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Just One Fake Date: A Contemporary Romance (Flatiron Five Fitness Book 1)

Page 26

by Deborah Cooke

  Ty felt like a starving man offered a feast. Every smile she’d given him, every playful look, every tear and every confession of the day had snared him in a web that he didn’t want to escape. He wanted Shannyn, however she wanted him, and he wanted her now.

  When he bent to take her nipple in his mouth, suckling it hard and grazing it with his teeth, she whispered to him, her voice husky. “I like how lingerie feels. It makes me feel naked under my clothes.” She ran her fingers roughly through his hair, arching her back as he words drove him crazy. “It makes me feel hot and horny.”

  Ty framed her face in his hands and captured her mouth in a kiss that could go on forever. He let loose, not holding back on his desire at all, deeply satisfied by Shannyn’s truth. Her hands were in his hair, clutching at him, pulling him closer, demanding more. Her mouth was open to him, her tongue flicking against his and her scent surrounding him, beguiling him, snaring him. Ty wanted to eat her until she screamed but she wouldn’t let go of his head and he understood that she really did want it fast and hard.

  He backed her harder into the counter, crushing her against it, loving how she wriggled with satisfaction. He never stopped kissing her, his need matched by her own. She grazed him with her teeth, her hands sliding under his shirt to pinch his nipples before she unfastened his belt. He felt his trousers drop and slid his hands over her, his fingers spread wide and his palms flat against her thighs, savoring the soft warmth of her skin. The garters were beneath her panties, as if she’d planned for this, and that realization enflamed Ty. Shannyn made a little purr when he hooked his thumbs beneath her panties. He pushed them down in one smooth stroke, leaving them around her ankles and capturing her mouth again. He felt her kick them off as he lifted her onto the counter without breaking their kiss.

  He stepped back then to push off his shoes and kick his trousers aside. His tie and shirt were discarded and he got a condom from his trouser pocket, turning to study her as he put it on.

  Her expression turned wicked and she sighed with mock tolerance. “There’s only one problem with sharp dressed men.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Too many clothes.” Shannyn smiled then spread her knees wide, bracing one heel on the edge of the counter to display herself to him. Ty’s heart stopped as she touched herself.

  “Not any more.” He smoothed on the condom, then returned to stand between her knees. Shannyn wrapped her legs around his waist, but Tyler unfastened the back of her merry widow, one hook at a time.

  “You don’t like lingerie?”

  “I like skin better,” he said, sliding his thumb across her bared nipples. She threw her head back and he teased it again with his ring, just because she liked it. “I like feeling your skin against mine.” Shannyn leaned back, bracing her hands on the counter behind herself and arched back as he finished stripping her bare. She was so beautiful, so passionate, so perfect.

  When she was left wearing only her stockings, he caught her nape in one hand and kissed her.

  “Not so fast after all,” she taunted and Ty pulled her closer. He lifted her then buried himself deep inside her in one thrust.

  Shannyn gasped and made a little growl of satisfaction. “So thick,” she whispered. “So hard.” She rolled her hips and rocked a little so that Ty caught his breath.

  She was so hot, so tight, so slick that he had to lean his forehead on her shoulder for a minute to catch his breath. His heart was thundering, but he wanted this to last a little longer. Shannyn kissed his ear, flicking her tongue against his ear lobe, setting him on fire with predictable ease. He bent to take one nipple in his mouth, suckling her as he began to move, loving how she wrapped her legs and arms around him and held tight.

  She was gasping against him and he could feel that her clit was hard. He tipped her back and got his thumb between them, making sure he could tease her.

  “You just want me to scream,” she accused breathlessly.

  “Both times,” he agreed and brushed the edge of his ring against her.

  “My tenants will hear,” she gasped.

