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Matty & Emma

Page 7

by Pepper North

  When it started to get dark, Jackson shooed everyone inside and into the bathtub. He washed Matty and Emma carefully. He paid close attention to remove all the traces of their fun evening from sticky smore traces on their cheeks to their dirty toes from trying to run barefoot in the yard. He shook his head at the sight of the dirty ring around the tub. Dorothy would laugh when she came to clean the nursery. She knew that much dirt could only come from Littles having a great time.

  Jackson gathered Emma and Matty next to him on the big bed and fed them both a warm bottle of formula. After brushing teeth, he tucked them into his big bed and read the exhausted pair a bedtime story. Several pages before the end, Emma and then Matty drifted off to sleep.

  He stood and looked down over them as they snoozed in his bed. Emma snored softly as Matty curled into a ball holding on tightly to the stuffed eggplant that he had discovered days ago in the toy chest. He tiptoed into the bathroom and took a shower to get ready for bed. Jackson crawled carefully into the wide space between the two Littles. He slid into the covers and fell quickly asleep.

  That wide space between the three of them didn’t last for long. When Jackson woke up at three am due to a soft bonk on the head, both Littles were curled up on his chest. He reached a strong arm up to remove the purple eggplant that had landed on his face. He tucked Matty’s hands under the covers and kissed his forehead lightly before falling back to sleep. He was a fortunate man.

  Chapter 20

  Waking up the next morning to Little giggles was wonderful. Jackson made a big production of stretching his arms widely above his head and wrapping his Little boy and girl up suddenly in a big bear hug. Pulling them on his chest, Jackson rubbed his morning beard bristles along each of their cheeks. The morning giggles turned to chortles as he tickled their ribs.

  “Daddy, Daddy, you snore,” Emma said between bouts of laughter.

  “SOOOOOOO loud,” confirmed Matty who smiled from ear to ear.

  “I don’t snore. You must have heard the monster under the bed. He gets hungry when I don’t feed him,” Jackson said solemnly. He looked back and forth between his two Littles. “Who should I throw over the side of the bed for his breakfast?”

  “Not me!” squealed Emma holding on to his broad chest.

  “Emma’s sweeter. He’d like her better,” Matty suggested.

  “Maybe it was me that was snoring. I might need a Little or two to nibble on for breakfast,” Jackson suggested. He turned over pulling Matty and Emma into the center of the bed as he raised himself on his knees. Jackson kicked the covers down to the bottom of the bed to uncover the nude Little bodies he had tucked into bed only wearing their diapers last night. He quickly disposed of their diapers dropping the wet diapers into a trashcan by the bed along with several wipes that he used to clean their bottoms.

  Jackson alternated his caresses between each of the Littles. A nibble on the neck for Matty followed by a sweet bite on Emma’s shoulder. He discovered that each Little had very sensitive nipples. Jackson was pleased to dally there nipping and sucking at the tight buds. He ran a strong hand down their abdomens enjoying the softness of Emma’s feminine form and the lean tautness of Matty’s. His Littles lay with one hand each on his shoulders and the other holding hands together. All knew this was right. They needed to be together.

  Pressing their legs apart, Jackson leaned in to kiss the tip of Matty’s rigid erection. He held his penis firmly in one hand as he brushed his fingers through the wetness that gathered in Emma’s sweet folds. Jackson tried to give each Little his full attention, but everything soon blurred together as the Littles could no longer lay passively. Jackson rocked back on his heels as he felt Matty’s lips slide down the length of his penis. He groaned in pleasure as he slipped a large finger into Emma’s tight vagina. Her inner tissues pulled him further in as they began to squeeze. Her tongue was busy whirling around each of Matty’s testicles pulling groans of pleasure from the Little boy that vibrated along Jackson’s erection deep in Matty’s mouth.

