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The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5)

Page 11

by D. Camille

  Seeing the room, she gasped.

  “What did you do, Miles?”

  Sitting the food on a nearby table, he walked back over to where she stood.

  “This is my way of saying that I’ve enjoyed my time with you.” Miles said softly.

  Liv stared at the romantic setting created in his Living room, complete with flowers and unlit candles.

  “I don’t know what to say…” She said, turning to him.

  Miles touched her face. “You’re not basic, Liv. You’re amazing and I’m glad I got to meet you.”

  “I’m going to cry.”

  “No you’re not.”

  She stared at him. “I feel like I should.”

  He wrapped his arms around her.

  “No crying allowed. Screaming...yeah.”

  “This is so sweet and kind. Thank you…”

  “You’re welcome.” Miles looked into her eyes. “Let’s eat...I’m starving my ass off.”

  With their shoes kicked off and glasses filled, Miles and Liv sat on the floor surrounded by food and candles, while some of Miles’ music selections played softly.

  “Your house is so beautiful.” Liv told him. “You really should let more people in here.”

  He smiled. “I’m straight.”

  She reached over and snatched a piece of fried chicken from his plate and quickly put it in her mouth.

  “Why?” he asked with a frown.

  “It tastes better from your plate.” Liv said with her mouth full.

  Miles moved his plate further away from her and she laughed. Picking up a piece of shrimp from her own plate, she held it out to his mouth.

  “See if I’m lying,” Liv waited until he opened his mouth.

  She watched him slowly chew the fried seafood.

  “Am I right?” she asked.

  “That shit tastes the same.” He replied and Liv laughed loudly.

  “Don’t ruin my fantasy.” She pouted.

  Miles ate his chicken. “Okay.”

  Quietly, they ate for a few minutes, before Liv was talking again.

  “Do you get lonely here?”

  “No.” Miles answered. “I’m used to being alone. I actually prefer it.”

  She reached for her drink.

  “I think you like having ME here.”

  “Gassing yourself, huh?” Miles lifted a brow.

  “You don’t?”

  Wiping his hands on a napkin, Miles reached for his own glass.

  “Do I like having you here?” he repeated her inquiry.

  “That was the question.”

  Sipping slowly, Miles stared at her in the blue dress.

  “What do you think?”

  “That means yes…” Liv confirmed.

  He smiled. “Okay.”

  Liv swallowed the last of her drink, then crawled over to where he sat, placing her face directly in front of his.

  “You can tell me.”

  Miles placed his drink aside and moved Liv to straddle his lap.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?” Liv whispered.

  He reached up to cradle her face with a hand.

  “You’d move your ass in…”

  She laughed softly, and said, “There are five bedrooms.”

  “You got rent money?”

  “Shut up...”

  Liv pressed her full lips against his and initiated the kiss. Looping her arms around his neck, she moved closer. The kiss intensified, taking away their breath and setting the mood.

  “It’s movie time,” Liv whispered.

  “Let me set it up.”

  While Miles took care of getting the movie ready, Liv cleaned up the remnants of their dinner, taking the items in the large kitchen. Stopping for a moment, she looked around and actually imagined herself living there.

  They’d been merely joking and teasing about her moving in, but for this moment...she could see being here with Miles.

  “Girl, stop it!” She chastised herself and went about her task.

  “Liv, what you doing?” Miles called.

  “I’m coming!” Liv called back, then finished and went out to find him lying on the sectional sofa. The large television on the wall was paused.

  He held out a hand to her. “Come here.”

  Walking over, Liv stretched out next to him and felt his arm go around her waist from behind.

  “Were you cleaning my kitchen?” Miles asked in her ear.

  “You got cleaning money?”

  With a laugh, Miles pointed the remote at the television and Liv saw them on the screen. As the movie progressed, Miles pulled her closer resting his manhood against her backside.

  “You look so sexy.” He whispered.

  Liv smiled. “So do you.”

  They both watched enthralled as Miles tasted her essence on the screen.

  “Oh yeah…” Liv breathed. “I remember that.”

  “Mmm...that hot spot.”

  When it was Liv’s turn to be the star performer, Miles felt himself twitch in his pants, watching her love him with her mouth.

  “Your technique is fire, but you gotta work on that ending.”

  Liv glanced back at him.

  “You gotta earn that ending.” She told him.

  From there the joinings were hot, sensual and loud. Both pairs of eyes were glued to the television for the duration. When Liv began tapping out on the sofa, Miles laughed softly in her ear.

  “I think you broke my couch, beating the hell out of it.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that couch. I checked when we cleaned up.” Liv told him before her scream filled the room.

  “Now, that’s an ending.” Miles told her, kissing her neck. “You always sound just like a country girl afterwards.”

  “I do not!”

  “You do.” He argued. “I’ll ask if you’re good, and you’ll go right into it.”

  Liv pulled away. “I do not!” she repeated.

  Miles pointed to the screen, where he’d moved Liv into his arms on the sofa. Liv watched as he asked if she was good, then to her amazement, her southern accent did become more pronounced.

