want a family. Trust me on this.” He gripped my shoulder. “You and Trinity are the best things that ever happened to me. The day you came into my life my world became a beautiful place. I would never let you miss that feeling with your own children.”

  “You just want grandchildren.”

  “Of course I want grandchildren. But that isn’t why I’m saying this. You need to talk to her about this.”

  “Why? Things are going really well for us. I don’t want to mess it up.”

  “And you don’t want to end up with someone you’ll resent for the rest of your life.”

  “One minute you love Lexie and the next you want me to dump her…”

  “I still love Lexie. She’s perfect for you. But if she doesn’t want children and can’t have them…that’s non-negotiable.”

  “Dad, this is my relationship. I’ll handle it.”

  “And I’m trying to save you years of heartache—perhaps even a lifetime.”

  I gripped the club in my hand. “This is the last thing I’m going to say; I love Lexie and I don’t want to be with anyone else. She’s my best friend and…she’s everything to me. But I don’t know if marriage is in the cards for us. I just don’t see it for me…at least in the near future. And I certainly don’t see kids. But if that ever changes, I’ll talk to her about it.”

  “If you wait until you are ready to marry her then you’ll never leave her.”

  “And that’s my decision to make.”

  He opened his mouth to argue. “But—”

  “I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Honestly. But I’m an adult and this is my life. You tried to control Trinity and her relationship and I won’t let you do it to me.”

  Sadness filled his eyes and he squinted like he’d been stung. Normally he would say something in response. But this time he remained silent, too wounded to speak.

  I stared at him and tried to think of something to relieve the tension.

  Dad turned around and handed his club to his caddy. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walked across the green back to the restaurant and lounge. He never turned around to look at me.

  And I knew I crossed a line.


  Roland called me, and when I saw his name on the screen I immediately answered. “Long time no see.”

  “I’ve been caught up in a sexy Irish man. Where have you been?”

  “Drowning myself in Lexie’s pussy.”

  “Whoa…TMI, man. At least I was discreet.”

  I tossed my keys on the counter as I walked inside. “What’s up?”

  “You busy tonight?”

  “Depends on why you’re asking.”

  “Asshole,” he said with a laugh. “Let’s do a double date. Heath and I will cook.”

  “You mean just Heath?”

  Roland paused for a moment. “Yeah, whatever. You down or what?”

  “Lexie and I are always down to eat free food.”

  “Sweet. Be here around seven.”

  “Okay.” I headed down the hallway and entered my bedroom. “You want me to bring anything?” I froze when my eyes moved to the bed. Lexie lay in the center of it, wearing slutty black lingerie with dolled up hair. Garters were on her legs and black shiny heels were on her feet. White candles glowed around the room on the dressers, and rose pedals were sprinkled on the bed.

  “Maybe you could bring some wine—”

  “I’ve got to go.” I hung up and shoved the phone into my pocket. My eyes were glued to Lexie and my cock immediately hardened at the sight of her. She stared at me with a slight smirk on her lips but she didn’
t say anything.

  I was too turned on to think of something somewhat intelligent.

  I undressed myself without taking my eyes off of her. Then I crawled on the bed and moved on top of her. The lace covering her body was thin and weak. I could bite through it if I wanted to.

  My lips moved to the bare skin of her stomach and trailed down her hips. Then I moved up to her lacy bra and kissed the valley between her breasts. She smelled like vanilla and spice.

  My lips moved up her neck and across her jawline. When I reached her ear I pressed a gentle kiss to the shell. Then I whispered, “I want to fuck you—hard.”

  A quiet moan escaped her lips.

  I circled her waist with my arm then turned her on her hands and knees. Then I came behind her and held her close to my chest, wanting to feel her tight against my body. Then I moved into her, fucking her hard until she screamed my name when she came.


  I rubbed the soap into her bare skin under the shower. Her skin was smooth and soft, and I liked having any excuse to touch it. I liked knowing it was mine, that I was the only one who could feel it under my bare palm during intimate moments like this.

  “Double date, huh?” She looked into my eyes while I rubbed her down.

  “Yeah. I already said we would be there. Is that okay?”

  “More than okay.”

  I watched her beautiful blue eyes while I lathered the soap everywhere. My hands moved to her tits and I gripped them and massaged them aggressively.

  “I think they’re clean, Con.” An amused look was in her eyes.

  “Just want to be thorough.”

  Lexie grabbed a sponge and did the same to me. She moved across my muscled chest then down the valleys and grooves of my stomach. “I love your body.”

  “I can tell.” A smirk stretched across my lips.

  She grinned like she was amused. “Cocky, are we?”

  “You think you’re the only woman who’s ever said that to me?”

  She turned her eyes on me, and instead of being playful she turned angry. “Don’t speak of other women when you’re with me.”

  My heart raced in response to her words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a—”

  “I know, Conrad. The longer we’re together the more I realize how jealous and possessive I am. I wish I weren’t like that and I apologize for it.” She continued to rub the soap across my skin.

  “I understand. I get jealous too.”


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