  Buzzing with pleasure, Jackson pulled Matty onto his knees and grabbed a tube of lubricant from the bedside table. As he began to press his lubricated fingers into Matty’s tight bottom, Emma flowed across the bed to invite Matty to begin kissing between her legs. There was no awkwardness or jealousy. The trio concentrated on bringing pleasure to everyone. Jackson fitted his large penis against Matty’s dusky anus. His first thrust into his Little boy felt like heaven. Judging by the moans and groans from his Littles everyone agreed. Emma leaned forward to thrust her swollen breasts toward Jackson. His move to trap a deep red nipple in his mouth thrust him deeper into Matty’s tight passage. Soon, no one was thinking separately. They each concentrated on giving and accepting pleasure freely.

  Matty cried out first, reaching an orgasm that burst from his penis on the sheet below him. His muscles clamped on Jackson’s rigid erection catapulting him into a massive explosion of pleasure that flooded Matty’s bottom. The Little sucked Emma’s clitoris into his mouth strongly, finally allowing her to reach her crest. Jackson shifted to the side pulling Matty to lay between them as everyone wrapped arms around each other.

  As they laid there trying to regain control of their breath, a small Little voice piped up, “Poor monster under the bed. He didn’t get to eat anyone.”

  Matty burst into delighted laughter at Emma’s commiseration with the hungry monster. “Next time, let’s tempt him with an Emma sandwich. He’d be really jealous then,” he suggested.

  Jackson and Emma agreed immediately.

  Chapter 21

  After cleaning up together in the big walk-in shower in Jackson’s bathroom, he shooed them into the nursery. Jackson used a bulb syringe to rinse Matty’s bottom clean of their morning pleasure while Emma held his hand in sympathy. He was allowed to sit on the potty chair immediately to release the small amount of warm water only. The two Littles decided that they liked that kind of enema.

  Matty hugged his Daddy after being cleaned up and wrapped in a fresh diaper. “Thanks, Daddy. I like having you inside me, but I was worried about going to the doctor.”

  “I’m worried about going to the doctor, now,” Emma wrapped her arms around both men. “Will you be there with me?”

  Jackson squeezed them into his chest. “I will be with both of you. I thought that you would be more comfortable if each of you had your exam privately from each other. One of you can play in the waiting room while the other is examined and then we’ll switch places.”

  Matty and Emma looked at each other with dismay. Emma immediately took Matty’s hand. She looked up at Jackson and asked, “Can’t Matty be in the room when I have my exam? I’d feel better if he was there, too. I can wait outside during his if he’d prefer.”

  Instantly, Matty’s head turned from side to side. “I want you with me, too. Can’t we be together, Daddy?”

  Jackson’s heart grew as they both turned to look at him so earnestly. “Dr. Richards knows Littles get nervous when they go to the doctor. He will be happy to examine you with all of us in the room. You will have to promise to stay quiet and not interfere,” he looked sternly at the pair of Littles.

  “Okay, Daddy. I promise,” Emma chirped quickly.

  “Me, too. I just want Emma to hold my hand, Daddy,” Matty looked at Emma as her hand snuggled into his larger one.

  I think Dr. Richards will definitely approve of that,” Jackson smiled at his two darling Littles. “Now, to the kitchen. Let’s see what Dorothy has for us this morning. We don’t want any Little tummies growling in hunger at the doctor’s office. What if he has an under the exam table monster?” Jackson curled his fingers and growled as he chased the squealing Littles down the hall.

  Chapter 22

  There was no squealing coming from his Littles a few hours later. Jackson sat between his two Littles as they both nestled as close to him as possible on the waiting room couch. An older former military gentleman had greeted them at the door. Jackson had shaken hands with Paul a
ccepting his congratulations at finding his Littles with a smile. The older man had given them a clipboard of papers to fill out and ask them to wait in the adjacent area while Dr. Richards finished with an earlier patient.

  The two Littles listened carefully to try to decipher the murmurs coming from the exam room. A few minutes after Jackson had completed the paperwork, the door opened, and two men in service station coveralls walked out. One was walking unsteadily and holding on to the older man for stability. The doctor followed them out of the exam room. “Okay, Tony. No more running in the garage with tools.” The Little nodded sadly. “Rob, don’t wait for Tony to tell you that he’s in pain. Insert a pain suppository in his bottom every four hours for the first twenty-four hours. Then, one every eight hours for the next day. His pain should lessen each day. You can probably stop the pain medication on Wednesday but if he starts complaining or being grumpy, give him another suppository. Those will constipate him unfortunately so give him an enema daily for the next week. I’ll see you in two weeks to take out the stitches.”