  She turned to look at him.

  “Told you.”

  “How did you notice that?” Liv asked.

  “How could I not?” Miles replied. “It’s so sexy...I want to hear it all the time.”

  Their attention was turned back to the screen and they both listened.

  “Okay...I don’t want you to miss your plane.” He said solemnly.

  Liv replied, just as solemnly. “Yeah...I don’t either.”

  Liv watched as she linked her arms tighter around Miles and laid her head on his shoulder, while Miles held her and gently stroked her back. Stopping the movie, Miles moved his body over hers and covered her mouth.

  When his phone signaled a familiar tone, he lifted his head and groaned.

  “Sorry, I’ve got to check this.”

  Liv watched him move away and pick up his phone. While he read the message, she sat up. When he started texting back, Liv stood and walked away. In the kitchen, she exited through the french doors out to the lighted patio.

  Taking a seat, Liv talked with herself.

  “Don’t get mad. You’re leaving in the morning.” One side of her brain said. “You knew what you were getting.”

  “Tell that Negro to get his ass off the phone.” The other side screamed. “He don’t know who he’s dealing with!”

  Looking up into the night sky, Liv sighed.

  “Hey, where’d you go?” Miles came outside and stood next to her chair.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt.” Liv said quietly.

  He took her hand. “It was business, so I had to take it.”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  Miles pulled her up to her feet and enfolded her.

  “So, we’re not going to have any problems, right?” he asked. “Because I planned all this romantic shit for you, and you’re going to appreciate it.�

  “Business text?” Liv lifted a brow.

  “Business text.”

  “Eleven at night?”

  He looked at her.

  “Last minute change in plans that I needed to know about for the morning.” Miles explained.



  Liv nodded. “I mean, you’ve done all this romantic ass shit.”

  Miles picked her up and she held on around his neck.

  “No more calls.” He told her. “I’m all yours until five a.m.”

  Carrying her to the bedroom, Miles laid her on his bed.

  “Now tell me what you want.”

  With a sexy look, Liv said the two magic words, that made Miles smile.

  “All night, baby…” he agreed.


  For the second night in a row, Miles and Liv didn’t sleep. Over coffee in his kitchen, they stared at one another.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to get breakfast?” Miles asked.

  “You’ve been the perfect host,” Liv smiled. “I’ll grab something at the airport.”

  “Taylor’s going to drop you off?”

  Liv nodded. “Yeah, she’s at her apartment waiting for me.”

  Miles stood and walked to where she sat. Looking down into her face, he smiled.

  “Are you going to call me this time?” Miles asked.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Maybe we should just let this be remembered as a wonderful time…” Liv said slowly.

  “Is that what you want?” Miles lifted her face to his.

  “What’s the point in calling?” Liv questioned. “You’re here and I’ll be in Dallas.”

  “I can fly this priceless ass in for the weekend.”

  Smiling, Liv replied, “I don’t want to be in the rotation. I only wanted one ride.”

  He stared at her.

  “You sound scared, baby…”

  “I am, Miles.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her lips then looked at her.

  “You’ve got a plane to catch.”

  Liv held his gaze. “Yeah, I do…”

  The ride to Taylor’s apartment was quiet and when they arrived, Miles turned to her.

  “Have a safe flight.”

  “Thank you...for everything.” Liv said quietly.

  Miles exited the vehicle and came around to open Liv’s door. She watched him in the dark suit and tie as he held out a hand to her. Keeping her hand in his, they walked to Taylor’s apartment.

  “Is it hot in Dallas?” he asked.

  “It stays hot in Dallas.”

  “That’s why you’ve got that fire.”

  She smiled. “Nah, that’s all me.”

  At the door, she stopped and looked up at him.

  “Thank you for the ride.”

  “Which one?” Miles asked moving closer.

  “All of them.”

  He kissed her mouth, savoring her full lips.

  “When you miss me...all you have to do is call.” He told her.

  “When you miss me, I want more than a call.”

  Chapter 11

  Miles drove away after dropping off Liv at the apartment. Checking the time, he saw that he needed to hurry up to his next destination. Twenty minutes later, he arrived and rushed out of the truck. As he stepped on to the porch, the door opened and the woman inside frowned at him.

  “You’re late.” She snapped.

  Miles looked at her, and replied, “I’ve found that most women are never ready on time.”

  “Don’t ever confuse me with most women.”

  He nodded. “Got it. Where are your bags?”

  She stepped back from the door and pointed to the one large bag in the hall.

  “That’s it?” Miles asked.

  “I haven’t been doing a lot of shopping.” Lifting her foot, she showed the ankle monitor on her leg.

  “Oh yeah.” He said, moving to the bag. “I’ll take that off at the airport.”

  Patrice frowned. “At the airport?”

  “Right before we go inside.” He explained picking up the luggage.

  “You’re going inside with me?”

  “I even have a ticket, so I can walk you directly to the door of the plane.”