  “Good,” Ty said and she laughed, until he moved faster and she trembled with a need he shared. He moved faster and harder, teasing her, provoking her, loving how she writhed and shivered and provoked him back. By the time she shouted in her release, he was right behind her, burying himself inside her one last time with such force that the dishes rattled in the cupboards. And Shannyn laughed, holding him close as he shook with the power of his release, then pressing kisses against his shoulder.

  Ty realized that no matter how many times he was with Shannyn, it would always be fresh and new. It would always be an experience to be savored, it would always be hot, and she would always surprise him somehow.

  And he liked the promise of that just fine.

  They did it slowly in the shower the second time, running the hot water tank dry, and Shannyn had to concede that slower was better. Tyler tormented her the second time, just as he had that first night, taking her to the brink of pleasure repeatedly before giving her a release. The tease made the orgasm so much more powerful that her knees were shaking as they dried off. She felt cherished and languid, and just too damn good to worry about future hazards.

  “Do you think that tapas place is open on Sunday?” Tyler asked. He was picking up his suit and shaking it out. “Cute little sandwiches only go so far.”

  Shannyn gave him a hanger, which made him glance her way in surprise. “You took me out last week,” she said. “It’s my turn.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “That I’ll feed you to keep up your strength,” she said. “I’ll also prove to you that I can cook.”

  “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

  She found Tyler a pair of shorts and a chambray shirt of Aidan’s, then laughed at him so dressed down. He looked tousled and approachable, younger but every bit as sexy. He hung up his suit, then came to meet her in the kitchen in bare feet. No matter what he wore, he looked like a million bucks, and when he ran his hand up her back, she was ready to have him all over again.

  “That smells amazing,” he said, dropping a kiss to the back of her neck.

  “It’s just a quick dish, but the pasta is homemade.”

  “Homemade pasta? Go on.”

  Shannyn laughed at his surprise. “People do make pasta.”

  “No one I know.”

  “That chef does. I’ll bet on it.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “It’s actually easy. You just need some patience.”

  “Why bother?”

  “You’ll see why I do in a few minutes. I promise.” She risked a glance his way, knowing how easy it would be to become used to having him around. As was so often the case, she ended up confessing too much to him. “I took all the cooking classes while I was waiting for eggs to ripen and all that stuff. I had nothing else to do.”

  “Just like me right now. Give me a job. I’m easily trained.”

  Shannyn laughed and got a bag of mixed greens from the fridge. “Make a salad?”

  “That’s well within my capabilities.” Tyler set to work, washing the greens. Shannyn had set aside a big bowl and gave him a bottle of homemade dressing. When he was done, he set it on the table and lit the candles she’d already put out. She felt him looking around.

  “No wine. Sorry.”

  “No worries.” Tyler returned to watch her finish the sauce, his heat close behind her back. His hand landed on the back of her waist and his thumb did that circle thing which was starting to drive her nuts. “What is it?”

  “It’s called Midnight Pasta. You can make it quickly if you have the ingredients in the pantry. Onion, garlic, anchovies, capers, olive oil, chili pepper flakes, some parsley, fresh parmesan if you have it.” Shannyn shrugged. “It’s flexible. I’ve put leftover chicken in it before, but you lose.”

  “Not hardly,” he murmured with a laugh, making her feel warm all over again. He smiled when she
flicked a look his way and Shannyn knew her heart stopped cold. “It smells fabulous, like something even I could make.”

  “Easy, easy.” Shannyn served it up and garnished the plates with freshly grated parmesan. They sat down and Tyler poured sparkling water into the wine glasses.

  He frowned and she saw him glance down the corridor. He stared and Shannyn smiled, knowing who was making his entrance.

  “The elusive cat,” he guessed.

  “Fitzwilliam,” Shannyn said. She got up and put a bit of anchovy in the cat dish, but Fitzwilliam remained seated in the hallway. He watched Tyler with undisguised suspicion.

  “Which Fitzwilliam?” he asked.

  “Pride and Prejudice.”

  “I know, but which one?”