  Rob rubbed his Littles back. “Come on, Tony. Let’s go home, and you can rest. No more screwdrivers for you today.”

  “It was a Phillips’ head. I hate those,” Tony mumbled a little woozy from the pain medication.

  Rob shook his head ruefully at his Little’s excuse. “I know. Those are the tricky ones.” He guided him through the waiting room waving to Jackson and giving him the thumbs up. He signaled that he’d give Jackson a call soon as he turned to help Tony through the door.

  Emma and Matty had been distracted watching Tony and his Daddy. They jumped when a deep voice right next to the couch greeted them warmly.

  “You must be Emma, and I bet you’re Matty,” Dr. Richards said with a smile that widened as he surprised them. “I’ve known your Daddy for a long time, and I know he’s been waiting to find you.” He turned to shake hands with Jackson as they all stood. “Who gets to go first?” he asked kindly. Dr. Richards was used to nervous Littles. He had a Little girl of his own who still got nervous in his exam room.

  “I’ll go first,” Matty volunteered, looking at Emma to make sure this was okay. She nodded and clung to his hand.

  “Can we all stay together, Dr. Richards? Matty and I promised that we wouldn’t get in the way,” she looked at him beseechingly.

  “I’m glad to see that you and Matty support each other. I think it’s a great idea if you stay together. I will, however, tell you now that if either of you interfere or make the other uncomfortable, you’ll have to come out to the waiting room and read a book or color while I finish my examination. Does that sound okay to you both?” Dr. Richards said seriously.

  Both Littles nodded their head in agreement.

  “Come into exam room 2,” Dr. Richards instructed. Closing the door, he looked at Jackson, “Would you help Matty undress completely. Even his diaper needs to come off.” Dr. Richards shuffled through the paperwork reading the information that they had filled in together. “Okay, Matty. You’re 27 and in good health. When did you last go to see a doctor?”

  Matty’s voice was muffled as his Daddy pulled his tee shirt over his head. “Mmmm, two years ago?”

  Dr. Richards shook his head. “Matty, I’m going to ask your Daddy to bring you to see me regularly. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Dr. Richards,” Matty answered as he stepped out of his socks and shoes. Soon he stood nude. His cheeks were lightly flushed with embarrassment. It was tough to be exposed in a room of clothed people.

  “Up on the scale, Matty. Turn to face us so I can check your height next,” Dr. Richards instructed. Emma looked for his weight to show up on the wall above the scale, but it was blank. She was glad. She didn’t want anyone else to see how much she weighed. Dr. Richards slid the lever down to rest lightly on the top of Matty’s head. He made some notes before asking Matty to lay on his tummy on the exam table.

  Emma moved next to the exam table as Matty laid down hiding his face in the padding. She took one of his hand and squeezed it gently. Matty looked up at her and smiled. She kept her eyes on him and could tell the minute that Dr. Richards began spreading lubricant on his tight anus. Matty’s eyes widened and then rolled slightly back in his head at the sensations. He dropped his head back down to the table as the thermometer slid deep into his bottom.

  “Jackson, I’ll gather some samples today to test to make sure Matty is as healthy as he appears to be. Tell me–what are your intentions for your Littles. Do they always wear a diaper? Do they live as a Little 24/7?” Dr. Richards asked. His hand rested easily on Matty’s muscular buns holding the thermometer in place.

  “My Littles are each a bit different from the other. Matty works in his family’s business. He wears a diaper whenever he’s not at work or running. Emma has moved her studio to my home. She’s there during the day by herself. I allow her to use the toilet while I’m out of the house at the factory. It’s not the best set up, but it’s working for us now. I’d love to hear any suggestions that you have,” Jackson answered honestly.

