Book Read Free

Just for You

Page 13

by E. L. Todd

  I cringed. “You know how People Magazine posts the sexiest man alive once a year…or some crap like that?”

  “Yes…” She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

  “Well, they’ve picked me as the sexiest man alive.” It took all my strength not to roll my eyes. “I asked to be withdrawn but the reporter said I had no control over it. It’s freedom of the press. But they asked me to do an interview and a photo shoot. Of course, I’m not doing it.” I knew Scarlet wouldn’t be happy about this. Why would she want me to be paraded all over the world on the cover of a magazine? I definitely wouldn’t appreciate it if the situation was reversed. Anytime a guy looked at my wife it took all my restraint not to snap his neck. “I’m sorry. I wish I could get out of it.”

  She had a stoic expression on her face, and her gaze couldn’t be read. Then her lips stretched into a smile and amusement came into her eyes. “I was wondering when they would ask you. Honestly, I thought it would have happened a few years ago.”

  “What?” I said without thinking.

  “You’re the best looking guy in the world and you know that.”

  “That isn’t the issue,” I said. “I don’t want to be in a magazine.”

  “Really?” She twirled a strand of her hair. “I think it’s pretty hot…”

  That was the last reaction I was expecting. “You do?”

  “Yeah.” She gave me a mischievous smile. “You’re the sexiest man alive and soon every girl will know that. But only I get to have you.” She moved into my chest and looked up at me.

  Now I smiled. “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “No. It’s a turn-on.” She gripped the front of my shirt and yanked my lips to hers. Her kiss was sensual and hot. It burned my lips from the heat.

  Then the timer went off in the kitchen.

  Scarlet pulled away and sighed. “Those are the enchiladas.”

  “Ooh…I like enchiladas.”

  She headed to the kitchen and moved a few things around. Then she returned to me and grabbed me by the hand. She yanked me up the stairs toward the bedroom.

  “What about dinner?”

  “Who cares? I want to eat something else…”

  My body prickled in excitement. I was usually the one who initiated sex, probably because I wanted it all the time and she never had a chance to make a move. Seeing her want me like this was sexy as hell. I was irritated when they wanted to feature me in the magazine but now I was glad.

  Anything that made my wife want me like this was okay in my book.


  Ryan laughed until tears came out of his eyes. Just when it seemed like he was going to stop he sobbed with laughter. Then he started choking, but when he coughed up the fry in his throat, he returned to laughing.

  “Are you done yet?” I asked.

  Ryan smacked the table and kept laughing.

  Mike was worse. “That’s so…” His words were interrupted because he kept laughing. “You’re such a…”

  I sat in the booth and ground my teeth together. “Are you guys done yet?”

  “Sexiest man alive.” Ryan hit the table with his palm as he laughed. “Are they going to dress you in handcuffs and a tie?”

  “Or how about some lingerie?” Mike asked.

  “Maybe they’ll make him wear a speedo,” Ryan said.

  “I bet they will.” Mike’s laughs subsided slightly but he kept chuckling.

  “You got it out yet?” I asked in a bored voice.

  Ryan still thought it was funny. “More like pussyiest man alive.”

  Mike laughed like he thought it was hilarious.

  I shook my head. “Dude, that’s not even a word.”

  “Well, it made sense to me,” Mike said as he kept laughing.

  “I’m going to murder you both if you don’t shut the fuck up,” I threatened.

  Ryan didn’t seem at all afraid. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.”

  “Me neither,” Mike said as he relaxed and leaned back in the booth. “Sexiest man alive…”

  “I don’t want to do it but I don’t have much of a choice,” I said. “They’ll run it whether I give my consent or not.”

  “Because he’s soooo sexy,” Ryan said with a smirk.

  I kicked him under the table.

  “Ouch! Watch the knee,” Ryan mumbled.

  “I’m glad I’m sitting next to you,” Mike said.

  I kicked him sideways.

  “Hey, watch it,” Mike said.

  “Anyway,” I said. “Scarlet is really hot over it so I’m just going to let it go.”

  “She’s hot over it?” Mike asked.

  “Guess so,” I said. “The fact I’m the sexiest man alive—”

  Ryan pressed his lips together like he was trying not to laugh.

  I continued on. “And knowing she’s the only one who gets to have me turns her on.”

  “Maybe she’s just turned on because this is the first time she’s realized you are actually attractive,” Mike said.

  “Yeah,” I said sarcastically. “I’m sure that’s it.”

  “So, are they really doing a photo shoot?” Ryan asked.

  “Unfortunately,” I said.

  “Will you be shirtless?” Mike asked.

  “More than likely,” I answered.

  Ryan pulled my fries away. “Then you probably better not eat this…”

  “I have less than six percent body fat.” I pulled the fries back. “A few won’t kill me.”

  Mike shook his head. “Cassandra would not be happy with that, especially if my shirt was off.”

  “I thought Scarlet would feel the same way,” I said. “But it was completely the opposite.”

  “I feel bad for your kids,” Ryan said. “Make sure they don’t see that otherwise they’ll throw up.”

  “I’ll warn them,” I said. “Which reminds me of something else…”

  “What?” Ryan asked.

