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The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5)

Page 9

by D. Camille

  Taylor smiled. “Well clearly you two made up.”

  “He took me to his Mama’s house to have breakfast with her.”


  Liv nodded and repeated. “He took me to his Mama’s house.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “Miles takes his mother breakfast every morning, but I didn’t believe he took me with him.” Liv said with a shrug.

  “Are you two dating now?” Taylor inquired.

  “No, I wouldn’t call it dating….”

  Taylor studied her sister.

  “What’s going to happen when you go back home tomorrow?” Taylor asked.

  “I’ll have some damn good memories.”

  “And Miles feels the same way?”

  Liv frowned. “Of course, we both know what we’re doing with each other. It feels amazing, it’s satisfying’s for the moment.”

  “Just like that?” Taylor asked. “You’re not even curious if there could be more?”

  “More what?”

  “More than sex, Liv?”

  “Hell no…” Liv returned, still frowning. “You don’t fall in love with Miles’ of the world.”

  Taylor looked concerned.

  “Do you even want to fall in love?” Taylor questioned.

  Liv pondered the question.

  “I see how happy you are and I wonder,” Liv finally answered. “But, it would have to be a man who could show me that he’s willing to put me first, when I need to be in that position.”

  “And if he could do that?”

  Smiling, Liv said, “Then I’d ask his ass to marry me…”

  Taylor laughed. “Okay, Sis.”

  “Enough of me,” Liv said eagerly. “Have you two set a date?”

  “Not yet,” Taylor replied. “Maybe next Spring, when you’re on break.”

  Liv looked at Taylor.

  “That’s so sweet of you to think of me,” Liv said softly.

  “I have to have you there.”

  “Nothing would stop me.” Liv moved over to where Taylor sat and wrapped her arms around her. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Taylor returned her hug.

  “Whatever date you pick, I will be here.” Liv promised.

  “Thank you.”

  Standing to her feet, Liv looked down at Taylor.

  “Now, I need to take a nap because I didn’t sleep last night, and I won’t be sleeping tonight.” Liv shared.

  “What are you doing tonight?”


  Taylor shook her head. “You sound like an addict.”

  “If I lived here, I’d probably become addicted to Miles very quickly.”

  “You look very happy, Liv.” Taylor pointed out.

  Grinning, Liv said, “”

  “Last night you said you were going to kill him.”

  “Last night, he tried to kill me.” Liv shared. “So I gotta get my rest and bring my A game. I can’t have him in these Detroit streets saying that he had me tapping out.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Dead serious.” Liv confirmed. “That man has hella stamina. He must be taking some kind of supplement. His sister-in-law is naturopathic doctor.”

  “Yes, I know.” Taylor said slowly, always amazed by her sister.

  “Well anyway, I’ve only got one more night.” Liv shrugged and headed down the hall.

  In the bedroom, Liv laid on the bed. Closing her eyes, she recalled lying next to hard, warm body...then hands touching her both passionately and gently. Her core began to heat simply thinking of him and Liv allowed her own hands to roam her body, mimicking his sensual touch.

  “Damn, I gotta get my ass back to Dallas.”


  Driving to Malachi’s office, Miles’ choice of music was slow and sexy. His mind pictured the red haired, redbone with an attitude to match. Everything about Liv told you that she was straight fire. Her look, her touch, her taste, could make a man burn.

  But, Miles wasn’t about to get torched by Liv. She was bad, but he’d had more bad women than he could count. Yet, there was something about her…

  She’d barged her little sexy, smart-mouthed ass into his life and his home. Hell, she’d even had him take her to his Mama’s house to prove a damn point. She could push his buttons, and at the same time touch his emotions.

  Shaking his head, Miles changed the music to some hardcore rap. All this lovey dovey wasn’t hitting at all. Arriving at the building, his head was back on straight and he was in wrecking mode. When he entered the large conference room, Miles was greeted by Ethan and Mathias. The new little Neo Negus were also sitting around the table.

  “What up doe?” he replied, then took an empty chair.

  “Malachi will be here in a minute, just to finalize some things...then he needs to get back to Cynthia and the baby.”

  Miles nodded. “That’s cool.”

  “These are the self-proclaimed Neo Negus.” Mathias told him.

  “I know who they are.” Miles looked at them.

  “Malachi wants to pull you in working with these dudes.” Ethan shared.

  Lifting a brow, Miles asked, “What kind of work?”

  “How to do what they were doing already…” Mathias began.

  “But doing it right….” Ethan gave the young men a look.

  They all looked back at him.

  “Where do I come in?” Miles questioned.

  “We need your videography skills.” Ethan told him.

  “For what?”

  “We’re sending the Neo Negus undercover.” Malachi announced coming into the room.

  He greeted everyone, then took a seat.

  “Undercover?” Tremaine asked. “Doing what?”

  “You’re going to infiltrate the John Campbell camp.”

  Eric frowned. “The dude who wants to be Mayor?”

  “Yeah,” Malachi replied. “And the dude you’ve been burning down houses and knocking off police for…”

  The young men looked at one another.

  “Miles is an expert with the camera and obtaining footage.” Malachi explained to them..