  “That’s the situation for many Littles, and it works well for some. Obviously, the best situation would be that the three of you would be together always and the Littles could use diapers exclusively. Sometimes, that optimal living arrangement evolves during the course of the relationship. Sometimes it doesn’t. There is nothing that is particularly better than the other. It is easier on Littles to adjust if they can always use their diapers. But that’s not right for everyone. Matty is a good example. He would have abrasions and rashes if he tried to run any distance in a diaper.” Dr. Richards removed the thermometer slowly. “Temperature is perfect. Sit up Matty and let me begin your physical. I’m going to look into your eyes and ears first,” he explained as Matty rolled over on his side and sat up.

  Matty clenched his buttocks together and felt the slick lubricant. He cooperated with the doctor as he performed his physical. The Little’s biggest worry was getting an erection in front of everyone. The feel of Dr. Richards’ gloves on his abdomen was his undoing. Matty tried to cover his penis as it lengthened and stiffened. Dr. Richard’s caught his hands in his gloved hands.

  “Matty, it is perfectly expected that your body will react to your exam by becoming stimulated. I need to see your responses to a variety of stimulants. That allows me to know that your body functions normally. I will expect you to have an orgasm before your exam is finished. No one here minds if your body becomes excited.” Dr. Richards smiled at the relief on Matty’s face. He tousled Matty’s brown hair and turned to gather supplies to draw Matty’s blood.

  “I don’t like needles, Dr. Richards,” Matty said urgently. His penis deflated at the thought.

  “Matty told me that he passed out the last time someone took his blood,” Emma shared helpfully.

  “Thank you, Emma. Matty, I want you to lay back on the table. That way, you won’t get so woozy. Look at your Daddy and Emma. One, two, three, a small prick,” Dr. Richards skillfully inserted the needle and withdrew several tubes of blood. He wrapped a label with Matty’s name on the outside and set them in a box. “You’re doing a great job, Matty. Do you feel okay?”

  “Yes, Dr. Richards. That didn’t hurt at all,” Matty said bravely.

  “Good. I don’t ever want to hurt a patient. Now, can you urinate in this cup for me?” Dr. Richards asked holding a plastic specimen cup in front of him. When Matty nodded yes, Dr. Richards uncapped the cup and lifted Matty’s penis to rest in the cup.

  “You mean here? In front of everyone?” Matty whispered.

  “Yes, Matty. I can use a catheter if you can’t urinate,” Dr. Richards offered.

  Matty shook his head urgently. “I don’t want a catheter.” The thought of a tube invading his penis was more than most Little boys wanted to consider. “I can’t do it in front of Emma. Can she turn around?”

  She turned to rest her head against her Daddy’s chest. “I’m not looking, Matty. I promise!” It was tough to keep her promise w
hen she heard the splash of the urine into the cup. Emma was pretty fascinated by penises.

  “Thank you, Emma,” Matty said relieved.

  Emma turned around to see Dr. Richards taping on a label on the yellow liquid filled cup.

  “Matty, I’m going to check your abdomen next. Take a deep breath for me,” Dr. Richards asked. He pressed in several areas on the Little’s lean tummy. “Your intestines feel good.” He looked at Jackson and asked, “When was his last enema?”

  “He had a deep cleansing enema and a rinse last night. This morning, I gave him a small rinse with a bulb syringe after sex,” Jackson explained easily.

  Matty covered his eyes in embarrassment. “Daddy!”

  Dr. Richards’ and Jackson’s eyes met, and they both laughed silently. Littles were so easy disconcerted.

  “Time for me to check that clean bottom, Matty. Jackson, help me move Matty’s legs into these supports. That’s it. Just wrap the strap around his ankle. That will keep him safe.” Dr. Richards moved between Matty’s legs. He stood and looked at his exposed penis and testicles for a few seconds before running his fingers down Matty’s penis as it began to enlarge once again. He reached below to cup his testicles before rolling them gently in his hand. He traced their shape checking for any irregularities. “Everything looks very healthy, Matty. I’m going to look at your bottom now. Just relax.”

  “Jackson, would you hold this for later? I’ll let you know when it’s time,” Dr. Richards asked as he handed the new Daddy another specimen cup.


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