  “The reporter knows Roland is gay. She basically told me I need to cover it up otherwise it would ruin my image as well as the reputation of the company—some bullshit like that.”

  Ryan’s former attitude completely disappeared. “Fucking assholes. What does it matter if Roland is gay? He doesn’t even work for you.”

  “I raised him,” I said. “People will obviously think I’m an unfit parent.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Mike said. “Let’s tell them I’m gay so they really have something to talk about.”

  Ryan narrowed his eyes on him. “I always wondered…all the signs were there.”

  “Shut up, jackass.” Mike threw a fry in his face.

  “Scarlet was pretty pissed about it. She and I refuse to be anything but honest. If people don’t like us because Roland is gay, that’s fine. I don’t want their business anyway.”

  “Same here.” Mike clapped my shoulder.

  “If someone gives you hell, I’ll stick one of my needles in their eyes,” Ryan said. “It’ll straighten everyone out.”

  “That just got dark,” I said.

  “Hey, this is my nephew we’re talking about,” Ryan said. “If someone fucks with him, they fuck with me.”

  “Thanks for the support,” I said. “The fact this is an issue at all is stupid but…it makes it easier having my best friends behind me.”

  “We always have your back,” Mike said. “Whenever you aren’t sexiest man alive…” A grin stretched his face.

  I rolled my eyes. “You guys are never going to let this go, are you?”

  “Never,” Ryan said.

  Mike shook his head. “Ever.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Cayson walked inside after work, still wearing his slacks and collared shirt. “Hey, baby. How was your day?”

  I was biting my nail. “Okay.” I paced the living room.

  Cayson put his hands in his pockets while he watched me march around. “Something on your mind?”

  “The rea
ltor said the owners would have chosen an offer today. She hasn’t called…”

  Judging the surprise on his face, he completely forgot that was today. “Then let’s call her.”

  “No.” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him with fear in my eyes.

  “Why not…?”

  “What if they say no?”

  He came closer to me then put his hands around my waist. “They’ll pick us. Your dad even spoke to them. Come on, that guy can make anything happen.”

  “Yeah…but wouldn’t she have called us by now?”

  “Maybe she’s calling all the other people first…to let them down. We won’t know until we call.”

  “I guess.” I pulled out my phone and made the call. I listened to it ring as I stared at Cayson. Finally, Margaret answered.

  “Hello,” she said. “How are you?”

  “Good.” I wanted to skip the pleasantries. “Any news about the house.”

  She took a deep breath like she was about to say something painful. “The owners went with another offer. I’m sorry.”

  My heart fell all the way down to my feet. “They did?”

  Sadness came into Cayson’s eyes when he understood what was happening.

  “The Johnson’s really liked you, but someone doubled the offer. They wanted the house just as much as you.”

  “Doubled the offer?” I blurted. There was no way Cayson and I could ever afford that—not right now.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Preston,” Margaret said. “Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be. But I will find you a house just as good as that one.”

  It wasn’t the house I loved. It was the location. “Well, thank you for all your help.”

  “Of course. Have a good evening.”

  “You too…” I hung up and released a depressed sigh.

  “What happened?” Cayson asked.

  “Someone offered twice the amount—so they got it.”

  “Twice?” His eyes were just as big as mine.

  “Yeah…we can’t afford that kind of offer right now.”

  “No, we can’t,” he said quietly.

  I stared at the ground and tried not to get too upset over it. It was pointless to be angry over things out of your control.

  “We’ll find something else,” Cayson said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Unless Mike moves, no, we won’t find something else.”

  He rubbed my arms then pressed his forehead to mine. “Maybe we won’t be as close to them as we wanted but being within a mile of them will still be good. They’ll be a short drive away. Plus, we’ll have more privacy. And that’s always good, right?” He smiled like he was trying to cheer me up.

  “I guess…”

  “It’ll be alright, baby. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ll try.” I rested my face against his chest and closed my eyes. There were worse things in the world than not getting the house I wanted. I tried to keep that in mind so I wouldn’t obsess over it.

  “How about some ice cream?” He looked down into my face. “That always cheers you up.”

  I smiled. “I wouldn’t mind it…”

  “Then let’s go.” He put his arm around my waist and guided me to the door. “I’ll let you get the monster size.”


  “Well, you never finish it all.”

  “You wanna bet?” I challenged.

  “Sure,” he said. “If I win, I get a nice blow job. If you win, I’ll eat you out the way you like.”

  That sounded like a great deal. “You’re on.”


  Cayson and I met my parents for dinner at Mom’s favorite Italian place. When Cayson and I walked inside, Mom and Dad were already seated a table. Dad had his arm around Mom and he leaned closer to her like he was saying something important. Then he leaned in and kissed her.

  “Yuck.” I shook my head and stopped in my tracks.

  “I thought you were used to it by now.” Cayson gripped my hips and pulled me along.

  “I’ll never get used to them being gross.”

  He chuckled then approached the table. “Sorry to interrupt…”

  Dad pulled away from Mom then rose to his feet. “Hey, Cayson.” He pulled him in for a hug and embraced him with a pat on the back.