  “I already said I’d leave…”

  He stopped in front of her. “We’re not inclined to take you at your word.”

  “Who are you supposed to be?” Patrice demanded.

  “Your escort out of here.” Miles walked to the door. “Let’s go. Don’t want to miss your flight.”

  She watched him walk outside to the SUV and open the trunk. Dropping the bag inside, Miles closed the door, then looked back to where she still stood in the doorway. Tapping his watch, he moved to the driver’s seat and waited.

  A minute later, Patrice climbed inside next to him.

  “You couldn’t open the damn door for me?”

  “I’m not your date.” Miles started the car. “Put your seatbelt on.”

  He waited until she finally complied, then took off.

  “You think that because you’re handsome, you can do whatever the hell you want.” Patrice commented and Miles smiled.

  “That’s not why.”

  She turned to stare at him.

  “I’ve turned out a lot of young dudes who thought the same way…” Patrice bragged.

  Miles glanced at her. “Okay…”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  He nodded. “Yep. Ethan told me…” Miles grinned.

  Patrice frowned. “To hell with Ethan.”

  Chuckling, Miles asked, “I guess you didn’t turn him out.”

  Turning onto the freeway, Miles continued on the route to the airport. He turned on some early morning rap music and Patrice looked at him.

  “Do you mind?” she asked.

  “You don’t like rap?”

  “Not at six in the morning.”

  He changed to some old jazz.

  “This you right here?” he questioned.

  “Can you just turn it off?”

  “Are you going to keep talking if I do?” Miles inquired.

  Patrice looked astounded. “You’ve got a smart ass mouth.”

  “So do you.”

  She laughed. “I bet you keep these bitches in check.”

  “I do.” Miles said smugly then laughed with her.

  “I wish I could be around to see your ass fall…” Patrice shook her head.

  “Fall where?”

  “In that thing”

  He frowned. “Nah, that ain’t me.”

  “That’s what all the great ones say, until one greater comes along and makes him do shit that he never imagined…”

  “Are you speaking from experience?”

  “Not at all. I don’t love...that shit hurts.” Patrice shared.

  Miles glanced over. “I thought you were a dangerous Queen Pin?”

  “That’s nothing compared to giving your heart.”

  “I’m straight on that.”

  She laughed softly. “’re going to go down hard, handsome.”

  Smiling, Miles said, “I’m sure many are wishing.”

  “One is going to her every wish fulfilled.”

  “You tripping.”

  “Mark my words...I’ve seen it too many times.”

  He lifted a brow. “We have a little ride, so entertain me with your words of wisdom.”

  “I’d love to leave Detroit by giving back to my community.” Patrice replied and Miles made a face. “You’re very handsome with those bedroom eyes, you seem to have your shit together, so you’ve been educated somewhere, by somebody....”

  Miles waited while she looked him over.

  “You have good taste. Nice suit, nice car, and you smell good.”


  “To these females, you’re the ultimate fucking catch. Snagging your ass is like grabbing the brass ring.”
r />   “This doesn’t sound like love.” Miles commented.

  Patrice sat back. “Relax grasshopper, let the teacher school you.”

  After changing lanes, Miles glanced over to where she rested with her eyes closed. He did have to admit that she wasn’t a bad looking woman, and he could see why dudes wanted to hit it. Her confidence could make a man want to test it out.

  “You couldn’t handle this.” She said feeling his gaze on her.

  “I’ll let you think that.”

  She smiled. “It would certainly be a test of wills.” Her eyes opened. “And that’s what you like…”

  “Do I?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s why you’d never let yourself get caught up with a woman that you couldn’t imagine spending the rest of your life with...but she’ll have to check every one of your boxes,” Patrice paused. “And there are many…”

  “Like what?”

  “She has to challenge you, and you have to be able to challenge her, as well…mentally and physically.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I can see that.”

  “You want her to have fire because you like to play with it.”

  Miles continued to listen.

  “But, she’s going to brand you with that flame and you won’t be able to do anything but love her…”

  “Damn...that’s quite a lesson.”

  “One that you’ll learn...and probably the hard way.” Patrice said firmly. “In fact, you probably have already met her.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She laughed. “Because I can hear the gears in your head processing somebody.”

  “You’re a trip.” Miles told her. “I see why you ran this city.”

  Patrice stared out the window. “This was my spot...I’ll miss it.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to miss you.”

  “Probably not. I’ve burned a lot of bridges here.”

  After a moment, Miles asked, “So what are you going to do in Jamaica?”

  “If I make it there, I’m going to start a new life.”

  “Oh, your ass is going to make it.” Miles told her. “Trust, the Master has eyes on you at all times. Try to dip at that connection, and he’ll have your ass back in Jackson State.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “For real though,” Miles said quietly. “Don’t fuck up. Go live the island life and sip margaritas on the beach.”

  She laughed. “Under the Jamaican sun?”

  “I’m sure the men will be all over you down there.” Miles told her. “You might even find that thing”


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