  She glanced up. “Excuse me?”

  “Fitzwilliam Darcy or Colonel Fitzwilliam?” Tyler took a bite and closed his eyes, savoring, as she watched. “Wow. This is really good. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She smiled. “Does it matter?”

  “Of course, it matters. Which one inspired the name will tell me everything.”



  “There’s a terrifying prospect.”

  “You don’t look very frightened.”

  “You really have the Austen references down pat.”

  He held up four fingers, smiling when she laughed. “Watching Pride and Prejudice is the universal tonic to all woes, romantic, financial, you name it. I think I know Darcy’s lines better than Colin Firth.”

  “Fitzwilliam Darcy,” Shannyn admitted. “Now, what do you deduce from that?”

  “Well, you named him for the brooding nobleman who keeps his romantic inclinations well hidden and is misjudged by others.” Tyler took another bite. “This is amazing,” he murmured, then nodded. “As opposed to the charming military man, who proves to be self-motivated in the end.” He took another bite, and seemed to be choosing his words. “It could be argued that the one who looks like a smug entitled asshole at the beginning proves to be the better man and the right man for Elizabeth.” He flicked one of those lethal looks at Shannyn. “She had it all wrong.”

  “No, he changed because of her, maybe for her.”

  “Exactly, but she failed to see his potential at first.”

  Their gazes locked and held over the table, and Shannyn recalled Tyler’s challenge. Did people really change? She wasn’t convinced, but she was tempted to find out.

  There was a yowl of complaint then, and a waving tail appeared in the doorway.

  “Fish in the dish,” Tyler told Fitzwilliam, indicating the bowl.

  The cat delivered a soliloquy about his dissatisfaction with the situation.

  “He’s really vocal.”

  Shannyn smiled. “Oh, he has a lot to say. He’s lord of the manor and he knows it.” She excused herself and got up to open a can of cat food, then put some in the cat’s bowl. When she put it down on the mat, Fitzwilliam moved closer, about three feet away from both Tyler and the bowl. He sat there, eyes narrowed, considering the situation, and Shannyn doubted he approved of another male on his turf.

  “More spoils of war?” Tyler asked when Shannyn sat down again.

  “No. I got him when the neighbors moved away. They left him behind.”

  He froze in the act of taking another bite. “They abandoned a pet?”

  Shannyn nodded, avoiding his gaze. “He was hiding under their porch. He’s not an outside cat, so he was hungry. The other neighbor was calling the SPCA to capture him. I knew that since he was an adult and not a kitten, that might not end well for him.”

  Ty was watching her so closely that she got goose bumps. The man didn’t miss a thing. “So, you took him in.”

  “Well, it wasn’t easy. He had to be convinced. It took me about a week and countless tins of tuna. Once he moved in, though, he started to tell me all about it. He hasn’t stopped talking since.”

  Fitzwilliam yowled as if to agree and stalked his dinner. He seated himself as usual, wrapped his tail around himself, then bent to eat.

  Shannyn was well aware that Tyler was watching her, assessing her mood.

  “I guess some people would say it’s just a cat,” he said finally.

  “Just a cat?” Shannyn echoed. “He was abandoned and alone, cold and wet and hungry, dumped just because he wasn’t convenient. What kind of a person would leave him? Anyone with a cat has to know how many strays there are and how many of them are being euthanized in shelters. It was wrong.” She jammed her fork into her pasta. “It was wicked.”

  “You saved him because you understood,” Tyler said quietly.

  Shannyn nodded. “I know what it’s like to be dumped and forgotten, and I don’t think anybody should ever have to put up with that, even a cat.”

  “Fair enough.”

  As usual, the way he actually listened prompted her to admit more. “When I went to try to get Fitzwilliam out from under the porch, he was terrified. He clawed my hand so badly that I needed stitches. But I understood him. He’d trusted someone who hadn’t kept the faith. He’d been betrayed. He didn’t want to be tempted to trust again. I knew exactly where he was coming from. So, I came back from urgent care and I put on a pair of heavy gloves and I went back to that porch, just as determined to bring him home as he was to stay there.”