  “You want me to document what’s going on there.” Miles assumed.

  Malachi nodded. “Exactly. Can you do that to get the evidence we need to expose him?”

  Miles stared at the five young men.

  “Yeah, I can do that.” He replied. “I’ll be tracking all of them.”

  He watched for a sign of distress from anyone in the group.

  “What’s up Miles?” Malachi asked, studying him.

  Turning to Malachi, Miles shook his head. “I’m here to do what I can to help.”

  “Okay…” Malachi glanced at Ethan, and they shared a look. “I’m going to put a plan in motion and Ethan will lead on this…”

  Ethan smiled. “That means I’m going to be on all of your asses.”

  Malachi continued, “Who wants to be the point person to communicate with Campbell alongside Miles?”

  Miles waited to see who would volunteer.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Okay, coordinate with Miles.” Malachi replied. “He’ll have everything once we work out the plan.”

  “The rest of you will work with me.” Ethan announced.

  Looking around the room, Malachi said to the Neo Negus, “Let us get to work, and we’ll be in touch.”

  “Stay out of trouble.” Mathias told them as they stood to leave.

  “Yeah, we got it.” Tremaine replied and led the group out the door.

  With the Neo Negus gone, Malachi turned to the other men in the room.

  “What do you all think?” he asked. “Can we trust them to do this?”

  Ethan shrugged. “Hell if I know…”

  Mathias answered, “I think they can handle it.”

  “Miles?” Malachi inquired.

  “I think we’ll see.” Miles replied.

  Malachi nodded. “With
the arrival of the baby, I can’t keep eyes on them twenty-four seven, so that’s why I need you and your cameras. I need you to approach Campbell and say you want to document his bid for Mayor, take Tremaine as your assistant, since he volunteered.”

  “I got it.” Miles assured him.

  Malachi turned to Ethan. “You keep an eye on the others.”

  “I’ll have their little asses in line.”

  Then he turned to his brother. “Watch these two.” He motioned between Miles and Ethan.

  Mathias nodded. “No problem, since wherever Taylor’s sister, Liv is...Miles is too.”

  “It seems that way.” Ethan agreed.

  Malachi stood. “I’d love to sit here and learn about Miles’ love life, but I have to get back to my wife and son.”

  He looked at the men one last time.

  “I’m counting on all of you right now.”

  Ethan frowned. “Dude, go home.”

  “I’ll be there to visit our baby,” Mathias told him.

  Malachi headed to the door and Miles looked at his watch. Standing to his feet, he glanced between Ethan and Mathias.

  “I’ll be in touch, after I’ve made contact with Campbell’s group.”

  Both men agreed and Miles walked out of the room. Outside, he saw the Neo Negus standing around talking.

  “What up doe?” he asked them.

  “We just talking.” Tremaine answered.

  “About what?”

  Mike frowned. “Man this is whack. We wanna do some real shit.”

  “Some real shit?” Miles asked. “Like what?”

  “Like we was doing for the MasterMind.” He answered.

  “You mean the shit you were doing that had y’all asses scared and running to the Negus?” Miles questioned.

  They all looked at one another.

  “Listen, y’all not hard. You don’t know what the fuck you’re doing...and your asses need to stop being little smartasses and learn some shit.” Miles warned.

  “Who are you?” Gideon asked, confused. “You not a Negus.”

  Miles frowned and looked at Mike. “Tell your boy…”

  Mike responded. “This Miles...uh, you don’t really want to fuck with him like that.”

  Miles looked at Gideon. “Now you can take his advice or find out for yourself.”

  When there was no response, Miles nodded.

  “I thought so…” he told Gideon, then turned to Mike. “Come ride with me.”

  Mike followed Miles to his SUV and climbed inside. After they took off, the others looked at one another.

  “Damn...they done brought in Miles…” Eric shook his head.

  Chapter 9

  In the vehicle, Miles turned to Mike.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Man, I was just trying to be like your brother.”

  Miles drove down the street.

  “So why not just go to him?” Miles questioned.

  “Because old girl came to us…” Mike replied. “I never thought of actually doing no shit like this.”

  Miles sighed and turned a corner.

  “Are you leaking information to those developers?”

  Mike frowned. “Come on Miles. You know I ain’t no snitch like that.”

  “Word’s one of your little Neo Negus.”

  “Word wrong.”

  “You sure?” Miles questioned. “Because if I find out, I’m not asking no more questions…”

  Mike frowned. “Man, nah...I don’t believe that. Who said it?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You need to find out if it’s true.”


  “I’m giving you a camera.”

  Shaking his head, Mike refused. “Nah, I’m not diming out my team. The Negus wouldn’t do no shit like that.”

  “Dude, you NOT the Negus! Damn!” Miles yelled.

  “You want me to spy on my dudes?”

  “Hell yeah, if one of them is working both sides…”

  Mike looked out the window.

  “You know when Lance got shot, none of the Negus have ever said who killed Jerome.” Mike pointed out.

  “What do you think the Negus would do if one of them turned?” Miles asked.

  “They wouldn’t turn on each other.”

  “Do you know why?”