  I was glad they were getting along. When Cayson told Dad he was leaving, I knew my dad wasn’t happy about it. But thankfully, he came around.

  I embraced Mom. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Good.” She hugged me tightly. “How are you?”

  “Great,” I said. “Starving, actually.”

  She chuckled. “That makes two of us.”

  “Hey, pumpkin.” Dad hugged me next and held me against his chest. “How’s my little girl?”

  “Little girl?”

  He chuckled. “Sorry, bad habit. How’s my grown daughter?”

  “I just saw you a few hours ago…I’m about the same.”

  “About?” he asked. “So something has changed from then until now.”

  “Yeah…I’m hungry.”

  He laughed then sat back down. “I’m glad you get your humor from your mom. You certainly don’t get it from me.”

  “Maybe because you don’t have any yourself,” I said as I sat down in the seat Cayson pulled out for me.

  “Ouch.” Dad gave me an amused look that told me he wasn’t offended. “So, what’s new with you guys?”

  “Any news on the house?” Mom asked.

  “Actually, yeah,” Cayson said with a sad voice. “We didn’t get it.”

  My eyes fell in devastation.

  “You didn’t?” Dad asked in surprise. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I said. “I spoke to the realtor myself.”

  “But how did you not get it?” Mom asked. “Sean spoke with the Johnsons.”

  “Apparently, someone doubled the offer they asked for,” I said. “Honestly, I don’t blame them for taking it. I would have done the same.”

  Dad fell silent.

  “We’ll find something else,” Cayson said. “There are other houses near you guys. It’s not the end of the world.”

  I tried to be optimistic like Cayson but that was difficult. I just wasn’t as positive as a person as he was.

  “That’s too bad,” Mom said. “We were both really excited to be neighbors.”

  “I know, Mom. But—”

  “Excuse me.” Dad threw his napkin down then walked off.

  We all turned our heads and watched him as he exited the restaurant.

  “Uh…what’s he doing?” I asked.

  Mom sighed. “I have a hunch…but we’ll wait until he comes back.”

  Cayson smirked. “I have a feeling he’s making a phone call.”

  “To who?”

  He turned to me. “You really can’t figure it out?”

  “You really think he’s threatening the Johnsons?” I asked incredulously.

  “Not threatening,” Mom said. “Dad doesn’t threaten anybody until they deserve it. No, I suspect he’s talking things over.”

  “Well, nothing he says will change their mind,” I said. “Its just a matter of money. It’s nothing personal.”

  “Your father has his ways,” Mom said with a shrug. “That man can talk me into pretty much anything.”

  Cayson ordered two glasses of wine before he turned back to me. “The wedding planning is going smoothly. We have you to thank for that, Scarlet.”

  She smiled wide. “It’s been my pleasure. And you’re more than welcome to call me Mom.”

  Cayson flinched at the invitation. “Really?”

  “Yes.” Mom patted his hand. “You’ve always been like a son to us anyway. Now it’s official.”

  That didn’t surprise me at all.

  “Well, thanks,” Cayson said. “Mom…”

  Mom sipped her glass of wine. “So, where’s the honeymoon going to be?”

  “Hawaii,” I answered. “Maui.”

“Good choice.” Mom clapped her hands and grew excited. “And grandchildren…?” She had a pleading look in her eyes like she desperately needed these grandkids immediately.

  “Uh…” Cayson couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “We aren’t sure,” I said. “But we would like to have them somewhere in the near future.”

  “Good,” Mom said. “I will babysit them for you every day. Just drop them off and head to work.”

  I tried not to laugh. “Dad needs to get you a dog or something.”

  “No,” she said as she shook her head. “I want my grandbabies. I know we’re having one any day now but I want more. “ She turned to Cayson. “How’s your sister doing?”

  He shrugged. “She’s been better.”

  Her shoulders slumped in sadness. “I had a long and thorough talk with your father and told him to straighten up…I guess he didn’t take my advice.”

  “I don’t think so,” Cayson said sadly.

  Mom took a long drink of her wine. “I’ll talk to him again.”

  “Ward has been taking care of her,” I said. “At least she has him. He’s always sweet to her and he’s so excited about the baby.”

  Mom smiled at the mention of his name. “Ward is a fine young man. They are perfect for each other, and they’ll make really beautiful children.”

  “I’m pretty excited to be an uncle,” Cayson said. “I’ll spoil him rotten and turn him against Clementine…it’s my duty.”

  “I’m sure she would love that,” I said sarcastically.

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” Mom said. “I wonder what they’ll name him.”

  “She never told me,” Cayson said. “But they’ll probably name him after me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “The only person I can see naming their son after you is Slade.”

  Cayson laughed. “He would.”

  “Trinity and Slade are okay?” Mom asked. “That’s what Mike told me.”

  “They’re fine,” Cayson said. “We had to manipulate Slade a little but it worked.”

  “I don’t think I want to know,” Mom said with a chuckle.

  Dad returned to the table then sat down. He pulled the napkin into his lap then sipped his wine like he hadn’t stormed off a few minutes ago.

  Mom gave him a pointed look but didn’t say anything.


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