  “Maybe more,” Tyler said. “He’s here.”

  “He was not going to a kill shelter on my watch.”

  Tyler looked up, and Shannyn was so surprised by the way his eyes sparkled that she fell silent and stared. “I had it right the first time,” he said. “Fierce, idealistic, romantic and very, very cute.” With that, he put down his fork, leaned across the table and kissed Shannyn breathless.


  The rules were broken, the barricades were burning and, for the moment, Shannyn didn’t care one bit.

  And then Tyler’s phone rang.

  It seemed to Shannyn that she and Colleen were in violent agreement about the prospects of Shannyn and Tyler’s relationship. Even distance didn’t disguise the sound of Tyler’s voice rising in annoyance.

  When he strode back down the hall, he looked grim and he chucked his phone back into his jacket pocket with a dismissive gesture. “Now, where were we?” he asked, as if he intended to ignore the interruption.

  Shannyn didn’t.

  “She’s right, and you know it.” She folded her arms across her chest as if that would make any difference in protecting her from this man’s appeal.

  “She’s not right,” Tyler said. “How dare she even suggest that you and I should break up? It’s not my mom’s business who I date.” He sat down and looked at his pasta as if his appetite had been spoiled.

  Shannyn’s certainly had. “She’d probably argue that your happiness is her business.”

  He gave her an intent look. “She did.”

  “And you told her she was wrong.”

  “Of course, I did.” Tyler was impatient. “Relationships aren’t necessarily about marriage and marriages aren’t necessarily about babies. There are lots of options available, including the pursuit of whatever the hell makes those involved happy.”

  “Your mom has known you longer than anyone.”

  He exhaled. “That’s true.”

  “And you might change your mind later.”

  “No.” Tyler was adamant. “The point is the partner. That’s the decision you make to the best of your abilities. Everything else you deal with as it comes, ideally more easily because you have the right person at your back. No one knows what the future holds. No one can guarantee anything.”

  “You could have just told her it was a fake date.”

  His gaze locked with hers. “I don’t think it is anymore,” he said softly and leaned closer, his intensity making Shannyn’s heart skip. “What if we’re onto something good?”

  What if? She had to be sure he never guessed how tempting that was. “Don’t be ridiculous. You just
like the challenge of it all.” She leaned against the counter. “And you know, you’re right. You’ve convinced me. You are nice.”

  He took a step back to survey her and Shannyn figured he’d be gone within minutes. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve won. You’re triumphant. You succeeded at the challenge and I agree.” She brushed her hands together. “And now we’re done. Mission accomplished.”

  “And don’t let the door hit you in the ass?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Tyler studied her for a long moment. Then he took his suit into the bathroom and returned, dressed for war. He shrugged into his suit jacket, his gaze unswerving. He watched her as if he was trying to figure her out.

  Then he took the step between them and held her gaze. “You’re so sure I’m going to let you down,” he whispered. “But I wonder if your real fear is that I won’t.”


  Tyler reached out to touch her chin with a fingertip. “I challenge you to give us a chance. It’s not even three weeks to Katelyn’s wedding. What if we act like a couple for those three weeks? And if you don’t want to make it real after that, I’ll walk away, without a word of protest.”

  “You’re going to try to change my mind.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “You just like to win.”

  “I like to build upon success. And I think you’re afraid because you know as well as I do that there’s something special going on between us.”

  “You don’t have time for a relationship.”

  “That’s what I thought, but I seem to be making time for you.”

  “You’ll get bored.”

  “Why not find out for sure?” His fingertip slid along her jaw in a slow caress, leaving hot tingles behind it. “Why not invite me to Kirsten’s wedding, Shannyn? What are you afraid of?”


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