  Mike turned back. “They loyal.”

  “They’re loyal because they been together in that shit since elementary school.” Miles explained. “Y’all was put together by some crazy ass females out to get The Master. You willing to put your life on all them?”

  “I mean, I’ve known Eric and Tremaine for a minute. Gideon and Trey was new...but they ride.” Mike told him.

  “Then you won’t come up with nothing and we’re all cool.” Miles told him simply.

  “What if they catch me spying on them?” Mike asked.

  “Then you’re terrible at this and you need to go work on cars…”

  Mike frowned at him.

  “You feel me?” Miles asked.

  “Yeah, I got you.”

  “Bet, come by the studio tomorrow and I’ll get you fitted.”

  Sighing, Mike said, “Yeah, okay. I just want to prove that the Neo Negus are as loyal as the Negus.”

  “We’ll see.”


  Liv checked herself in the mirror and fluffed her big hair. Her full lips were painted in a muted pink and her dark eyes were accentuated with mascara and eyeliner. Light golden skin was covered in a blue halter-style dress that showcased her hourglass frame.

  The doorbell rang and then she heard voices in the other room. Grabbing her bag, she walked out to join them.

  Across the room, Miles stood with Taylor and Mathias. His brown eyes turned in her direction and stopped. Liv saw the appreciation immediately and smiled before she walked over to him.

  “Hello, Miles.” She noticed that he’d changed into a casual shirt and slacks.

  “Liv….” Their eyes held.

  Taylor and Mathias watched the pair wondering if they were just going to jump one another in the living room.

  “We won’t keep you two.” Taylor announced to get their attention.

  Liv smiled. “Okay, Taylor. We’re leaving.” She reached for Miles’ arm. “I think they want some privacy.”

  Taylor frowned. “I think you need some.”

  The couple said their goodbyes, then headed out to Miles’s vechicle. He opened the door for Liv and she saw a small bouquet of flowers on the seat.

  Turning back to him, she said, “Did you really get me flowers?”

  “Nah, my last woman left those in there.”

  She frowned. “You’re starting already.”

  With a smile, he reached for the arrangement then handed them to her.

  “These are for you, Liv.”

  She took them from his hand and brought them to her nose.

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” Liv whispered. “I didn’t take you for a flowers guy.”

  “Hey, I couldn’t let you go back to Dallas and tell people the men here were only good for making you tap out.”

  “I wasn’t going to say that anyway…”

  He laughed. “But it’s true…”

  Liv lifted her face to his. “A one time thing.”

  “Nah…” Miles whispered, then kissed her lips.

  He helped Liv inside and soon they were on their way.

  “Are you still taking me to see your studio?” Liv asked.

  “ you still want to go?”

  “It’s all I’ve been waiting for.”

  Miles gave her a look. “Really?”

  “Well it’s the first part of what I’ve been waiting for all day.” She grinned.

  “What did you do today?” Miles asked.

  “Chatted with Taylor, took a very long nap, then a bubble bath…”

  He glanced at her smooth, bare legs.

  “That’s why you smell so good.” Miles commented.

sp; “Do I?” Liv leaned closer. “What do I smell like?”

  Miles sniffed the air, then paused. “Mmmm...something that makes me ravenous.”

  “Good...because I want you to eat me up.”

  “You love to talk shit while I’m driving.”

  Liv sat back. “I talk shit all day.”

  He laughed. “You really do.”

  “What did you do today?” Liv asked, looking out the window.

  “Business…” he replied. “I’m starting a new project.”

  She turned to him.

  “A new documentary?” she questioned excited.


  “Tell me about it.” Liv ordered enthusiastically.

  Miled smiled at her exuberance.

  “You know you don’t have to gas me up. I’m still going to put it down for you.” He told her.

  Liv hit his solid arm. “Negro, ain’t nobody gassing you up.”

  “I’m just saying.”

  “Are you going to tell me or not?” Liv asked.

  “Through a grant from The Shaw Foundation, I’ve contracted with the Detroit Public School system to follow a group of students beginning in the fall. I’m documenting the experience of black children labeled as ‘troubled’.” Miles began. “My goal is to show all the extenuating circumstances that follow those children throughout their days. From the homes they’re leaving where they don’t feel safe, to go to schools that don’t make them feel safe, then back into neighborhoods where they don’t feel safe. You know, all the things that would make any person...troubled.”

  Liv sat quietly. “Wow…” she breathed.

  “Today, I got the final parental consent for the last student and the go ahead to begin when summer break begins.”

  “Summer break?” Liv asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, I want to show what the kids have done all summer and then follow the transition back into the school setting and throughout the entire year.”

  “That’s incredible Miles.”

  She watched him shrug.

  “Why are you so modest about your work?” Liv asked.

  “It’s different.”

  “It’s amazing.”

  Miles slid her a look.

  “You think so?”

  “You know it is...that’s why you do it.” She told him. “I love that you’re going to bring light to school children and the issues they face.”

  “I was those kids.”

  Liv stared at him.

  “You didn’t feel safe?” she asked quietly.


  She touched his arm, and asked, “Do you feel safe now?”


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